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Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Toxic Environment -- Some Place The Blame 100% on Capitalism

This is a topic I will revisit several times and beef up this page. 

Because things overall suck right now, people tend to blame all of the systems that are in place.    When in fact there is a very targeted approach by the powers that be, to "make everything suck", to make everyone hate each other, to create chaos and then pull power and wealth from that chaos.   To install a One World Government.

Many people and governments now recognize the above fact, and are fighting against it, as any freedom loving individual should.     Russia is one, it will be almost impossible to "turn" Russia.    Whilst western countries have been distracted and weakened, Russia has created a new level up of weaponry using nuclear propulsion and hypersonic "gliders" which nullify other countries abilities to stop and attack or to protect their own "assets".    Scary?   Maybe.    A sharp blow to the NWO ability to take Russia out militarily?   Yes.    A soft coup won't work on Russia.
The new Democratic talking points see to focus on giving free stuff away, especially to the indoctrinated Millenial class.

--------------------------------------------------------    Capitalism

4 Common Capitalism Myths Debunked

The term Marx coined stuck and has led to some confusion about why markets actually work.
 One of the most disappointing things I face as a college professor is the lack of understanding most students have regarding capitalism. The simple fact is, despite its importance to our daily lives, relatively few people have a strong grasp of what causes economic growth and why markets are so central to continuously rising standards of living.
In my teaching, I have encountered several myths or misperceptions about capitalism from students as well as individuals outside the classroom. Dispelling these myths has become a focus of much of my teaching.

Myth #1: Capitalism Was “Created”

One of the most pervasive misunderstandings about capitalism is the idea that it was created by someone. Some of this can be attributed to the language used to describe Adam Smith’s role in explaining the market process. The common reference to Smith as “the father of modern economics” can lead people to assume that he in some way created the market system. It is also not unreasonable to conclude that, since socialism is generally reliant on planning, many would assume that capitalism is as well.
Markets arise out of our human qualities.
However, as Friedrich Hayek explained, the market system is not really “created” as much as it is a system that evolves out of human interaction and discovery. Similar to language, the market economy was not created by a single individual or group but evolved over a long period based on the interactions of many people. The rules and institutions which support the market economy arose from these interactions. This notion of a spontaneous order emerging out of the individual actions of millions of people, and the discovery of rules and institutions that will facilitate the continual progress of this order, may be the most important aspect of capitalism. It succeeds because it arises out of humanity itself.
Unlike socialism, which attempts to impose rules and institutions regardless of their conformity to human nature or desires, markets arise out of our human qualities. And the rules and institutions that facilitate the ability of markets to perform are discovered as we discover ourselves and in the way we interact with one another.

Myth #2: Capitalism Creates Poverty

This may be the most pernicious of all the misunderstandings I encounter regarding markets. The idea that absent market capitalism would create greater shared wealth within society continues to permeate the thinking of a great deal of people. This is despite mounting evidence that, as markets are used by more and more countries, global poverty is steadily decreasing.
All developed countries have market-based economies.
Importantly, the evidence is clear that this decline in poverty has happened as countries have come to embrace market capitalism as the way forward – especially China and India. As other countries see the success of these two previously very poor countries and begin following their lead, we can expect to see poverty in the rest of the developing world significantly reduced as well. In the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith explained how markets, by continuously expanding the range of goods and services to an ever-increasing number of people, would produce what he called “universal opulence.” However, since Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels first launched their frontal assault on capitalism, many intellectuals, entertainers, and even politicians have embraced the idea that capitalism causes poverty, or at least prevents people from escaping it, and more disturbingly, that socialism leads to greater prosperity for the masses.
It’s not surprising, then, that these ideas filter down to the public-at-large. But this idea that capitalism leads to poverty for the masses while socialism leads to their prosperity is exactly opposite to all the evidence we have.
All developed countries have market-based economies. Those developing countries seeing the greatest growth have adopted market principles. Contrast this with countries that have fully adopted socialism, such as Venezuela or North Korea. It is troubling that incoming students do not understand this.

Myth #3: Capitalism Is about Capital

The underlying foundation of capitalism is human freedom.
The term “capitalism” was coined by Marx as a pejorative towards market-based economies. The term stuck and has led to some confusion about why markets actually work. As economic historian Deidre McCloskey has noted, people at all times have attempted to amass capital (land, resources, and money). But those collective attempts didn’t lead to the type of society-wide economic growth we have seen since 1800. The underlying foundation of capitalism is human freedom. As Adam Smith recognized, when individuals are permitted to pursue their self-interest through markets, they are amazingly good at finding ways of bettering not only themselves but society as well.
Equally important, as economist Joseph Schumpeter explained, out of this freedom arises a continuous process of improvement – what he called “creative destruction.” It is this constant innovation – discovering and bringing to market new products and services, finding ways of improving existing products and services, and finding more efficient ways to create these products and services – that truly drives economic growth and increases standards of living.
The fact is, while the accumulation of capital is a feature of a market economy, it’s certainly not exclusive to it. It is individual freedom and the innovation that arises from it that drives the engine of capitalism.

Myth #4: Capitalism Creates “Winners” and “Losers”

While it is true that some individuals and firms succeed while others do not in capitalism, this also is hardly an exclusive feature of markets. All economic systems have some individuals who succeed and others who fail in one form or another.
Over the long run, society in its entirety benefits as a result of markets. 
However, capitalism is different in this regard in two important ways. First, capitalism increases the number of “winners.” Unlike other systems, capitalism reduces the barriers to entry into market activity for larger numbers of individuals. The resulting competition provides greater opportunities for success (both great and small) than in any other system. Second, over the long run, society in its entirety benefits as a result of markets. This is because markets, as mentioned above, bring more goods and services within reach of more people than any other system.
Markets also produce products and services that improve our lives in ways that our ancestors could never have dreamed. Just consider all the things that exist today, that didn’t a mere thirty years ago. The simple fact is that today even the poorest modern Americans have more goods and services at their disposal than kings and queens did just two hundred years ago.
So, although individual firms may fail, and individual people may not gain great wealth, the fact is that, over the long-run, we all win by enjoying better living standards than previous generations.

We Need Better Education

If the United States is going to continue to see its economy grow and the living standards of its citizens improve, it is important that students are taught the basics of the economic system that has allowed them to experience Adam Smith’s “universal opulence.” Without this basic knowledge, they're easily led to believe the myths I’ve mentioned and to vote for politicians and policies that will ultimately undermine the very system that has made their lives significantly better than their ancestors, as well as better than most of their contemporaries across the globe.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Extroversion and NWO Authoritarianism Do Not Mix Well

I have to make this quick, but it is a salient point that I do not want to have slip away.

I have an unsual personality type.    ENTJ is the Briggs-Myers classification, it's pretty rare.    Among other things, I am an Extrovert who is totally comfortable with being 100% by myself, at least for periods of time.    Outside the Briggs-Myers classification system, another aspect is a high masculine energy, which needs to be swayed and complemented  by some feminine energy or degradation occurs.

Plus I changed my own well system last year, so I got so many points on my "man card" that I don't worry about wearing some bright Aloha shirt, even in the midwest.

On pre flight from Ohare to Honolulu, I wore a light green Aloha shirt with some yellow flowers on it.   Of thousands of people I saw, I was by far and above the most "extroverted" among both males and females.     90% of the people wore all dark colors, not even earth tones.     It was bland, it made me think Orwellian. 

Then at TSA, the Orwellian thing became even more intense.   They have automated the Plastic Tray system  so that "agents" don't even have to touch the trays or push them into the scanner.    It is like an assembly line, and the travelers are the "workers" with oversight by the TSA.   Also rather than clear cut printed directions which could easily be displayed and avoid confusion....the important instruction were just occasionally shouted out by a TSA "agent" who was often a classical minority or immigrant with some type of accent.     It was odd, and striking.

TSA overlords shouting out hard to understand commands, whilst the "workers" took actions to feed the machines. 

Also consider that our "elite" <eff I hate that word> overlords, the financial barron's that have ruled directly and indirectly for, really, centuries, have made sure that they have purchased the Entertainment industry and the Media. 

With the internet now reaching into it's fourth decade, there is 1.5 generations who grew up in that world.    The internet and near instant analytics via search engine topics, and social media allow the overlords to instantly analyze the effectiveness of their "messages".     This is perhaps the largest problem society faces.   And yet we can't extract ourselves from it.    Evil that you don't want to run away that is truly evil, like Amazon.

So this article on music trends caught by eye, submitted by Lot's Wife <web search that>.

A previous study covering 1980-2007 found that music lyrics have become more self-centered, with increased use of the words "me" and "I", fewer social words such as "we", and more anti-social ones such as "hate" and "kill".
This trend in lyrics are in tune with overall increases in loneliness, social isolation, and mental disorders across society.
The new study, based on a massive data trawl of 500,000 songs released in Britain between 1985 and 2015, found that as "happy" music declined, so did the popularity of songs sung by men.

stock here --- so one of the so called "happy songs" that won awards in Europe is called Toy.    Sung
by a really fat Israeli female.    Read the lyrics, they are extremely negative, women are wonderful and divine and men are stupid and should not even expect to touch women, but be ready to be taught by women.  

Too classic -- the NWO meme, also to divide men and women and to reduce love.
Ree, ouch, hey, hm, la Ree, ouch, hey, hm, la
Ree, ouch, hey, hm, la
Ree, ouch, hey, hm, la
Ree, ouch, hey, hm, la
Ree, ouch, hey, hm, la

[Verse 1]
Look at me, I’m a beautiful creature
I don’t care about your “modern time preachers”
Welcome boys, too much noise, I will teach ya
(Pam pam pa hoo, turram pam pa hoo)
Hey, I think you forgot how to play
My teddy bear’s running away
The Barbie got something to say, hey, hey, hey
Hey! My “Simon says” leave me alone
I’m taking my Pikachu home
You’re stupid just like your smartphone
Wonder Woman don’t you ever forget
You’re divine and he’s about to regret
He’s a bucka-mhm-buckbuckbuck-mhm boy
I’m not your bucka-mhm-buck-mhm-buck-mhm
I’m not your toy (Not your toy)
You stupid boy (Stupid boy)
I’ll take you down now, I’ll make you watch me
Dancing with my dolls on the motha-bucka beat
Not your toy (Cululoo, cululoo)
(Cululoo, cululoo)
[Verse 2]
A-a-a-Ani lo buba
Don’t you go and play with me, boy
A-a-a-Ani lo buba
Don’t you go and play, shake!
(Cululoo, cululoo) Wedding bells ringing
(Cululoo, cululoo) Money men bling-bling
I don’t care about your stefa, baby
(Pam pam pa hoo, turram pam pa hoo)
Wonder Woman don’t you ever forget
You’re divine and he’s about to regret
He’s a bucka-mhm-buckbuckbuck-mhm boy
I’m not your bucka-mhm-buck-mhm-buck-mhm
I’m not your toy (Not your toy)
You stupid boy (Stupid boy)
I’ll take you down now, I’ll make you watch me
Dancing with my dolls on the motha-bucka beat
I’ll t-t-t-take you now
W-w-w-with me now, boy
(I’m not your toy)
You stupid boy
I’ll take you down now, I’ll make you watch me
Dancing with my dolls on the motha-bucka beat
(I’m not your toy) Look at me, I’m a beautiful creature
(You stupid boy) I don’t care about your “modern time preacher”
(I’m not your toy) Not your toy, not your toy, not your toy, toy
I’m not your toy, not your toy, not your toy, toy
Artist says this, form your own opinion  -- is this man-bashing? Wrapped in a happy vibe? LOL

What does the song mean?

Netta herself says that the song is about: “The song has an important message — the awakening of female power and social justice, wrapped in a colorful, happy vibe.”
She has also said that lyrics behind the songs reference the Me Too movement.
She said: “I think the song is #MeToo, but it’s an empowerment song for everybody, and everybody can find themselves in it.”

Hawaii Mega-Tsunami 1000' Tall Is Possible -- Volcanic "Lubrication" of the Loose Flank Could Occur

Be prepared, not scared.   

First off let me say this.    NONE of the nuclear plants on the Fukushima coast have been restarted, but that does not lessen the risk because of all of the stored nuclear waste that has been gathered and bagged up.

Let's get clear on this out of the gate.    Prior to Fukushima, The lava lakes in the Kilauea area of the Big Island of Hawaii "drained".    Then a week later, the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan.

Last week, the Lava Lakes of Kilauea drained almost 1000'.

So if another Fukushima style Tsunami hits, all of the expensively gathered nuclear contaminated waste, mostly stored in high tech "garbage bags" will be swept into the ocean and the entire inventory of radiation will be released to the Pacific ocean.

If this waste gets swept into the ocean, I predict that the Pacific will be decimated for around 100 years.    As it is, it will probably take 30 years to recover the food chain.

3 generations with no Pacific food chain, could cause the mass die-offs to go beyond just the whales, get it????

There is another risk, even larger.    That being an island flank "slide off" is what I call it.   With
Tsunami's up to 1000 feet tall.

Geologists suggest that a Kileauea flank collapse is the next most likely to occur in Hawaii, that is the Big Island of "Hawaii" the youngest, and therefore the steepest of the islands.   

This video does a decent job of explaining it, although it states there have been 70 major slide offs in 20 million years.    I have studied Hawaiian Geology and it is widely accepted that Kauai made its first "stand" against the ocean about 4 million years ago, putting up massive dyke formations on the Napali coast, which are still totally visible today, and an awesome sight if you know what you are looking at.    I have pictures somewhere, probably on mainland now.    

Here is prior story on Hawaii lava lakes draining prior to to Fukushima

from Flying Cuttlefish, which ought to be on your daily "check it" list

Hawaii braces for worse lava flows from erupting volcano

“As a lava lake at Kilauea’s summit drains inside the volcano, magma is running underground. It could burst to the surface as large, fast-moving and intensely hot lava flows and produce higher levels of toxic gases, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientist-in-charge Tina Neal said.“

As events move faster than we can post them here’s

HVO Live Cams –

LIVE CAM (split screen view) –

CNN‘s Live Updates page

The USGS channel has science updates

KHON2 News has breaking news

Hawaii 27/7 has daily updates

Sunday, May 13, 2018

UH Dr. Dulai Presents on Pacific Ocean Radiation, Specifically Fukushima

stock here - Interesting video by Strontium Milks -- UH Researcher Breaks it down but still has much of the "party line" makes the mistake of the "Banana Comparison".    Still, it's an interesting discussion.

We are very possibly in a timeframe over the next several weeks of the release of several atomic bombs of radiation into the Pacific, much much less than Fukushima, but this will include much "fresher" radionuclides that have not half lifed away.    You should review your protocols for avoidance of uptake into your body, review this blog or contact me directly if  you need help.   Any people near the Korean Peninsula, Japan, in the Pacific, and USA and Canada should be especially concerned. 

North Korea, in an accelerated and perhaps even desperate attempt to look good in the world's eye, is going to blow up the tunnels that form the nuclear test site.   In all liklihood, this mountain was already "toast" in terms of further testing, so it is kind of a political play.  

LOL love the work Dutchsinse does on Earthquakes and Vulcanism (very interlinked)-- also funny how he grabbed my tag line "Be Prepared, Not Scared"

Stirring up radioactive dust, IMO "North Korea's nuclear test site to be destroyed within weeks" They are going to blow up tunnels in the mountain.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Federal Reserve -- It's not Part Of Government At All -- If You Didn't Know That, You Should Watch This Video

Funny, after blogging for 7 years, I did a title search and have never address the crime that is the Federal Reserve.

Nice succinct summary here

Hawaii Volcano Continues to Decimate -- How To Get Current News -- And Forebodes Threat of Another Fukushima Tsunami

Be prepared, not scared.   

First off let me say this.    NONE of the nuclear plants on the Fukushima coast have been restarted, but that does not lessen the risk because of all of the stored nuclear waste that has been gathered and bagged up.   

Let's get clear on this out of the gate.    Prior to Fukushima, The lava lakes in the Kilauea area of the Big Island of Hawaii "drained".    Then a week later, the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan.  

Last week, the Lava Lakes of Kilauea drained almost 1000'.  

So if another Fukushima style Tsunami hits, all of the expensively gathered nuclear contaminated waste, mostly stored in high tech "garbage bags" will be swept into the ocean and the entire inventory of radiation will be released to the Pacific ocean.

If this waste gets swept into the ocean, I predict that the Pacific will be decimated for around 100 years.    As it is, it will probably take 30 years to recover the food chain.

3 generations with no Pacific food chain, could cause the mass die-offs to go beyond just the whales, get it????

There is another risk, even larger.    That being an island flank "slide off" is what I call it.   With
Tsunami's up to 1000 feet tall.  

Geologists suggest that a Kileauea flank collapse is the next most likely to occur in Hawaii, that is the Big Island of "Hawaii" the youngest, and therefore the steepest of the islands.   

This video does a decent job of explaining it, although it states there have been 70 major slide offs in 20 million years.    I have studied Hawaiian Geology and it is widely accepted that Kauai made its first "stand" against the ocean about 4 million years ago, putting up massive dyke formations on the Napali coast, which are still totally visible today, and an awesome site if you know what you are looking at.    I have pictures somewhere, probably on mainland now.    

Here is prior story on Hawaii lava lakes draining prior to to Fukushima

from Flying Cuttlefish, which ought to be on your daily "check it" list

Hawaii braces for worse lava flows from erupting volcano

“As a lava lake at Kilauea’s summit drains inside the volcano, magma is running underground. It could burst to the surface as large, fast-moving and intensely hot lava flows and produce higher levels of toxic gases, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientist-in-charge Tina Neal said.“

As events move faster than we can post them here’s

HVO Live Cams –

LIVE CAM (split screen view) –

CNN‘s Live Updates page

The USGS channel has science updates

KHON2 News has breaking news

Hawaii 27/7 has daily updates

Friday, May 11, 2018

Stormy Times Coming to Those Who Disparage, Defame, or Blackmail Trump

This is draft and in the works, looks like Stormy Daniels lawyer skated out on $5M in employment taxes, after stripping the money from the Baristas that worked for his LLCs.

Note, all annotated notes in read are my own.

My research continues on whether Michael J. Avenatti is liable for those non-disputed non-paid taxes.    It looks like he used an LLC shell or holding corporation to shield another LLC of similar name.     It doesn't appear that there is any reason to set up such a structure, except to evade taxes, and if true, fraud has no statues of limitations, and could be used to pull back the LLC corporate veil that could provide some personal protection.

It may have been a totally legal "snake move", I can't tell at this point.

Another lawyer has filed a complaint to the State Bar of California, that could have Avenatti disbarred and that is HERE


The "holding company" is/was Global Baristas LLC and the operating company is/was Global Baristas US, LLC.

More research remains and I am getting ready for a huge trip, so no promises, I wish someone would pick up the ball and run with it.

The trial is twisted, just to sue the one LLC, you need to bounce through 3 other  "agents of service"
the final one that I found (with no link to information about them) is Vivian Imperial.    Interestingly in searching on Vivian Imperial they are the service agent for Solar City, which made millions off of crappy solar leases and then left clients with non-performing systems and no service.


It looks like the entities were started in Washington State.

My initial search started in California

Per this article from 2013, Avenatti was an attorney for Global Baristas LLC, which he also held ownership of via Global Baristas US LLC.    It's a curious setup for sure.

This also from Bloomberg, which has even more detailed information, including an employee who workd for Tully's Coffee for 9 years who stated that Avenatti was the only name on his paycheck for that whole duration.     Avenatti tries to distance himself from Global Basristas LLC which is the operating company which operated Tully's Coffee and has the 5 to 6 million dollar tax lien by the Feds from taking employment taxes from the baristas but not turning it over to the Feds.   

LOL I got into this search via a Twitter exchange and Dropbox exchange with Avenatti, now I see Zerohedge covers this pretty well, but I think they are missing the important entity and tax information that I am to pursue....

Ah here I found some nuggets....Avenatti is the Governing Person of Global Baristas, LLC

Interesting, for the first time in their history, Global Baristas, LLC was Delinquent in Filing their annual report and subject to dissolution.

Advanced search on Washington corporations can be found here.   Type in check box for Governor, and then Avenatti.   You can go to important business documents.

On March 6, 2019 
March 9, 2018 There was a statement of change, they don't provide it, and you need a Washington State business account to view it.  


Taxation of LLCs (especially when there are multiple LLCs can get complicated and Federal tax recovery, esp under a tax lien, may be limited to just the physical assets of the LLC, i..e the coffee machines, as the wealth has been plundered via other transfers). 

This Asian Barista thing also under the lawyer and family


I don't want to post porn pictures directly, but for the intrepid, here is BravoTube and a Bunch of Daniels porn.

Top Nuclear Firm In USA Confirms -- No New Nuclear Plants to Be Built in USA

Laughably they blame it on the plant's size and security.   Not on the extreme danger of the technology itself, and the never ending headache, and heartache cause by intentionally released radiation and the used fuel which is the most dangerous thing around.
Because of the plants' size and security needs, the costs become prohibitive.
He kind of links the success of renewable on the continued existence of the current nuclear plants.

If the existing nuclear units in the U.S. can continue to operate and the technology can be developed to store energy created by renewable resources, despite the current economic issues, "then we won't need" new nuclear units and "we won't build them because they'll be too expensive," he said.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Sarcasm -- Russia Did It -- The Facebook Ads

This is a little sloppy but I need to get work done between the rain storms.

Let;s cut to the chase now--- Mass Stream Media is running multiple day headlines on the "Russian Troll Farm That Swayed The Election"

In the worst case scenario, said troll farm bought $100,000 of "ads" on Facebook over a period of three years.   Many of these ads were never seen a single person, of those seen, only a handful clicked on the ads.

Alternatively, the globalists spent over 1 Billion USD on trying to install Hillary Clinton.  

Got it?   Really, that is about all you need to know

One of the source docs, you should read this, it shows the insanity of this whole Russia meme

I tried to download 3Q 2016 and it worked, the PDF often include the ad itself, but its a horrible shitty way to present "evidence" as paging through these is tedious.    I guess it is like #metoo complaints, the more there are, the more credible the overall claim is, NOT.  

But the links to Facebook.....none of them worked.    So even if the ads made sense in supporting a particular meme, they would be unverifiable.

I added some more screen

cap images at the bottom


NOTE-- The bastards probably spent $17M putting this list together, and they still provide it as a ZIP (executable file that could run any code on your computer) even though at most download speeds it might take just 10 seconds.    656 MB for one example

3500 ads on facebook showing that Russia "did it"

These are hilarious!  

    Lol, so Kremlin ads were more effective at targeting and convincing American voters than the entire domestic mainstream media supporting Hillary Clinton
    — GreekFire23 (@GreekFire23) May 10, 2018

It's a relief to finally get some confirmation that electing the most anti-establishment candidate in the history of American politics wasn't the American people's fault.


 This is not one of the ads, this is  money being used to attack the President of the USA

Cancer Fighting Foods better then Chemo and Radiation

stock here --- Amazingly, my diet consists of the highlighted ones in the list.


"25 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo & Radiation"

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) – Green Tea
6-Gingerol – Ginger
β-Carotene – Carrot, Leafy Greens
Baicalein – Chinese Skullcap
Curcumin – Turmeric
Cyclopamine – Corn Lilly [we do not suggest consuming this plant; this simply illustrates natural components exist that kill cancer stem cells]
Delphinidin – Blueberry, raspberrry
Flavonoids (Genistein) – Soy, red clover, coffee
Gossypol – Cottonseed [we do not suggest consuming this plant; this simply illustrates natural components exist that kill cancer stem cells]
Guggulsterone – Commiphora (myrrh tree)
Isothiocyanates – Cruciferous vegetables
Linalool – Mint
Lycopene – Grapefruit, tomato
Parthenolide – Feverfew
Perylill alcohol – Mint, cherry, lavender
Piperine – Black pepper
Placycodon saponin – Playycodon grandifloruim
Psoralidin – Psoralea corylilyfolia
Quercetin – Capers, onion
Resveratrol – Grapes, plums, berries
Salinomycin – Streptomyces albus
Silibinin – Milk Thistle
Ursolic acid – Thyme, basil, oregano
Vitamin D3 – Fish, egg yolk, beef, cod liver oil
Withaferin A – Withania somnifera (ashwaganda)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Michelle Obama Follows Just 15 "People" -- 4 Are Joe Biden, VP Biden, and Biden Foundation, and Pence

It is curious that Michelle Obama places such high "following" on the Joe.

Poor thing, had to live in that house built by slaves for 8 years.....

This would be a good Q topic.   Why the obsession with Biden? The girl in red is clearly uncomfortable with the Biden hand near her breast

Monday, May 7, 2018

Disappearing Lava Lakes in Hawaii, Foreshadows a Fukushima Style Tsunami, Happened 3-5-2011, Happening Now

In March 5 and 6 2011, less than a week before the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami that caused Fukushima, the Pu'u'o'o Crater which was filled with lava, was drained by magna movement.

Now, the Pu'u'o'o Crater and another Crater have been drained.

Hawaii recently had a 6.9 earthquake also.    Please note, no large earthquake in Hawaii, proceeded the Tohoku earthquake.

Are we subject to risk of another killer Tsunami in Japan?

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Greenpeace investigation shows Fukushima radiation risks to last into next century

Japanese people act somewhat obedient and in decorum, but in reality, they are not stupid and they actually will protest more than most Americans.

The Government’s policy to effectively force people to return by ending housing and other financial support is not working, with population return rates of 2.5% and 7% in Namie and Iitate respectively as of December 2017.

 Significantly more tables and charts are available on the detailed report.   I did not see any clear indications of isotopes mentioned, maybe I missed it.

UPDATE: The Page 9 references CS137 CS134 as being the only long term concern of isotopes released.    This is a shameful misunderstanding.    They were not testing for isotope types, just merely mentioning here that their Geigers were "calibrated" to the accepted toxicity of CS137.   This then takes CPM and turns it into a "dose".   This selection is VERY common and the default setting for all Geigers that I know of.    However, it misses the boat.   There are other much more dangerous isotopes, which have a much longer biological half life than CS137 (bio half life is like 80 days, much less with Prussian Blue as an antidote)

Total atmospheric releases from Fukushima are estimated to be between 5.6 and 8.1 times that of Chernobyl, according to the 2013 World Nuclear Industry Status we may stop calling it the “second worst” nuclear power disaster in history. 

What most people don’t yet grok is that radiation released at Fukushima is the equivalent of thousands of Hiroshima-sized bombs. Why the lack of interest in the ranking? It is economically and geo-politically disadvantageous to point fingers at Japan. Risk of loss buys silence. It’s a bargain that sustains the status quo at all costs. West coast obituaries provide one index of the accounting. In a sane world, the media would be discussing personal mitigation measures.


Friday, May 4, 2018

Innovating Health CEO Tipping the Establishment On It's Greedy Head, Found Dead at 28 YO

Health CEO and Biohacker Found Dead in Washington DC Facedown in Flotation Tank

He was 28 years old 

Reminds me of the female anti GMO activist going to DC to present a 200,000 signature petition, died in a pool the night before the presentation.   Mila de Mier.   



Founder of Autism Non-Profit Found Dead in Canal

 The future of activism?

And the current status of the coup on the American Government.