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Friday, October 25, 2019

Why Are Full On Lies Allowed In "Justice", a Law Passed in 1996 Made Lies Legal

Submitted by Lot's Wife

Before I was 20, I’d read 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. The experience forced me to confront the world of shadows and lies that pass as everyday truth. 

In order to reduce legal requirements to speak truthfully, the feds enacted a Soviet-style loophole. In 1996, Congress exempted a special class from using truth as a criteria for determining justice. 

Challenges posed by fake news (Project Mockingbird), 5G, vaccinations, captured agencies, false-flag wars, drugs for weapons trade, and more can be traced to this “law”. The press doesn’t deserve its First Amendment protections. Rather than serving its readers the press has sold itself (i.e. a prostitute) to subvert the republic while enriching and perpetuating rule by cult leaders. See details. 

Would make a great LTE; who’s game?

Funny The Admission That The Barr Probe Is a Criminal Investigation -- We Knew It Was a Criminal Offense for Years

Curious as to the announcement now.
Some will feel vindicated, or that the tide has turned.

We have all known for years that criminal activity took place, and that it was against the American Citizens' interests.   But this is a critical step in heading down the path most of my readers are likely to agree with, prosecution of those who worked hard to upsurp the Constitition of the USA, including the Bill of Rights, and to loop the USA into a higher state of control.

One of the casualties of the facade is General Flynn.    Is he above reproach in every aspect of everything he has done his whole life?   Probably not.   Who is?

But Flynn's conviction was based upon "he lied", although those conclusions were drawn because of the CIA/FBI Strzok and Page and their superiors created lies by inaccurately reporting testimony, leaving out key parts, and just adding additional comments.

This Thread Reader takes a bunch of tweets and combine them into an easier to read flow. 

I have a slight suspicion that General Flynn could replace Pence as Trump 2020 running mate.   It would say a lot. 

Also Papadopolous was set up by Brennan (primarily), and it looks like things are setting up to hang Brennan.   He is a pretty hate-able guy.

Will any of these guys take a fall for the others?   Not willingly, maybe with some mutual assured blackmail.....

 A comment

Fox Conner Rules of War

1) Never Fight Alone
2) Never Fight For Long
3) Never Ever Go to War Unless You Have Too

Pulling out of a war, described as incompetence.... and a response, summary.

Trump a match to Obama`s incompetence? The Nobel Peace Prize? Selling US uranium to the Russians? Fast and furious? Toppling Gaddhafi only to reinstall slavery in Libya? Single handedly causing the "migrant" wave to Europe? Benghazi? And above all, secretly financing and equipping ISIS in Syria? Nope, we`re definitely not there yet!

This entire episode is a classic case of Alinsky Projection at an extraordinary magnitude. These people are dangerously psychotic. Their continued acts of lies, slander, and libel are intentional and with malice in their goal to damage and cause harm to America both here and abroad. The Democrat and Media PAC’s campaign of hatred for America, Her President, and We “Citizens” is unhinged and borders a concerning level of schizophrenia with nonstop lies, misrepresentations, hatred, and false narratives at an unbelievable magnitude. I’ve heard it said that the “4th Estate has become the 5th Column”… and I am convinced that the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives of both sides, and their Media PACs, are the biggest threat to America, Her Safety, Her Security, Her Citizens, and Her Future.  Stay vigilant and choose wisely in 2020 my friends… our future depends on it. May God bless and keep us all...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

2020: Leftists Plan To Scare Conservatives Via Doxying and Then Attacks on Them, And Tulsi To Split Repub Votes

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2 epiphanies today on

1) The Hillary and Tulsi Spat
2) Facebook and Twitter Plan to Dox Conservatives and beat them up

Mandy from Bombards Body Language has nice timing today with Fox's joke of a softball interview on Zuckerberg, the lizard, link is HERE to her site.   And video is embedded at the bottom of this article.  

Bombards Body Language
Why would Hillary attack Tulsi Gabbard with the super stale and not sure any one at all believes the Russia asset meme?    And then in typical projection manner, pretend that Tulsi will split the Dem vote?

DNC is trying to steer Tulsi Gabbard to split the Republican vote.   Many Republicans are anti-war as is Tulsi.    $7T spent in useless winless wars.......

Repubs will like someone who all out attacks and fights with Hillary, as Tulsi did.

Tulsi is an anti-globalist too.   And attractive and not crude.


The leftists plan is to scare conservatives into silence.    Into not expressing their opinions online and in the real world.

And they do this by doxxing the conservatives.   We saw that just happen this week.    This is also nice to start a civil war.   They will use paid Antifa to attack some of the Trump supporters that they just doxed, that will kick it up a notch.

Twitter has been gearing up to Dox for a long time now.  
They will do this by having your account linked to a real life telephone, then you can be doxxed.

They p[retend that you can sign up for Twitter without a phone.   But if you do, as soon as you start using the account, they will suspend you for some reason (no reason), and then send you to a page where you can straighten it all out by providing a phone.   They pretend that there are other ways to get back your account but none of them work.

And if you already have an account, they put you into some type of suspension, and then ask for a phone (sometimes pretending it is for your own security).    And if you don't give them a phone, they just keep jumping you in circles, pretending that you can "appeal".

I know all the above by personal experience.   There is much information on Twitter, it is a hindrance to not have access to Twitter, so I have tried hard.   I have screen capped most of the events, but it might take hours to put together a great summary.   IT IS THE TRUTH.

Now Facebook announces that they too will be not just working to "confirm" the owner of a
Facebook page, but they will be "showing more information" about the confirmed owner of a page.

"showing more information" like your full name, maybe address, phone, birthday.     And even if they don't do all those, there will be a "data breach" that will.

Meme Library With 250,000 "Memes", Photo Evidence of Epstein Island

stock here, enjoy your memes!J1gRTCJC!UgbTFGT4Wz4gjDkURgdPug!l8BxHYRL

Monday, October 21, 2019

Space Weather Causes Cardiac Arrests and Suicides -- You Should Be Keeping an Eye on the Kp Index

stock here, been meaning to weigh in on this for a while.   An outing with 3 college buds, who are all Doctors, inspired this.


If you have tons of time to just throw away, please investigate some space weather events and effects.  I think it is super interesting stuff, and is not taught at University in general. 

This one by Harvard, very recent work, high power study.

Geomagnetic disturbances driven by solar activity enhance total and cardiovascular mortality risk in 263 U.S. cities
Now if you just have 5 minutes a day to “toss” I like to start my day with a coffee, some stretching, and the quick daily update from Suspicious0bservers….
Above is the full study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and below is a summary
Geomagnetics / Space Weather affects people mentally too….
Geomagnetic variations of solar origin correlate with enhanced anxiety, sleep disturbances, altered moods, and greater incidences of psychiatric admissions (Hainsworth, 1983).
In regards to suicides, there are effects from Space Weather, here is one that looks at a bunch of studies related to this topic.

Extinction Rebelion Truths Come Out -- It's a Modified Marxist Script -- With Virtue!

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This article speak for itself.   Well speaks against itself, if you will.   This man (if he identifies as such, he sure doesn't act like it) lays out the reality of XR (Extinction Rebellion) and claims to be a founding member.   It is partly the playbook of the Globalists, but more too.   It is kind of vacuous because it is so obvious.

The comment section is good.   Much better than the article.   But the article is good, because it is like 5D chess, or D5 if you get my drift.   And by that I mean that like the D5 chess play of shiny objects offered as an apparent aggressive mistake, the greedy take the bait, and take the losses.    Just like the whole "socialist" play, which is more likely Marxist/communist, they were forced to play their hard, we hope, too quick.    And most people were not ready to suck it down.    They had 1.5 generations indoctrinated via the colleges that they took over, but maybe that will not be enough.

So the Climate Rebellion, the Extinction Rebellion, admitted in this article, the real goals.

After a certain point, it’s inevitable. And that’s where we stand now, with regards to the momentum of climatic change. The bus is about to hit us. Our lives are about to change. It’s not clear whether or not we’ll survive (as a species). Many species have already been run over. Two hundred species each and every day go extinct.

1) White is bad, even worse, evil.
2) Males are bad, and consider females just possessions.   Hmm, what about that little importation "who the left hand holds"
3) The Delusion that Europeans know what is best for the world.   Fricken no one fricken believes that except those that would like to create a strawman.
4) The delusion that normal heterosexualness is "normal"
5) The delusions that the rich elite are nobler and smarter than us.     But if you adhere to the deviancy expressed throughout, and jump on and block busses and do stupid can actually be nobler and smarter.

These are not far fetched interpretations.  These come directly from the OP bolded text.  

And they say there are  many other "delusions" like anything that was taught to us boomers.


Friday, October 18, 2019

Jim Carrey Apparently Serious About Hollywood Elites Eating Babies, Dec 2018.

stock here This story took off like a bat out of hell.

And it may be a hoax. I thought it odd, because Jim Carrey is such a massive "Get Trump" guy, that being in the get Trump camp and also exposing a part of the globalist Satanists would seem to be at odds with each other.

The first instance of this story is December 2017 on yournewswire, according to this site, but the yournewswire link is now a dead link.

Also the "whole" babies thing is over blown.   I mean why wouldn't they eat just the best parts?   Adrenochrome and more.    Killer whales are known to kill other sea animals, and just remove the liver, the most nutrient dense organ.

And it could be that the Satanists want to throw our a story so absurd, and people think any future allegation is absurd. ....similar to the "deep fakes", so that the real truths of people recorded and videod can be dismissed as fake even though they are true.

The below detailed article on Hollywood and Luciferianism includes Jim Carrey in it, in an interesting way.

Now we see a real story about 13,000 witches to coordinate in a spell this Oct 25th against Trump.

This search for Jim Carrey Satanism 2018 comes up with many interesting results.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hollywood elites "eat whole babies for Christmas" according to Jim Carrey, who warns parents to watch their children at this time of year.

Hollywood elites “eat whole babies for Christmas” according to Jim Carrey, who warns “dark forces” are “engaged in a battle for America’s soul“, and the outcome of this battle will have “long-lasting consequences for the entire world.
These kids are fattened up for the Christmas table like geese and turkeys, except the animals don’t go through the ritual abuse, the psychological torment that these kids are forced to suffer.
These people believe the more the child has suffered, the better it tastes. They believe the negative emotions coursing through the kid’s body, the adrenaline and hatred, will give them special powers. It’s a Hollywood thing influenced by old school Satanism.

Speaking at a post-screening Q&A for documentary Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond in New York, Carrey said that Christmas and New Year are a time of year he dreads, because of the “dark energy pulsating around Tinsel Town” and his knowledge of “what goes on behind the closed doors of the elite at this time of year.

Luciferians in Hollywood turn Christmas into the darkest festival of the year,” Carrey said, before explaining “there is a reason why people around the world feel a heaviness at this time of year.
Institutional oppression and Satanism hang in the air while we are all forced to wear smiles and ignore the gut feeling that all is not well.”

Ever notice how all the homeless children you see throughout the year begin to dissapear at Xmas? You think it’s because they’ve found a home, found shelter, found love and warmth?
Christmas time is Satanic slaughter time. They are determined to pervert the most beautiful time of the year into a festival of suffering and blood.”’

Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond charts Jim Carrey’s evolution into cult comedian Andy Kaufman for 1999 film Man on the Moon, a performance which saw Carrey maintain the Kaufman’s oddball identity for the duration of the shoot. However in New York on Friday, Carrey warned of the seriousness of his allegations against Hollywood elite.

The entertainment industry is the PR and brainwashing branch of the New World Order, the globalist empire of Lucifarianism,” Carrey said, warning. “There will be a strong push to normalize Satanism in 2018. Good old-fashioned devil worshipping.”

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dem Debates -- Propaganda News CNN Alters The Video So Tulsi Gabbards Message Looks Sloppy

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Tulsi is the only "decent" candidate for the Dems, she is a verified warrior, and is anti-war.   "They" hate that, the Military Industrial Complex.

So CNN altered and shifted her speaking voice from the video of undermine her.