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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Citizen Scientist Discovers "Lost" Re-Booted Satelite -- NASA Befuddled but Happy!

“But who’s going to listen to some guy in his basement with a coil of copper wire on his roof?”

stock here-- indeed Citizen Scientists retain the ability to think and intuit.    Could this satellite have been rebooted by an Eclipse?

We’ve covered this before, and now here’s the backstory and timeline from NASA Goddard, it’s fun reading.

A Detailed Timeline of The IMAGE Mission Recovery
The Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration, or IMAGE, spacecraft was re-discovered in January 2018 after more than twelve years of silence. A powerhouse of magnetosphere and aurora research, the IMAGE mission was a key driver of studies of the Sun-Earth connection from its launch on March 25, 2000, until its last contact on Dec. 18, 2005.
Now a watchful citizen scientist, NASA, and a team of IMAGE scientists and engineers detected and received data from the spacecraft. Here’s how it happened.

Saturday, Jan. 20
1:39 AM EST:  Amateur astronomer Scott Tilley in Roberts Creek, British Columbia, using his home satellite detection rig, begins his nightly sky scan then goes to bed.

Here is one:

Some amazing things discovered or invented by amateurs:

  1. Gravity, laws of motion – Newton was a 23-yr old farm boy though he studied math at Cambridge U
  2. Lightning rod – Benjamin Franklin was a science hobbyist
  3. Combustion, conservation of mass – Lavoisier’s hobby was chemistry
  4. Planet Uranus – Hershel was a musician and amateur astronomer
  5. Group theory – Galois was a 19-yr old college student
  6. Conservation of energy (1st law of thermodynamics) – Joule was a brewer not a professional scientist
  7. Maxwell’s equations (in modern form), vector analysis – Heaviside was a self-taught mathematician
  8. Fundamentals of rocketry – Tsiolkovsky was a recluse who did scientific research in his home
    Airplane – Wright bros. were bicycle makers tinkering with flying machines
  9. Special theory of relativity, photoelectric effect – Einstein was a 26-yr old clerk but he had a degree in physics
  10. Continental drift (precursor to plate tectonics) – Wegener was a meteorologist dabbling in geology
  11. Electronic TV – conceptualized by 14-yr old Farnsworth, independently of other inventors
  12. Computer – Zuse was a civil engineer tinkering with computing machines in 1930s

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Cosmic Rays Are Affected By Solar Cycles -- And These Cycles are Correlated With Death in Humans

I will answer the question.   The problem of an huge population entering unhealthy old years, whilst there are no good jobs for millennial to “support” the old people, has been solved.    Enter 2 cycles of Grand Minimum, and we get disease, poor crop production, bad economics.   

Don’t be scared, be prepared.

Stock out.
From: Lot's Wife

Subject: Cosmic rays and mortality connected

Here’s a study showing positive correlation between mortality and global cosmic rays. See Table 1 by going to site. Note the significant differentials in mortality in those 75 years and above. Death is far more likely in aged people in periods of high cosmic ray exposure. 

With regard to exposure from Fukushima’s ongoing releases, we can assume they are additive to the Universe’s contributions. Who will answer if the combined exposures enhance our development or foreclose it?

Please advise

Long-term association between the intensity of cosmic rays and mortality rates in the city of Sao Paulo 

The Earth's atmosphere is constantly bombarded by a variety of sources of extra-terrestrial ionizing radiation, such as galactic cosmic rays (GCRs). Observations have shown that many large short-term increases in the GCR flux from nearby supernovae are strongly associated with the cooling of the Earth's climate and biodiversity crises over the past million yearsIt is well known that chronic exposure to GCRs at high altitudes is strongly associated with cancer, e.g. leukemia in aircraft crew and astronauts. Additionally, there is evidence connecting exposure to secondary background GCRs with increased occurrence of cancer, myocardial infarction, congenital anomalies, and mortality rates.
During epochs of solar minima (when CRII is high), there was a significant increase in the mean mortality rates (p < 0.05) for the diseases listed below (table 1). The correlation between CRII and all causes of death in women were significantly higher than in men and children, excluding perinatal mortality rates.
Table 1. Significant variance between periods of solar minima and solar maxima by standardized age ranges in Sao Paulo citya.
The collisions between primary GCRs and atmospheric gas molecules result in a cascade of chemical and physical reactions producing secondary cosmic rays, which penetrate the Earth's surface and underground layers. All of these processes result in atmospheric air ionization, which has been associated with atmospheric electricity, cloudiness, and climate, all affecting human health.

Human beings are continuously exposed to many kinds of environmental agents, e.g. radiation and air pollution, which can affect their behavior, health outcomes and lifespan. Historically, GCRs have posed a threat during Earth's mass extinctions where they are accompanied by high rates of mutations over geological time scalesExcept during catastrophic geological periods, regular 11 year and 22 year solar cycles modulate the penetration of GCRs, which does not usually vary much from one cycle to another. Nevertheless, the health impact of long-term exposure to local GCRs during regular solar cycles awaits clarification, while it may have been silently driving genetic evolution throughout human history on Earth.

Both direct and indirect effects of radiation trigger a series of biochemical signals with associated cascades of molecular events that may repair the damage or, if permanent physiological changes remain, lead to cellular death.
Juckett observed that human longevity and mortality by cancer exhibited regular and highly synchronous variations with the background fluxes of CR neutrons. He hypothesized that ancestral generations of a newborn child could have accumulated CR neutron-induced epigenetic markers, carrying an inappropriate epigenetic imprint characterized by a higher individual predisposition to cancer, when exposed to other environmental agents that cause genetic mutations. Moreover, the fetal brain reaches its maximum vulnerability between the eighth to fifteenth week after fertilization when exposed to low-level ionizing radiation. Indeed, hemopoietic stem cells of mammals are highly sensitive to exposure to low-level ionizing radiation, which induces cellular damage that particularly affects the hemopoietic cell renewal systems, impairing immunoinflammatory activity and other physiological functions.
Genetic mutations may be also induced by CRII in microorganisms spread out in the environment, temporarily re-introducing 'new' pathogens in the population and causing an increase in mortality from infectious diseases in periods of higher secondary GCR exposition. Host–parasite dynamics have a great potential to evolve and adapt to persistent unfavorable environmental conditions, reverting high mutation rates into an increase of their pathogenicity. One of the most interesting findings regarding this issue is that exposure to very low-dose ionizing radiation can prompt a survival response in bacterial cells when subsequently undergoing potentially lethal damage, acting as an adaptive dose. 
According to an original report by Parikka, low dose radiation treatment is able to reactivate latent tuberculosis in infected zebrafish. Moreover, cycles of re/emergent infectious diseases have been linked to the evolution of the human immune system, improving the host defense and decreasing their susceptibility to new episodes of infectious diseases. This mechanism could justify the normalization of infectious disease mortality rates in the subsequent regular peaks of CRII. 
Another hypothesis that may elucidate the association between GCRs and infectious disease mortality is the effects of GCRs on climatic variations, which may affect the incidence of infectious diseases. Climate change and infectious diseases have been strongly correlated, and these periods have been identified as the period when re/emergent microorganisms are reintroduced into societies. Moreover, the association between CRII and mortality rates may also be reflecting other primary or secondary processes, such as those related to GCRs and atmospheric aerosol dynamics and cloudiness, GCRs and the global electrical circuit e.g. Schumann resonance, and/or another unknown GCR mechanisms in the lower troposphere. 
The biosphere is indeed a proper region to convert GCRs into many active energy forms, such as electrical, chemical, mechanical, and thermal, which may affect human health through yet unknown mechanisms.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

MSM Downplays the Smoking Gun Memo Which Shows Clear Treason Within FBI / CIA and the Dem Party

Kudo's to Chelle Grant

This is organized crime.
Media is complicit.
[Dilley covered some information specific to the AZ Dist 8 Congressional race he's in.]
McCain has got major problems.
There's a reason he's not be in public in two months.
Five of the memos you won't ever get (raw intelligence), and you won't really need them.
The four you will get will be the breakdown of this whole mess. These will suffice.
Sedition = death penalty
RICO = life in prison
Which category is top tier?
Sedition -> hang time.
Sessions will talk to POTUS shortly.
Sessions can now unrecuse himself and kill Special Counsel and instruct Gowdy and NEP to start the ball rolling

Dilley Intel Drop, 2.2.18 PM, via Facebook PART 1
Image may contain: 1 person, text
FISA memo. MSM downplaying significance, trying to pretend one-off memo saying it only covers a small window of people.
Memo a product of nearly a million documents.
Memo a product of hundreds of hours of testimony.
Memo is smoking gun.
Unequivocally states that Comey, McCabe, Susan Rice, Yates, Priestap, etc., used the Steele fake dossier, planted in Yahoo news, they then took the dossier and the Yahoo article and took it to the FISA court.
The FISA court gave them the warrant to tap the phones of the Trump campaign.
This is not the full scale of it.
Not easy to get FISA warrant. Very difficult. Have to be a foreign actor doing intelligence, they think you're a spy, to get FISA warrant.
This means FBI conspired with Obama admin and HRC campaign to spy on US citizens who were running for office.
This is called a coup.
This is how you take over an entire country and usurp democratically elected government.
This is treason.
This is sedition.
This will get everyone who's on that thing hung, that's the penalty. No getting locked up for this.
You signed that thing, you signed your fate.
Obama had this information, he was complicit in this.
Don't let the media fool you.
This is one of many—there are more memos coming out.
Backed up by hundreds of hours of testimony, millions of pages of documents, black and white.
This is history you're seeing, the media is complicit and they know it.
The State Dept. has a memo coming out against them.
This one was the FBI/DOJ memo that showed they conspired.
You weaponize the Intelligence Community (IC) and your law enforcement community, the top, to fix an election.
This is something you would see in third world countries, not in the USA.
This is what you get shot for in front of a firing squad.
This is how you literally usurp 340 million people and the will of those people, and you plug in who you think should be the next president.
It's way worse than many of you guys probably realize.
Get the word out, intel coming in a moment you won't see ANYWHERE ELSE.
This is huge. Intel coming straight from the top (remember that when you're voting).
There are NINE TOTAL memos.
Believe only FOUR are going to get released.
Memo #5, a nuc about to drop on you guys, memo #5 states: "Obamas daily briefings [Top Secret], which he passed to Hillary, with daily intel updates on Trump's campaign via the wiretap." Along with other information.
This is called SEDITION.
This is what you would get hung for in the USA.
This is the highest level of crime that you can actually perpetrate, aside from treason, which Obama will have an opportunity to face those crimes as well.
Especially when you guys find out about the weapons and everything else.
But we'll stick to the topic at hand.
This dude was literally, illegally spied on as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States
They took that information that they were spying on him about.
And passed it to another candidate in that race.
Even if they believed their nonsensical lie that they thought President (Candidate) Trump was actually a Russian spy, well, that whole narrative goes out the window when the next memo comes out and shows they were passing information to that political candidates opponent.
Now you're done. Dead in the water.
Now you have broken so many laws that it's not even funny.
This is why Obama lawyered up, why McCabe lawyered up, why Comey lawyered up, they're all lawyering up.

Dilley Intel Drop, 2.2.18 PM, via Facebook PART 2
The content of the wiretap is amazing. Can only share this one portion, not cleared to do the rest yet.
Touches on people without clearance involved and being shown top secret intel.
They were passing along the most sensitive intelligence that you can receive in government and they were allowing average Joes with no security clearance to read it.
This other part is really bad. Cannot read it yet (aroused anger) but it will give you the most respect for the President of the United States.
Inspector General (IG) Report. Unbelievable, it's going to take a while, not confirmed when it will be released, but it's a shocker. Gallows being built. Uranium One section in Iran stuff is beyond comprehension. This is what source telling Dilley.
It goes back really far.
As said before, you will be facing/observing is going to be military tribunals for those at the top, because treason and sedition are punishable by death, and that is not to be tried in a normal, everyday courtroom.
That is to be tried in a military courtroom.
However, also mentioned 13,600 sealed indictments now, of which we don't know how many people that actually is.
There will be multiple RICO cases.
Why is that significant?
Fun fact about a RICO case: there is no statute of limitations.
So if you broke the law, part of organized crime, back in 1975, and the evidence is found in 2018, you're getting charged.
You can't out run a RICO case.
In a RICO case, you can be sentenced, maybe not to death, but life imprisonment.
We're going to have a really big RICO case. Probably two of the, maybe more.
This is organized crime.
Media is complicit.
[Dilley covered some information specific to the AZ Dist 8 Congressional race he's in.]
McCain has got major problems.
There's a reason he's not be in public in two months.
Five of the memos you won't ever get (raw intelligence), and you won't really need them.
The four you will get will be the breakdown of this whole mess. These will suffice.
Sedition = death penalty
RICO = life in prison
Which category is top tier?
Sedition -> hang time.
Sessions will talk to POTUS shortly.
Sessions can now unrecuse himself and kill Special Counsel and instruct Gowdy and NEP to start the ball rolling.
Storm is here, and it's beautiful.
Raw intel here, not broken down
Don't let anyone tell you that that memo that came out today wasn't significant. You've got to start paying attention.
There was a Freedom of Information Act release also on HRC emails which corroborate another portion of this memo that will be coming out which is that Hillary was getting Obama's daily briefings which is disgusting.
They have evidence that, not only did they weaponize the IC, they also weaponized the Judicial Branch. They weaponized judges, just so we're clear. And there's actual evidence.
That's way they (Dems/MSM/GOPe) ar trying to downplay this. They are freaking out.
This is how you end up with a banana republic.
Been saying for nine months, the only way to save this country is with law and order, restore law and order.
The rule of law must be established and respected or your country will fall apart.
[There was a Dilley Periscope that aired just prior to this that I didn't listen to, but I was told by a friend that this podcast covered it all.]