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Sunday, September 25, 2016

An Inconvenient Truth - Debunked

Canada's 2007 court decision on allowing the showing of Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" in Canadian schools:

\"In order for the film to be shown, the Government must first amend their
Guidance Notes to Teachers to make clear that

1.) The Film is a political work and promotes only one side of the argument.
2.) If teachers present the Film without making this plain they may be in
breach of section 406 of the Education Act 1996 and guilty of political
3.) Eleven inaccuracies have to be specifically drawn to
the attention of school children.
The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government's expert was forced to concede that this is not correct.
The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that it was "not possible" to attribute one-off events to global warming.
The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that this was not the case.
The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm.
The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant's evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility.
The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.
The film suggests that the Greenland ice covering could melt causing sea levels to rise dangerously. The evidence is that Greenland will not melt for millennia.
The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.
The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration.
The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed
that this appears to be a false claim.
In the end, a climate change skeptic in the States must hope that an American truck driver files such a lawsuit here so that a U.S. judge can make similar determinations.
Of course, even if one could find such an impartial jurist, our media wouldn't find it newsworthy, would they?"

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Letters Sent to Scientists, New Hypothesis on Radiation, Ocean Food Chain, Plankton Cloud Seeding

I have been sending out some emails to scientists with some of my findings and hypothesis.   I need a place to store them and easily go back and reference them.   And when they are put in here, they will be available as "proof" via the wayback machine, of when I posed the question, sent the email, when they were made aware of additional facts and ideas.  

stock out


The following theory is my own, it accounts for much of the UME’s in the Pacific, as well as the “Blob” of hot water

Bottom line is the bio-magnification of radioactive chemicals by Chitin, which may also be a magnet for other pollutants you may have detected.

Krill being a bio-magnifier and important in the food chain, other phtyo and zoo-plankton are also effected.  

I am the author.

Here is one of my earliest theories on how death of plankton could result in ocean heating.

This one has existing scientific basis to fall back on—Plankton actually make clouds so they don’t get baked.

Your thoughts appreciated.

stock (used real name)
MSME University of Michigan, Materials Science, 1987

Our Toxic Environment, Fake Food, And Chemicals Galore Are Creating A Spike in Cancers and Other Diseases

stock here: I have been meaning to write a fully fleshed out version of this article. It would probably take me days, seeing that my engineering brain has taken over my former writing and language skills.

Lot's Wife sent me this link, and it is nearly perfect. They nail every point that I would nail.

I would do something a bit more though, and maybe I will add those into the text someday with a blue font. Maybe that is good "winter work" and I just added up all the work tasks and projects that I wish to complete before winter, and it's 29.5 days, so I have my work cut out for me. Ouch. What I would add in would be specific strategies for mitigating or counteracting these negative influences.

For instance:

Radionuclides in water: Water softener and RO system. RO can be either whole house or just point of use.

Flourides in water: RO system

Why Are There So Many Cancers Now?

 Catherine Frompovich

By Catherine J Frompovich

This is an “anthology” of sorts about the etiology of the current cancer epidemic-pandemic.
C-A-N-C-E-R is the word that strikes horror in the hearts and minds of every human alive. However, that always was not the case. I’m old enough to remember when cancer was a rather ‘rare’ disease or condition.  Furthermore, I know medical doctors a little older than my ‘vintage’ who say that when they were in medical school, they were not taught very much about cancer, so much so, that when a cancer patient was in one of the wards in a teaching hospital, the entire class of physicians-in-training was trotted in to see that patient. How interesting?

Personally, I’m of the belief that there is not very much new under the sun EXCEPT what’s being designed and created by genetic modification and geoengineering. Cancer, undoubtedly, has been around in some form probably since very ancient times. However, the current ‘plague of cancers’, even though not an anomaly since just about everyone and his or her brother has or had it, became ‘profitable’ during the latter half of the twentieth century.

There is no doubt that cancer, as an ‘industry’, will become even more problematic—plus profitable—to the point where every person probably will contract cancer in some form or other, almost as if by some ulterior design. Why do I say that? Because of how cancer has been made into a “profitable business,” revenue stream and profit center for varied and numerous vested interests, when there actually are cancer cures controlling vested interests suppress or even keep for themselves.  Is that too harsh to hear?  Well, have you recently looked into or checked out the ridiculously-priced costs of cancer treatments and protocols? Like all wars, the “war on cancer” is profitable for vested interests.

For starters, the average cost of a new cancer drug is over $100,000 per year. Newly-approved cancer drugs can cost about $10,000 on average per month, while some can top off at around, or over, $30,000 a month.

Contrast those prices with the cost of cancer drugs a decade or so ago, which were a mere ‘smidgen’ of only $4,500 a month. Talk about inflation, or is it medical-pharma rip-off time? Owning a ‘cancer insurance’ policy really doesn’t help defray many of those costs either. Usually a cancer policy will state that it provides a lump sum payment for “a covered cancer” or a recurrence of cancer. Some policies will provide a lump sum cash payout of X dollars upon diagnosis and that’s it!

This website gives the “average” medical costs for various types of cancers.
What do you think is the average salary an oncologist pulls in? That salary can range from approximately $294,000 to $383,000 per year. However, how do doctors feel about taking chemotherapy for themselves? When polled, the results showed “75% of physicians in the world refuse chemotherapy for themselves”. Isn’t that interesting?

In this article, “If Chemotherapy Fails 97% Of The Time, Why Do Doctors Recommend It?” you may begin to understand that doctors don’t learn to cure anything!  “They learn about chemical intervention or surgery to suppress symptoms. They don’t go for the root cause.” (That would put them out of business!)

So how did allopathic medicine and humans become ‘partners’ in cancer?

The first documented case of cancer comes from ancient Egypt. According to the American Cancer Society, there are eight documented cases of breast cancer found on papyrus dating all the way back to 3000 B.C. Even the term cancer has been around for centuries— Hippocrates, the Greek physician who is widely considered the Father of Medicine, used the words carcinos and carcinoma to describe tumors. [1]
Incidentally, there is no mention of cancer per se, even though other diseases are mentioned, in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. However, individual interpretations, though, may lead some to conclude differently.

Cancer as a rarity in ancient times is not disputed, although some fossilized bone tumors have been found in ancient human mummies. The dreaded disease of antiquity was leprosy or what’s known in modern times as Hansen’s disease.

During the Renaissance in Europe, a better understanding of the human body began to develop and that led to more diagnostics, especially once post mortem operations (autopsies) became more of a routine procedure after death.  The Renaissance’s Michelangelo, sculptor of “David,” was known to perform detailed anatomical dissections of “fresh cadavers,” which obviously led to his ability to ‘create’ a marble man of extreme anatomical elegance.  Additionally, the invention of the microscope moved pathogenesis along to a great degree of sophisticated knowledge regarding diseased tissues.

It wasn’t until the 1900s that the ‘modern’ or current understanding about cancer and things called “carcinogens” began to appear in science and medicine.   Coincidentally, or more accurately I say, parallel tracks relating to certain diseases began to manifest too.  Those parallels encompassed man-made chemicals and cancer demographics!  Currently the ‘buzz words’ also include epigenetics.

What went wrong?

Some of the most egregious assaults upon the human organism that contribute to cancers are the inordinate use and amounts of toxic chemicals placed into food and water—deliberately!  Food growing, processing, preserving, coloring and taste enhancement-chemicals do not belong in food—period!  They adulterate food and our bodies causing biochemical and nutritional imbalances, including genotoxic DNA problems that program cancers.  Neither do most of the man-made chemicals used in water treatment facilities belong in water—the second-most vital element, besides air, for maintaining life.

In my July 2016 book, Eat to Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities, I devote the Introduction to chronicling how agriculture and the food chain have been polluted chemically, basically since the Industrial Revolution, and especially since World War II when USA businesses and industries went haywire manufacturing, advertising and selling chemicals and pharmaceuticals as ‘needed elements to make life better’—“Better living through chemistry!”  Unfortunately, consumers bought into and ‘embraced’ all the ‘kill’ chemicals for eliminating bugs, vermin, crab grass, weeds, etc.  How hoodwinked were we not to realize that anything that can kill one life form, can and will do irreparable or long-term damage to other life forms higher up the food chain?  Those “can’t do without” lawn chemicals now pollute our drinking water!

In my professional opinion as a retired healthcare professional and consumer health researcher/journalist and author, I feel toxic chemicals that have impacted the human central nervous system (the blood brain barrier being breached, in particular) plus the human immune system quite dramatically are what I’d classify as deliberately deceptive money-making enterprises. In my opinion, one is fluoridation of the water supply and the other is vaccines with all their neurotoxic ingredients.

Fluoride is a protoplasmic poison [2-3-4], which can be involved in the etiology of cancers of the bone (osteosarcoma) and oral cancers.  Fluoride causes genetic damage; 19 major university studies have proven that!  I’ll talk about vaccine chemicals later on.

Furthermore and sticking with toxically-polluted water, underground water aquifers are being poisoned by chemicals used in fracking for the extraction of gas and oil found in shale deposits.  According to the researchers who wrote the paper “Natural Gas Operations from a Public Health Perspective,” there are “71 nasty drilling and fracturing chemicals that result in 10 or more health effects,” which can be found here.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself on the timeline of the cancer epidemic-pandemic.

Radiation and Radioactive particulates

Ever since the Manhattan Project to build and test nuclear weapons began (circa 1942), the human race has been subjected to unnatural levels of ionizing radiation circling the globe and impregnating air, food and water.  Thyroid cancers are a prime indication of that type of exposure.  The Manhattan Project resulted in the detonation of two atomic bombs dropped by the USA in 1945 (Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan), which created radiation and radionuclides that affected everything on earth, including cow’s milk and the children who drank the milk!

What type of damage does nuclear radiation do to the body?
Three types of radiation damage may occur: bodily damage (mainly leukemia and cancers of the thyroid, lung, breast, bone, and gastrointestinal tract); genetic damage (birth defects and constitutional and degenerative diseases due to gonodal damage suffered by parents); and development and growth damage (primarily growth and mental retardation of unborn infants and young children). [5]
Probably the most serious threat is cesium-137, a gamma emitter with a half-life of 30 years. It is a major source of radiation in nuclear fallout, and since it parallels potassium chemistry, it is readily taken into the blood of animals and men and may be incorporated into tissue.
Other hazards are strontium-90, an electron emitter with a half-life of 28 years, and iodine-131 with a half-life of only 8 days. Strontium-90 follows calcium chemistry, so that it is readily incorporated into the bones and teeth, particularly of young children who have received milk from cows consuming contaminated forage.

Iodine-131 is a similar threat to infants and children because of its concentration in the thyroid gland.
In addition, there is plutonium-239, frequently used in nuclear explosives. A bone-seeker like strontium-90, it may also become lodged in the lungs, where its intense local radiation can cause cancer or other damage.

Plutonium-239 decays through emission of an alpha particle (helium nucleus) and has a half-life of 24,000 years. To the extent that hydrogen fusion contributes to the explosive force of a weapon, two other radionuclides will be released: tritium (hydrogen-3), an electron emitter with a half-life of 12 years, and carbon-14, an electron emitter with a half-life of 5,730 years. Both are taken up through the food cycle and readily incorporated in organic matter. [5]
Shouldn’t we be asking what’s happening to our air, food and water since Chernobyl (1986) and especially since Fukushima (2011) with its uncontained radioactive leaks into the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere which global nuclear powers seemingly aren’t willing to help clean up?  Are food crops growing in USA’s western states of Washington, Oregon and California affected—including organically-grown crops?

How about all the atmospheric nuclear testing done by various “nuclear countries” [10 or 11] that have stockpiled nuclear weapons?  What have they put into the atmosphere?  Then there are the depleted uranium ordnances used by the USA in fighting the Gulf War, in Iraq, and possibly Syria.  Children born in Iraq after that outrageous war based upon the false pretense of “weapons of mass destruction that were not there, but the USA obviously has” are suffering the consequences of ionizing radiation and genotoxic chemicals, as told in this video.


Let’s not overlook all the ‘minor’ nuclear power plant ‘uneventful’ leaks and shutdowns because of some sort of technology failures, the foremost being the Three Mile Island ‘accident’ outside Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, March 28, 1979.  Also, do you know that all nuclear power plants are permitted to emit regularly ‘safe’ levels of radioactivity up their stacks [9]?

Weather Geoengineering “Chemtrails”

Let’s not forget the ever-persistent Solar Radiation Management effort to control the weather—pardon my misspeak—to prevent “climate warming”—using toxic chemical sprays that cloud over the skies and produce toxic rain and snow, which pollute everything on earth, including the food we eat and the water we drink, not to mention contaminating our lungs with nanoparticles probably engineered to tag and ‘track’ us or fashion us into radiofrequency ‘radio signal receivers’.  Isn’t the U.S. Air Force gearing up to own the weather as a weapon of war by 2025? [10]
Some of the toxins found in the assays of chemtrail-spiked rain water assayed in California [6] include:
  • Aluminum
  • Arsenic
  • Barium salts
  • Cadmium
  • Desiccated human blood cells
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Mycoplasma
  • Polymer fibers
  • Radio cesium
  • Strontium
  • Uranium
  • Plus others
Add to the above as a ‘contraindication’, another ‘parallel’ of sorts, which involves chemtrails apparently contributing to a newly-occurring terrible health syndrome that presents as a crawling sensation under the skin with nanofibers emerging; it’s called Morgellons disease [7-8].

Genetically Modified Organisms: Food, Animals, Plants and Organisms

The high tech world of genetic engineering or modification is so overwhelmingly large, I cannot begin to touch on it in this article which, if I did, could wind up being the size of a book, so I will focus on only genetically modified ‘phood’, which I cover in great detail in my July 2016 book, Eat to Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities.
What I touch on next is miniscule in comparison to the known and published research, science and literature, so I may be criticized for not mentioning problems that some readers think I should have included but, inadvertently, have omitted.  I apologize for that, but I’ve got to make tracks the best I can in tying this article in to the cancer epidemic-pandemic.
Notably since the 1980s (and even earlier) there have been full-bore scientific determinations to design and recreate Nature and most, if not all, of Nature’s attributes into the scientific power-dream of domination, control, skewing and modifying DNA/RNA in just about everything that most humans refer to as “Intelligent Design”-created or  God’s creation.  Genetic modification (GM/GMO/GE) affects just about every facet of most life forms on Planet Earth NOW!
The GMO ‘track’ that has the better potential and most immediately-effective strategy for refashioning human DNA/RNA besides vaccines, in my opinion, is GMO ‘phood’!  That being said, I’d like to refer readers to another of my books, Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick, wherein I discuss in greater depth GMOs.  As a matter of fact, while I was writing that book, I was in email contact with Professor Séralini, PhD, whose subsequent 2 year rat studies on GMO feed has become a landmark study about cancerous tumors from GMO rations and glyphosate.
Dr Séralini’s work [11] puts to rest, and absolutely trashes, Monsanto’s 90-day GMO-‘safety’-studies presented to the FDA for GMO technology approvals [12-13]!
That being said, Monsanto’s GMO crops and the Monsanto GMO agricultural methods for growing those crops – the use of inordinate amounts of glyphosate in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup® by contract farming or there are legal problems for farmers – leave the planet, its livestock, almost all plant matter, soils/farms, pollinator insects and, especially, humans, who eat GMO ‘phoods’ in dire straits.  Gastrointestinal health problems affecting the human microbiome from glyphosate residues found in most processed food is being documented [16].  Children, who are vaccine damaged, get gastrointestinal relief and find a way to wellness when put on a GMO-free diet [17].
Not only in food is glyphosate found, but in vaccines injected into infants, toddlers, teens, adults and senior citizens!  See my article about that confirmation from the scientific research of Anthony Samsel, PhD.

Glyphosate is a very toxic chemical!

I’d like to thank Chris, who made a comment to my article above and which I want to share, since Chris seems to know more about glyphosate’s interesting ‘past’:
Glyphosate=N-phosphonomethylGLYCINE, contains the amino acid glycine, which also happens to be the human inhibiting neurotransmitter!! Dr. Samsel and Seneff published all the relevant data on that issue, which somehow is not becoming loud enough! Carcinogenicity of glyphosate was known by Monsanto in 1981, and first later the biotech seed producer came to the idea to design new artificial genes, which would bind the carcinogen glyphosate and make ~85% of all GMO’s glyphosate resistant. What goes even further into history, is the fact that glycine supports fast proliferation of certain types of cancer, a fact known in 1932!!! Thus features of the glycine, one of the simplest amino acid on our planet were investigated thoroughly for decades, and once it was known that it participates in cancer growth, glyphosate was ‘discovered’, as the artificial chemical mimick (replacement) of glycine. First it was used as ‘safest’ herbicide, later it became the essence of most GMO’s produced by the biotech ‘seed’ giants. The latest article about glyphosate from Dr. Samsel and Seneff, goes into horrifying theoretical scenario, a production of peptoids, within OUR BODIES! Peptoids are not digestible, but once becoming parts of our bodies, certainly support some artificial unknown function. Not for nothing Dr. Seneff works for the office of ‘artificial intelligence’….
The purpose of Glyphosate was planned not only for decades, but for almost a century by now… Since Glyphosate is deeply connected with almost all GMO’s, the entire biotechnology with its ‘fruits’ HAS TO BE PUT INTO A DEEP INVESTIGATION, A.S.A.P. [CJF emphasis added]
Glyphosate’s ‘history’, as stated above, must be investigated immediately by reputable independent scientists, not Monsanto’s or Bayer’s ‘gophers’!  The U.S. CDC, FDA, USDA, EPA and Congress must become involved immediately, if not sooner, and prevent the ‘marriage’ of the Bayer-Monsanto ‘families’ that probably will facilitate cancer even more than ever as a result of the ‘scientific’ clout Bayer will attain as the largest GMO seed producer in the world.

Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency Technologies Contribution to Cancer

In this world of ‘smart’ gadgets and appliances, everyone unknowingly has bought into being irradiated with non-ionizing microwave radiofrequency energies that have been declared a class 2B carcinogen by the IARC of the World Health Organization:
PRESS RELEASE N° 208 31 May 2011
IARC Classifies Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields As Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans
Lyon, France – May 30, 2011  The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based upon an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer associated with wireless phone use. [14]
What most folks PROBABLY aren’t aware of is that all “smart” appliances operate on microwave technology frequencies and fall into the same class 2B above, just not cell phones which are the primary wireless technology in use.  However, others equally as dangerous, if not more so, include:
Wi-Fi in schools, offices and public places; utilities’ AMI Smart Meters; and any device that can send and receive data, voice, photos, messages, etc. using microwave technology!
Currently, there’s talk about Google’s 5G “Wi-Fi in the Sky” Project SkyBender [15]. God help us when that goes into effect!  If you ever thought about wearing a tin-foil-hat, then that would be the time to do so.  Why?  In order to protect your brains from being ‘fried’, I offer, from the research that’s been hidden DELIBERATELY by the microwave tech industry for years indicating non-thermal adverse health effects known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity and as a contributing factor to many types of cancers.
Whatever you do, please do not wear a ‘live’ or active cell phone on your body, e.g., on your belt; in your pants pocket; in your bra; or an ear piece that’s not the proper type to prevent RFs from going directly into your ear and brain.

All the above probably will pale to what I will discuss next, I offer.

Probably a more significant factor for the current cancer epidemic-pandemic is the fact that children in the 1950s through 1963 (or longer, it’s thought) were vaccinated with polio vaccines containing a cancer virus, the SV40 virus.  More than 100 million children received that cancer virus in the polio vaccine!  I discuss that and much more about vaccine ingredients in my book, Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines.

The U.S. Congress held a hearing in 2003 wherein they investigated and had to admit that.  Here’s the report “Preventing Another SV40 Tragedy: Are Today’s Safe Vaccine Protocols Effective?” [No! I offer.] dated November 13, 2003 admitting what happened.  However, here’s what I wrote about that SV40 vaccine problem for VacTruth in 2011.

Nothing speaks more clearly than Dr Maurice Hilleman, the father of modern vaccines who worked for Merck, talking very candidly about those monkeys from whom the SV40 virus was derived.

The long and short of the above vaccine tragedy is that apparently there may be some impact on cancer rates since the SV40 virus has been found in cancerous tumors excised from cancer patients!  This article discusses the “cause and effect” issues revolving around SV40 and cancer.  One can assume that there is ‘no cause and effect’ just like there is ‘no cause and effect’ with the MMR vaccine and Autism due to the CDC’s blatant fraudulent scientific findings as exposed by whistleblower William Thompson, PhD, and told in the documentary movie VAXXE.

You can’t handle the truth about vaccines (Ad)

However, that’s not the first time the CDC had fudged and falsified the connection between vaccines and Autism; there’s the Verstraeten study that was reworked circa 2000.  Attorney Robert F Kennedy, Jr disclosed what’s become known as the “Simpsonwood Meeting” that effectuated the rework of  CDC epidemiologist Verstraeten’s confirmed Autism-from-vaccines  research data that somehow morphed into a newly-generated “no cause and effect to autism from vaccines” study.

Then there is the unfortunate problem of Merck and Company falsifying for ten years the effectiveness rate of the mumps active in their MMR vaccine, which whistleblowers exposed and currently is before the Federal court [18-19] in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

We can’t trust the CDC, FDA or the vaccine makers when it comes to vaccine science!  The CDC is the vaccine makers’ champion for mandatory vaccinations.  Why, when vaccines contain so many neurotoxins and probable carcinogenic ingredients like formaldehyde, and the CDC/FDA should be protecting healthcare consumers, not Big Pharma?

Is the current cancer epidemic-pandemic a ‘man-made’ problem?

As I said in the beginning of this “anthology,” cancer has been around since ‘forever’, but the current rate of contraction is far beyond what could be termed ‘natural chances’.  Everything, including pharmacology, which I’ve not discussed, is implicated in a “cause and effect” with cancer ideologies, especially anything having to do with “man-made” chemicals, a great quantity of which affects our food, water and the air we breathe.

Is it too late to do anything about the cancer epidemic-pandemic What do you think?




Man-Made Pollutants Found in Earth’s Deepest Ocean Trenches

The Weston A Price Foundation / Environmental Toxins

Roundup, cancer & the future of food

Scientifically Proven Method to Reverse Diabetes (Ad)

Image credit: Naturalblaze, pixabay

This article (Why Are There So Many Cancers Now?) can be republished with attribution to Catherine Frompovich, source article and Natural, keeping all links and bio intact.

Hillary's Image Does Not Appear in Cell Phones That Are Filming Her -- Why Would They Photoshop This

Watch the video, in the second part, after Hillary's fall and drag into van episode, she was reported to take 4 days off.    When she returned, this filming as a presentation, is more than odd.

The film shows people holding their phones up to take pictures or video.   But their cell phones don't contain images of what is in front of them.   And they certainly don't show Hillary as she purportedly walks to the podium.    It's odd.  

Especially after her fall and reports of her death.
Hillary is not a sociopath. I am a sociopath spotter. She has real emotions, not fabricated emotions. Actually she has extreme emotions, cackling, something wrong, but not sociopathy. Sociopaths are excellent liars because they feel no guilt, they don't telegraph their lies. And they also don't get stress from lies or hurting other people. But Hillary does lie and hurt other people, for her greed and ambition and power trip, but it costs her dearly in real stress--she is not protected like a sociopath. Check it out, drop a comment

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Politics and Statistics -- An Independent an Unbiased Online Poll for the Presidential Race

There is also a poll in the side bar, Vote on either one, I will tally them up and present statistics later.

Your Choice For President?

So running some stats on these minimal sample size results can tell us something.   Of course the wild card is that the readers of this site are much more likely to be Red Pill Takers, much more likely to see through the lies and deceptions.    So this is NOT a cross section of the USA.

Some polling resources

We Suspected the EPA was Corrupt -- Subpoenad Documents Now Prove It - Nuremberg Trials

Why is this so important?    Well it's one step in exposing the corruption that has become indelibly intertwined with our Federal Government, and this ALSO plays directly into the NWO takeover of the world via "Climate Laws" <which are nothing more than energy control and wealth transfer schemes>, and Trade Agreements <which let the globalists increase their control and wealth by allowing them to sell any crappy or dangerous thing that they have to sell.  

stock out

As regards EPA’s greenhouse gas rules, one of which faces a major challenge next Tuesday before the full D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, these emails show how EPA, rather than using its own experts to craft a rule in the public interest, chose to allow outside groups to draft its core foundations.  Outside activists — who this report shows one senior EPA official, a political appointee, even agreed to raise money for in what would be a thoroughly unethical use of appointed office — drafted and provided their proposed key elements of the plan, and other comments to EPA officials, on the officials’ private email accounts. The report details the correspondence and how those outside special interest groups were allowed to produce EPA’s GHG “Options memo”.
--------------------------------------- from this article

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Google Is Filtering Search Results To Make It Impossible to Participate Or View Results of Online Polls

I tried do a bunch of searches on Google for "Online Polls" and only came up with one.  

Trump was solidly in the lead on that one, by like 25%, It was some smallish town with Concord in the name, now I can't find it again.

Then I tried looking for polls, using AVG search.

I found quite a few and quickly--my suspicion on Google was confirmed.    Google is evil, they are a tool of the global super rich.   The Global super rich want Hillary in office, because she will do their bidding.

This one from "realclearpolitics" shows Clinton up by about 3 in about 72% of the polls.

Incredulously, this poll show a 25% Clinton lead, but its a called survey, read my notes in read.

They say this was an "internet poll", but why do they present it as "Asked of 1639 likely voters".   And how come such a low number?

Interestingly, they also tried to explain why Trump does better in online polls, one theory (not tested by the way) was "Why? One potential reason is social desirability bias, or the tendency to believe backing Trump is not a socially acceptable position. Someone may be more likely to pick Trump when they don’t have to interact with a human — online or on a recorded IVR poll — than they would be when talking to a real live human being."

LOL as opposed to "The Hillary crowd is unemployable, sitting around, plenty of time on their hands waiting for free stuff, and doesn't even have a computer to do an online vote"

Japanese Take US Terror Very Seriously -- Issues Alert to All Japanese Citizens in USA and Who Might Go to USA

This is Goole translate.    It does a horrible job of translating from Japanese to English.

But you can mostly understand what they mean.


Subject: Announcement of safety from standing Chicago Consulate
Occurrence of stings incident in Minnesota St. Cloud City in the shopping mall
17 (Saturday) at around 8 pm, Crossroads-shot of Minnesota St. Cloud cityA man with a knife one after another stabbed around the shopper, et al. At ping mall, at least9 people were injured. The man who carried out the crime, was shot and killed a police officer at the scene.
Some news organizations, criminal, but have reported indicating that the combatants of IS, the relationship between the incident and terrorismThe including, for details of the incident, it is the current police authorities during the investigation.
In addition, the same day (17 days) night, New York City, Manhattan District 23-chome, Sixth Avenue and Seventh Avenue ofDuring the explosion trash in the streets of (Chelsea district), according to the announcement of the local fire authoritiesIf, at least 29 people were injured. In addition, the same day in the morning, New JerseyIn Seaside Park of the marathon race venue, incidents pipe bomb will explode is issuedIt has none.
It is proposed, placed in everyone of Japanese residents and travelers, and consideration of the above situation, terrorismSo that and not get caught up in unexpected incidents, as well as attention to the latest security information, shoppingPing mall and the airport, so stay away as much as possible to the many gathering place of people, such as stationplease. Unavoidably When you visit such a place, and pay attention to the surroundingsTogether, when in contact with a suspicious situation, efforts to ensure safety, such as promptly leave the placePlease give me.
As a precaution before traveling overseas, family and friends, tell your contacts in the schedule and travel destination in the workplace, etc.Please then to put so. 3 months better to stay or more, Hisage always prepare for emergency residence reportPlease put out.Residence report
In addition, at the time, such as travel and travel less than three months, from time to time information about the safe during your stay abroadSo that the received take, please register in the "Tabi cash register".Tabi register
======================================<Standing Chicago Consulate General>Tel: 312-280-0400FAX: 312-280-9568

Humpback Whales Continue to Die --- Radiation Killed the Krill They Eat

Dying Humpbacks - No Krill to Eat Radiation Killed the Krill

Somehow, burying it on the beach like this doesn't seem like the best solution, sheesh, at least dig a hole!

Scroll down for more dead Humpbacks

Combatting Our Toxic Environment -- A Natural Elixir

I have SO MUCH of all of these natural components, organic grown.   Everything except the turmeric, which is pretty tropical.    I will mix up a batch, it sounds awesome.

I added vitamin D3 to the mix, it is important.

killsinfectionThe basic formula of this powerful tonic dates back to medieval Europe, that is, from the era when people suffered from all sorts of diseases and epidemics.
This master cleansing tonic is actually an antibiotic that kills gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It has also a powerful antiviral and antifungal formula, increases blood circulation and lymph flow in all parts of the body. This plant-based remedy is the best choice for the fight against candida.

This tonic has helped many people to cure many viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal diseases and even plague! Its power should most certainly not be underestimated.

It can cure many chronic conditions and diseases. Encourages blood circulation, and purifies blood. This formula has helped millions of people throughout the centuries to fight the most deadliest diseases.
The secret is in the powerful combination of high-quality natural and fresh ingredients!
To sum up, this tonic is effective in the treatment of all diseases, successfully strengthens the immune system, acts as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic medicine. Assists in the most severe infections.
Master tonic – Recipe
You may want to wear gloves during the preparation, especially when handling hot peppers, because it is difficult to get the tingling off your hands! Be careful, its smell is very strong, and it may stimulate the sinuses instantly.
  • 24 oz /700 ml apple cider vinegar (always use organic)
  • ¼ cup finely chopped garlic
  • ¼ cup finely chopped onion
  • 2 fresh peppers, the hottest you can find (be careful with the cleaning – wear gloves!!!)
  • ¼ cup grated ginger
  • 2 tbsp grated horseradish
  • 2 tbsp turmeric powder or 2 pieces of turmeric root
  • 50 Vitamin D3 capsules, cut and drained in
  1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, except for the vinegar.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a Mason jar.
  3. Pour in some apple cider vinegar and fill it to the top. It is best if 2/3 of the jar consist of dry ingredients, and fill in the rest with vinegar.
  4. Close well and shake.
  5. Keep the jar in a cool and dry place for 2 weeks. Shake well several times a day.
  6. After 14 days, squeeze well and strain the liquid through a plastic strain. For better results put a gauze over it. Squeeze well so the whole juice comes out.
  7. Use the rest of the dry mixture when cooking.
Your master tonic is ready for use. You do not need to keep the tonic in your fridge. It will last for long.
Extra Tip: You can also use it in the kitchen – mix it with some olive oil and use it as a salad dressing or in your stews.
  1. Caution: The flavor is very strong and hot!
  2. Extra Tip: Eat a slice of orange, lemon or lime after you take the tonic to ease the burning sensation and heat.
  3. Gargle and swallow.
  4. Do not dilute it in water as it will reduce the effect.
  5. Take 1 tablespoon every day to strengthen the immune system and fight cold.
  6. Increase the amount every day until you reach a dose of 1 small glass per day (the size of a liquor glass).
  7. If you struggle against more serious disease or infection, take 1 tablespoon of the tonic 5-6 times a day.
  8. It is safe for pregnant women and children (use small doses!) because the ingredients are all-natural and contain no toxins.
Warning: Do not use on an empty stomach, and start with a teaspoon for the first few times. It is POTENT and can cause nausea or vomiting if you are not used to it.
Health benefits

Garlic is a strong antibiotic with a wide range of health benefits. Unlike chemical antibiotics that kill millions of friendly bacteria your body needs, its only goal is bacteria and microorganisms. Garlic also encourages and increases the level of healthy bacteria. It is a powerful antifungal agent and destroys any antigen, pathogen, and harmful disease-causing microorganisms.

Onion is garlic’s closest relative ​​and it has a similar but milder action. Together they create a strong fighting duo.

Horseradish is a powerful herb, efficient for sinuses and lungs. It opens sinus channels and 
increases circulation, where common colds and flu usually begin, as most doctors would agree.

Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and it is a strong circulation stimulant.

Chili peppers are the most powerful circulation stimulators. They just send their antibiotic properties to fight the disease where it is mostly needed.

Turmeric is the most perfect spice, cleanses infections and reduces inflammation. Blocks the development of cancer, and prevents dementia. It is especially useful for those who struggle with joint pain.
Apple cider vinegar – there must be something very healthy in the use of apple cider vinegar as the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used vinegar around 400 BC because of its healthy properties. It is said that he used only two remedies: honey and apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh and ripe apples which are later fermented and go through rigorous process to give the final product. Apple cider vinegar contains pectin, a fiber that reduces bad cholesterol and regulates blood pressure.

Health experts agree that people need more calcium as they get old. Vinegar helps the extraction of calcium from foods it is mixed with, which helps in the process of maintaining bone strength. Potassium deficiency causes a variety of problems including hair loss, brittle nails and teeth, sinusitis, and runny nose.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium. Studies have shown that potassium deficiency results in slow growth. All of these problems can be avoided if you use apple cider vinegar regularly. Potassium also removes toxic wastes from the body.

Beta-carotene prevents damage caused by free radicals, maintains skin firm and young. Apple cider vinegar is good for those who want to lose weight.

It breaks up fat which supports a natural weight loss process. Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, efficient in the fight against fungal and bacterial infections. This acid dissolves uric acid deposits that form around the joints, and thus alleviates joint pain. Dissolved uric acid is later eliminated from the body.

It is believed that apple cider vinegar is useful in treating conditions like constipation, headaches, arthritis, weak bones, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, mild food poisoning, hair loss, high blood pressure, obesity, and many other health problems.
The master tonic is the best combination to fight each of these conditions. Protect your health using natural antibiotics!
Other included sources linked in Healthy Food House’s articl:
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