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Friday, December 22, 2017

Americans Dying Earlier, Peak Life, Similar to 1963 When Kennedy Was Murdered AND the "War On People"

American Life Span has decreased the last two years in a row.   The only other time that has happened was 1962, 1963 when Kennedy was exposing the secret societies trying to control the Government and Country.    In other words, one of the first "New World Order" control pushes in 1962/63 resulted in a back to back years of decrease of lifespan.    Similar to what is happening now.  

Although there is an "epidemic" of drug related deaths in USA that is still only 62,000 per year, compared to 2,700,000 overall deaths, so no, this is part of the "narrative" to pretend that it isn't about our toxic environment, it isn't about people coming to know how corrupt the government is, and the knowledge that the government is willing to throw you under the bus for their own agenda.   That doesn't sit well with people, in fact, it kills many people.

stock out.

BALTIMORE – “U.S. Lifespans Fall Again,” was the headline in The Wall Street Journal yesterday.

The accompanying reportage tells us that the average American now lives a month or two less than he did in 2015.
What to make of it? How could the greatest economy in history shorten its citizens’ lives? Where’s the payoff from Obamacare, miracle drugs, and medical science?
You can argue with economic growth figures… employment statistics… and inflation calculations. But lifespan? Isn’t this real news?
And if an economy is meant to give people what they want, isn’t declining life expectancy the ultimate failure?

The "War On People" consists of the Globalists trying to create division anywhere they can, to create
anger any how they can, to create entitlement thinking and hated of other groups that are "keeping them down", to create hatred and distrust between men and women.

‘Racist’ trees separating a black neighborhood from a golf course

Overcompensation is a predictable outcome of many course corrections - observe the number of travelers killed and maimed in auto accidents involving overcompensation. Usually, it’s related to loss of attention - realizing too late that your vector is out of bounds - followed by a reflexive effort to restore normal ops. In such cases, force and momentum tend of outweigh the vehicle’s grip on the road, traction is lost, sending it ass over tea kettle and someone to the ER.

In the same regard, some black folks in Palm Springs may have overshot their best intentions with a course correction. [Pun not intended.] Pull back on the zoom lens and it appears they are cutting off their noses to spite themselves. Using historical resentment, they are forcing a public golf course to rip out a tree line that marks its boundary and replace it with a net anchored to 20-ft-high poles. The net is intended to prevent golf balls from leaving the course while restoring the view shed. Hooking resentment to a line of trees and replacing it with netting is a pyrrhic victory. Privacy now afforded by the tree line will disappear. The loss may be reflected in property valuation. Removing the windbreak will alter the local groundscape: higher wind speeds; windblown debris likely caught in netting; less wildlife [rabbits/birds/lizards/bobcats]. 

In this case and so many others, loss of attention has cancelled opportunities to slow down and steer around. Loss of attention…say it slowly. Grok it.
In the sub-war, the war of the sexes, the absurd entertainment industry has scuttled a long standing Beauty contest, the Miss America contest.    I am sure they will also reflect this back at Donald Trump who ran the miss Universe  contest for quite a while.

They present this as "damning evidence".   

In May 2014, Haskell forwarded one of Haddad’s emails to a Miss America executive. In it, Haddad had referred to some former Miss Americas as a “pile of malcontents and has beens who blame the program for not getting them where they think they can go.”

 LOL it seems pretty sexist to take a stand that anyone even implying that a Miss Amerika could be less than perfect, and one calling a former Miss Amerika a "malcontent" is in fact a woman hating, misogynistic beast.         Seems  quite over the top to me.    

Huffpost is a voice piece of the Globalists, run by a woman no less.    And they use a gay Muslim from Iran to "pull together" this story.     Playing the "numbers games" again, the meme of "numbers of accusers" somehow gives credibility to so called "accusations".  

our constitution is based on free speech among other things.    

I would propose that a purchased media, which is promoting a narrative, which also happens to be very anti-American, is in fact violating our right to free speech.

And so the question has been brewing for a while, how do we stop these purchased "media" from outright propaganda that is damaging to the USA and all it's citizens.   

And indeed, this perspective should be considered.   

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The French are Crazy Basejumpers But Not Crazy Enough to Continue With Nuclear Power

 But the French aren't crazy enough to stick with nuclear.

PARIS (Reuters) - France will reduce the share of nuclear energy in its electricity mix “as soon as possible”, French junior environment minister Brune Poirson said on Tuesday, although she did not give a target date. come the French get ministers like this and we get Pelosi and Wasserman Shultz

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Fukushima Expose, Almost No Real Progress In Seven Years -- And a Narrative of Geo-Politics and It's Abuse

Nicely written Fukushima expose, 2 parts, very professional. Great link to send to people who would

be turned off by something too conspiracy looking.

Another site, someone left as a link at Nukepro. Purports to describe real international geo-politics outside of the Establishment Model / Narrative Gasser November 23, 2017 at 2:02 pm Obe, and whom else this may concern, try this for an ear infection, take ear wax from your good ear and insert it into the infected ear, this it will stop the infection because it has the proper default bacteria count needed to fight the infection restoring the proper Bacteria balance needed…believe it, it works, antibiotics will only screwup your whole Bacteria system in the long run. And all you sick ENEnews folks I have been reading about here, consider this logical fact; we as freewill choice humans have the power to choose ourselves healthy or be sickly…consider the simple placebo effect, if one is taking Herbs for ailments mostly caused by stress and anxiety (via "habitual" bad freewill choices of needless stress and worry wrecks havoc on the immune system) one can overcome their sickness from simply reversing bad thought patterns to habitual positive good thought patterns choosing to be happy and healthy. Gasser Gasser November 23, 2017 at 2:03 pm We are creatures of easily influenced habits that once established form life patterns, some are good most are bad. If one lets the commercial World completely take over the minds power of choice for their benefit such as; daily political fear news, stupid repetitious radio commercials, and childish music, talk radio shows and religion's fear, myth and superstitions etc. These common daily habits rob a person from projecting their true future freewill choices of want's, needs and desires to be happy healthy and prosperous by being able to quality think out of the commercial worlds box on their own. If someones fear says you can't do that, a week commercialized diluted mind will believe that bullshit. Turn off all that habitual brain washing crap and stand up for your true gift rights of "freewill choice" and believe with it with an open full throttle mind, after all "Smooth running healthy reality goes at the speed and quality of freewill choices" (my experienced quote) Gasser Gasser November 23, 2017 at 2:04 pm Stop habitually cheating yourself and letting others cheat you from being happy, healthy and inventive to hack through the entangled jungle of the confused minds of demented humans en$laving intension$…get real, achieve freedom to think on your own unique high quality value life living thoughts. Remember you are your own worst enemy, Tobacco, Alcohol, any kind drugs and fear, dilutes mind power quality leading to eventual sickness, poverty and early death. Cold Turkey is the only way to break bad peer pressure habits, once you stop the first bad habit you will achieve the mind power Domino effect to easily knock them all down…ask me how I know that shit now @ 76, med free, still strong and healthy, because I tell myself that i'm invincible everyday with full logical declaration confidence…mental placebo effect? you damn right…stick with it, it works. Gasser Gasser November 23, 2017 at 2:05 pm Ps> Now @ 76 yr'old, soon to be 77, I have sold my Hawaii property and heading to the USA to start a new life time adventure touring the States with an RV camper on a pickup truck with my trusty KTM off road motorcycle on the back to do some extreme off road gnarly racing events, plus kick back fishing, hiking, pan gold, and meet new folks of the same like. I've ridden about every bas ass lava flow, gnarly mud boged rain forest's and nasty rough 4WD roads around the Volcano's to the point it has become boring, so now I will be exploring/racing on the mainland in all new zones in all kinds of weather. The closer to no fear death I come, the more alive I feel, It's my default freedom freewill choices in real time fun action…yeehaw! Life is to short, don't waste it on bad life sucking dead end habits…have a great Thanksgiving…Aloha! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tired of the Establishment Narrative? Some philosophy from Gasser

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Massive Meteor Explodes Over Arctic -- Lights Up The Land Brighter Than Day

On the evening of Nov. 16th, aurora tour guide Tony Bateman of northern Finland was indoors, warming up between auroras, when his surroundings began to vibrate. "There was a huge bang and the cottage shook violently," he reports. "At first I thought it was an earthquake. Or maybe a tree fell on the cottage roof! […] And here is another recent meteor, but captured from the ISS Space Station

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Unusual Earthquakes, One of The Biggest EQ in Norweigan Sea Ever, Indian Triple Junction, California

Unusual Earthquakes, One of The Biggest EQ in Norwegian Sea Ever, Indian Triple Junction, California

This is unusual EQ behavior continuing prior weeks of odd earthquake events and recently a return to normalcy. But not Anymore. Advise to check emergency supplies and equipment. Stay topped off with gasoline, Propane, Firewood

Briggs Myers Personality Types -- Know Thyself

I did a few Myers Briggs personality tests. They were interesting. I found that the ones that gave repetitive results, were the ones that had a sliding scale of response, like 7 choices, instead of just 2.

My most likely category is ENTJ which is less than 1 in 50 people, the second most rare category.

Here is one with a "spectrum" response rather than a "binary" response (yes/no)

I didn't do this one, but it looks interesting 

ENTJ - "Field Marshall". The basic driving force and need is to lead. Tend to seek a position of responsibility and enjoys being an executive. 1.8% of total population.
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Monday, November 13, 2017

"Q" Presents a Large Spreadsheet Of Q&A on What Is Really Going On In The World

"Q" is an interesting phenomenon.    An entity that is trying to gently peel back the curtain and display the wizards pulling the handles.    For most people, the truth is too much to bear, so far away from their existing world view, from their comfort zone.     Think of all the people insisting on living in their "safe spaces".

Think of Sweden, migrant rape capital of the world, stating that "Sweden should be a safe space for everyone", and then removing crosses from Christian churches so as not to offend the Muslims that have been foisted upon their country.  

Think how far off that reality is, from the genuine machinations of the puppet masters.

from another author, his summary, he brought this one to my attention

Eruptive forces are building out of sight. If reports are true, at least there was some warning. “Q” is the code name of a deep insider, we are told, who is spilling state secrets in posts that entail a series of questions tied to bread crumbs. It’s a sort of one-handed Socratic Method, where Q's questions pose inferences which catalyze new ways of looking at the political and financial landscape. A landscape Q suggests will soon turn to Jell-O. Sensitives may do well to anticipate vertigo, disequilibrium, and presyncope.

I wonder if this "young lady" retreats to a safe space, after ripping off a working man

  This one is just for fun, but a common theme presents itself

Sunday, November 12, 2017

NWO Pummeling America -- Dividing Men and Women -- Allegations to Take Down Men -- Roy Moore

I am not defending Roy Moore here, because basically none of us really know what happened, in the case of said 14 YO Leigh (Picture at right supposedly at age of 14)

My take after quite a few hours of research?   He probably did take this girl on a few dates, and probably made an advance.    3 other girls in the story, all of legal age, said they never got beyond kissing, so he must have been quite a gentleman in that regard.   My other take is that he probably didn't know she was 14, she looks older than 14, and he didn't ask and she didn't tell.   She has had a chaotic life including being sued for not paying taxes for many years.  

So use this page as some perspective.   This story was created by Zionist Jeff Bezos' Washington Post,  per Leigh's mother, they kept pestering Leigh 6 times to get a story.

 Hannity (we spoke of him prior as being the next biggest target for the NWO to get rid of after they sacked Bill O'Reilly.) got himself in the rifle sights of the left, just by giving Moore some leeway to defend himself.   You be the Judge.

Age of consent used to be 10 or 12 almost everywhere in USA and elsewhere around 1900, Google it.

It should be obvious that 10 or 12 is "too low" but times change and the realty of "getting by" back in the day is something hard to picture.    One of those ways was early marriage.

Political correctness was harshly rewarded back then with things like starving or freezing.

There are a lot of statistics that blanket the web which promote the idea that the average age of "loss of virginity" is right around 18 YO for males and females.    In this context, an age of consent of 16 seems pretty normal.    But that statistic is misleading, it is similar to lie about "Average Life Expectancy" which I covered in an article.

You can see how almost half of people start having sex at 16 or before, with the average being skewed upwards by a significant group that doesn't have sex until mid 20's or later.

It's an interesting statistic, and from my take on internet, porn, and a focused effort to degrade American values, and of course, more broken homes, the trend is ever downward for "first sex".

But first what is up with these things:
1) As stories break, the people involved have their social media shutdown, purportedly to hinder the truth from coming out.
2) Why is WaPo owner Bezos a neighbor to Obama in their new 8.2M house?

The large text below goes to the story created by the WaPo.  

One Washington Post Story

Blue is my comments, Black is direct quotation from the WaPo article

But an analysis of how the "story" is presented shows clearly that there is a narrative that is being pushed, a narrative that is being created by the Globalists.

The big "news" would be 14 year old  Leigh Corfman.   Even in the article above, by the Washington Post, who created this story, who found all these females, even in the article, they dance around the issue of any sexual contact, insinuating as hard as possible, but not coming straight out and saying so.   Read it closely.   This is all lawyered up, so quite possibly they want to juice it as much as possible, while still making a slander or defamation suit harder to press.

Below is the "fluff filler".   For sure there is no illegal stuff occurring in any of the 3.  So the addition of these three makes the "narrative" clear cut.
Aside from Corfman, three other women interviewed by The Washington Post in recent weeks say Moore pursued them when they were between the ages of 16 and 18 and he was in his early 30s, episodes they say they found flattering at the time, but troubling as they got older. None of the three women say that Moore forced them into any sort of relationship or sexual contact.
Wendy Miller says she was.....16 when he asked her on dates, which her mother forbade.

hmmmm, so the first girl that the "article" presents to us, is the youngest.   But they never had any date.   Does it seem credible that he would ask her out, and i mean ask "her" in front of her Mom?   Any gentleman in that situation would clear up quickly any possible overriding objection, and would have asked the Mom if it was OK take take her daughter on a date, probably even when Wendy wasn't there.

so the "began asking her" implies that he got turned down at least 2 times and maybe multiple times in front of both the daughter and the Mom.   It's possible, but it sees kind of weird.    Anyway, the age of consent is and was 16 in Alabama, so I guess this is just "filler material" to set precedent that he liked young women.

The pictures below show Debbie Gibson, one of the so called "accusers".   She now campaigns for Moore's opponent in the Senate race that is open because Jeff Sessions left.

Debbie Wesson Gibson says she was 17 when Moore spoke to her high school civics class and asked
her out on the first of several dates that did not progress beyond kissing.

Gloria Thacker Deason says she was an 18-year-old cheerleader when Moore began taking her on
dates that included bottles of Mateus Rosé wine. The legal drinking age in Alabama was 19.

Neither Corfman nor any of the other women sought out The Post, LOL, indeed the Post spent a lot of money and time to find women who could have possibly had contact with Moore.

All were initially reluctant to speak publicly but chose to do so after multiple interviews 

Kind of funny, "after multiple interviews" kind of hard to imagine women in their 50's wanting to take time for multiple "interviews".    Were these phone calls?   Were some offers made to them?   What were they told that they would possibly want to change their mind about "speaking"? 

She remembers going inside and him giving her alcohol on this visit or the next, and that at some point she told him she was 14.

I don't think the above is likely.   A young girl, self admittedly  flattered by the attentions of an older man, is not likely to rock the boat, don't ask don't tell when it comes to age.   But of course, the Washington Post would need to establish that he was clearly informed about her age, to prevent the I didn't know she was under 16 defense. 

In Alabama, the statute of limitations for bringing felony charges involving sexual abuse of a minor in 1979 would have run out three years later, and the time frame for filing a civil complaint would have ended when the alleged victim turned 21, according to Child USA, a nonprofit research and advocacy group at the University of Pennsylvania.

Other political actors, Mnuchin of all people, have been going off half cocked.

Mnuchin on Roy Moore: ‘It Appears That There Is a Significant Issue Here That Needs to Be Addressed’

How disappointing, Mnuchin could have said something like:

We have seen a lot of dirty hits on good candidates over the years. That could be the case now, or it might not be.

However, the people of Alabama should take into consideration Judge Moore's 40 years of exceptional public service, service that won for him the love and respect of the people of Alabama.
And additionally they should consider the many, many times he has been the object of opposition research and consider if the timing of this allegation is suspicious.

Next the people of Alabama should consider the motives of the people who ran to the microphones to shout for the Judge to step down. Are they honest players or are they just trying to stampede the people of Alabama into voting for someone else.

Only after weighing all those considerations should the good people of Alabama make a decision.

Moore might be "guilty" but even if so, there are no crimes that he could be prosecuted for at the time.

If there is a silver lining to this -- it would be to point out the Republicans that are not really Republicans.    If Moore steps out, the dems win, its past deadline to run another person for Republicans
Four other Republican senators — John McCain of Arizona, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Steve Daines of Montana and Mike Lee of Utah — have unequivocally renounced Mr. Moore. 

Others, though they included the caveat (of if ti's true), seemed more inclined to jettison Mr. Moore. 

Jeff Flake of Arizona said Mr. Moore should step aside “if there is any shred of truth to the allegations,” and Susan Collins of Maine and Ben Sasse of Nebraska spoke similarly. Patrick J. Toomey of Pennsylvania and Tim Scott of South Carolina said they found the accusations more believable than Mr. Moore’s denials; Rob Portman of Ohio said he assumed they were true because the women making them were on the record. And Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said Mr. Moore “should be dealt with very severely” if he behaved as reported.
“Any person who believes these allegations are not that bad,” Mr. Graham told ABC’s affiliate in Columbia, S.C., “I don’t want them to be a part of the Republican Party.”

Here is a "new accuser" Tina Johnson, somehow wavering between "full on assault" to "he was flirting with me".    She leaves it open, although insinuates, that supposed act happened after he was married.

And another  "new accuser" 

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Finally, a Real Court Claim Against Clinton, Podesta, Iwan, Wasserman Schulz, Huma Abedin, Weiner

This is kind of amazing, I believe this filing to be by the George Webb of YouTube fame who has been sniffing down the "rat trails" of corruption.    It appears to a substantive legal claim requiring significant investment.

The name the defendants and describe wide ranging claims related to the "throwing" of the DNC nomination to Clinton, the breach of fiduciary responsibility, the data breaches and criminal acts of the Iwan brothers and more including fraudulent money movements and misuse of Federal property.   He ties in espionage and shady Uranium deals.

Webb Civil Filing Document

Friday, November 10, 2017

How Many Trees Needed to Offset the CO2 From 1 Human In A Year?

A commentator at BIN suggested that Industrial Hemp grows even faster than trees.    It is hard to compare a tree to a Hemp plant, but looks like the analysis could be done on a per acre basis.   But it's not quite the same because of the "farming" equation.     Trees will pretty much grow on their own.    Hemp would like be farmed and thus need at least fertilizer inputs, thus changing its product amount quite a bit but requiring much more input.  

Initial review though looks like Hemp, as a fast growing product that can be grown in high density, is a superior sequesteror.