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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Massive Censorship Underway -- As Globalists Realize Their Plot Is Exposed and Failing

stock here -- The Propaganda is heating up.

For many of the young indoctrinated ones, the propaganda has been very effective.   They are "true
believers".    But many others see through the lies.

VOAT was shut down because they attacked some powerful forces.

But like the dying Bronto, thrashing as the ooze closes in oh him, the death throes can be quite deadly and dangerous.

VOAT is / was a great site.    They have come under denial of service attacks before and now they have been down ALL DAY.

Meanwhile, CONGRESS is passing a bill in which "meme sharer's" can be administratively fined up to $30,000 with no recourse.

Ya think that might have quite the chilling effect on sharing of anti-globalist memes?
But the reality is the CASE Act would significantly lower many of the legal hurdles that protect citizens from overzealous copyright lawyers in a variety of ways, from allowing claims for works that aren’t registered, to the ability to unmask alleged infringers without the same standards as federal courts, the power for the CCB to create its own rules, limited due process for claims below $5,000, and an “opt-out” approach that can be confusing for folks who can’t afford expensive lawyers.

The CASE Act also allows claimants to collect fines without showing actual harm from a copyright violation, and leaves those trapped in the system with little recourse.
“It’s true that federal litigation for small-dollar-value disputes generally isn’t practical. The federal courts impose costly, sometimes unnecessary burdens on nearly all who use them. But much of that expense comes from procedures that promote fairness, established and refined through years of use in all types of cases, not copyright infringement suits alone,” EFF reports.
“Creating a parallel track that allows copyright holders to dispense with those procedures as a privileged category of litigants just doesn’t make sense.”
“It lacks meaningful opt-in consent for all parties, structural safeguards against abuse, and legal accountability through a right of appeal. The bill would allow an unappealable tribunal to assign damages of up to $30,000, or nearly half the income of the average American household. A tribunal with that kind of punitive power must be accountable. The system envisioned by the CASE Act is not,” said Meredith Rose, counsel for Public Knowledge, a public interest nonprofit that promotes open internet.

“Moreover, we are deeply disturbed by the lack of process surrounding the consideration of this bill. The Senate Judiciary Committee passed the bill today without any hearings on its content, and without any opportunities for all stakeholders to voice their concerns. For any bill — let alone one that could drive the average American household into bankruptcy — this lack of transparency is inexcusable.”
The CASE Act is now awaiting a vote before the full Senate.
Methinks this Facebook "Settlement" will be spun by Facebook into policies that create more, not
less censorship.    If you post items that go against the narrative. Facebook will create a special policy for you to accept or not.   Of course, if you don't accept it, Facebook will have put you unilaterally into a "holding pattern", i.e. censored.

And rest assured, future censorship, once busted and proven, will be "explained" by the tech propagandists as just processed that are "automated" or part of an algorithm.

It is happening already.

A Google spokesperson said in a statement that Gabbard’s account suspension was a result of the
company’s automated systems.
“We have automated systems that flag unusual activity on all advertiser accounts — including large spending changes — in order to prevent fraud and protect our customers,” the Google spokesperson said in a statement to CNBC. “In this case, our system triggered a suspension and the account was reinstated shortly thereafter. We are proud to offer ad products that help campaigns connect directly with voters, and we do so without bias toward any party or political ideology.”
“Google’s discriminatory actions against my campaign are reflective of how dangerous their complete dominance over internet search is, and how the increasing dominance of big tech companies over our public discourse threatens our core American values,” Gabbard said in a blog post Thursday.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Electronic Leaks Will Enable Destruction of the Old Guard, The Criminal Elite -- 85 Gigabytes to Sort Through

stock here --

back from a whirlwind tour of Hawaii, even had some fun, did some snorkeling off Electric Beach, and huge stocking up at the "Swap Meet".   It was great, and a blur, and a full day of break neck work followed by flying all night.

So when I saw this article in Hawaii, I quick posted it without much review or comment.

SO WHAT IS THE CATCH?    Well, the "news" agencies that they appear to partner with, appear to be all assets of the Globalists.   And they will not publish their "leaked data", like Wikileaks does.   They will allow "journalists and anti-corruption officials" to submit keywords, and then they will do the searching and presentation of the results. 


Of the "Journalistic Sites" menitoned, CounterPunch leans quite left, whilst retaining some sanity to see that the NYT, Washington Post, and the Guardian, the 3 largest "global" news organizations, cannot be trusted. 




This London Firm Helps the Wealthy Hide Assets – or Steal Them. Luckily We Have 15 Years of Their Client Communications.

by Barrett Brown

The "Guardian" Says It Is Unethical To Have a Pet -- Sowing Discontent and Inneffective Lifestyles Is Their Goal

stock here I wrote before about an article that stated that Dog were "parasites"

The NWO goal is to sow discontent everywhere, to make people disatisfied, to encourage them into non-productive lifestyles. 

Their goal is to make everyones life as shitty as possible.

What should be the punishment for that?

At VOAT, commonly attended by Globalist shill, one called this article "shill Sliding".  

A response

Are you fucking stupid?    If you don't understand that this is an important point.   Part of the narrative.   Like flooding Europe with Muslims, the point is to make everything suck.   Its working, and it needs to be exposed at every level.    

Normies would be an anti-Dog article makes you think there is an evil empire that is trying create strife and discontent, and squash the people and Government of America which were previously too strong to control.....

No a normie would not allow that leap of logic.   But when you have 100 items like this and one stands back and says there is only one or two logical explanations for the absurdities of the "arguments presented", well, at least my hope is that the underlying plot can be fully exposed.    And then we can swing these fuckers from lamposts.  

Sorry, even the "innocent ones", the so called journalists that were fed the narrative from Bezos and boyz and told to write a story "exploring this concept".   Sorry, if you are so fucking stupid or desperate to follow those directions, I would be glad to see them removed from society also.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Devlin Barrett - a Traitor at the Wall Street Journal Then Hired By The Washington Post -- Devil's Details with Strzok and Lisa Page

stock here.

Research this name.   Then when he is indicted, we can force discovery of all the internal email of Washington Post, and show direction coming from Barrett's higher ups, maybe all the way to Jeff Bezos.

There a lot of stories on Barrett and he of course goes back into the Obama administration.

Kind of has that really wide, sociopath head shape.

 He started his career at the New York Post, which does do occasional real news, as he didn't last long there.

Popcorn anyone?   Enjoy the show, do some research.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Apollo 11 -- Was This a Simulation? The "Interview" News Conference Sure Was Interesting.

I was never a big fan of the "Moon landings were fake" meme. 

And I have been meaning to write this article for a long, long time.   Mandy gave me a help in that regard.

But I think the first moon landing was faked.   I think we were close, but I think USA needed to one up Russia and took extreme measures to do so.   Apollo 11 only.   Other landing were real, and it is well within our ability.

So last year, I watched this old news conference, and it was clear.....someone read these 3 astronauts the "riot act" before this interview.

Mandy Bombard covers this interview, using body language which she is great at.

Bankrupt the Midwest, Starve the Rest Of The Nation. Let No Flood Go To Waste -- Use It to Extract Power and Weaken the "Enemy" (US)

stock here.

I predicted a cold and brutal winter for much of the USA and was totally correct.   The "Quiet Sun" is
not rocket science.    I made these predictions far before NOAA totally stepped on their lack of any grounding in common sense and observation, in October last year when they predicted:

1) A warm winter
2) Not any single county in the USA being below average

Here is that article:

But after that Epic Gaff, the saga continues on into summer, with floods wiping out food production throughout the midwest.


Some have claimed that the midwest flooding is totally intentional.   Like the way that Russia rained out the Chernobyl radionuclides over the country side to avoid letting it get to Moscow.... Indeed, for the evil powers that be, I would put nothing past them.

stock here --- Lets cut to the punch lines:

1) Floods continue in many midwest states.    
2) These floods were horrible in spring, and many farmers did not plant their fields, many could not even drive into their fields.
3) Even many gardeners did not plant, as their soil was too wet, unworkable, unplantable.
4) MSM is ignoring this plight.    They want a weak "flyover country" to weaken the "Trump base".
5) Wisconsin is hard hit.   Corn is supposed to be "knee high by the fourth of July", unless of course it wasn't even planted at all.
6) Gas with ethanol (which is from corn), and that is all the gas in the USA, is going to be expensive soon.
7) Food is not just going to be expensive, it will also be "unavailable".   Kind of nice to have a few years of food already "canned" eh?
8) Trump is not focusing on this issue either.   It help the "trade war".    We don't have to worry about other countries not buying our food, since there is no food.   Their leverage over us is limited in this way.
9) It was already clear in spring that many farmers were going to rely on crop insurance, and not even going waste the money on trying to plant and hoping for the best (correct guess -- continued flooding would have made all the seed purchases and sowing, at WASTE)

Food shortages begin as canned vegetables start to run out at grocery stores across America


Not to brag, much, but ability to see past the lies of the entire power structure and their mouthpieces, the main 6 MSM owned by the same "club" useful.    Even last fall I was building 2 more raised planters that got a significant amount of crop production up and out of harms way.   I dropped other projects and hit the Micro Farm hard with 2 additional raised beds this spring, and in early July it was dry enough to plant the "ground level" in many areas.   

 I'll do a full post on the Micro Farm probably in mid-August.   It's project year, its time to prepare.


Real Cool Bernie......higher wages so that your minions can try to buy what doesn't exist.    As workers are replaced with robots....the perfect storm for dependency.  



Thursday, July 18, 2019

Daily Chemtrail Forecast -- Morales

hat tip Brook Chandler (no relation to the infamous Rachel Chandler)

Daily Weather Chemtrail Forecast by Mike Morales – Above Ground World News


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Google Covering Up Ritual Sacrifice Court On Epsteins Island

It gets odder and odder, the court used to look quite different, squared into four segments with a white
square in the middle.

This is similar to some structures at Vatican City, well hidden beyond its tall fortress walls.    I will put picture of that at far bottom.

Q references this type of structure also.

And additional pictures from a flyover in July 2019 show lots of odd circles patterned.

This is the size of the court, it is far smaller than the reported Mayan game of Pok-ta-Pok which is reported to have been played with one side receiving death.

At least the Google coverup used a proper sized Tennis Court dimensions!

Sacrifice Court shown clearly in this July drone flyover

And Epsteins "investments" in science

Per Cuttlefish blogger...... I find this video to be very important (after 9:20 min. mark) - about this island and the design influence of the "temple". ... and it also is telling how smart this man is ... not in high degrees etc. but in plain common sense. In modern society we waste this type of brain-power. ----------------------------------------------------

Secret Entrance to Epstein Island -- For Valuable "Goods" That Can't Delivered On Same Helo's or Boats at the "Guests" aka Parasites on Society

Monday, July 15, 2019

Google Covering For Epstein -- Showing a Tennis Court Instead of the Human Sacrifice Heiau

stock stock here.    
Lets cut to the punchline

I compare the Epstein structure to a very famous Human Sacrifice mound on Oahu, Puu O Mahuka

I saw this in two places, first I saw the tennis court.   Seems odd to place a tennis court so far away from the living areas, far away from water or other resources.    No bit of shade on that tennis court.

I put a few more images of this Human Sacrifice Ceremony site at bottom.   And the drone flyover at the far bottom

As well as a Q post speaking on this.

Here is a Google link to see the "Tennis Court"'52.0%22N+64%C2%B049'20.5%22W/@18.299489,-64.8274723,250m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x8c051168d7542dc5:0x110473b6198e7717!2sLittle+Saint+James!3b1!8m2!3d18.300278!4d-64.825556!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d18.2977874!4d-64.8223651

And while we expose this debauchery, Clinton is now in USVI to speak about "climate:, LOL I meanto run interference for Epstein, to bribe the local officials to keep Droners away from that island, etc.

Then I saw a rougher terrain with a high mounded exterior, where I thought the tennis courts could be......   And I immediately thought of a favorite Heiau on Oahu, Puu O Mahuka.     One translation is "Hill of Escape".   Decades ago, I took a girl on a date there, we walked around the whole place.   I felt an energy.    This picture does not show the Heiau well, there is an obvious platform / ceremony area on the far left side, the higher side.

I knew in my gut right then, right there, that they did human sacrifices there.     The next day I talked to my date and she said that 3 spirits had followed her home from the Heiau, and they came to her in her dreams, she could not wake up, they held her down and talked into her ear.

Why the high mounding?   So that proceedings wouldn't be seen by passing boats or the other nearby islands.    What do you think Epstein and ilk did there?

And why is Google, still today, pretending that is a tennis court?   Look at the end fence angles?   It sure is odd.

I think this is their original ceremony ground.    It was too open and they were already attracting
attention.   So they built the new killing field, with high mounded walls

This old area is right next to "the temple".

Note the "bar the door" on  the outside of the doors.....not at all suspicious.   UNTIL you realize this is a paint on door, made to look 3D, created so that those who comment on it, can be made to look like crazy conspiracists.......

An anon did some research and guess work. ----------------------- Amazing Polly
Where do roads lead?
Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west.
Table 29.
D-Room H
D-Room R
D-Room C
Pure EVIL.

Epstein -- Plethora of Great Fly Over Drone Videos -- Great for a Deep Dive

stock here

More and more Drone videos.   Eventually, Epstein will direct his workers to shoot them down with
shotguns.   But lets collect some evidence while we can.

And archive these to bitchute, get away from YouTube

Note the bolts on the outside of the left door.   And the scratch marks on the painted slab, as if forklifting heavy things in and out.

The second "door" showing limited traffic, I think is purely a ventilation door.     Lots of ventilation for what underground??  

Could just be for gensets, or could have a more nefarious underground use.

And don't miss the connections between Epstein and Victoria's Secret.    Who better to marginalize than women with great bodies who don't mind posing 90% naked, and like "easy money".

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Rot In Congress -- Mutual Assured Blackmail Posing as Tribalism

hat tip Lot's Wife

Mainstream journalism is complicit in shielding Americans from reality

The doors of Congress are breached as easily as the southern border. Alaska’s US House representative, Don Young, is MIA. His horses left the barn years ago. Most of his colleagues are equally infirm or compromised. The State of Alaska is threatened with financial exigency by a farm team headed by a new governor and his billionaire owners. Gas and oil extraction w/ minimal environmental protection and no political opposition is the planned outcome. Potentates in China, Singapore, Malaysia, Russia, India, and Saudi Arabia watch the chaos as they plan their next moves. Scores of whales are rotting on Alaska and BC coasts, likely less than 10 percent of the total die-off. Industrial pollutants have closed domestic water wells across Alaska. Most of us see little concern, only power outages disturb the electronic soma, aka television and Facebook. The loss of personal autonomy in the face of massive wrongdoing is stunning. If this attitude held sway on the Titanic, there would have been no survivors

Saturday, July 13, 2019

ZH Now Promoting for the Nuclear Cartel, Google Disappearing Early Fukushima Coverage

I broke the "Fukushima Story" on my blog, but also on Zero Hedge, days after the tsunami in which disinformation and no information were everywhere.  

I needed to assess the situation.     I had family in Japan and I lived in Hawaii.   This was important and I got up to speed quickly, quickly enough to know to stay out of the rain.

It was a great article, it showed pictures depicting totally destroyed steaming hulks of mess, which
the media were still referring to as "Reactor Buildings".   I looked for this article.....

Google has disappeared all articles from 2011!!!!!!!    They destroyed the early coverage of Fukushima.

Funny that Oak Ridge shows up today as "Loose Nuke"

---------------------------------------------  So now ZH pimping for nuke.

This article completely ignores the reality.   Plants sitting unused for 8 years are impracticle to restart, they are already pushing 50 years old, and sitting around is not good for machines of any kind.   So restarting any of them will be prone to nig problems.

And buying "new nuke" is absurd, the prices are now like $65B with interest carrying cost during construction.

Marc Rich, A Lynch Pin of Rat Trails -- Get That Name On Your Radar and Spell It Right, Anons, Involved Epstein and Uranium 1

Marc Rich

Get that name on your radar.

He died in 2013, pulling strings until the end.   His name is still relevant though, and the rat trails left behind.

Of course, he is Jewish.    Of course he had a sordid history with manipulated legal proceedings.
This is a long read, and a re-hash of much of what I know, scroll halfway down to Part 2, to get to the Richness.

The article is from David Duke, I hardly knew the name, seems he is associated with white
supremacy and such.   Oh well, risky to link an article, but other character defects do not take away from the veracity of this article, which was actually written by Andrew Joyce (no idea who he is).

And good ol' George Webb, finally getting some airplay on ZH....dives in.   Marc Rich is there.

Here is a "more neutral" source.

Bill Clinton pardoned this money launderer.

His wife with "the clan".     He got a nasty divorce from his first wife, she was out to get his money and into as much trouble as she could make.   Funny how she didn't self inflict 17 nail gun shots to the head, I guess ol' Billy boy and HRC were still perfecting their methods in the early 1980's

--------------------------------------------- Mossad Epstein connections

A reader submitted this treasure trove of research on Marc Rich, showing us how deep the rabbit hole goes.....

And Skolnick's overall page.     He has reportedly passed on and apfn is archiving his work.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Dead Woman Stuffed Down Trash Chute At Weiner's and Huma's Apartment -- A Warning to Both

This was always an odd story.

There is a connection between the dead woman, her husband a Big PHarma Soros connection.

Clearly, it was to kill 2 birds with one stone.

Literally to kill one bird, who knew too much about her husbands dealing with Big Pharma, and the destruction of American society via opiods (and we know Soros has self proclaimed to be proud to be the destroyer of America).

And a warning to Weiner, who knows too much about Huma's real story.   No one falls into a trash chute like this on accident.


ZH -- Finally, Not that ZH is Mainstream, BUT Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

stock here.

I have been saying this since 2006

Finally a large media source, ZH, publishes stuff on GCR's causing cloud nucleation causing cooling. 

Sheesh!!!!!  FINALLY!

“You think man can destroy the planet? What intoxicating vanity. Let me tell you about our planet. Earth is four-and-a-half-billion-years-old. There's been life on it for nearly that long, 3.8 billion years. Bacteria first; later the first multicellular life, then the first complex creatures in the sea, on the land. Then finally the great sweeping ages of animals, the amphibians, the dinosaurs, at last the mammals, each one enduring millions on millions of years, great dynasties of creatures rising, flourishing, dying away -- all this against a background of continuous and violent upheaval. Mountain ranges thrust up, eroded away, cometary impacts, volcano eruptions, oceans rising and falling, whole continents moving, an endless, constant, violent change, colliding, buckling to make mountains over millions of years. Earth has survived everything in its time. It will certainly survive us. If all the nuclear weapons in the world went off at once and all the plants, all the animals died and the earth was sizzling hot for a hundred thousand years, life would survive, somewhere: under the soil, frozen in Arctic ice. Sooner or later, when the planet was no longer inhospitable, life would spread again. The evolutionary process would begin again. It might take a few billion years for life to regain its present variety. Of course, it would be very different from what it is now, but the earth would survive our folly, only we would not. If the ozone layer gets thinner, ultraviolet radiation sears the earth, so what? Ultraviolet radiation is good for life. It's powerful energy. It promotes mutation, change. Many forms of life will thrive with more UV radiation. Many others will die out. Do you think this is the first time that's happened? Think about oxygen. Necessary for life now, but oxygen is actually a metabolic poison, a corrosive gas, like fluorine. When oxygen was first produced as a waste product by certain plant cells some three billion years ago, it created a crisis for all other life on earth. Those plants were polluting the environment, exhaling a lethal gas. Earth eventually had an atmosphere incompatible with life. Nevertheless, life on earth took care of itself. In the thinking of the human being a hundred years is a long time. A hundred years ago we didn't have cars, airplanes, computers or vaccines. It was a whole different world, but to the earth, a hundred years is nothing. A million years is nothing. This planet lives and breathes on a much vaster scale. We can't imagine its slow and powerful rhythms, and we haven't got the humility to try. We've been residents here for the blink of an eye. If we're gone tomorrow, the earth will not miss us.”

Great Thought Experiment -- The Epstein Matter IS NOT Just about Sex or Sex Trafficking -- READ THIS

Prince Andrew, the "T&A Guy"
stock here -- this diatribe below is a bit profane, but then again, some words pale in comparison to the
deeds of some of Satanists.

But it is also curious that the only charges against Epstein are from early 2000 zone.   Makes me think that he will rat out a few older "clients", and then get immunity for all the nefarious deeds done for the Globalists Bush and Obama crew

Those guilty of true evil, would be over joyed to have their accusation JUST be "sex crimes". 

This idea is "going mainstream" at least among those who are truly woke.    See VOAT

But also keep in mind.   There have been no stories about warranted raids of Epstein's New Mexico place, or his infamous Island and the secret steel safe.   It seems that the good guys are "soft peddling" this arrest and investigation.    



Read the whole diatribe
There's more here.
You think this is mostly about sex?  This is mostly about rape, and******of children at that. ******of those who cannot effectively fight back; they're young, they're girls, they're physically incapable of preventing the assault and they're scared out of their minds.


A lot more for sure and it leads to a lot of speculation.

The whole "wealth management" thing reminds me of a state intelligence "map shop" store front for nefarious activities.

Go to a mysterious office in the day and claim you are helping to build wealth - an operation in itself that would have very low public visibility. Then return to your jail cell at night.

So who exactly are his "clients"/handlers/ and extortion victims? Were people physically going to this office? Because if not why even maintain such an expensive office when you could just as easily do such telephone/email from a home office?

Perhaps Epstein was building wealth for his "clients" by having them invest in equipment for extortion operations. Or perhaps some state intelligence actors provided those services for free to wire the island and other locations/vehicles to record every action. All compromised parties involved are then blackmailed for either money or political influence.

The waiting game plays very well here. Get these people compromised early in their careers and say nothing until these persons get to a level of power/wealth/influence that serves the blackmailer's purposes and then spring the trap. These compromised people then have everything to now lose if they don't go along. With enough time compromised individuals may make their way through all levels of LE, government, corporations, or other areas of influence.

The blackmailer then tells those compromised to "invest" by paying blackmail monies to his "investment" firm or granting some type of favor. The compromised persons then help to setup other people to prey upon to get even more money/influence for the ring leaders. In the end it is a bunch of rats cannibalizing one another with the real sex crime victims being expendable collateral damage.

This smells of a highly planned and managed, long term blackmail operation. In real law enforcement legitimate state law officers attempt to get the criminals off the street to avoid harm to the public as soon as possible. There may be some slight delay to get more discovery to take down others involved in the crime but harm to the public is of key concern.

But this has been happening for over a decade. No legitimate LE operation can justify such a time frame considering the potential public harm. It also means LE have to look the other way as these crimes are being committed. It then means LE have become an accessory before and after the fact for such crimes.

With no public records for this "investment" firm how would anyone know what is really occurring? I can also see this becoming one big pyramid scheme of extortion with various tiers preying upon one as more and more people become entrapped.

The problem is without some big physical protection people as Epstein would be dead considering some of the players likely involved. That must be one hell of a "dead man" switch in the hands of other parties.

Considering the unbalanced injustice called Epstein's "plea deal" it is likely he has been working with either FBI/CIA/NSA or some other state actors both foreign and domestic. That is my current take on this never ending rabbit hole. This is simply my opinion.

On 11-11 Q wrote

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: gO/UntOB No.149063235 📁
Nov 11 2017 23:29:35 (EST)
Hard to swallow.
Important to progress.
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
Public wealth disclosures False.
Many governments of the world feed the Eye.
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).
Triangle has (3) sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the thought of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan