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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Destruction of the "Elite" On Failed Attempt To Takeover the World

Much of the "Unity" of the Globalists, and "this pope" has been created in mutual assured blackmail.    And video of "Elite"  powerful having sex with kids is one of the most effective blackmails.    Because that will truly change the opinion of most of the most ardent followers.

I have left the Catholic church, long ago actually, I cannot be associated with them anymore in any way.

Rachel Chandler shall be become a common name, soon.   She has the "look" of someone who could
pull off the tasks.   She is a photographer (not that good actually, as I am a photographer, and yes I shall judge) and more.     Look at this still on the net "fashion" article from 2014.    Themes of sex with haunted detached females, sometimes androngenous, and thematic bondage and kidnapping.

And this one from 2013, Photographer, Rachel Chandler.    Does the image speak for itself?

You will sometimes see "Rachel Chandler Guinness"......she married the set director who was in charge of coming up with these creepy sets and poses.   Makes sense?  And bonus, as married, they can't be forced to testify against each other.

Pope Francis Accepts Resignation of Chilean Archbishop

Vatican City, Mar 23 (Prensa Latina) Pope Francis has accepted the resignation from the pastoral government of the archdiocese of Santiago de Chile of Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati, charged with allegedly concealing sexual abuses committed by Chilean priests, the Holy Sea reported on Saturday.


I thought this picture odd enough, until I researched it and found this is George Soros' son, red shoes
and all.   Apparently red shoes is an in your face display of sexual deviancy including pedophilia and worse.   

Source is here

Epstein and Prince Charles.    2019 remember the "we must believe victims" when the Globalists and
their minions staged a totally incredulous hit job against Judge Kavanaugh.   Well now the victims of Epstein (he did go to jail for 18 months --served 13 months, on a VERY shady plea deal), are filing suit again, saying their rights were violated.

Mueller Report And Reactions Of Globalist Media

Epiphany --

The Mueller Report will be loaded with our "closest allies" Intelligence Agencies, requests for non release of some information.   Leading to many redacted portions, and even some whole sections.   It will also probably be "necessary" to not flat out "indict" British and Australian and probably NZ intelligence as complicit in the attempted overthrow of the USA.

Then this will be spun to Trump is covering "it" up.

I am in good company for Twitter Suspension


Did you get the release date 322?   Direct link to the Skull and Bones society.

Also noted, 322 was the date that Twitter, without any response to 3 prior documented requests for restoring my account from a "locked" status.   Instead of responding to my protest, Twitter then terminated my account.

Expect Censorship reaching to absurd levels, as they have lost control of the narrative.

Backup your important information, blogs, websites, and do NOT trust anything on the "cloud".


Some of the talking heads are reacting with shock/disbelief.

Others are acting as if "we knew this was going to be a big nothing burger"

Kind of expected.  

Sanders is reacting by sucking up to the Globalists

Curious how the liberal meltdown seems to be spreading.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has always been a tool of the Globalists, a method of creating race war.    Now it comes out, a two-fer

1) Ripping off client money
2) Sexual misconduct on mutliple levels and times.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

NBC Breaking Story on HRC And Pedophilia Coverup

I appreciate the comments. Sadly, Google often throws me into a lurch in which I cannot comment on my own blog. Their search functions also suck. I wonder why this is? ------------------------------ Q is also putting out very specific information on high level sexual misconduct including Pedophilia, and maybe worse.   Worse?  

And NBC is talking about this?

Check your weapons and security systems, maintain your operational security, boost your supplies of 3 month necessities.    My spidey sense says that this long drawn out "declass" is about to hit the fan.

What would it take for people to change their view?   95% of people cannot change their view, if ever, but only when they reach a point of true disgust.  

What would it take to change the Glorified view of the Chosen Ones (HRC, Obama, Bill, and the Deep State and Establishment and Globalists, and the Hollywood "elite")

Exposing these leaders as sexual predators, pedophilliacs, occultists, and worse.   And why do they need that fetal tissue so badly?

Monday, March 18, 2019

HRC, 911, Ellen, A Man Who Threatened Trump's Life, and Largest Organ Trafficking Company -- All Tied Together

Are there really as many coincidences as their appear to be?
Q says there are no coincidences, I think that is an exxageration.

Hillary - A 9/11 Victim - Ellen - A Man Who Threatened Trump's Life - Largest Ambulance Company in USA // They ALL are Tied Together HERE (QRV)
submitted ago by 3102681?
Hold on to your hats Goats... this is some crazy shit !

Here is the video about the Perp >>
written version >>
Hillary Clinton gave the eulogy at the funeral for the mother of the recently arrested assassination suspect who threatened to kill Donald Trump at the inauguration and he sat 2 seats from Hillary at his mothers funeral. Crazy, huh?YouTube

The suspects mother was also a 9/11 victim and sat two seats from Muhammad Atta on Flight 11. That's another amazing coincidence!

Guess what, there is more.

First responders allegedly found the mother's wedding ring in the rubble, but 4 flight data recorders did not make it :(

( Note: The daughter was the victim of a hit and run assassination attempt in 2010 )

The daughter, Sonia Puopolo ( sister of the suspect ) created a charity and wrote a book about the miracle ring that was featured on 'Ellen' and made the author a nice little sum >>
In 2010, Let's Roll Forums completely blasted and debunked this Mother/Daughter/Ring story and exposed it for the LIE that it is. The Mother and Daughter SHARED THE SAME NAME ( can you say CIA cutout? ) and by the time you track down the Mothers 'true' identity, it looks FAKED. --- In fact, the IPTC data associated with the CNN tribute/obituary of the Mother PROVES that it was created 8 MONTHS before 9/11!!

Here are some photos of the Puopolo Family with the Clintons.

Lastly, the father of the suspect, Puopolo was the CEO of the largest ambulance company in the country, American Medical Response Inc 'organ trafficking' O_O . And what do you know? The company was based in Aurora, Colorado, home to the infamous mass killing at the Batman premier.

Boycott Advertisers of Biased Media -- An Easy Way to Email Blast 60 or 70 Supporters of Biased Media

stock here-- I posted on this before and recognize their new website.

I did a few email blasts, it can't hurt to get their attention.    But who knows, maybe advertisers prefer to advertise on the Fake News sites, because their viewership is more sheep like, more easily swayed. 

They are trying to get 1000 people to send out these emails, that would be around 80,000 emails.   Not world changing, but bringing Media Bias (the primary enemy of the people as least in term of implementation of the Globalist agenda).

It should also be clear, that when all of the rabbit trails of all the conspiracies (real conspiracies not just stupid talk) are followed to their end, they always end up at supreme government control, aka Communism and Socialism.

Cooper Nuclear At Flood Levels But It Refuses to Shut Down, Too Much Money to Lose!

stock here -- March 17

We saw this in Texas and Florida last year.    After a 12 year dearth of land falling hurricanes, we need to get ready to get back to average.

With cooling temperatures, they may not have as much energy, but there will still be disasterous outliers.   

Nuclear refuses to shut down, until the last minute, when it is most dangerous, and everything is still really hot.    Increasing melt down and Trillion dollar disaster risk.

The plant goes offline when levels on the Missouri River hit 45 feet. As of 10:15 a.m. Saturday, the river was at 45.64 feet in Brownville, according to the National Weather Service.
 Oh, but they "have their own gauge".    Oh, and per the story below, don't worry, they are "adding sand bags" to protect the nuclear plant.    Did I just read that, type that?

Even 2 days ago, they predicted a shutdown, and report that it is the Brownsville gauge that they use.    I question the skills and knowledge of the Nuke plant spokeseman, who also stated that they "pull the fuel rods", which is completely false.   Of course, this is after all, Washington Post.

The Cooper Nuclear Station uses water from the river to generate power, but workers will shut it down if the river reaches a gauge level of 45.5 feet (13.9 meters) in nearby Brownville. That river level means water is nearing the top of the levee that protects the plant.
The National Weather Service predicts the river will reach that level around 1 a.m. Saturday. If that happens, the fuel rods will be pulled so no heat is generated to make steam that drives the turbines, halting power generation at the plant, according to Nebraska Public Power District spokesman Mark Becker.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Censorship Of Alternative Media and Gun Control -- NZ Elite's Let No Troll Tragedy Go To Waste

We predicted the above "shit show" in this early article on the NZ Mass Murder

Does anyone else understand the sick irony of this Mosque in Christchurch?
Did y'all see the wide MSM coverage on 120 Christians murdered by Muslims in Nigeria in the last 3 weeks?

Note that as you watch the shit show ensue, with calls for gun control in NZ and the US (Australia is already toast)  and as you watch the call for control or censoring of "dangerous channels" like you watch this play out.....Note the above graphic showing 120 Christians slaughter in Nigeria since February, and Nigeria is just the 12th worst Christian persecuting country.
8chan is where much of "Q" is published.    Q is an enemy of the enemy, highly targeted now.  
Dozens of media attacks against Q.   If you don't know know, get to know Q.

So Forbes wants 8chan, and Q, eliminated because 8chan "was used to advertise the attack".      Forbes says nothing about Facebook, where the attack was supposedly livestreamed.   It probably was, but Big Censor was quickly effective at wiping the net of coverage.

So Facebook is the "big offender" and gets nothing but praise for its quick censorship efforts.   

Forbes is one of the worst offenders as enemy of the people.   In decades past, people thought of Forbes as a business minded, science and fact minded publication.   How far have they fallen!

Forbes got on my radar as a tool of evil when they heavily promoted Jim Conca, A total pimp for radiation overall, and the civilian nuclear energy debacle.   Search for Conca on this blog, you will find a dozen articles or more.

It is funny too, that an Australian didn't do an attack in Australia, I mean, logistically so much easier.

But that wouldn't advance the gun control narrative, because Australia already has Orwellian gun control.      

BUT WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO CENSOR THE SHOOTING VIDEO?    Meditate on that and let me know?

piratebay pretends to have a copy, but "that address isn't understood" apparently had one, but it's gone too 

Another anon post, gone 

from Forbes, they are promoting the idea that if you use the words "traitor" or "invader" that you will be researched by investigators.     Wow.

“While this may make it harder for investigators to discover, it will also make it harder for folks susceptible to radicalization to find,” Pugh told Forbes. “Discussion of ‘traitors,’ ‘invaders,’ and needing to do something ‘in real life,’ or ‘IRL,’ are the watchwords for investigators trying to find a particular needle, not in a haystack, but in a stack of needles," he added.
The "manifesto" apparently cannot be found on the internet either.   Big Censor has become very effective.   

Apparently, possessing the video is now in NZ grounds for 10 to 14 years in jail.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

A Summary Of The Attempted Coup Against the Citizens of the USA -- And The Fight Back

I saw this on VOAT, I will add to it, and find and place the links that they could not place on 8 chan or VOAT because of "whatever"

Comments appreciated

stock out

For those that like some Q Proofs, there are 130 here.....!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y

I added some material to the end.    It read like Conspiracy, but that doesn't mean there could be some nuggets in there.

A new video shows the Feinstein is well aware of Military Tribunals, and is worried whether they are "appropriate for an American Citizen".


“To bypass the mainstream media (e.g. MSNBC, CNN, NYT) and its controlled opposition (e.g. Infowars), the US executive is engaged in a direct dialogue with (select parts of) the public. If you want to understand why that is necessary, you need to do some research on the historical relationship between the media and the (hitherto out of control) intelligence services.

This is a war for credibility and legitimacy, with the battle now emerging from the shadows into the public eye. It doesn’t really matter what you think of Trump or his administration per se, because this is not “politics” as you’ve come to know it. There is de facto a military government in the USA right now running the show, fighting the “deep state” shadow government. It maintains a civilian facade for show, to avoid panic and societal meltdown. Don’t believe me?

There was a formal state of emergency hat was declared in December, with all the powers that entails, and remains in force:

Military tribunals are in preparation:

Vast assets seizures have taken place:

Sealed indictments are running at 30+ times the normal level. TEMOVED ABC NEWS DOT GO DOT COM LINK

Thousands of senior executives have resigned. REMOVED GOOGLE DOCS SOREADSJEET LINK

Abnormal numbers of politicians have not seeking reelection.

Watergate was a tiny blip compared to this. The anonymous team behind the Q identity is the new “Deep Throat”, and “anons” and “autists” are the new Woodwards and Bernsteins, spreading the anti-corruption message far and wide. The Internet disintermediates all traditional publishing platforms and media empires, bypassing their censorship and deceit. You reading this message is absolute proof that this novel public relations strategy works!

The key question is how you should respond to Q’s messages, as reasonable people may choose to differ in interpreting propaganda.

I believe that what Q is presenting us with is the end game of a process that has been in progress for decades. The assassination of JFK was a coup d’état initiated by “deep state” forces against the formal government. JFK was undoing the power of the private central banking cartel, and they moved to terminate him before he could complete the plan.

This is now the long-awaited counter-coup by American Patriots to re-establish the full original Republic. It is the “Second American Revolution”, whose goal is largely the same as the first one: freedom from unaccountable powers of aristocracy and transnational finance. Your Presidents should not all come from a small pool of privileged families. How can we be reasonably certain Q is the “real deal”? From well over 2000 “crumbs” dropped by Q, there are dozens and dozens (likely over 100) of “confirmations” that have been set up by the Administration.


Some are small and subtle (unlikely “coincidences” of spelling and timing of Q drops with Trump tweets), some enormous and unmissable (trailing the Korea agreement well in advance), and a few splendidly silly (like Q being challenged to put “tip top” into a Trump speech, and it happening!).
Those malevolent forces are now being uprooted, and justice is coming in an epic manner.

This is absolutely unprecedented in our lifetime, and natural skepticism is warranted. It is merely my best reading of the situation, meant as a gift to you of my insight and intellect. Should it transpire that I am merely another gullible fool with a keyboard, then I readily accept the reputation consequences.

If I have read the situation correctly, then many people will have their sense of reality seriously challenged by forthcoming events. Expect to find many heartbreaking betrayals, and horrific crimes by those in power whom you previously trusted, and of all affiliations. The Great Awakening is not going to be easy, and it is absolutely necessary, lest a system of tyranny and totalitarianism takes hold.


Friday, March 15, 2019

Thomas Wictor analyzes the NZ mass murder

Thomas Wictor used to put up great threads on Twitter.

He was banned. I am proud to also be Twitter banned.

I did protest the ban, 3 days ago, and have not heard anything from them.

But they keep asking me to voluntarily "remove the tweet". "We won't censor you, but we will force you to censor yourself"

His main point is that this is a form of social media trolling.

Noted: ZH had a  detailed article with lots of links.   Apparently all big social is forcing everyone to remove any of the manifesto, video, social media related to the shooter.   Seems odd.   I tried hard to find any of them, and came up empty handed.   

Seems like it is in the public interest to look at facts in order to form opinion or take actions.

It seems obvious that in order to spin the narratives, it is best to remove facts.

Note that as you watch the shit show ensue, with calls for gun control in NZ and the US (Australia is already toast)  and as you watch the call for control or censoring of "dangerous channels" like you watch this play out.....Note the above graphic showing 120 Christians slaughter in Nigeria since February, and Nigeria is just the 12th worst Christian persecuting country. 


Funny how the JWO owned MSM doesn't bring that at.  

I predict that Islam will use this as a "victim" card.   Indeed, they were victims in this case.   A NZ senator who stated tot he effect "today they were victims, usually they are the perpetrators" was heavily attacked and forced to renounce the statement.  

How do you feel about that?

 ------------------------------- -------------------------------

 Note around 4:40 CBC (Canadian Globalist media) tries to spin this as the killer being a fan of Trump, without touching upon his immediately following statements that shows a disdain for Trump policies.

I found the exact quote here:

On whether or not he is a supporter of US president Donald Trump, he wrote: "As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no."

MSM is spinning this as a "great replacement" (of whites) due to muslims out-breeding whites.

They pretend this is not about immigration, and illegal immigration.   But simply about "breeding habits". 

Find Humor in the Insanity?

Egads, this shit gets too damn confusing sometimes. No wonder the liberals are on the wrong side. It's just too confusing......

We have Adam Schiff who basically look just like strzok, the evil just exudes out of both of these fuckers...

So Schiff invites strzok to testify about how bad the orange man is before Congress, even though strzok was proven biased by mueller (one of the most corrupt to ever step foot in Washington) and removed from the investigation.. because strzok had an affair with Lisa page, (who happens to look a lot like hillaries best friend Huma) Lisa page is a FBI lawyer and strzok had texted her showing how much he hated Trump.

Lisa page is not to be confused with Carter page who is a former foreign policy advisor to trump, and a petroleum industry consultant, that just so happened to also get caught up in the illegal "Russian collusion" spying operation that appears to have been started by a president that may have been born in Kenya but claims to have been born in Hawaii, who is married to a sausage-pants lady named Michelle, that could be named Michael.

All this while Democrats cry that Russia was interfering in an election using a few Russian bots to influence who us citizens would vote for... All the while also pushing for making voting by illegal non citizens to be made legal.. so I suppose it's not okay for Russians to post to Facebook about us elections, but if Russians just walk across the southern border they can actually just vote in person in said election.

Add to that the new freshman Congress lady who has a name too long to say so everyone just calls AOC, who confuses everyone every times she speaks because of what she says makes not sense. (And also looks exactly like hillaries best friend Huma Abedins sister Heba Abedin) pushes for shutting down all flights and replacing them with trains and stopping cows from farting, a plan that will take decades all because we're going to die in 12 years.... All of this is because the followers of a lady named Hillary who sold 20 percent of USA uranium to Russia for personal profit wants to prove that Donald Trump's somehow colluded with the Russians.

There is more, but I'm getting confused just trying to explain why it's confusing so maybe I'll stop.
Anything you want to add?

Thursday, March 14, 2019

TEPCO Execs May Get 5 Years Jail For Negligence In Tsunami Preparedness

This would be a win.   It would be a signal.    These guys are old.    5 years in jail would "change
their lives", destroy their legacy, as it should be.   They should carry shame.   

We can and should blame GE, and the American Economic Hit Men that sold these "Mark 1" ya it's our first try at it, spread it far and wide.   

The decision to take down a mountain in order to avoid high head pumps to supply cooling water, created this scenario, this Trillion Dollar Eco Disaster.   That story is somewhere in this blog, and 10 minute search, through Blogger's horrific search feature, cannot find it, HERE and its a good one.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Quake Rocks Hawaii -- Same Setup As Last Year Mega Volcano Eruption

stock here

First lets look at last nights quake near "Volcano" thats the actual name of the area, not the name of a specific volcano or magma chamber.

Then lets look at May5, 2018, which was the trigger to a series of events that led to the largest volcanic event in 200 years, in Hawaii.

The Trigger set off the "Triad" the next evening.   The trigger was exactly where last nights EQ was, except last nights was bigger.

This is the initiation Triad that set off the 2018 Mega-Flow

Note how the Big Hits happen at night, and these just hours apart.

When the suns protective magnetic field is far away, the Galactic Cosmic Rays Nucleate the Magma.   These are Magma driven Quakes

Below is the 2018 Event Triad

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

How to clean house of corruption in Government in USA

I think that practicality is key.    Not Vengeance or hatred (use them to find energy, but then focus back on what works.) 

Take down the lower levels first, indicate, put a few through classic court, pick 3 for tribunals.    Have them rat out each other and their bosses, and give them great/good plea deals.   Some of the pleas are designed to be "great" ------great so their is a wide question of "what do I have to do to get the 'great deal'"

Declassify much information.

Set up the worst of the media under the auspices of the FCC as licenses, including social media. 
For those who just make up seditious stories, take their license and prosecute.

That will make the next level up think they will also "get good deals", and do it, extract confessions and evidence and give them good deals, but make sure to keep them out of power, FOREVER.

Simultaneously, Sue the Globalist mouthpiece funded media and social policy makers.   That is outlined at the bottom.    Prepare to prosecute under FARA Act, USC 611.   Or use USC 951, which is easier proof if the person an agent of a foreign government.    Classify the Globalists as a foreign government, and loop in the "Deep State" as part of the Globalist foreign government.    Again see bottom for more information.

Next level is right below the top.    Let them think that they too will get a good plea deal for excellent cooperation.     Work them hard, jail them for contempt even if it is made up, throw some in jail for a few days to few weeks, get them scared.    Get them to admit even more, the pedophilia, that satanic rituals, and if we ever get to the bottom of the fetal tissue thing...........and get them to throw the top bosses under the bus, get them to throw the financiers and lawyers under the bus.   Give one of them a good plea deal, and keep working over the others to extract even more red pills.     Now you have the evidence to hang the top levels, Obama, Hillary, Bill, Biden, McCain......take down all the contenders for president, find the dirt on Roberts and get rid of him too.   

Now develop the evidence to be iron clad, for all top level and one level down.     Now convict one of them of treason, and hang them in public.    Ask the others to come clean to avoid the same fate.    Get the low down on the Pope, find out who has the video of the Pope having sex with children, and get the video.    Red pill the masses with a clear cut presentation on the crimes against the USA, 25% may sway, 25% will never sway (get them on a list for possible future use).    Now rapidly wrap up all the "trials" using the Judicial system for cases that are iron clad, and try them with only the best judges, mostly federal judges so that no governors could provide pardons.

The rest that would have to be tried at State level, or that the cases are clear, but evidence is not perfect....try them under military tribunal, to make sure no California or New York state pardon could get them off the hook.     Capital punishment for 80% of them.      Harsh jail for the rest.    For the ones that earlier took plea agreements, probably new evidence was generated, go back to the ones that can be prosecuted outside of their original plea, and prosecute them too.  

The 20% that want to "be around" should have video confessions showing how "I just got looped into this thing, I thought I was doing a good empathic thing, relating to the oppressed, but not realizing that I was promoting the agenda  of interests contrary to the Sovereignty of the USA.  And Trump was so vulgar, that just set us off, it wasn't really our fault, but it was.

Have several of the 20% say the same thing but in different ways, the idea is to get through to the kind hearted people of the Left (co-opted Left), and get them to realize that even much more smarter and powerful people were fooled, to mitigate their own resistance to looking at reality.    

Sue the companies that have been promoting the Globalist Co-Opted Left narratives, get discovery on all their email.   Set up a few, have the NSA hack fully into them and "get everything" emails and texts and voice where possible.    Then let them turn over their discovery, and nail them to the FUCKING WALL.   Send their lawyers into jail too.   Now the rest of them will be much more loath to tried to destroy evidence

An 11 Point Strike Plan Against Pedophilia, Child Trafficking, and Worse

Adding this.    People are getting tired of a system that doesn't punish, or does too slowly, or too lightly, these abusive people in positions of authority.

We all know child trafficking networks are being taken down and there is ZERO MSN coverage.

Well... as it turns out, that's okay because what is coming is/are MOABS that can't be ignored. Let's look at the attack plan.

And there seems to be a push to legalize sex with children.    Check out the views of RBG for one, and by the way, where has she been of late, is she still voting and planking?    She started out as a feminist who did change some things that needed to be changed, but  the success, power, and privilige gained from that traction, went to her head, and she went off the deep end.    IMNSHO

Beyond the disgusting and vile nature of child rape and sacrifice is the massive use of pedophilia used in blackmail. Thousands of industry leaders (elites), congress... and on and on, are compromised and controlled. Honey traps were everywhere. This was an old Russian trick and very effective. But this is about to change.

Strike 1. Jeffrey Edward Epstein. Got caught but only got a slap on the wrist. Just like the R. Kelly drama, the victims of Epstein are re-mounting their attack. The people involved in the cover up and prosecution are going down with him. This treasure trove of elites who used his services will go down with him and it is the who's who in world politics, money and control.

More on Epstein and PizzaGate

Strike 2. Follow the White Rabbit.... Hugh Hefner. Hugh wasn't stupid. He filmed it all. Think all his friends only liked grown women? Think again. He had the largest collection of compromising videos of anyone on the planet (in CIA control). The list of people he compromised (and gave to the CIA) is unfathomable. This is about to come to light. Not only will it expose thousands of people of power but will also expose the CIA blackmail scheme. This brings down Hollywood, Politicians and most importantly it is the start of the public dismantling of the CIA along with their child trafficking enterprise.

Strike 3. All roads lead to the Vatican. The Vatican elite and establishment has always been the 300

ton pedophile elephant in the room.
These tentacles also reach deep into the powers running our world.... worldwide. Bribery, blackmail, payoffs and trafficking rings formerly immune to prosecution. This might be the biggest of them all. It is currently dismantling itself right in from of our eyes and it is only the tip of the iceberg. The Royals and UK are one of the first big dominos to fall with them.

Strike 4. The Clinton Foundation. This investigation goes all the way back to Bill Clinton's Governorship in Arkansas and will show all the same players involved in the first three strikes are involved in this one too. God only knows if "FrazzleDrip" will see the light of day. House of Cards.

Strike 5. Hollywood. Think Harvey Weinstein was a lone wolf? Adam Shit and the Standard Hotel. Victims blowing whistles. Children casting couch. No end to this nightmare. An Emperor with no clothes to join our elephant in the Vatican. The entire entertainment industry is about to be exposed. Their symbols will be their end... along with the paper trails and burial sites. I think we all saw this one coming.

Strike 6. NXIVM. Not the only club of its kind. There are many. All elites. All sick people. All about to be exposed. NXIVM hasn't been in the chatter of late. Why? Well it takes a long time to chase down all the misdeeds and collect the data to prosecute.  Canadian Trudeau was found to be protecting NXIVM.  The Justin Trudeau scandal in Canada may expose the vast political connections of this cult.
Cult Leader just today news is out, Child Porn.

This club (and off-shore clubs like it) will do more than bring down the house. It will take down the entire neighborhood(s). Massive reach. Sick. Coming soon to a theater near you.

Strike 7. Open Borders. The U.S. has become one of the largest markets for child trafficking. Demand is huge. Our Southern Border has purposefully been left open to make it easy. This will be shut down... but that is only the start. All the screams we heard fighting the Wall... complicit and participating. The reach of this fiasco and the real agents behind it all will destroy a lot of political lives and CIA players. Another whack to dismantle the CIA. This alone single-handedly cuts the major supply line.

Strike 8. Supply lines. Wars have been the fuel for orphans... captured, traded, bought and sold. Of course the war is profitable to many (all crooks) but the supply of children has been enormous. The biggest feeder network on the planet. Wonder why Trump is pulling troops, closing bases and ending wars? Well pedophilia networks with the Military Industrial Complex is being dismantled behind the scenes.

Strike 9. More supply lines. Planned Parenthood, Red Cross, Social Services (and more) have all been feeding the supply line of young children. Each of these have been under silent investigation for years. They too are about to be exposed and will cripple the supply line of children, body parts, adrenochrome and abuse. Houses... of Cards.

Strike 10.    The Michael Jackson "Leaving Neverland".    This guy may have been the king of Pop, but he was a pedophile and a drug addict.   Sorry, he is on my permanent shitlist.   Neverland, as in, this never happened to you, in Neverland you can just forget about everything....

Strike 11    PizzaGate: Start here

All connected. All a part of this disgusting industry.

These are just the TOP lists. Smaller operations are being publicized but the MOABs are these 9 strike points from which there will be NO ESCAPE.

A world wide snare to catch them all and end it once and for all. Pedophilia is the hardest red pill for the masses.

Their favorite stars, philanthropists, world leaders, admired public figures, religious icons, and popular elites will be exposed.

It will look like the world is coming to an end. It is our job (ANONS) to show that is only THEIR world that is coming to an end. OUR WORLD is ONLY just BEGINNING... without them. No wonder this plan has to be meticulously slow-rolled since it will run over powerful people in positions to put every roadblock imaginable to stop it... like the Trump witch hunt.
The Storm is here. The Pain is in sight. The Great Awakening is Happening.
