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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

There Will No Safe And Effective Vaccine -- Problems Cropping Up -- And Of Course They Never Re-Challenged Anyone With COVID Which Is The Only Real Test

 stock here

There I said test a vaccine, you have to re-challenge the organism with the pathologen again.

And I guarantee you they never did that with a human.

They did it with primates in SARS-1 vaccine attempts that took over a decade before they gave up.   20% of those primates died.




related to image

Rushed vaccines are often very dangerous.

Dozens of NHS workers are fighting for compensation after developing narcolepsy from a swine flu vaccine that was rushed into service without the usual testing when the disease spread across the globe in 2009. They say it has destroyed their careers and their health.

When nurse Meleney Gallagher was told to line up with her colleagues on the renal ward at Sunderland Royal Hospital, for her swine flu vaccination, she had no idea the injection she was about to have had not gone through the usual testing process.


The date was 23 November 2009 and Gallagher was one of thousands of NHS staff vaccinated with Pandemrix, a vaccine made by pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).

Eight years later, her career in the NHS is a memory and she’s living with incurable, debilitating narcolepsy and suffers from cataplexy, a sudden, uncontrollable loss of muscle tone that can cause her to collapse without warning. Because of her condition, she can no longer work or drive.

People with narcolepsy experience chronic fatigue and difficulty sleeping at night. They can have night terrors, hallucinations, and a range of mental health problems.


Anti-Vaxxer Brandy Vaughn, Murdered, After Years of Intimidation

 stock here:  This one was already on my radar, but this writeup takes it up a notch. 


 ON YouTube, and I will put on Bitchute

She described how she came home from Sacramento to find a key to her house, which she had previously hidden in her bushes, out on her doorstep. “That day I had my locks changed and I installed a $3,000 alarm system two days later,” said Vaughan.

She was later informed by her alarm company that someone had set off her alarm at 3:45 in the morning and immediately disarmed it with the master code, which Vaughan said no one had but her. Whoever entered proceeded to walk down her hallway, setting off the monitor sensor, and opened and shut her dining room window before leaving the house at 3:49 a.m.

“After the incident I talked to some security experts who have actually done intimidation for corporations, and they said, they were probably tapping your place.”

Vaughan described how only days later, she found her computer moved from its hiding place above her microwave to the middle of her kitchen floor. After leaving town for a couple of weeks, she returned with a friend to find her ladder, which she had kept in her garage, just outside a bedroom window of her house — the only window with the blinds kept open. A neighbor informed her that she hadn’t seen the ladder there the day before.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Comments on Zerohedge Make It Clear -- No One Thinks Biden Won, Everyone Knows Massive Election Fraud


why would he acknowledge the election steal?

I would acknowledge that the election is riddled with fraud, Biden is a criminal and anyone who certified the swing states committed a crime because there is obvious fraud.  1 dead person that voted = grounds to not certify.  

Or just acknowledge that I along with the vast majority of our nations special forces are waiting for Friday's report... 

Whatever else happens, Madcow's head popping would not be a bad concession. 

Trump should invite Biden to the White House and just lock him up down in the bunker. Or the bowling alley.


not our govt

we the people now have NO REPRESENTATIVE GOVT

good then we no longer have to pay taxes or any other silly 'mandate'

White House's McEnany Refuses To Say Whether Trump Accepts Electoral College Vote

She was smart not to answer a stupid question.  Why would she commit Trump to accepting a fraudulent election?

Whether or not the electoral college can add up a bunch of fraudulent votes is not the issue here.  The fraudulent votes are the issue.

Weak article.

Trump will be your president for a second term:

The economic destruction coming from a second wave of “covid” lock downs combined with the civil unrest from all the lies the media will spin out of this contested election will usher in the last 8 years that looks as though it will commence on or about the 20th anniversary of 9/11:

Can we put "requests" in for arrest?  I nominate, Mitch McConnell...the traitorous pig "congratulated" Biden's theft AND corruption in one statement!

Another Q tard

trump and bidden work for the same people, are on the same team, only toulk 4 years to set you up for the cull that you will blame on each other!, the illusion of a two party system but there is only one!

you have been warned, its obvious but your all blinded by manufactured emotions and theatrics!


evading is not the answer, ... rabbi trump should either concede or activate the insurrection act along with his 2018 EO

Time will tell, DNI report due on the 18th/19th right?  Now will that be public for everyone or just the people that are designated to receive it?  I would imagine that would give him the ability to start executing the 2018 EO 

Probably a lot of classified **** in there. But hopefully a public version gets released if consequential.

classified how...?   too kosher for the chosen parasites ...?

That upcoming DNI report is being ignored by darn near everyone.  There is a good reason for this I do believe.

I believe the the act will be called Christmas eve.

The Christmas Eve massacre....


Perhaps that's why Barr is leaving?

I've seen this order mentioned several times here on ZH so figured I'd have a read. 

For anyone interested:

Honestly, unless I'm missing something, I don't see how this helps the current situation whatsoever. I hope I'm wrong, but it appears to address sanctions and how the US can respond against foreign actors who were caught trying to influence the election. This entire situation is an internal coup.

You are absolutely right.  I think the EO is just the diving board into a huge RICO.  There's like 25+% of the Dem party is connected somehow to the foreign companies owning the voter machines hardware/software.  That includes pretty much anything biden is connected to.  ANYONE connected will lose their money and likely go to jail.  These are all treasonous felonies. 

Will Joe's inauguration be one where people sit in white circles, wearing diapers both ends. If Joe becomes incontinent, will that become mandatory too?

Assigned seating on a platform with trap doors opening beneath chairs at key moments. Televised shark tank below.

I have never paid for any pay-per-view TV, but I would consider that one.

It’s planned to be a virtual inauguration of course, to go along with his faux virtual presidency. 

How will they fit all those followers in his basement? Dozens would be left celebrating outside.

Someone should let the crew know that the inauguration is going to be virtual.

Sure looks like they are planning something on the capitol steps.

Trump shot himself in the foot long before the 2020 fraudulent (s)elections. Qanon paralyzed any patriot or citizens to sit back and trust the plan. 

Trump filled his cabinet with swamp creatures.

Can't argue that. Ray Charles could have seen this steal coming. Should have laid the trap better.  He was never going to get MSM help.  Fox even sold him out in the last month.

Were there anything other than swamp creatures to choose from? No one should vote GOP at the GA senate run off. That will give the DS control of both houses with one party.  If you don't want the jackboot of tyranny grinding your face into the dirt forever, there's only one option left: 2A. Well, there's the third party option but you saw what happened to the Tea Party and Ron Paul.

Of course there were people other than swamp creatures to choose from - it's just that only swamp creatures were acceptable to Trump.

Probably. He didn't get rid of the Fed. There's a clue. My suspicion is that he was used as a gatekeeper to halt any serious investigation into Hillary, Biden, etc, etc, and gave them time to destroy evidence with impunity.  Mind you, he is the king of borrowing money into existence , $6.5 trillion with his last scrawl of a presidential pen. Nothing has changed in that department of destruction.

I don't trust Qanon, but I also don't think you're correct in your assertion that many patriots are "trusting the plan". Rather, I think patriots are waiting locked and loaded for the fight to come to them because they know that bringing / causing the fight will lead to jail time whereas defending the homestead and your lives is a legal self-defense. 

I think it is only appropriate to continue the #NotMyPresident hastag the Libs so enjoyed over the last four years. 

With RINOs there's never a shortage of volunteers to carry the white flag.

Steve Bannon’s War Room just broke some major news. The Arizona Senate, along with the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has just issued a subpoena to seize all the Dominion Machines, the servers and the records so that a full forensic audit can be done.

This is not over by a long shot. Trump firing Barr wasn’t the news, it was Richard Donaghue being put in as Deputy Attorney General. Like Ezra Cohen-Watnick in the DOD, the second in command does the footwork out of the spotlight.

Trump would not have done all of this work Post-Election, just to walk away. Donald Trump will be the President of the United States on January 20th, 2021, count on it.

Already did an audit. Massive unexplainable irregularities found. DOJ... crickets. Nothing will happen with this new subpoena. More fraud will be unearthed and more cricket noises. Expecting a totally corrupt system to self correct is never going to happen.

.... and what will you do when Donald Trump is still President the morning after inauguration day?

Dude, I hope you're right. But I dont share your faith in this whole thing. Until Trump actually produces some boner inducing action, hes all talk.

As long as housing prices continue cratering, all is well.



                        God Bless President Donald J. Trump and God Bless America!



lose some weight; good for the health i'm told

Supremely Fat Bastard, I didn't know you were a patriot, Bravo

The proof is there. It's just getting a corrupt DOJ to act on it which is the issue. You can't put the burden of proof on Trumps' shoulders. Hell, I saw it just from watching a couple of video's. And even without any forensic evidence of any voting machine.

Please explain how he will effectively still be President.  Will he have men with guns take control of the White House for him?  Will the military, lacking any court rulings giving legal authorization, perform a coup and announce they only take orders from Trump and then send forth troops to take control over the CIA, FBI and NSA?

You see, if Trump simply says I do not concede and sits in the chair, they will pick him up and remove him from the building.  To effectively keep the position would require court judgements putting the transfer on hold or a great force of men with guns.

Otherwise it is just Trump sitting in the parking lot chanting "I do not concede" - or his supporters doing so. 

The 2A doesn't require court rulings. It was put there for "We the People" when our government stops acting in our best interests which is waaaaaaaay beyond a shadow of a doubt at this point.

30,000 special ops can do a lot of work in a very short time. Much depends upon military intelligence and GITMO lawyers.

The US Military does not require or even consider legal authorization or court rulings. They follow orders from the National Command Authority.  Right now, that's Trump. Biden is irrelevant until he takes the oath of office.

With the new SecDef, and the new AG for DoJ and General Milley, he's got everything he needs to order the military.


Corruption is too deep and the courts are corrupt as well so I agree this corrupt system can't self correct. If people start doing real prison time then election/voter fraud wouldn't be happening. I'll believe it when I see people getting tried and convicted and locked up but not until then. 



joe's chances of ever stepping into the oral orifice continue to crater

But what about Kamal Hoe under the desk?

I'm losing faith in that outcome day-by-day, but I hope to God that's the outcome; most importantly, I honor the fight til the bitter end.


BFB, you always give me hope

hope, and the guarantee of falling housing prices

Indeed... indeed.


Redmond, WA Housing Prices Crater 16% YOY As Microsoft And Amazon Layoffs Accelerate

As one Seattle area broker conceded, "Housing prices are falling faster than rental rates. That's damn fast"

Holy chit this is yuge. The BFB has just made the most valorous statement of his entire life in the war on information. On January 20th, 2021 his status will go from Legendary, to either; the peaks of Godly or the depths of Donk Craterton in the blink of an eye. No exceptions. Stay tuned folks.

By the will of the American people

this government is no longer legitimate

the only law is the constitution

All other laws are to be and will be ignored 

The banksters govt( a corporation) was never legit.

But don't go out and fight  and kill each other as per the media meme .


I signed no agreement with the illegitimate US corporation, and such codes do not apply to free men.

try again

Right, marbury v. Madison,


I was just allowing for the avenue of correction, ucmj

He doesn't need to concede to a stolen election.

Proof genius

First, it’s called evidence: 500 sworn affidavits 

He does not have to concede at all.  He just has to leave the White House on Jan 20th or have command of a force ready to commit great violence and win.

They would love a photo opp of Trump being picked up and dump at the bottom of the steps for refusing to leave.

Every politician in this country knows that the election was stolen for Biden. 

Any of them engaged in denial are liars.

Trump never got his first term. Screw Biden.

Breezed right by this spilled virtual ink.

why would Trump accept the rigged electoral college vote??


Waiting for Biden to concede or be arrested by Special Ops.

After 1913, Bretton Woods, Nixon ******* us off the gold standard, Kennedy, repeal of glass steagel, 911, housing bs we need a win. This would be so ******* great.

Even the Cubbies were allowed to win after 108 years... so maybe next year will be it.

You're going to be waiting a long time.


Why in hell would Trump say he accepts the electoral college vote?? Ffs that would be the same thing as conceding, which he is never going to do.

I've said it before and I'll say it again . . . Biden will never serve a single day as president.


for the same reason Hillary won the popular by millions but lost the EC vote.

seems to me Biden won both.  cud be wrong but need more evidence than given so far

Trump should never admit defeat. The election was stolen from him with both sides of the aisle participating. The Republicans are stabbing themselves in the back. The voters will not forget about this sell out.

if he doesn't bring in the military and declare martial law and lock people up that are blatantly selling out to China

then Trump too is a traitor 

The military would refuse to participate, just like SCOTUS.

if that is the case..then it is left to we the people..

interesting times

And "we the people" are not going to do anything. Historically, grassroots revolution only happens when people are starving. 

Actually, in the U.S., apparently not even then - did we see anyone revolt in the Great Depression of the 30's?

This was on another thread. It explains in easy to understand points why there haven't been any arrests or presentation of evidence of fraud by Team Trump until now. They were waiting for the election to be certified by the seating of electors. Ratcliffe's report on Friday must be devastating if Trump is going to win this:

1. What year did POTUS sign EO 13848 addressing Foreign Election Interference?

Sept of 2018.

2. What is one of the things EO provided?

It gives the Department of Justice broad prosecutorial powers against foreign actors meddling in U.S. elections. This includes domestic person(s) and entities that provided any type of assistance.

3. What prompted POTUS to create this EO?

With everything that had been directed towards him in regard to removing him from office, he knew without a doubt that they would continue until such time as he could expose the depth of the corruption. The entire impeachment was based on fraud so why would fraud not be a factor in the 2020 election? Additionally, POTUS was informed by this time with evidence and information covering some of the election fraud in the recent past to include the mid-terms.

He knew he had to prepare.

4. Why was the EO written to specifically state "Foreign" influence.

Because the US Govt has basically unlimited rights without special permission having to be granted, to monitor ALL communications entering and leaving the US Borders. If a domestic entity communicates with a foreign entity they lose a lot of their rights as well, especially in regard to domestic surveillance. It happens to be the main players did their bidding though foreign owned companies.

5. Was the election closely monitored by USMI, NSA, DHS, etc?

You bet and it has even been disclosed to a degree by multiple officials openly.

6. Do the State level actors have access to information that would have tipped them off as to the degree of data being collected during the election and the techniques used to achieve that end goal?

LOL. Nope. Even a Governor does not have access to those resources, they only get to work with what is PROVIDED to them by the Federal Agencies. There is no right to access. They certainly did not know they were being closely watched.

7. When is the next significant milestone crossed in regard to the EO?

Friday, Dec 18 when the times required in the EO have been satisfied.

8. What took place on Dec 14 that changed who would be considered to be an "injured party"?

The States CERTIFIED their election results. This means what was basically only a STATE issue became a FEDERAL issue once those States (the ones with heavy fraud especially) presented those "CERTIFIED" results to Congress. Now representations have been made to the Federal Government that there was NO FRAUD and that the elections were clean and certified.

9. Have Dominion machines already been through an audit to reveal if fraud took place.

Most certainly.

10. Will more audits of machines be performed now?

You bet it will. The US Govt now has full justification to take possession of those machines away from the States as evidence of a crime, against the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. <--- This is where it all changed yesterday.

11. What happens once it is openly demonstrated that massive fraud took place in the swing states and it is demonstrated that POTUS actually was the actual winner of the State?

The alternative electors will be certified and the fraudulently presented electors decertified. This is just one things that will take place.

At this point after stepping through the questions, do you have a clear idea of where this is going?

It is NOT over, and will not be for years.

The level of fraud and corruption is beyond what most people are going to be able to easily handle. It is going to take years to handle the amount of prosecutions that will take place.

The level of foreign influence embedded in the US, from local to Federal, is all about to be exposed as well.

So, sit back and relax, because there is little the average citizen can do at the moment anyhow.

Everything from the timing of the EO to the small disclosures over the past months; they have been preparing everyone for what is coming. All this was not put in place "just for the hell of it" to end up looking like fools in the end.

The only thing that is uncertain is the level of civil unrest that will happen as a result of full disclosure. Of course, they are well aware of this and it just happens to be that the people most capable of dealing with it, well, they are kind of where they need to be if they need to be put into play.

for the love of god...give it up...fat *** americans arent going to do anything. this country and it's citizens DESERVE to be despised by the world. We are a broken people. 

I am SO SICK of the hopium from brain dead morons on both sides....

We are a broken people.  

Speak for yourself.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams


Yes, yes, and the Trump team needs now even more money to look at all of those voting machines so please send more money to the Trump team to help this effort

Let me know if there's an echo in the ignore chamber. Oh, wait. You can't.

Its the same as the responses from the trump supporters - same ol sheet

Trump EO dives 24 Dec. Holiday for Government.  It goes down Christmas day.  Expect total com outages.  If so, local ops should be green lighted.

Who's going to enforce the EO?

The FBI?


excellent post...

I’m still waiting on those thousands of sealed indictments to finally be opened. Soon, right? 

Why would Trump surrender when the fraud is so obvious:

Start with Biden's side of things. 80 million votes. More than Obama. More than Hillary. Many on the Left claim that's because more people than ever cast votes due to the mail in balloting. Evidence to support that claim would be a fairly uniform distribution of votes across the nation where Biden exceeded Hillary.

That's not what happened. Biden received fewer votes than Hillary in ALL major cities (over 250,000 fewer in Chicago, for example) except for the large cities in battleground states.

Biden did this while not being the "first Black president" or "first Woman president," just being an old hack in his basement. This point wouldn't be admissible in court, but we both know it's true.

There are at least a dozen anomalies that make the odds impossible for Biden to have won this.

Here are three:
"Biden is set to become the first president in 60 years to lose the states of Ohio and Florida on his way to election. For a century, these states have consistently predicted the national outcome, and they have been considered roughly representative of the American melting pot as a whole. Despite national polling giving Biden a lead in both states, he lost Ohio by eight points and Florida by more than three.

For Biden to lose these key bellwethers by notable margins and still win the national election is newsworthy. Not since the Mafia allegedly aided John F. Kennedy in winning Illinois over Richard Nixon in 1960 has an American president pulled off this neat trick.

Even more unbelievably, Biden is on his way to winning the White House after having lost almost every historic bellwether county across the country. The Wall Street Journal and The Epoch Times independently analyzed the results of 19 counties around the United States that have nearly perfect presidential voting records over the last 40 years. President Trump won every single bellwether county, except Clallam County in Washington.

Whereas the former VP picked up Clallam by about three points, President Trump’s margin of victory in the other 18 counties averaged over 16 points. In a larger list of 58 bellwether counties that have correctly picked the president since 2000, Trump won 51 of them by an average of 15 points, while the other seven went to Biden by around four points. Bellwether counties overwhelmingly chose President Trump, but Biden found a path to victory anyway."

Here the chart for the 18 bellweathers showing all elections back to 1984. A five year old could predict the winner with the one bizarre exception of 2020 (the tweet got the wrong county that went for Biden, it was Clallam:

Again, if Biden were widely popular vs Trump and really received 80 million votes, the vast majority of it would not have occurred in just the battleground states, but across the nation.

Whether or not any corrupt judges will view the evidence does not change the obvious conclusion of massive fraud.

Not sure what the hell is going on at this site but it isn't good. Stories ripped from the top of the page and then buried at the bottom of page two. And then the auto down votes on anyone who questions the MSM narratives. Not to mention the glitches in posting and watching a wheel go round and round and nothing reloads.

Sad times for ZH. Beginning to look and feel like a Full ****** Troll Farm around here.

Full ****** Troll Farm

lol +1

We've gone from the lights flickering to a sort of makeshift kerosene lamp that sputters and smokes when it works at all.

Expect the web to be down by Groundhog Day if not sooner.

Ok.  Now you're making sense!

All your meta-data are belong to us.

Now THAT'S funny.

Uh.  I left that article to check.  Cannot find it.  Sure this isn't it?  With different title?  Appears all personally made comments previously made not present however.  Don't know.  Not good.  Intentionally so apparently.

Google Hedge?

Zero Google?

Whatever it is, the site had a major revamp, and it is not for our benefit.  The best among us have largely disappeared, and what has replaced

Dear Old Hedge:

WTF happened to you?

It was Googled.

Why the hell would you respect someone that robbed you blind? Eff that sheet 


Have you eyes and can not see? 

If you win anything - political office, the Tour de France, the Boston Marathon, The World Series - by cheating or fraud, did you really win? Only if you get caught I guess....

100% this^

Well they got caught. The facts are all out there and there is an amazing amount of fraud and proof of fraud.

No one should accept the results of a fraudulent election process.

I don't

anyone that does or suggests we get over it or says move on


There was no meaningful fraud.  See statement of Attorney General.  

oh look


i wonder why?



Trump could still declare the election machines were corrupted resulting in a fraudulent outcome, order the machines confiscated, and call for a new election by in person voting.

Apparently that is false.  Trump was trying to get the courts to make such a ruling and appears to failed badly.  If Trump tries using executive orders the courts will just rule them void. 

Keep pretending the game is legit and you end up with a Lori Lightfoot. People are finding out nationally what Chicagoans have known locally for almost 70 years. 


Ain't that the truth. 

Don't forget where Obammy came from.....the most corrupt political machine in the entire country is the one in Illinois, and especially Chitown.

Funny how Kamala Harris hasn't given up her senate seat, the Pentagon is blocking Biden's access, the Pentagon is dropping support for CIA international operations, Trump is still firing people and making appointments...

...almost as though he knows he isn't leaving, and everyone else is aware too... ;)

Some see more than others....

What are you seeing Jim?

They're laying the groundwork for action.  Beyond the Jan. 6th 'envelope please' niceties.

Whatever Trump does to prevent the Moloch worshipers from turning the country into Sodom II will be fine.

Not the country.  Certain city areas.  


they are from the Canaanites that worshiped and child sacrificed to Ba'al  and eating human flesh..

Canaanite Ba'al


Joe Biden - anti-American traitor and agent for China.

and that came right off his resume.

All the pro American traitors wouldn't volunteer for the job

Clown World = Sore loser Trumptard

I've been reading a lot of Peter Hitchens and realized we have the same thing here. There isn't two parties, only one. 

Tony Blair killed off the old British Labor party and replaced it with deep state corporate progressive fascism. He kept the Torries in existence as controlled opposition as long as they agreed to make no significant changes to New Labors  programs. The British Labor party kills off any viable party to the left and the Torries kill off any conservative or nationalist to the right. Britain has one one party, the Uniparty.

In the USA we have the same thing.  Rino Republicans and Establishment Democrats do the same thing here. The Republican wing of the American Uniparty betrayed Trump to keep the right flank clear of any real change like Trump and the Establishment Democrats marginalize any threats like Bernie or AOC on the left. It's the Uniparty vs everyone else. Its the Uniparty Harlem Globe Trotters vs the Washington Generals. The game is fixed.

The Clintons and the 'Pinstripe Democrats' (Rubin) were consciously modeled in this way.

The DLC that even Obama (as a state senator) viciously repudiated before hugging his way in.

And of course, Sanders and Trump shared the same positions on the core 'guns and butter' did Obama pre-betrayal.

But everyone knows this.  We have a chance, still, with President Trump to kick it in the nuts over and over and over again.  Do not pretend otherwise. 

The Demo-Republican center serves the global oligarchy.

But the people always have a fighting chance.

By opening his mouth Moribund Mitch really fired up GA for the run-off. As a national party GOP just shot off it's own head.

His wife is probably a spy.

Or at least shetold him what he has to say, or else he's cut off

A threat like that should be countered with a threat to make a pro visit.   


Hey klan guy,

what does it feel like to be a dinosaur ?


According to the msm jackals and the SPLC the KKK is a dangerous group even though they have no money or enough members to do much of anything. The scum bag progs on the other hand actually murder unarmed people, they're the violent lot.

I dont accept it and neither does at least 60% of all voters, total FRAUD.

The nuts on here aren't the 60%, bub.  Try 1-2%, if that.


Ever wonder why the TDS is at record levels right now? It's because these snowflakes are scared. They don't actually believe Biden's going to get in.

You are delusional.  We're just hurting because our ribs ache from laughing at you tards.

Sure. Sure you are.

Because ssTupids strong daddy schtick wore thin?


dont argue with them..

you know what to do

No. I think they have fully bought in. Just can't let it go. It will take a while, like when the junkie gets violently ill when he's on the wagon.

Trump Devotional Syndrome is a disease. The Covid vaccine may help you

So you're a Branch Covidian, too. Big shock.

Don't worry, yours will be delivered rectally, just the way you love it


Who the Hell is going to take that, other than a bunch of delusional progressives, whom we will be well rid of when it kills them? And if it doesn't kill them, maybe they won't be able to breed another generation of themselves. It's a win-win.

Interesting theory, perhaps it IS a dual use vaccine!  That Trump Devotional Syndrome is a helluva disease, has those afflicted tards going all Jim Jones and shyt.

You don't have to be devoted to Trump to be against massive election fraud and cheating. Also really weak attempt to hijack "TDS"

LMAO!! Wanna bet?

Math isnt their strong suit.

You know tards, often wrong but ALWAYS sure.

I'm sure ssTupid will be golfing all winter long

I listened to Beijing Biden yesterday (between the distracting repeated flem coughing {is this a covid cough}) and I used this interesting electronic device that detects when a speaker is lying.

Here is what this "lie detector" reported while Beijing Biden spoke.

LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - LIE - then the battery died.


don't bother with biden.....his job is done....and so is he.  

Harris and her eventual VP pick (michelle or HRC) is all you need to worry about.   

Not very worried.  Harris isn't even supported by her own party.  Could not get over 2% of the primary voters.  She would get zero respect if elevated to President, and her agenda would go no where.  Then, in 2022, the Dems will be blown out of both Houses of Congress.

supported?    wtf are you talking about.....biden himself wasn't supported....they STOLE THE ELECTION....TRUMP WON IN A LANDSLIDE.

2022 is a lost cause.   landslides don't matter if you can adjudicate the votes at will....wake up


elections are meaningless now.

Been awake for 73 years.  2020 is not yet over.  2022 will another opportunity.  Biden/Harris may be installed, but the controversy will only grow larger, and when they try to roll out their agenda it won't go anywhere.  Even if both Senate seats in GA are lost, there are still some centrist Democrats who will not go along with a radical agenda.  I don't believe they can even eliminate the filibuster rule.  Too much tradition, and too much realization among the wiser ones that it would be a double-edged sword that cuts both ways.  Just look what happened with the all the judgeships Trump got to appoint because Harry Reid got the filibuster rule eliminated for appointment confirmations in 2012.  Had he left it alone, the Dems could have blocked most of those nominations.  

I agree that the voting has to be cleaned up, and the heat will be on both state and national legislators to do it.  It will be interesting to watch the GA races to see how all the additional poll watchers affect the election integrity.

too moderate!  Kamalaho is going to bring in an out and out commie, probably transgender.

Never submit.  Never surrender.


"I have not yet begun to fight!"  - John Paul Jones when facing certain defeat, who then went on to destroy the better armed British Frigate Serapis.


And a great bass player, too.

"Never get out of the boat...

unless you are prepared to go all the way".

Captain Willard

Biden got 15 million illegal least.  This is the biggest scam in world history!  

yeah they have a video that J McCain voted for him as well

Trump will win.  Downvote me you commies!

I doubt that at this point. That would be fkng awesome though. 

Trump needs to step up to the podium, grab a big ole handful of his crotch and proclaim;

" Concede on this ! " 

He is used to grabbing  pu$$ies  after all

He hasn't grabbed you yet.


Jealous ...................

except based on the last 4 years of his goofing around...he is toast. he doesn't have the gonads

It is reported  that President Johnson grabbed himself and gave it a shake, and said "because of this" when a reporter asked him why the US was in Vietnam. 

It is reported that this is the origin of the word "Johnson" referring to ... you know.


What nutz?

It's all happening Friday with Ratcliffe's report.

The president made a point to warn anyone who certified a fraudulent election that they would be committing a crime.

This was on another thread. It explains in easy to understand points why there haven't been any arrests or presentation of evidence of fraud by Team Trump until now. They were waiting for the election to be certified by the seating of electors:

I am going to go ahead and spell this out without going into too much details. I will walk you down a path with a few questions. When we finish this process I believe you will have a potential different view of things.

1. What year did POTUS sign EO 13848 addressing Foreign Election Interference?

Sept of 2018.

2. What is one of the things EO provided?

It gives the Department of Justice broad prosecutorial powers against foreign actors meddling in U.S. elections. This includes domestic person(s) and entities that provided any type of assistance.

3. What prompted POTUS to create this EO?

With everything that had been directed towards him in regard to removing him from office, he knew without a doubt that they would continue until such time as he could expose the depth of the corruption. The entire impeachment was based on fraud so why would fraud not be a factor in the 2020 election? Additionally, POTUS was informed by this time with evidence and information covering some of the election fraud in the recent past to include the mid-terms.

He knew he had to prepare.

4. Why was the EO written to specifically state "Foreign" influence.

Because the US Govt has basically unlimited rights without special permission having to be granted, to monitor ALL communications entering and leaving the US Borders. If a domestic entity communicates with a foreign entity they lose a lot of their rights as well, especially in regard to domestic surveillance. It happens to be the main players did their bidding though foreign owned companies.

5. Was the election closely monitored by USMI, NSA, DHS, etc?

You bet and it has even been disclosed to a degree by multiple officials openly.

6. Do the State level actors have access to information that would have tipped them off as to the degree of data being collected during the election and the techniques used to achieve that end goal?

LOL. Nope. Even a Governor does not have access to those resources, they only get to work with what is PROVIDED to them by the Federal Agencies. There is no right to access. They certainly did not know they were being closely watched.

7. When is the next significant milestone crossed in regard to the EO?

Friday, Dec 18 when the times required in the EO have been satisfied.

8. What took place on Dec 14 that changed who would be considered to be an "injured party"?

The States CERTIFIED their election results. This means what was basically only a STATE issue became a FEDERAL issue once those States (the ones with heavy fraud especially) presented those "CERTIFIED" results to Congress. Now representations have been made to the Federal Government that there was NO FRAUD and that the elections were clean and certified.

9. Have Dominion machines already been through an audit to reveal if fraud took place.

Most certainly.

10. Will more audits of machines be performed now?

You bet it will. The US Govt now has full justification to take possession of those machines away from the States as evidence of a crime, against the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. <--- This is where it all changed yesterday.

11. What happens once it is openly demonstrated that massive fraud took place in the swing states and it is demonstrated that POTUS actually was the actual winner of the State?

The alternative electors will be certified and the fraudulently presented electors decertified. This is just one things that will take place.

At this point after stepping through the questions, do you have a clear idea of where this is going?

It is NOT over, and will not be for years.

The level of fraud and corruption is beyond what most people are going to be able to easily handle. It is going to take years to handle the amount of prosecutions that will take place.

The level of foreign influence embedded in the US, from local to Federal, is all about to be exposed as well.

So, sit back and relax, because there is little the average citizen can do at the moment anyhow.

Everything from the timing of the EO to the small disclosures over the past months; they have been preparing everyone for what is coming. All this was not put in place "just for the hell of it" to end up looking like fools in the end.

The only thing that is uncertain is the level of civil unrest that will happen as a result of full disclosure. Of course, they are well aware of this and it just happens to be that the people most capable of dealing with it, well, they are kind of where they need to be if they need to be put into play.

LOL!!  I think you forgot to take your meds  this morning.  

Even more telling is his EO giving the government Dec 24 off work. If anything kineticly spectacular is going down it's comming on Christmas. 


Get ready


Someone gets it.

...It is mind blowing to watch the majority of otherwise reasonable people falling for MSM gaslighting.


will you blow everyone on ZH if he doesn't release jack? Actually I'll settle for your dumb arse apologizing for spreading the hopium