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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Here is Something Even a Pro Nuke Troll Couldn't Say Anything Bad About

Chili, like spaghetti is always better the next day, so we made it yesterday, and will finish it at the fire pit by the final step, adding the cocoa and the Masa corn meal.

We used 8 pounds of chuck roast, 2 pounds of beef brisket, and 2 pounds of lamb
We varied the proportions of meats and peppers and came up with 2 batches of chili that are very flavorful and obviously different.  Here is what we started with.

First we cook a whole pack of bacon, and leave the grease to cook the meats and the onions and garlic

 The lamb is barbequed to give it more flavor
 Here are the dried vegetables being reconstituted in chicken broth and water, prior to being blended into a fine paste

 Here is the final batch of pepper blend being reconstituted, Habenero, Serrano, Jalapeno as the main ingredients, and a few pickled pepperoncini for more complexity.
This batch is kept separate from the chilis to allow people to spice it up to their preferred level. 

The Habanero/Serrano final blend spilt out a little and was immediately labeled an EPA superfund cleanup site.

 Lots of onions, garlic, and shallots (I added that one, off the recipe)

 Did I mention the bacon???!!!!

Really?    We used a nice Blue Moon Red Ale also

 Don’t forget the fresh brewed Arabica coffee

 Now the secret is out

 Dry spices being mixed together

 Love those dutch ovens, they can go right in the fire or right in the oven, this is the Chuck and Lamb chili, slow cooking at 190 for 7 hours or moreHandle with CARE!

And the beef brisket needs more time so we use a slow cooker

Its not even done yet, but has been proclaimed "Best Chili Ever"

This is authentic Texas Style Chili.    No tomatos, No beans.

Now we fire up the outside Fire Pit and finish it off over a tripod hanging the Dutch Ovens.    We add Masa (special corn meal to thicken it up) and Mexican Chocolate, and bake for another half hour.




Friday, March 27, 2015

Fukushima University Back Door Data Shows Surgeons Are Getting A Lot More Practice

@Jec, TIS, shaker1-
Since medical data from Fukushima University is unreliable, blogger 4_sea compiled data using a loophole: by looking up a website 'caloo' which surveys 'surgery success rates' (kind of like an 'Angie's list' for surgery) and pulling data of Fukushima University Hospital from there.
This compares 2011, 2012 & 2013 data- charts were created with 2011 numbers as the starting point 100%
(I've been translating what each chart is.. more than halway thru..)

bo bo
1.Malignant tumors of the thyroid
2.non-traumatic cranial hematoma
3.cataract , the lens disease
5.retinal detachment
6.Diabetic proliferative retinopathy
7.Macula, Bian of the posterior pole
10. Glass body disorders (? Jellyfish babies..?)
11.Disease of the choroid
12. neoplasm of the head & neck
13.Peritonsillar abscess , acute tonsillitis , acute pharyngitis laryngitis
14.Malignant tumor in the lungs
15. Pneumothorax

bo bo
16. Angina pectoris , chronic ischemic heart disease
17. irregular pulse
18.Valvular disease ( disease of heart valve)
19.Vein – lymphatic disease
20.Occlusive arterial disease
21. esophageal malignancies (including neck )
22. Malignant tumor in stomach
23. Malignant tumors of the small intestine & peritoneal malignancies
24. Malignant tumor of the large intestine (S -shaped colon from the ascending colon)
25. Malignant tumor of rectum anus ( anal from rectum · S -shaped colon )
26. Malignant tumor of the liver and intrahepatic bile duct (including the secondary tumors after remission )
27. Gallbladder , malignant tumor of the extrahepatic bile duct
28. pancreas , spleen tumors
29. Benign disease of the small intestine large intestine (including benign tumors )
30. Esophagus, stomach, duodenum, other intestinal inflammation (other benign disease)

bo bo
I couldn't figure out some of the medical terms.. let me know if any needs fixing..

bo that's great…but the list, is it giving a success rate from top being the lowest success (or highest) or something like that? Anyway, thank you. Sorry I'm so dense. :)

bo bo
Thanks for the question LC – the numbers only show how many 'procedures' were performed to fix these health problems at Fuku Univ.
The blogger figured, that's a good way to peek into how much health issues increased after 2011.

bo bo
For example the first chart says
The number there under the headline shows how many surgeries for malignant tumors of the thyroid were performed 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014
( Just this first chart includes 2014 number as well )

Oh OK…got it.

Trolls Continue to Plague ENENEWS As It Fights Against the Lies of the Nuclear Cartel

Jebus exposed one of the trolls.    The good news is that the good folks are getting better tech to expose the trolls.

The bad news is that the trolls are getting more advanced in their trickery.   This paid shills to promote the overall lie of nuclear and radiation are really disgusting creatures.   Sociopaths at best, psychopaths more likely.

A little lesson in deception…
<li class="comment byuser comment-author-aunavoz odd alt depth-2 clearfix" id="comment-650141">
<div id="div-comment-650141" class="clearfix comment-container">
<div class="comment-author vcard">
<img alt='' src='; class='avatar avatar-55 photo' height='55' width='55' /> <span class="authorname">t'ai</span>
Any questions?

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  • bowling
    t'ai is aunavoz. No wonder. What a scumbag. Paid shill. Great find Jebus. British say 3 decades to clean fukushima. Thats a lie too.

    Report comment

    • Jebus Jebus
      Yep, if you recall, I challenged his first posts as t'ai in the Vancouver Aquarium threads, a while back.
      I just wanted to see how far he would go and now I think that he is more understanding of his own plight in these times.
      I hope he carries that ball back to his own turf for enlightenment of others…

      Report comment

  • AirSepTech AirSepTech
    :) Thanks J, I'm sure others felt 'something amiss', I did.
    You did your homework well, I'm a klutz in that arena.
    Bravo ;)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Palisades Leak into ground water is 200 times the US legal radiation exposure for industries

Palisades, in Holland Michigan, right on Lake Mighigan (One of the Worst Nuke Plants) Run By Entergy (One of the Slummiest of the Slum Lords)

Palisades, as they are under review for a very dangerous brittle core material (see next article, is so compalcent that whilst they are under the microscope they still allow a massive leak to continue unabated for 9 days.

 The measurement in the ground water (not at the source of the leak, but far away at a well) was 481,000 Bq/M3

They reported the leak in pCi which is hard for most people to interpret. 

But Wolfram Alpha computational computer makes quick work of making this make sense.
and provides the massive radiation amount in blue above.

And this is tritium, with a long half life, in 25 years, 12.5% of this contamination will still be around, irradiated humans, animals, fish, plants.

They are so decrepit that it took them 9 days to stop the radiation leak into the ground water after they found it. 

They found a little dutch boy in  Holland Michigan who could have stopped the leak in 5 minutes, but he wasn't a card carrying nucleo-ape union member so the leak continued unabated for 9 freaking days. [that's funny, do you get it?]

Entergy needs to be suspended as a nuclear operator and their worst plants need to be shut down.

They have had 4 serious leaks in the last 4 years.

But don't worry it was only  13,000 pCi/L of what they found in the well.  

Palisades is already 2 years past its design life.    This is a Klunker that needs to be shut down.

It is a risk to the Great Lakes.   Dilution is not the solution.   

If you have the chance drive to this meeting and let them know what you think about Palisades.

A public meeting is 6 p.m. April 9 at the Beach Haven Event Center, 10420 M-140 in South Haven, where staff members from Entergy Nuclear Operations, the owner of Palisades, will meet with NRC officials to discuss the plant’s status.

More details here

And here is a lengthy report on incidence of cancers in Michigan

To estimate effective dose, a commenter at Ecowatch offered to help, lets see what happens.   He is a pro nuke commentor.

PacE, I measure radiation for a living. What do you want to know?
  • Use REM if you wish also.

  • OK the leak into ground water at Palisades is 481,000 Bq/M3, or 48.1 Bq/L. If a human drinks 8 L per day, and everyday drinks this radiated water, what is the first day dose,
    And then what is the equilibrium dose, acknowledging that the tritium doesn't remain in the body permanently. in mSv.
    How many days to get to equilibrium dose?
    Please answer any part of those you can.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Palisades and the Slumlord of Nuclear, Join Them On A Conference Call Regarding Complete Lies

From Beyond Nuclear.

Listen in to NRC hearing on embrittled reactor pressure vessel meltdown risks!
On Wed., March 25 from 10 A.M. to noon Eastern, Beyond Nuclear and allies will testify at NRC's Licensing Board, in opposition to any further weakening of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) safety standards. Entergy Nuclear has applied for multiple regulatory rollbacks at its 44-year-old Palisades atomic reactor in Michigan on the Great Lakes shore (see photo), which has the worst neutron radiation embrittled RPV in the U.S. Embrittlement risks a pressurized thermal shock (PTS) fracture of the RPV, which would lead to core meltdown, potential containment failure, and catastrophic release of hazardous radioactivity. Many other pressurized water reactors across the country also have serious embrittlement/PTS risks, as well. Any bad precedents set at Palisades would then be applied elsewhere. Please listen in to the hearing, to let NRC know it is being watched. The phone number for the listen-only line is 800-857-9645. The passcode is 9568305. If you want to listen in, NRC requires you to RSVP by Mon., March 23 by contacting Licensing Board law clerk, Mr. Sachin Desai, at 301-415-6523 or More

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Big Guns Being Turned Against the Relentless Lies and Dangers of Nuclear "Technology"

The nukeapes are so in love with their "precious" because it seems like a free lunch, and what ape wouldn't want a free banana?  

Here is a group who is presenting the anti-nuclear perspective in a fairly entertaining way.   Check it out.

WASHINGTON, March 4, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A week ahead of the fourth anniversary of the Fukushima reactor disaster, five leading organizations fighting for America's clean-energy future – Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Public Citizen, and the Sierra Club – are unveiling an interactive online video, "Our Epic Future: Create It With Clean Energy."
Available at, the entertaining, fact-filled video allows visitors to explore three scenarios in the "Epic Energy Labs" with very different future outcomes:  one dominated by fossil fuels, another in which nuclear power is the focus, and a third relying on renewable energy.
After viewing the video, visitors can get involved in clean energy campaigns of the five groups, including urging the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to put in place post-Fukushima safety measures at U.S. reactors and petitioning Congress to reinstate the Production Tax Credit support for the wind energy.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Evidence that Fukushima has Fuked The Planet

If the outcome of an event is infinitely negative, then no matter how small the risk, the expected value is infinitely negative.    Accepting an infinitely negative expected value is nothing short of reckless insanity

Example: destruction of humane genome is infinitely negative, there no amount of nuclear power can be allowed.

Example: Carrington event causes 150 nuclear plants to melt down, Acute toxic poisoning of the planet and elimination of almost all life within 5 years, therefore no amount of nuclear power can be allowed.

 stock out

From a poster at ENENEWS
The day I knew we were Fuku-ed
I knew we were FuKed
When I saw that plant blow
When I saw the purple mushroom leave the earth for the sky

I knew we were FuKed when in Colorado, The count
Was 1000 per minute

I knew we were FuKed
When in my garden there grew
A blinding yellow mold which appeared overnight

I knew we were FuKed when the flowers didn't bloom,
And all the bees flew away and died.

I knew we were FuKed when I looked in the eye
My family and friends and saw reflected there the lies
That the media had fed them, and now content they rejected
The simple truth that their truths had now died

I knew we were FuKed when naked and afraid
We turned our backs to the horrors our sciences made

I knew we were FuKed when for money, these slaves,
Hid from our faces that which may have saved
At least some remnent, some effigy, of the splendor that was, before
We came along, and FuKed it all up.

 And some great further research from Bo at ENENEWS, she has been talking to scientists and exposing some of the behind the scene facts.

It seems that many of the lying scientists do have a conflict of interest, in particular scholarships and other funding from IAEA, a nuclear promotion industry.