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Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Marine Mammal Rescue Decides to Name Most of Their Rescued Seals After Radioactive Elements

Most "do good" organizations depends on Government Funding, grants, or corporate funding to some degree.     How can they express their real opinion without killing  the goose that lays the Strontium Egg?

So ya think they might be trying to say "we know" without directly losing their funding?

Kind of a Mark Twain trick, right?

Look how they named the Seals they took in for care...a vast majority are "radioactive names", with a few common elements, and a few musical stars.

These are some of the names given to the rescued seals by the marine mammal rescue in Vancouver. I am not kidding.    They also use some Band names, and some common elements.

UPDATE  JUNE 2015, it seems very odd, they used to have only 1 patient for this year, now they have 4, but look at the whole list in the link below for 2014 it is huge, so did they just give up?

So ya think they might be trying to say "we know" without directly losing their funding?


Don't believe me?   
stock out, spread the word.

Even as a pawn in this chess game, you can simply by your own choice take a "walk on part in the war".     Joust on.

Nuclear Spent Fuels in the USA, More Dangerous Than Nuke Bombs, Credit To Washington's Blog

Radioactive Fuel Fires: Not Just a Japanese Problem

The spent fuel pools at Fukushima are currently the top short-term threat to humanity.
But fuel pools in the United States store an average of ten times more radioactive fuel than stored at Fukushima, have virtually no safety features, and are vulnerable to accidents and terrorist attacks.
If the water drains out for any reason, it will cause a fire in the fuel rods, as the zirconium metal jacket on the outside of the fuel rods could very well catch fire within hours or days after being exposed to air. See this, this, this and this. (Even a large solar flare could knock out the water-circulation systems for the pools.)
The pools are also filling up fast, according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

The Pilgrim Nuclear plant is only 35 miles from downtown Boston.
According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Pilgrim has the second highest risk of damage from an earthquake of any American nuclear facility.
What could possibly go wrong?

Read the Whole Story Here--

And the Nation has this to say

But there is a problem with dry cask storage: it costs money. The track record of the atomic energy industry in the United States—less so in Japan—is to spend as little money as possible and extend the life of old plants for as long as possible, no matter the risks.

Stock here....I am a big fan of dry cask.     It kicks the can down the road, before a terrorist can burn and aerosolize a full inventory of spent fuel.    Or a natural accident.

Let's kick the can into a Cask-it, and shut them all down.   Mahalo!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Airborne Plutonium--How Much Will You Breathe--- Human Cumulative Inhalation Dose

OK some real research  here.    How much Plutonium was aerosolized and how much did the average human breath, and extrapolated to 30 years.

The answer is less than .000001 gram.    The calculation are conservative, meaning the actual amount breathed in will be far less.     The calculations assume that all of the airborne plutonium goes into human lungs, and not into any other creatures lungs *where it would be kind of sequestered.*

This is good news folks.   It means you are not likely to die directly from Fukushima fallout.

In Beagles, inhaling 350 micrograms of plutonium was pretty much a death sentence.

My research shows that fallout of Pu is about 22% a year from the air we breath.

Over 30 years, we are all likely to breath in less than 1 microgram of plutonium, from my calcs.    Some people say that even 1 microgram can cause a cancer, I agree.   But "can" is a lot different than "very likely to kill you"

I will post the actual spreadsheet later for download.

This is based on Nukepro original work of U and Pu in atmosphere based on EPA data here:

The book below is a perfect example analyzing radioactive aerosols in the atmosphere

Friday, February 6, 2015

On Nuclear, First What is the First Test? And Then The Second Tests of Costs and Risks?

In response to a ProNuke article which states that we are foolhardy for not ramping up nuclear fast to  "save the world".

I had this to say:

This would be a useful discussion if :

1) There was global warming at this time, there hasn't been for 18 years.
2) Manmade CO2 was a large and proven contributor to global warming

Neither one is true, both would need to be true in order to even consider nuclear.
If both were true, which neither are true, then considering nuclear would have to consider the

1) Extremely high cost of nuclear in relation to other power supplies
2) Radiation damage to the environment due to standard ongoing releases which are a normal part of plant operation.
3) Radiation damage to humans, the societal cost of lost production during treatment of disease, cost of treatment of disease, psychological cost.    What is the cost of permanent damage to the humane genome?
4) Cost of nuclear plant disasters.    It cost Russia their country, now we are on the verge of WW3 as Russia tries to get a piece of their country back.     Japan, will lose 10% of their GDP for 10 year, and permanently lose 10% of their country.     Japan will change in a significant way, even if they don't split up or get taken over.   It is estimated that the direct cost of Fukushima will be $600B to $1T.
5) Long term cost of storage the nuclear waste.     There really isn't any solution.    The only "solutions" in place bet on the human race not even being around for 100 more years.
6) Terrorist threat of spent fuel and plant attacks.
7) Terrorists getting used fuel and using it in a dirty bomb
8) EMP which takes down the grid and causes dozen of plants to melt down
9) CME from sun, aka Carrington event which takes down the grid and causes dozens of plants to melt down.

So if 1 and 2, were true....then we would have some serious spreadsheets to make to see if it was all "worth it".    But they are not, so just shut them down now, phase them out, there is a huge economic shot in the arm by dry casking all the used fuel and decommissioning the plants.   And it is good for us.

True data on global warming here:

True data on Sun spots via magnetism/cosmic ray/cloud nucleation as the real source of global temperature changes:

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Nuclear Cartel is Worse than a Kochtapus

From I See Pink Clouds, ISPC at ENENEWS

Yes. President Obama:

"I want to be very clear: We do not expect harmful levels of radiation to reach the U.S., whether it's the west coast, Hawaii, Alaska, or the U.S. territories in the Pacific,"

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and public health experts do not recommend people in the U.S. take precautionary measures beyond staying informed," Obama said. "Going forward we will continue to keep the American people fully updated because I believe you must know what I know as president."

Rabbit Hole Diving…Anyone?

A qualified Troll decided to "play uranium" at the Hill online journal.

His final conclusion, when I had backed him in every corner, was simply to dismiss 2600% more uranium in air as "consistent with common uranium", even though I had also clearly presented the background data from the EPA to him.

"As it is, the data in the Radnet table would be consistent with small quantities of common uranium"
 My response was:

Oh, is that the final conclusion? To simply wave your hands and dismiss a massive amount of uranium in air, 2600% higher than background, after 4 nuclear plants blew skyhigh, and say it is natural. Wow

The background uranium in air in Hawaii is 5 aCi/M3 (FIVE)

On Oahu they measured 160 ACi/M3
On Kauai they measured 190 ACi/M3
Just a coincidence right?
On Guam (much closer to Japan) they measured 300 ACi/M3
In California they measured 30 aCi/M3
Those test results from the EPA are right here

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Manifesto on Climate Change

A number of people have been pretty critical of me for being critical on global warming / climate change.

 So here is the Manifesto, haven't had a Manifesto in years, lol

I trust that climates have changed in the past

I trust that the last 90 years have been a period of fairly stable and increasing temperature and that has helped "development" of the world

I trust that we are polluting the planet in various ways, one of the worst is radiation and heavy metals. Air pollution through vehicles and coal are also horrible.

I trust from models that I have dissected that CO2 is only minorly correlated with any warming or climate change. It may be a help.

I trust that solar magnetics/cosmic rays/cloud nucleation are by far the most important factor in earth climate changes and that we have entered a fairly rare deep minimum of solar magnetics. These are facts, not speculation. I have been on this since 2006

I trust that pro-nuclear forces are currently using climate change to manipulate governments and force citizen to keep nuclear around and to pay double for it.

I trust that even though many "green" people oppose nuclear that they have been lied to so long that it is hard to consider a paradigm shift. I have been one of those people, I have devoted my career since 1995 to energy conservation and solar energy partly because of my fear of global warming and CO2 pollution.

I did the right thing for the wrong reason, lol

I ask for is that you look at the facts, the data.

Thank you very much for all your comments.

draft for link storage

Climate using C14 and solar and geo magnetism,but submitted by a warmista Bob Weber February 4, 2015 at 9:24 am Patience Matt, cooling is right around the bend according to my solar-based calculations. There has been just enough solar activity and just high enough solar flux to keep temps fairly flat since 2003, when you take into account previous solar warming of the oceans from the higher flux delivered during the last decades of the modern maximum. You could look at it this way: Arctic ice began regrowing and Antarctic ice has continued to grow since 2006, three years after the solar modern maximum ended in 2003. How could that happen if warming is supposedly “accelerating”? The small upwards bump in Dr. Spencer’s UAH graphic above for 2013/14 was caused by the weak SC24 maximum. Since 2003, the daily solar flux has averaged just 100 solar flux units per day, well below the previous lowest cycle #20, when the daily average for the whole cycle was 113 sfu. We’ve seen a daily average of 103.6 sfu during SC24 so far, which will very likely drop below 100 sfu/day by the end of cycle. This will have consequences, just as lower solar flux did during SC20, when SSTs dropped below the baseline between 1964-1979. For mid-Nov 2014 to Jan 2015, the daily ave F10.7cm flux was 163 sfu/day – that’s what warmed up the oceans late last year, and pushed 2014 near the top of the records. The Sun caused the warming, not CO2. The yearly daily average for 2014 was 146 sfu/day, and for January 2015, it was 142 sfu/day. The USAF here is calling for the next 45 days to have an average of 128 sfu/day. Based on that and the fact that sunspots are now getting very close to the solar equator, SC24 maximum looks to be over now. There’s much more to say, with plenty of hard evidence, but for today, that’s all. Like the man said, “Enjoy the warmth WHILE IT LASTS.” The cause of the pause was the cause before the pause. from a nice troll who plays well Let me see if I'm understanding the scenario you are suggesting. For whatever reason, the control rods are failing to keep the core from going critical, so the only thing holding it back is steam voids in the water, reducing the amount of neutron moderation, dropping it just below critical. Then a hydrogen deflagration up in the refueling bay sends a shock wave down, around, and up through the bottom of the reactor through the control rod access points, pressurizing the water, momentarily closing up the steam voids, and in that instant, the core goes critical in some fashion that vastly exceeds any normal sort of criticality the reactor was designed to handle, and this blows the reactor well cap off, at a low diagonal angle, and then nearly the entire core load of fu el (and presumably almost all of the coolant water) is ejected in some manner that proves not especially damaging to the overhead roof truss structure, and in the process, nearly all of the ejected core load is atomized into fine dust which then disperses through several tens of millions of cubic miles of atmosphere. Does that pretty much capture it? Were there any of those particulars which you reject? uh ya, and what about that 100,000 lbs of uranium in the air

Arctic Sea Ice Coming Back Strong After a Very Unusual 2012, Looks Almost Normal Range Now

I found a good resource for sea ice.    I had to parse together the 2013 and earlier data with the 2014 and into 2015 data, which wasn't hard, just surprised the host site hadn't done that after a full month.

Here is the total sea ice data, Arctic, This is an Excel Download so you can review all the data

Here is that same data, but sorted so that each day of each year is next to the same day, i.e. all Jan 1 all next to each other.

This creates a neat graph that shows the range of ice on a particular day

Here is the chart, with the 2015 data marked as black boxes

The source data is here

Here is a video by Alexander Higgins, he had a great radiation monitoring blog, when his house got wiped out by Sandy.

A Link Between Dementia and Nuclear Power, A Look At USA and Health Trends and Costs

OK I am not going to do you homework for you.    But please take a look at this Chart of Dementia occurence.    Now compare that to countries with large amounts of Nuclear Power Plants.    You will have to Google that if you don't know off the top of your head.

Here is the 213 page report link

If you live in the USA, do you feel exceptional as Mr Obama he channeled you into the most costly yet not very effective health care system.

 And Big Pharma --- Sure loves the USA

How to check yourself for cancer in 30 seconds.......

Revealed: The 10 'red flag' symptoms that mean you could have cancer

  • A long-term cough, a sore that won't heal, a changing mole, unexplained weight loss and changing bowel habits are signs of cancer
  • Difficulty swallowing, an unexplained lump, long-term pain, unexplained bleeding and changing bladder habits are also red flag symptoms
  • A Cancer Research UK study found many people suffering the 10 red flag signs of the disease didn't visit the GP because they thought it was 'trivial'
  • Experts advise anyone displaying one or more red flags to visit their GP  

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pull a Dana, Take Some Pictures of the Ocean

You folks who live in California, Oregon, Washington.

Pull a Dana!

Go to the beach, take pictures of wharfs and rock at low tide.

If you can snorkel or dive, put on your best wetsuit and go get pictures. You need an underwater camera, I will mail you one of mine

Get on it folks, spend 1 day this month doing this.

Send your pictures to me or Dana

stock (((at>>>>

danadurnford <<<<<at)))))

y'all got 20,000,000 people over there….are you telling me that not even 1, not even 20 can take pictures and send them>?


TEPCO Busted Covering up in 2002---Covered Up Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 4 Structural Problem

TEPCO covered-up the existence of cracks in the shrouds of three reactors in Fukushima (Dai-Ichi, Unit 4.....

It is not before the informer resigned from GE, in November 2001, that NISA approached GE and GEI officials and obtained their cooperation. Besides, METI claimed that before this move, the investigation did not gather enough evidence to force TEPCO officials into admitting the falsifications. TEPCO did not set up an internal investigating committee on the matter before May 2002. 

Did you catch that, over 100 people at TEPCO were involved in a massive coverup about the safety of the reactor vessels.    These coverups has been going on since the 1980's, and it took a whitleblower from GE after that wihistleblower retired, to break this story.

 In 2002  wise paris wrote

The scandal will also have severe consequences for the plutonium industry, as it casts shadow on the development of the Japanese Pluthermal plan to re-use plutonium arising from reprocessing of spent fuel in thermal reactors. The news of TEPCO falsifications broke up just a few days before the company could obtain the last authorization needed for a major step of the program, with the first introduction of MOX fuel (mixed oxide of uranium and plutonium) in a Japanese thermal reactor. TEPCO President admitted that the company was not anymore in the position to "ask for understanding to continue the MOX fuel project". (8) Major victims could be European reprocessing companies, the British BNFL and French COGEMA, both producers of MOX fuel for Japan. The first constructed a whole MOX fabrication plant, in Sellafield, arguing of its economic justification because of forthcoming Japanese contracts; the second constructed a second line, producing MOX for BWRs, in its Melox plant with the only prospect of providing Japan utilities.

Solar Cycle 24 Mini Max

Strong Flares typically occur in the declining phase of a solar cycle.

In 2012 Stereo A got slammed with what NASA calls "of Carrington Magnitude"

If this Coronal Mass Ejection would have been "earth effective", i.e. a direct hit on earth....we would have been knocked back to the stone age, with 400 nuclear plants melting down.

The pimps of nuke would say....don't worry, we have defense in depth, we have backup gensets.     Ya right, when a minor snow storm took Pilgrim off line over a week ago, and it is still down!

And at another Nuke plant, a supervisor shows up drunk on Monday morning, and gets caught. He is sent home, but not otherwise punished.

Early Monday morning, a supervisor at the Saint Lucie nuclear power plant in Florida confirmed positive for alcohol after a random fitness for duty test. The licensee revoked the employee’s access to the plant and notified the resident NRC inspector.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Pilgrim Nuclear Plant Shut Down, Their Own Switchyard Is The Problem, Entergy Assures Public No Immediate Danger

Pilgrim is a dangerous nuke plant.

they are arrogant, they know how they are screwing up, yet they refuse to take proper action.

per the NRC
Pilgrim's performance rating for “Unplanned Scrams (shutdowns) with Complications” was lowered following the third quarter of 2013. Then, in the fourth quarter of 2014, its performance rating for “Unplanned Scrams per 7,000 Hours of Operation” was also lowered. “Something that occurs if a plant has more than three such shutdowns during the designated period,” Sheehan explained.
The inspectors reported that while the company’s “problem identification, root cause evaluation and corrective action plans were adequate, it identified deficiencies in the implementation of corrective action plans, as well as in understanding of the issues’ causes."
- See more at:

Pilgrim's performance rating for “Unplanned Scrams (shutdowns) with Complications” was lowered following the third quarter of 2013. Then, in the fourth quarter of 2014, its performance rating for “Unplanned Scrams per 7,000 Hours of Operation” was also lowered. “Something that occurs if a plant has more than three such shutdowns during the designated period,” Sheehan explained.
The inspectors reported that while the company’s “problem identification, root cause evaluation and corrective action plans were adequate, it identified deficiencies in the implementation of corrective action plans, as well as in understanding of the issues’ causes."
Pilgrim's performance rating for “Unplanned Scrams (shutdowns) with Complications” was lowered following the third quarter of 2013. Then, in the fourth quarter of 2014, its performance rating for “Unplanned Scrams per 7,000 Hours of Operation” was also lowered. “Something that occurs if a plant has more than three such shutdowns during the designated period,” Sheehan explained.
The inspectors reported that while the company’s “problem identification, root cause evaluation and corrective action plans were adequate, it identified deficiencies in the implementation of corrective action plans, as well as in understanding of the issues’ causes."
- See more at:
Pilgrim's performance rating for “Unplanned Scrams (shutdowns) with Complications” was lowered following the third quarter of 2013. Then, in the fourth quarter of 2014, its performance rating for “Unplanned Scrams per 7,000 Hours of Operation” was also lowered. “Something that occurs if a plant has more than three such shutdowns during the designated period,” Sheehan explained.
The inspectors reported that while the company’s “problem identification, root cause evaluation and corrective action plans were adequate, it identified deficiencies in the implementation of corrective action plans, as well as in understanding of the issues’ causes."
- See more at:

The town it endangers is Plymouth.   most of the town didn't lose power but the Nuke Plant did.   one of that plants weaknesses is safe shutdown on loss of power, SCRAM.
 The plant has enough fuel onsite to run the emergency generators for 10 days
The plant has enough fuel onsite to run the emergency generators for 10 days - See more at:
10 freaking days?   Are you kidding me?    In what event do you think a real emergency will happen?  Do you think infrastructure and fuel delivery services will be working just fine in such an event?

A commentor on the Boston Globe had this to say

hshib01/27/15 09:17 PM
Mr Rosen, I really don't understand why their power supply lines are so vulnerable. This is just a blizzard and not hurricane or tornado. When I looked at 7am on Nstar power outage map, Plymouth was experiencing power outage for 2% of its customers. I understand if 90% of Plymouth is down, but Pilgrim belongs to the 2% of most vulnerable electric customer within Plymouth? And they have 2 transmission lines into the plant and repeating the same issue they had in blizzard of 2013? Here is the incident report from 2013: It says "The loss of offsite power is believed to be weather related. " They "believe"? They didn't bother to find out and repeat the same thing this year?
Story is here

And a few more comments, damining Pilgrim:
hshib01/27/15 10:28 PM
This article has more reasonable theory that it could have caused by "Arcing in the plant’s switchyard".

If that is the case, it is more of the plant's issue rather than transmission line issue and it makes sense it is local issue to the plant. I found a NRC document describing exactly this issue for the plants along the ocean.

Information Notice No. 93-95: Storm-Related Loss of Offsite Power Events due to Salt Buildup on Switchyard Insulators

hshib01/27/15 10:34 PM
The above document has specific comment about Pilgrim.

"The 345 kV switchyard insulators at Pilgrim were coated with RTV silicon
rubber (Sylgard) in 1987. It was expected that the RTV coating, when applied
in 1987, would be effective for a period of 15 years. However, actual
experience at Pilgrim indicates that the coating is effective for a much .
shorter period of time. Consequently, the insulators at Pilgrim were cleaned
and coated with RTV again during the spring 1993 refueling outage. As a long-
term option, the licensee is considering a replacement of the existing 345 kV
switchyard with a modern compactly designed switchyard which would be more
resistant to the coastal environment. "
And a lot of people are waking up to the lies of Global Warming

OK lets start this discussion with something the failing nuclear industry hates to hear

There is no global warming, AND CO2 is only 3% responsible for warming that occurred earlier in last century.

These are fact, based on real data, and you can actually download the spreadsheets and see the chart derivations here.

And a lot of people are waking up to cancer caused by nuclear......

Two years ago, during winter storm Nemo, the same two lines went down – one brought down by a tree, the other by ice. - See more at:

Global Warming, Real Information from the NukePro

This was fairly hard to find this data and parse in into a format that made some sense.    Check out the charts and drop a comment.

Here is the Excel File Itself
Download it from Box which is a great free service, I recommend them.

1880 to 2013 Global Temperature Data

Maybe even do some more advanced number crunching, or correlate them to nuke bomb testing and sunspots.    Have at it!  

Bottom line, Global Warming has certainly occurred since 1880, but temperatures go in cycles, and "we" (meaning humans including scientists) do not understand them.   There is a lot of complex stuff that affects weather, and yours truly strongly believes that sunspots and other sun magnetic and electric effects and as also related to cosmic ray blocking are WAY more important than CO2 from fossil fuel burning.     Most of the Egg Head scientists don't even understand solar spots and are crappy at predicting cycles, and befuddled when there academia programmed minds can't operate to understand a process when it conflicts with their "training".

Bottom line---there has been NO GLOBAL WARMING over the past 17 years.    Isn't that an "inconvenient truth" for those who wish to transfer wealth via Cap and Trade type acts.    Also pretty inconvenient for those who wish to promote a dying nuclear energy field by stating that it can help reduce global warming.

Fact, we are seeing some more extreme weather months in the last 17 years, BUT the standard deviation is actually going down, see the chart.       What does it mean?

Simple.    Those in the boomer and post boomer generations have lived through a period of incredible weather stability.    In the far known and measured past, weather has been more extreme.   Just that fact alone helps the huge economic expansion of post WW2.     We had it good.     Now we are getting a few extreme spikes.  It will be hotter and colder, dryer and wetter going forward.     But global temperature has stalled out, and a reversal is likely.

Another big thing that is barely on most peoples radar is the earths magnetic pole shift, I can't deal with that one today, but realize it could be a massive effect on earth weather.

Check out the charts and drop a comment.

A reader at this site contributed a link to his own work, which proves that global warming is a scam, and that CO2 IS NOT a driver for upward temperatures.     He is a real engineer with a background similar to mine.    He has put real science to what is "know on a gut level".

Carbon dioxide change has no significant influence
The influence that CO2 has on AGT can be calculated by including ‘C’ in Equation (1) of Reference 2 as a coefficient to be determined. The tiny increase in R2 demonstrates that consideration of change to the CO2 level has no significant influence on AGT. The coefficients and resulting R2 are given in Table 1.
Table 1: A, B, C, D, refer to coefficients in Equation 1 in Reference 2
Average daily SSN
ocean oscillation A
sunspots B
Coefficient of determination R2
% cause of 1909-2005 AGT change
Ocean oscillation
CO2 change

And a frequent commenter here, Dud added in

No chart for sunspot activity?
Rectified, if you like -->

Quote: "One of the possible explanations for a link between sunspots and weather is via cosmic rays. It is accepted that cosmic rays play a part in cloud formation by encouraging the nucleation of water droplets. It is also accepted that there is a negative correlation between sunspots and cosmic rays. Figure 5 demonstrates this link."

And amazingly, on Aug 1, 2014 when I published my proof that Global Warming is a scam, Suspicious Observers had a short comment on their daily video, and the statement that "there has been no warming for 17 years" and a link to a long video that goes deep into Global Warming scam.   I haven't watched it yet, but here it is.

The Maunder Minimum

Early records of sunspots indicate that the Sun went through a period of inactivity in the late 17th century. Very few sunspots were seen on the Sun from about 1645 to 1715 (38 kb JPEG image). Although the observations were not as extensive as in later years, the Sun was in fact well observed during this time and this lack of sunspots is well documented. This period of solar inactivity also corresponds to a climatic period called the "Little Ice Age" when rivers that are normally ice-free froze and snow fields remained year-round at lower altitudes. There is evidence that the Sun has had similar periods of inactivity in the more distant past. 

Michael V.B.
Sadly I came to the same findings, and it does seem that the catastrophic man-made global warming theory has been pushed mostly by people aligned with the nuclear expansion agenda. And some very well-meaning environmentalistas (with not the best scientific interpretation skills, imo) fell for the propaganda… .
Using NOAA Annual averages I settled on a conservative "at least 12 years of no global warming", with signs (esp. related to solar activity) pointing to cooling ahead:
One of the most pronounced examples of using the CO2-scare to push nuclear has been George Monbiot, who stepped up the nuke propaganda machine before the data was even in, with, "Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power" ( But most "warmistas" in key positions of political influence have one thing in common (Al Gore, Obama, James Hansen, Bill McKibben, etc.), they're also supporting the nuke agenda…


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And now, some great comments from UK citizens and from the "met" aka the UK Metrological Office.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Plutonium and Various Physical Properties

A newcomer to ENENEWS, let me refrain for the time being from calling it the T word, is talking a bunch of nonsense.

Plutonium is indeed a odd element.    As you can see in the graph below, it changes size in odd ways with temperature.  The last solid phase labelled as Epsilon, shows a drop in volume  (aka size) as it turns to liquid.     And then it continues to increase in volume as the liquid is heated up, as is normal.

The number of different phases in the solid form for plutonium is oddly high.   But the getting smaller in volume as it turns to liquid is not unheard of.

There is another chemical called di-hydrous-oxide which also gets smaller as it turns to liquid.   This chemical, shown as  H2O, is also called "water"

is arguably the most complex element known,
nd it is one of the least well understood. Before it liquefies,
plutonium exhibits six solid material phases that vary considerably
in density.


I have stopped following this "non troll", it's writing are increasingly goofy.     It says it is a cat person, must have cat scratch fever.  

Sam at ENE says
My dog this morning after I read Ness's latest incredible
far out theroizings to him this morning had these simple
1. coriums will never be approached nor even be
dug out or cut out. no need to try to fashion a metal to
withstand 5000 degrees -impossible.

2. All this talk about cheese as a theoretical explanatory
principle is confusing. He likes swiss cheese. big holes
to climb into for astral travel. kind of reminds him of
worm holes. lots of passageways to view the universe
as he glides through the etheric realms.

3. His head is spinning from all this and foaming at the
mouth. Tells me he is no theorist but his nose is very
earthy and loves to smell.

4. I gave him some lithium infused water to calm him
down. and now for a walk outside.

And Fukushima keeps bringing us more and more gifts
as it is like a perpetual motion machine releasing ever
increasing amounts of deadly radiation and deadly to
get near any of it. What a mess. no wonder Ness has all
of us flying the witches broom into theoretical musings.

I just calculated that 1000 kilograms of plutonium in a sphere has a radius of 23 centimeters or 46 cm in diameter – roughly. (I took density = 20 grams/cm^3)
To give people an idea. That would be quite some cutting, but in any cut and topology in any universe, the eye of the corium would be in one or in the other half but not in both. It might even disappear for a while, who knows…
About 10 kilograms of the stuff would go (super) critical under these conditions and form an eye but not too fast, because 'the island of stability' has to be formed first. So 10 cuts are needed for one such corium. I don't know the total weight of the fuel though.

I like real cheese please.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

URS, in charge of WIPP (blown up), Sellafield (recently sacked), and LANL (now in breach of top secret security)

When an entity is corrupt to the core (so to speak) at some point they push it so far that it is obvious to everyone paying attention.

One of these companies, involved with over $100B of contracts using YOUR hard earned tax money, to clean up the radiation cartels old waste.....has finally come into laser focus.


URS was a JV partner at WIPP, they hired a guy named Mohammed Farok Shariff  to crank up it's operation from 2 shipments a week to 30 shipments per week.   And then it had a Plutonium and Americium explosion in the deep disposal dump that shut it down.   This explosion happened on Valentines night deep in the country, at a plutonium dump.   

Then URS was in management running Sellafield in the UK when in late 2014 pictures came out of the horrendous way they had been "managing" one of the most deadly contamination sites in the UK.     A month later they were sacked, losing a $60B contract.

Today, Federal investigators indicate that Los Angelos National Labs practices led to improper release of National Security Information.     Who do you think was in charge of the security at LANL?

Well finally it wasn't URS, it was Los Alamos National Security LLC---- LANS LLC
 Oh but one thing-----  LANS LLC was run by URS and Babcock and Wilcox, and excuse me...the University of California.     What the heck is U of California involved in security?

But just a few months ago the National Nuclear Safety Administration NNSA docked LANL management 90% for their role  sending improperly packaged waste containers to WIPP which ended up in a Plutonium explosion inside the waste dump/mine, shutting it down, and costing taxpayers at least $1000 M to get in back to function, if that ever happens.   

Oh wait....who was running LANL, not just the security, but the operations?

Story background here
Here are come comments from LANL employees

  • Thanks Patrick for your report. We can only hope that because the Obama administration takes its time to make changes (i.e., the VA), that it is also quietly in the (slow) process of terminating the LANS contract for cause. After the mishaps of the nuclear materials and safeguards upgrade project, the indefinite closure of WIPP, and now the failure of a senior security manager, who earns the equivalent salary of a member of Congress and the Vice President of the United States, we can only hope that the termination of the contract is weeks away and hopefully not months. A friend who works at the Lab recently told me that every employee in her organization is required to provide a joke at a staff meeting as management's attempt to improve morale. Here's one for your meeting: How many managers does it take to secure classified information? Answer: I don't know, how much does the job pay?
  • Chris Mechels posted at 10:26 am on Wed, Jan 28, 2015.

    Chris Mechels Posts: 249
    This is not a new problem at LANL, it is a very old one.
    For instance, in the well known Wen Ho Lee case, the REAL story, which the media never picked up on, was that some of the files Lee transferred were classified PARD (a less restrictive classification) when they should have been classified SECRET or TOP SECRET under the guidelines. Lee did not assign the classification. Why were the filed classified at the lower level, by LANL management? For ease of handling. It is burdensome to handle the higher levels. This problem should have led to the firing of some top management at LANL, but was ignored.
    The same holds for the famous "missing discs" of that era, which "turned up" behind a copier. Those discs were also improperly classified at a lower level to make handling less burdensome. Again, an investigation could have led to firing of top managers, but was ignored. In this case LANL Counsel and Senator Domenici intervened to block the investigation.
    The section I worked in at LANL routinely violated security, for ease of handling. I discussed this with my line management, and was ignored. Others had the same experience.
    Classification at LANL has always been a problem, one that is swept under the rug. With the present management this is likely to continue.
    Mr. Prince is right about the budget. He is wrong about the dysfunction, which is due to LANL management, not DOE


  • Joseph Hempfling posted at 7:41 am on Wed, Jan 28, 2015.

    joehempfling Posts: 393
    LANL has lost it's "cold war" Mission and has become an empty shell of it's former self and needs to be converted to a PEACE MISSION and stop building Weapons of Mass Destruction designed to obliviate the World and us, with it ! BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. KEEP IN MIND THE DOOMS DATE CLOCK I.E. OBLIVIAN HAS RECENTLY BEEN MOVED A WHOLE THREE MINUTES FORWARD ! OR are we waiting to see the Nuclear Cloud on the horizon?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fukushima Destroying the Pacific - Rare Shark Species Being Decimated

ORIGINAL work from the Nukepro

Since Fukushima, 5 MegaMouth Sharks have been killed in the Pacific, one of them just today in the Philippines.

That might not sound so terrible, after all the Pacific is a Huge Place!

However, in all of recorded history only 61 MegaMouth Sharks have ever been seen alive, seen dead, or caught.    Some have been caught, tagged and released.

Fukushima is poisoning the ocean with radiation and heavy metals and it is only getting worse.    We have discovered that the lower life forms are the first to bio-accumulate radiation and heavy metals, such as plankton and lichens.   See here:


Almost all of the radiation stays in the top 250 feet, those scientists claiming "dilution" as the solution are deluded at best, and intentionally lying with diasasterous effects.   Like Ken Busseler. 

Link Showing the Radiation Floats

But all the ocean scientists "knows" that the Mega Mouth Sharks are "deep water" sharks, so they are dismissing any link to the Fukushima Radiation.

Only 61 have ever been seen in the whole world for all time, and now 5 have died in the Pacific Ocean since Fukushima.

Fact 1: The Mega Mouth is a "filter feeder" one of only 3 types of sharks to filter feed.

Fact 2: They filter the water for plankton, the first organisms to bio-accumulate radiation

Fact 3: They live during the day, deep, like 400 to 600 feet, but at night they come up to 40 to 80 feet and filter plankton all night using luminous photophores around it's 1.3 meter wide mouth.

Fact 4: Almost all the radiation stays in the top 250 feet, see link above for proof, from Woods Hole of all organizations.

Fact 5: The Pacific is being Decimated, and larger and larger life forms are having mass die-offs.

On 12 June 2011, a 3-m (10-ft) dead juvenile male was found by fishermen near the western Baja California peninsula coast, in Sebastián Vizcaíno Bay. It was picked up by the same fishing vessel that in 2006 captured another megamouth specimen in Sebastián Vizcaíno Bay, which has led Mexican scientists to believe that the megamouth could be a seasonal visitor to the Baja California peninsula. The new specimen was taken to Ensenada, where it was photographed and sliced in order for Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Mexican researchers to study the structure of its muscles and gills.[11]

On May 7, 2014 a 3.96-m (13-ft) 1,500-lb (680-kg) female shark was captured at a depth of 2,600 feet (790 m) off the coast of Shizuoka, Japan. The body was dissected in front of the public, by staff at the Marine Science Museum in Shizuoka City, Japan.[12]

On June 30, 2014 a 1,102-lb (500-kg) female shark was captured in the shallow waters of Cagayan de Oro in the Philippines. Samples were sent to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in northern Mindanao (BFAR-10) and the outer skin is to be stuffed for a local museum.[13]

On January 28, 2015 a 15-ft. (4.5 m) deceased megamouth shark was found by residents of Barangay Marigondon, Philippines.[14]

And today another Megamouth rolls up dead in the Phillipines.

WIPP Has Some Real Water Problems, It is NOT a Safe Repository for Nuclear Waste

At this "only nuke can save the world and the USA" article, the responses to my comments was somewhere between dismissing without research, and rabid ad hominems (false arguments)

Water ...? In a salt mine? Not so much.
See the incident reports on the WIPP site:

Incorrect Mike, it is really the case, now and 15 years ago.

''The National Academy is very familiar with the WIPP site,'' he said. ''The Academy must step in and find out if the brine water poses a serious threat.'' Scientists will hold a hearing in Albuquerque on Feb. 15, and a report is expected to be published in March. Seepage Is Evident Below

And this just from December 2014

Another recovery process update involved pumping water out of the sump, or pit, that has built up. Workers have not been able to pump the water out of the sump on a regular basis since the February incident.

Reynolds said if all the water is pumped out of the sump, then the waste hoist can be used.