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Friday, September 27, 2019

Deadly, Genetically Damaging Chemical C8 (Think Related to Flouride) in 7.5 Million California Resident Drinking Water. Also Alaska.

7.5 million Californians drink water with toxic 'forever chemicals' | Daily Mail Online

Submitted by Lot's Wife

and here is a link to a PDF describing the water hazards in Alaska


C8 (PFAS/PFOA, etc.) is built on fluoride, the negative ion of the element fluorine. It is very small and slippery. It is near the top of the elemental scale in its electro-magnetic potential. In the human body it turns soft tissue to stone. Its first major industrial applications aided the development of nuclear weapons. 

At commercial scales, it cannot be filtered from water. Once spilled, it’s forever. Crops irrigated with C8-tained water present exposure vectors, even if a community’s water is C8 free. Living with it means: Increased kidney, thyroid, and prostate cancer. (Latency effects predict other diseases will be traced to C8.) 

This is the chemical equivalent of radioactive contamination. 

Virulent (small doses often reflect paradoxical effects, more damage than large doses), systemic, and epigenetic in outcomes (down through generations). Synergistic effects with other chemicals in modern water systems are largely unknown. 
Water quality reports show C8 (PFAS/PFOA, etc.) in the system that supplies most of the people in
Fairbanks, Alaska. In Alaska’s case, local releases can be traced to US military locations, or to adoption of military standards by state and community fire-fighters.

Coinciding trend lines suggest that US military expenditure is inversely related to the health of its funders (enablers). 

As C8 speeds entropy, I can’t but wonder if we’re caught in a sort of slow-motion cannibalization of the machine. Women, children, and elders first.

Golden Heart Utilities 2019 water quality report

See this report by Alaska Community Action on Toxics for the most up to date accounting of Alaska communities that are contaminated by C8.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Real Video Of Biden Bragging About Getting Ukraine Prosecutor Fired -- Now That Prosecutor Is Releasing Docs

stock here, reminder, all financial analysis sites at definitely playing the globalist narrative.   Marketwatch for sure.

The Dems/Libs have taken their projection and their Alinsky methods to a stupid absurd extreme, in playing the Ukraine card. 

I still think there is something weird about DNC running Biden in front.   The only logical thing that I can think that it is a ploy to have "Biden" lurch out near the end and then they run the reluctant "Michelle OBama".     Only Warren even seems possible to be credible.   And she won't win, so what is the only strategy the DNC can play ----  M. Obama.

And below we show a totally fabricated "conversation" between Trump and Ukraine's president, by Adam Schiff.   He is head of the "Intelligence Committee".    Some of the "base" will believe this is really what happened.   Read the unredacted transcript of the real conversation, which shows no Quid Pro Quo (important legal concept) 

In Europe, UK, The Boris Brexit strategy appears to have the next move after D5, checkmate.    And so the ploy by the Globalist insertions in the UK move is to "expose the hand of the victors" as if thinking that "exposing" something that is a win, somehow makes it evil.

-- ..

BREAKING: Solomon Bombshell — Ukrainian Prosecutor Shokin Details BIDEN’S SHAKEDOWN — WILL LIKELY END BIDEN CAMPAIGN!

Investigative journalist John Solomon told Sean Hannity on Wednesday night that he has over 400 pages of documents that he will reveal Thursday that show Hunter Biden’s legal team worked with the Ukrainian prosecutors to end the investigation on the vice president’s son.

On 9-21-19 We Published Large Earthquake Alert, After 2 Deep Indo EQ, Today 6.8 in Indonesia

stock here.

The joy of correctly predicting a large Earthquake is shadowed by the deaths that came with it on Sept 25th ---- a 6.8 in Indonesia, after the recent 2 super deep EQ in Indonesia that was part of our reason to declare the large EQ alert.   Some sites have downgraded it to a 6.5

It is possible that this is the result of the 2 super deep EQ, and it is POSSIBLE that this foreshadows an even larger quake in Indonesia.

From the 9-21-19 Alert

1) One Coronal Hole wind stream about to hit
2) Another Equatorial CH swinging into view and will/is magnetically connected already
3) Increased Vulcanism Anak Krakatau, Indonesia (Note--I am still working this issue, there is some indication that at times, increased vulcanism will reduce earthquakes, as a pressure release)
4) Steamboat in Yellowstone at records output and heights. 
5) High GCRs nucleating gases in specific affectable magma chambers
6) A dearth of 7.5 plus earthquakes lately
7) Unusual EQ activity Hawaii, 4 today. 
8) 2 Super Deep and pretty large 6+ EQ in Indonesia  

The 6.8 story

Sunday, September 22, 2019

15 Point Action Plan For The New Adminstration

I wrote this back in the day.    Time for a review.   For sure, every action of this administration has been thrwarted in every way possible.


15 Point Action Plan -- First 100 Days in Office

I will be faxing this to Trump after a while.

If any of you have good ideas to add to this, write them up and add as a comment or email to me

0) Repeal pretty much every Executive Order that Obama created

0A) Clarify what "War" means in terms of needing Congressional Approval.    Make it much harder to engage in any military activity outside the USA.

0B) Create a phase out plan for the most dangerous of US Nuclear Reactors, all the GE Mark 1 similar to the Fukushima 3 reactors that blew up.

1) Restrictions on number and size of “mass media outlets” owned by one person or corporation (including their sub-corporation). Existing large holders of media operations to be broken up under anti-trust legislation.

2) Those who have our trust, and purportedly our best interests in mind, and that live on our dime, should be held to a higher standard. Those guilty of corruption in government or abuse of power shall be tried and held to 150% of the civil or criminal penalty that same crime would entail in the private sector. No government official allowed to pardon any other government official when being tried under these laws.

3) Break up the big banks, and separate all banks from brokerage firms

4) Reduce the allowable lobbying and political contribution limits to be $1000 per person, $3000 per corporation and have all contributions be posted on a public website within 1 week of receiving the money.

5) Ensure that scientists and researchers that are found guilty of publishing manipulated and false data, and that have done so using any type of publicly generated funds, be held accountable via means to be created, such as fines, removal from ability to publish any future works in the science realm, jailed as a criminal activity. Establish Nuremberg type trials, as the public for the most part must trust what these scientists state, and similar to 2) above, those living on “our money” shall be held to a higher standard. This includes, and especially so, those working at the EPA, CDC, NOAA, FDA, and other alphabet agencies.

6) Dry cask all existing nuclear waste, even if there is no existing repository for them, they can be stored on site until movable to a repository. About 10 metric tons per dry cask, and a material cost of around $1M per cask, along with labor and slabs to store them on, some security, call it $3M per cask. 77,000 tons currently in USA, so 7,700 casks needed. A $23B project cost of which about half would be a sustained shot in the arm to the AMERICAN concrete and steel firms, with the rest flowing to US workers, likely the ones with radiation experience who are being let go from the nuclear plants that are being retired.

7) Do not allow the “Big Utility” war on solar to proceed without a close review. Utilities across the nation are conducting a war on solar, primarily driven by the huge success of solar in Hawaii. They are using false models to justify what they have to pay to consumers with solar. Same 150% civil and criminal penalties on companies and individuals within those companies who use false means to promote themselves and conduct the war on solar. This includes anyone involved at any public utilities commission type organization that is supposed to regulate the utilities. Require 100% open financials and accounting records to justify all rate cases/payments for solar, to be reviewed by the AEE Association of Energy Engineers.

8) Harden the US electrical grid against a large CME or EMP. Cost of hardening, less than $2B

9) Start rebuilding America’s infrastructure, roads, bridges, park systems, utilities

10) Repeal Obamacare, create a fund of $400M to examine the “medical system” and root out inefficiencies, excessive profits, and waste. No longer allow Big Pharma to lobby Doctors and other medical personnel, no free skiing trips to educate the Doctors about the new drugs.

11) Conduct some serious food safety studies. Probably eliminate much GM/GE food products. Reduce usage of Glyphosate and it’s ilk. Require a 4 hour training program for anyone who using them, including homeowners. Enforce penalties for improper use.

12) Add to the Bill of Rights, clause of, You have the right to be a citizen of a Sovereign nation of the USA. Any type of law, regulation, trade agreement, climate change agreement, that gives other countries say so over how we conduct our affairs (non Sovereign control) shall be null and void.

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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Greta Thunberg -- I Am Afraid She Is Being Abused

stock here -- articles below are from someone else.

There is something both wrong with this girl (not just Aspergers describes her condition), but also, others are taking advantage of her, abusing her.   And I think at the onset, it is perhaps both parents, perhaps just her Mom.    In a misguided "whatever it takes" because we are on the high moral ground.

They say she is 16, reminds me more of a 13 year old.

Family history covered here.   Goes back to Nobel of the Nobel Peace Prize.   Why do you think Obama got the Nobel peace prize before he did anything?


Somebody already has, a 6 part article actually, I don’t know how many times and places I need to
post this to make people see the bigger picture:

People wonder what’s going on with all of these school strikes and the myriads of youth organizations popping up, well, it’s the same old agenda shifting strategy, having lost the scientific battle

They’re now planning to win with behavioral psychology, mass hysteria, counter cultures and civil disobedience. It’s all there for people to read and most revealing and yet nobody bloody cares, only the Corbettreport has taken heed.




Part 5

Addendum to Part 5

A seven part documentation on Greta Thunberg's suspicious background:

The name Thunberg is very rare, it stems from Germany. In German phonebooks there are only two Thunbergs now so they very likely are all related.
Carl Peter Thunberg was a 18th century globalist:
Carl Peter Thunberg: Traveller, Scientist - Transculturator?
This study aims at scrutinizing to what extent Thunberg acted as a transculturator in promoting a knowledge exchange between the European and Japanese culture. The concept of the transculturator, as it was first formulated by Pratt (1992), consists of three elements: the transport of foreign knowledge to the home culture, the injection of one's own cultural knowledge into the foreign culture and the representation of both cultures involved as equal to one another. In the course of the following analysis, all three elements are examined separately with regard to scientific and cultural-linguistic knowledge and by considering the original Swedish version and the German, English and French translations of Thunberg's travelogue. The paper argues that Thunberg clearly fulfils the role of a transculturator through the promotion of a two-sided socio-cultural dialogue between Europe and Japan which influenced the academic and everyday world in both countries. Yet, the research also claims that Thunberg was limited in this role through a presentation-perception paradox; that is, the discrepancy between the presentation and consumption of data due to differences among the translations, historical developments and varying cultural backgrounds. These findings are likely to sensitize further studies of the scope



Polar Ice -- Colder Ice IS Stronger Ice -- Real Data Helps

It was fairly hard to find real data on Ice Strengths, especially as they relate to temperature.

I saw some pretty wild claims on some sites that "warm ice was 300 times weaker than cold ice"

As a material scientist, I thought this was worthy of some research.  It is also important to realistic view what is going on in our world, and to slap back outlandish claims whenever they occur.

In order to understand the energy held in Ice, more than just "ice extent" needs to be known.    You need

1) area, and depth (volume) and
2) temperature.   And the temperature will not be uniform through an ice mass.

I found this, with the very relevant chart of test points at 4 temps,  -3C, -10C, -20C, and -27C. 

There are 2 important types of tests, Compressive, and Tensile.   Compressive is pushing on it.    Tensile is trying to pull it apart.  

Ice is way weaker in Tensile.   Also the saltier it is, the weaker it is (brineiness)

Bottom Line?
Ice is twice as strong at -27C than it is at -3C

Large Deep Earthquakes Up 500%, "Gap Day" Ground Shattering Research, Predicting EQ By Studying When The DON'T HAPPEN

stock here
Sometimes tedious and fairly random research comes up with remarkable things.   However, as an Excel user for 30 plus years, I am shocked at it's levels of quirkiness.    An beyond the pale, is what looks like awesome support, that is so ineffective! 

On that note, if there are any other Earthquake researchers out there, I have a solution for a horribly pesky date problem, Excel has 2 huge will often not recognize something as a date, even when you tell it that your cell or column is a date.  

And then, it will not be able to sort by date, and tally up numbers by date, year, quarter, hour of day....and will just give you some half baked excuse that doesn't get you any closer to an answer.    Solution at bottom of this article.

A few days after I wrote this article, USGS comes out with a "geonarrative" on Kilauea 2018

1) One Coronal Hole wind stream about to hit
2) Another Equatorial CH swinging into view and will/is magnetically connected already
3) Increased Vulcanism Anak Krakatau, Indonesia (Note--I am still working this issue, there is some indication that at times, increased vulcanism will reduce earthquakes, as a pressure release)
4) Steamboat in Yellowstone at records output and heights. 
5) High GCRs nucleating gases in specific affectable magma chambers
6) A dearth of 7.5 plus earthquakes lately
7) Unusual EQ activity Hawaii, 4 today. 
8) 2 Super Deep and pretty large 6+ EQ in Indonesia

Like has anyone in the World noted that Large Deep Earthquakes are up 500% in the last decade, compared to the whole period from  1952.

And how about this little tidbit that I just stumbled across. From around 1973 to 1982 there were basically NO LARGE DEEP EARTHQUAKES.     And this amazing fact is NOT DISCUSSED in any Earthquake Research.

Seems like an obvious wave pattern in large earthquakes.

I choose 1952 as the cutoff for much research.    From the data, it is clear, that is when our EQ data and equipment became "modern".    Before that it was definitely sketchy.

Also, having 2 Large, 7.5 and over, in one day has taken a massive tick upward --
Historically, 2 Large in one day


I will add my "Gap Day" Research when I can.   Establishment EQ'ers use the "gap" in a completely different way. 

The problem: Excel does not want to recognize dates as dates, even though through "Format cells - Number - Custom" you are explicitly trying to tell it these are dates by "mm/dd/yyyy". As you know; when excel has recognized something as a date, it further stores this as a number - such as "41004" but displays as date according to format you specify. To add to confusion excel may convert only part of your dates such as 08/04/2009, but leave other e.g. 07/28/2009 unconverted.
Solution: steps 1 and then 2

1) Select the date column. Under Data choose button Text to Columns. On first screen leave radio button on "delimited" and click Next. Unclick any of the delimiter boxes (any boxes blank; no checkmarks) and click Next. Under column data format choose Date and select MDY in the adjacent combo box and click Finish. Now you got date values (i.e. Excel has recognised your values as Date data type), but the formatting is likely still the locale date, not the mm/dd/yyyy you want.

2) To get the desired US date format displayed properly you first need to select the column (if unselected) then under Cell Format - Number choose Date AND select Locale : English (US). This will give you format like "m/d/yy". Then you can select Custom and there you can either type "mm/dd/yyyy" or choose this from the list of custom strings.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Climate Conversation at Suspicious0bservers

Something tells me the climate zealots aren't going to calm down in the face of new facts.
I find your Ideological dogmatism disturbing, For a bunch of people who are supposedly the "open minded ones" you are an incredibly arrogant bunch. Just because Cosmic energy might drive Climate does not mean Ocean acidification and other pollutant related problems/environmental concerns are not issues we shouldn't be concerned about. Even if C02 is proven unequivocally not to drive Climate (my guess is both factors are contributing) You ideologues will never convince anyone because of how arrogant you are in your perspective and that's exact attitude about main stream climate science that you find so abhorrent. I could fucking facepalm myself into last century with how insanely divisive this rhetoric has become. Stop polluting our information ecology!

 Bryce Cutting  Fuck you to hell. The game being played is not just bad science, it is the attempted take over of the planet by globalist pigs that want total control and they intend to do it via control of energy, via fighting carbon, transfer of wealth, esp from the USA which has been plundered and weakened for decades, very intentionally.

These are the same media owning pigs that have, in conjunction with Big Pharma, drove the suicide rate way up and are making every effort to increase dissatisfaction with life. They are attempting to divide us in every way possible.

And of course the installation of socialism and worse. FYTH.

The libs are supposedly the open minded ones. How absurd is that. So I label you as projection. And FYTH for your straw man. None of us want to more pollution, more poisons in our food. All of us want to smartly focus on the most important things that we can change. -------------------------------------------------------
This is really important, a very odd reality of rotating bodies.   This may have some impact on geo-mechanics of the earth, including earthquakes and vulcanism.

It is more wacky then the
"Coriolos Component of Acceleration" which so far defies an "intuitive gut grasp" of simply have to accept the math of it all. 

Here is an attempt at making the Coriolos Component of Acceleration

Earthquake! Gap Day Analysis Pushes Our Understanding of How the World Works, FORWARD

stock here.
The Gap Day analysis has been fun to "Play".

Running a histogram shows the distribution of Gap Days.   And a very interesting Gap of Gaps.     See Chart.

It would also be instructive to do the Gap analysis using other minimum Magnitudes, all my work has been on 6.0 and up.    5.0 (would there be any gap days at all?), 5.5, 6.5, 7

The fifth largest gap was ended when a 6.6 hit Hawaii in 1973.
See video, 1973 also saw a 5000 year dormant volcano just start up without warning.   In Iceland on a small island with 5000 people of a fishing village.  

They actually set up a massive water pumping operation that ran for months and it successfully stopped the lava from filling in the harbor, which was the life blood of everyone who lived there.  

Keep in mind, I started the Gap Day analysis while we were in a sizable Gap that started 9-1-2019.   That Gap was closed.  

But it pairs with another large gap of 16 that ended in August 2019.   

Having back to back large gaps is a HUGE THING.   That type of thing started the long running eruption of the largest volcano on earth, Moana Loa, via the Kileaua sub-Volcano.  Really, proof is here.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Shameful! Japanese Court "System" Let's TEPCO Exec Go Free, If They Have Any Honor They Should Commit Suicide


Former Tokyo Electric Power Co. Chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata, 79, and former vice chairmen Sakae Muto, 69, and Ichiro Takekuro, 73, were found not guilty in Tokyo District Court. Theirs was the only criminal trial to result from the nuclear disaster, considered second in scope only to the 1986 meltdown at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in the former Soviet Union.
Prosecutors alleged that the trio failed to act on recommendations for additional safety measures at Fukushima in case of a major tsunami. The defendants pleaded not guilty.
Note: Watch NPR tout all the lies about Fukushima in this article.

Amazon is a big donator to NPR

As they gear up to dump their radioactive water into the ocean....... 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Massive Discovery -- Large Quake "Gap Days" And Vulcanism Are Tightly Linked

OK this story is huge, much larger than it might appear here, IMHO. But I don't have time to develop it more. Recovering from a house fire and getting ready for a round of Solar work.


The earth "breathes" in large earthquakes.   I use 6.0 and up for this analysis.

When there are large gaps in days between 6.0M+ and the prior 6.0M+ then a series of more rapid large earthquakes will occur, AND serious Volcano action.

After beginning a study on the large earthquake distribution, it seems like the hugest gap (35 days, and they normally happen on average ever 2 days) in 10 years,
was around the same time as the 2018 Hawaii Volcanic Event.  

When I checked, there were 3 gap events that coincided perfectly with the HVE.   Freakin' Amazing.

Today September 18, 2019 we are now at 16 days gap between large 6.0M+ EQ.

The first chart is a compilation of sources.  Is is a ten year record.
The horizontal access is a scatter chart of one event after another, so it does not reflect "even time" between hundreds of events.

There is large risk now, because we are at large gap, and we have an equatorial coronel hole on the sun, taking aim directly at earth.

This is pretty Epic, IMHO, 70 years of gap data analysed

And some recent volcano history

Some good footage of Hawaii Earthquake and Volcanic Action.

Although we agree with Oregon State that "injection of new Magma can activate the rest of the chambers magma", we would like to add our own discovery.....that for shallow depth magma chambers, "Activation" which basically means the right conditions for the dissolved gas to become non-dissolved, can also occur via Galactic Cosmic Rays.

Monday, September 16, 2019

911 The Pentagon Was NOT Hit By An Airplane

I am a pilot with less than 200 H experience and at my skill level I could have flown those planes into those towers, but could not have pulled off the "Pentagon Stunt" that was a cruise missile.    The one engine found at the pentagon was 3' diameter, 757 engines are like 9 foot diameter and there are 2.    The object went into the first floor and not the second.   That is plain impossible with 9 foot engines hanging down.

It is not that hard to point at something, flying is actually easier than driving.

So this "truther" meme (amateurs could not fly those planes into the towers) is a bad one, a weak one. 
It seems that a "physicist" has drank the kool-aid without analysis or with too simple an analysis....

I wrote back

A fully loaded 747 (it was a 767-200 they say) at 550 MPH will have 13,710,500,000 J of energy.  

That is equivalent of 1330 lbs of TNT

Even a weak structure filled with a non-compressible fluid (jet fuel) will act like a solid.    The funny trick of putting a straw through a potato comes to mind.  This works "at least for a while".

Assuming the steel skeleton was 4" thick (it was 4" at the bottom of the tower, and only 1/4" at the top, but lets say 4") A plane at 500MPH, is travelling 8800 inches per second.    The time required to travel 4" would be .000455 seconds.     In that short span the release of the energy of most of the 1330 lbs of TNT would easily be enough to at least sheer the connectors that bolt the steel together, and even enough to punch right through that steel even if it was a solid 100' length.

The energies of fast moving objects is amazing.   Why do you think even small space rocks blow up "Like an atomic bomb".    Please enjoy this asteroid calculator that I provide free of charge, I built it after the Russia explosion.  Scroll down a bit

They were terrorists, they were found out via intelligence and allowed to carry their plan.    The

And of course the planes themselves and their fire wouldn't bring down the buildings, so they were rigged with explosives. 

Also, my discovery, they did mini-nukes in the basement for 2 reasons:
1) to make room for the buildings to fall into to avoid knocking down even more adjacent buildings

If they had knocked down a bunch of  adjacent buildings, the owners, lawyers, insurance companies and engineers would be taking a serious look at what really happened. 

2) to shake and bake and make sure the whole mess came down. 

USGS took around 30 detailed samples all over the area, my expertise in radio-nuclides let me easily see that their testing showed levels of radionuclides that were hundreds of time more than naturally occurring.  AND that did not come from the granite stonework, it doesn't work that way, the radionuclides were from fresh fission, not from a granite like decay chain.

And they thought it important to also "attack the military" attack the pentagon, but they were fresh out of planes, so they used a cruise missile.

There fixed it for ya.
building were leased to Lucky Larry, because the government is self insured so why not throw a  few billion to a fellow jew, while avoiding the billions it would cost in asbestos and lead remediation and demolition.  

. . . . .

There are Deniers who say there were NO AIRPLANES involved in any of this.   Bullshit.   The towers were hit by planes, the other 2 are likely fake.

George Clooney, Deep State Asset -- A Deep Dive By Tiffany FitzHenry

Just discovered this amazing lady today.    In the line of Amazing Polly, but a little more edgy.

Tiffany FitzHenry does deep dives on a lot of important topics, and seems to really enjoy ripping apart the joke that is "Hollywood".

98 DNC emails that mention Clooney
26 Podesta emails that mention Clooney
276 Global Intelligence Files

Get her on your radar.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Autist Take: RBG Ruth Ginsberg Close to Death Or Retirement, Globalist Hate Another Trump Pick, Decide to Attack Kavanaugh AGAIN!

stock here

The plot is pretty simple here too.

They attack Kavanaugh, AGAIN.    Invent some new accusations, and say he must be impeached.

"They" are desperate, seeing decades of "hard work" and hundreds of Billions spent to try to install control over the whole world, and they see their efforts exposed, and slipping away.

 meanwhile, short of throwing lead, those unjustly accused of "abuse" have decided to attack through
the legal methods.    Justin Fairfax (Dem, Virginia) is suing CBS.

An article attacking Kanvanaugh that refutes itself.   Amazing!

Trump thinks they are trying to scare Kavanaugh into "turning liberal".

Now Holder is suddenly back in the news....

And it looks like his job is to scare Trump into backing down on issues, by pretending that Trump "could be prosecuted" after he is out of office.   As if that fake threat would deter Trump AT ALL.

The new meme is "Campaign Finance Violations" with no backup, nothing realistic, except the slimy turned lawyer Cohen.....
“We already have an indictment in the Southern District of New York where  Michael Cohen — relative to the payoffs, Michael Cohen’s already in jail with regard to his role there,” Holder went on.
Stormy Daniels was an extortionist, who did get paid off.   The hilarity of it all.   The spin that they later chose was that Cohen giving money to Daniels "specifically to influence the election"....well think about that....what money is spent by any person, team, of super-PAC, WITHOUT the intention of influencing the election?

Then, if they are saying that Cohen donated too much toward the election because that was his money
at the time....then I could see that argument.    But getting Cohen in trouble is not the goal, they have to link it to Trump, so then they say that Trump then gave that money back to Cohen, meaning:

1) Cohen did not personally over contribute
2) Trump used his own money to help himself get elected.

Not because Cohen is going to “sing” (there’s no cooperation in this plea) but because they did not want to actually have to prove the “violations” in open court as it would likely invalidate them. Better to let Cohen off on 65 years of prison as long as he’ll say what they want him to say while not actually having to prove their case.
Not having to prove it is the real matter at hand. These violations don’t actually appear to be violations.

Communists and Socialist absolutely require gun control to maintain control as they make life worse for everyone.

The whole Blasey Ford thing was disgusting.   They forced her into this appearance, even then the story had 6 glaring inconsistencies.


9-11 Did Airplanes Really Fly Into Those Buildings? Yes, And A Full Explanation

The plot is not that complicated.

Some people state that it would be totally impossible for amateurs to fly planes into those buildings.   I disagree.

I am a pilot with less than 200 H experience and at my skill level I could have flown those planes into those buildings.  

It is not that hard to point at something, flying is actually easier than driving.

So this "truther" meme is a bad one, a weak one.    They were terrorists, they were found out via intelligence and allowed to carry their plan.    The building were leased to lucky larry, because the government is self insured so why not throw a  few billion to a fellow jew, while avoiding the billions it would cost in asbestos and lead remediation and demolition. 

I have watched maybe 200 videos from the "Event", and it was clear that airplanes flew into those buildings.   Anyone saying otherwise is just cherry picking, with an agenda.

Here are some of the best videos, which haven't been disappeared YET.   Expect rampant censorship of all sorts to increase exponentially.

I had a couple great videos pegged, and posted here, that made it totally plain, that explosives were used in the upper floors of the buildings.

hmmmm....those video now require you to accept cookies, give a message in French, and then ultimately, now you get nothing.    Sheesh.    One remains still live -- Propaganda trying to prove that Building 7 collapse was 100% due to fire, completely ignoring the fact that the BBC, 23 minutes before the Building 7 collapse, had a reporter (Jane Stanley) stating that Building 7 had collapsed, hilariously and ironically with Building 7 standing in the background behind her.

And of course the planes themselves and their fire wouldn't bring down the buildings, so they were rigged with explosives. 

Also, my discovery, they did mini-nukes in the basement for 2 reasons:
1) to make room for the buildings to fall into to avoid knocking down even more adjacent buildings
2) to shake and bake and make sure the whole mess came down. 

USGS took around 30 detailed samples all over the area, my expertise in radio-nuclides let me easily see that their testing showed levels of radionuclides that were hundreds of time more than naturally occurring.  AND that did not come from the granite stonework, it doesn't work that way, the radionuclides were from fresh fission, not from a granite like decay chain.

And they thought it important to also "attack the military" attack the pentagon, but they were fresh out of planes, so they used a cruise missile.

There fixed it for ya.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Zionists Own the US Media, Here Is a Perfect Summary

stock here.

We do not have freedom of speech, when 2% of the US Population, control 98% of all the "news"

We do not have right of pursuit of happiness, when 2% of the US population control the narratives that are driving people to despair, to the highest suicide rates in 50 years.

We need to break up Big Media.   And we need to sue them, we need to hack their inner communication and show that their coordinated efforts to cause dissatisfaction in life are a drime against humanity.

House Fire! Started by Steel Wool in the Trash

I ran across this website while researching Fire and Steel Wool.

That said, the caution to properly store steel wool should be obvious, not jumbled up with batteries in a junk drawer. I was cleaning shop and had galvanized fencing, scarp steel, aluminum and some copper, really jammed into the can using a sledge hammer. Of course I cleaned the abrasives cabinet and heavily rusted 0000 fine steel wool was in that whole mess too.

Rain or other liquid got in there, apparently made a battery from the dissimilar metals, lit off the steel wool. By the time that I smelt smoke, and discovered the source of the "smoke" smell, flames were leaping 20' up the side of my house. True story. Neither the Fire Chief or the Fire Inspector was able to determine any cause.

$40,000 damage.

Then my landscape guy came by, saw the fire damage, and asked what started it. I told him a trash fire but no one could figure out how it started. He being an avid, Appalachian Trail type of serious outdoors-man on multi day trips and he uses steel wool for fire starting even in wet conditions. So he asks....did you have any steel wool in there.....BINGO!

So now I store my steel wool in mason jars with gasketed steel lids, just standard canning supplies with wide mouth. Even if for some reason they would light off.....the lack of air supply would keep it to a non-event.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Excel Sheet With Links To The Top Travellers to Epstein Island

I hope you like this, it took a lot of effing work.

Download it here, improve it with more links, send it back

I have to add old Fergy in, Sarah Ferguson, posing with Eppy Butler.