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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fukushima Response -- A Great Website

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Fukushima Response Logo 


Fukushima Response is a regional network of concerned individuals working together to demand action and information about the immediate threat of catastrophic global radiation contamination emanating from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan.

Fukushima Responders are mobilizing horizontally: to call for an immediate international intervention to avert an even greater global catastrophe. In this urgent campaign, we demand that the United States initiate and contribute to an global effort to stabilize Fukushima, starting with the spent fuel pool on top of Unit 4.

Fukushima Response Logo Contact

You can write to us at

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, you can find other responders at Fukushima Response Bay Area

Please contact us to tell us about an event or send us important and relevant information on this topic.

Tell everyone...

Summary of the Bill of Rights on Memorial Day

I have wanted for several months to compare the Bill of Rights to what is really going on in America

 I knew it was bad, but this makes it clear how bad. Here is the summary, and in the below links are the full texts of the amendments and the supporting information on how the amendments are being raped.

Summary of the Bill of Rights (Amendments 1 through 10)
Amendment 1, Freedom of Speech
Amendment 2, Guns shall not be Infringed
Amendment 3, Soldiers in Houses
Amendment 4, Unreasonable Search and Seizure
Amendment 5, Without Due Process of Law
Amendment 6, Criminal Prosecutions
Amendment 7, Right to Jury Trial
Amendment 8, Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Amendment 9, You have all the rights that aren’t mentioned
Amendment 10, States and the People Hold all Power Except that Specifically Granted to Feds

1 Already Gone
2 In process of being taken away
3 Doesn't really apply, although the Boston illegal search of citizen's houses does put up warning lights
4 Already Gone
5 Already Gone
6 Already Gone
7 Already Gone
8 Already Gone, its been droned.
9 Already Gone
10 Already Gone

You can download this as a Word Document here

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Nuke Normal, psst, its a joke, let the NRC know that you know

Tell The EPA:

Its "Protective Action Guidelines" Are Not Protective And Must be Abandoned

Strengthen Radiation Protection Standards Instead!
May 15, 2013
Dear Friends,

The threat of terrorism, nuclear power reactor disaster and other nuclear accidents looms large in the world. Governments need to plan for disaster but should also work to prevent disasters that cannot be adequately cleaned up and remediated. We should not run the risk of sacrificing enormous areas if and when nuclear contamination--deliberate, accidental or otherwise--strikes.

The Environmental Protection Agency has recently revised its "Protective Action Guidelines" (PAGs) that would be used during and following a nuclear disaster. These PAGs are basically admitting that contamination levels could be so high from such an event that they may not be able to be cleaned up to existing standards such as the drinking water contamination levels. Thus, EPA would permit unacceptably high radiation risks at each of the stages after nuclear disaster without even suggesting any steps to prevent or minimize the potential disasters.

These PAGs already have caused a public outcry. Check out this article to get an idea of what EPA officials really think about you and your safety:  "Speaking at a March 12 symposium hosted by the Defense Strategies Institute, Paul Kudarauskas, of the EPA Consequence Management Advisory Team, said events like Fukushima would cause a “fundamental shift” to cleanup. U.S. residents are used to having “cleanup to perfection,” but will have to abandon their “not in my backyard” mentality in such cases, Kudarauskas said. “People are going to have to put their big boy pants on and suck it up.”

Tell the EPA to strengthen, not weaken, its PAGs and radiation protection standards generally. Act here.

EPA is, in a sense, “pre-approving” exorbitant allowable contamination levels, first for unusual and rarer events like a nuclear power reactor meltdown and explosion, but also  for other more routine and potentially frequent disaster such as transport accidents, which will be more common if the major campaign to move irradiated nuclear power fuel (high level radioactive waste) from nuclear reactors to consolidated interim storage sites begins. High “acceptable” contamination and exposures for dirty bomb scenarios are being morphed into regular allowable levels with the nation’s drinking water protection first on the chopping block. Next, the EPA PAGs are shoe-horning in the publicly rejected plan to allow radioactive waste to go to regular trash and be sent to contaminate recycling supplies.

Comments on the EPA PAGs are being accepted through July 15, 2013. So there is plenty of time for you to act, and to encourage your friends, colleagues, family members, social networks and the like to comment as well.

There are two ways to comment:

1) Send an e-mail directly to EPA through NIRS site here. You will be able to edit the sample letter (which is also shown below). However, as is the case with all government rulemaking comments, your e-mail address becomes part of your comment and can be viewed.

2) Comment at the website here. However, you will have to write your own comments, or copy and paste the sample letter shown below.

Note: NIRS is working with other groups and will be preparing much more comprehensive comments for organizational sign-on before July 15. We will let groups know when these are ready for sign-on. In the meantime, we encourage and hope everyone will take a moment to weigh in personally!
Thanks for all you do,
Michael Mariotte
Executive Director
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
P.S. Your activism and financial support are what make our work possible. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation here, or after you take action, and receive the gifts of both our undying gratitude and a stronger movement for a nuclear-free carbon-free future. Contributors of $35 or more will also receive a one-year subscription to our international publication, The Nuclear Monitor, delivered via e-mail.
Sample comment letter to EPA:
Docket ID No. EPA HQ-OAR-2007-0268

I oppose the EPA Protective Action Guides (PAGS) because they threaten the public with unacceptably high “allowable” radiation levels that simply do not protect us.

The PAGS admit that the amount of radioactive waste from a nuclear power disaster could be much greater than the nuclear disposal capacity in the county! So prevent the disaster instead of permitting much of that waste to be sent to regular trash, setting the precedent for doing this routinely.

Don’t use the threat of nuclear power and terrorists to justify increasing drinking water contamination thousands of times or more! Maintain or strengthen the drinking water standards. Don’t even consider reducing them so that less cleanup would be needed.

Keep, or make more protective, the action levels for doses to the thyroid (a highly radio-sensitive organ) and the skin that are already in place. The 2013 EPA PAGs do away with this protection.

Remove the automatic acceptance of very high food and water contamination levels (higher than being used in Japan after Fukushima) incorporated from 1998 Food and Drug Administration and 2008 Homeland Security PAGs.
your name
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NIRS on the web (stay up-to-date with the Nuclear Newsreel section on the front page, featuring the day's most interesting news on nuclear power and other energy issues):
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NIRS on Twitter:!/nirsnet
Please note: NIRS never sells, rents, trades, or otherwise makes our e-mail lists available to other organizations or individuals for any reason. If you would like to unsubscribe to NIRS list, click here to unsubscribe.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Email contact for NRC members

From Nuclear Hotseat --------------------------------------------------- In light of yesterday's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board action on behalf of the NRC it is important to remember that the five NRC commissioners can reverse that decision, and they have a record of doing so. I believe it is time to start a letter, email, phone campaign to all five NRC commissioners letting them know that we are in agreement with the Atomic Safety Board's decision and demand nothing less, and we expect this to happen here in California without the NRC commissioners reversing this decision. We should continue this campaign everyday until the NRC commissioners have made a statement to the effect that they are not going to reverse this decision. Email address and Phone #'s of the NRC commission below. Tel: 301-415-1750 Tel: 301-415-1855 Tel: 301-415-1810 Tel: 301-415-8420 Tel: 301-415-1800 Sample letter to the commission, or please feel free to write your own letter: Dear Commissioners, Yesterday's decision by Atomic Safety and Licensing Board is exactly what the people of California have been calling for these many months. We want to express our gratitude for this decision, and at the same time, let you know what we expect to happen as this process moves forward. 1. No reversal of this decision by the five NRC Commissioners. That would be seen as a breach of your oath of office and your motto "protecting people and the environment" 2. For this adjudicated public hearing under oath to happen here in Southern California. 3. Clarity and transparency in this process. Hoping to work through this process with the NRC for a safer future for all Californians, especially our children. Sincerely, your name

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Palisades Nuclear Plant - Direct Leak of Radiation into Lake Michigan

Palisades nuclear plant on Lake Michigan is too old, too dangerous, it has too many NRC violation, changes are needed.   I have been writing about Palisades for some time.   And then yesterday, Palisades fessed up to an uncontained leak of radiactive water right into Lake Michigan, but they said "it was small" although they presented no Bq/gallon, or mSv per gallon actual radiation measurements. 
Michigan Article on Direct Leak into Lake

Also amazingly coincidental, is that Kewaunee nuclear plant on Lake Michigan also, was permanently shut down just last week.    It was also old, and was deemed non-economical to operate anymore.    Solar energy from Madison, Wisconsin strong solar program and natural gas made nuclear "too costly to compete".  They say it will cost $1B to decommission that plant, so that means $2B to $3B.    Unless of course the company just goes bankrupt and then they saddle the government with the cost.   Simple enough...sell off the Corporate assets that are performing well, leave the dead wood behind, and then declare bankruptcy.    There was a long term cost when the nuclear boondoggle was started, now we have to start paying the cost to get rid of them.    No doubt, the nuclear magicians have already disappeared the profits.    And there is a Federal cleanup fund that nuclear has contributed to throughout time.   Of course those funds are not segregated, and they can easily just be "captured" for some other program to offset the sequester, you know the game.    At any rate, those funds, are only about 10% of the real cost of the cleanup (and that is just a 50 year perspective), we have to babysit these spent fuel materials for thousands of years.

NYT Kewaunee Article

Palisades is from 1971, that's too old.    And the operators, Entergy, have a history of abusive operation of these clunkers.   They can't make enough money, so they cut corners.

Why not write to

Anthony Vitale who is VP of operations:
Palisades Nuclear Plant
27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway
Covert, MI 49043-9530

Look at these serious violations.   Plant electricians performing the wrong work and causing a complete failure of the emergency backup systems.

Here in 2012 the Palisades Design Engineering Manager gets arrested, and then fired.   Makes you say hmmmmmm.

Here are more VIOLATIONS

Uh, Mr. Vitale....after you had been put on notice that pump maintenance was necessary, you still IGNORED IT?

Here is some plant info and a broader list of violations 

 After multiple radioactive leaks, the NRC says "it's up to the plant to improve"

Chandrathil says the NRC is doing everything it can. "We have a questioning attitude. We look at very specific areas and we have gone ahead and identified deficiencies at the plant. It’s up to the plant to improve their performance," she said.

This also in 2012, more leaks and lies

Entergy bought this clunker for $360M in 2007, AND they got saddled with used fuel pools

The purchase also included receipt of the used fuel at Consumers' decommissioned Big Rock Point Nuclear Plant, located in Charlevoix in northwestern Lower Michigan.
Entergy owns --- the worst of the worst
  • Indian Point
  • Palisades
  • Pilgrim
  • Vermont Yankee

ABC News--Palisades is one of the 3 most dangerous plants in the US

How would this look on the Great Lakes?    Wipe out the Midwest, the last bastion of manufacturing in the USA.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Arnie Gunderson -- Video on why the old GE designs are inherently unsafe.

Shelter in Place and Martial Law, there is a difference.

Bomb Scare in Waikiki causes Martial Law to be declared.   This is similar to Boston, although this was only 2 hours.     A lot of the tin foil hatters are saying that Big Gov wants to program America to accept martial law on a regular basis.    This will make it easier to quash large disturbances and make it seem "normal" at least in the news reports.

The nice terms of "shelter in place" are well known to prepper types and nuclear aware types.    And that has to do with being pre-prepared with necessary materials, tools, food, water, to take shelter in your own house during an extended civil disaster, nuclear meltdown, etc.

So they tried to sell us the term "shelter in place" which in fact has nothing to do with martial law for a manhunt, as was Boston.     Even the term "lockdown" or "stand down" is no where near the reality of "we have declared martial law".  There are video's floating on the internet of families being rousted out of their houses by "Swat" teams, and being marched out of their house with hands on their heads.    These look very credible, I just saw last night.   I was surprised it went this far.

Here is the "lockdown" in Waikiki.    There are just 3 "horizontal roads" in Waikiki and they are all one way,  so by shutting down one of them, indeed that is a crippling situation for one of the most dense human habitation and tourism areas in the US.  
For a better view of Nuclear Shelter in Place, refer to my easy to use checklist on how to prepare.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Report from steadily increasing radiation in Hawaii.

In response to a Hawaii based news blogger who puts full effort into his work, he asks an innocent question....are we in danger from Fukushima.

I answered with the following.


I have been measuring radiation regularly on Oahu since about 9 months after Fukushima when I got my first Geiger.   I ending up shipping that one to a Japanese family with young kids who really needed it.   Then I bought another.

Oahu has been steady at around 12000 clicks per 8 hour period.   That is 25 clicks per minute.

Amazing, in round numbers, Oahu in the last 3 weeks has been 14400 clicks per 8 hours, or 30 clicks per minute  

This is a stable 20% increase, probably due to radiation in the water finally making its way here.    this will be cesium and strontium, as well as uranium and plutonium ALL which are quite nasty. 

This is not an emergency level.
At 100 clicks per minute for 1 year, you stand a significant chance of increase in cancer, but keep in mind, cancer in not the only end result of radiation, all kinds of weakness and openings for disease.

At 500 clicks per minutes for 90 days, you stand a significant chance of increase in cancer.

Fukushima continues to spews radiation into the air through steam releases from under ground coriums at water level (varies with tides).   Also TEPCO has large dug earthen pool with flimsy liners that were meant for final treatment water, but the final treatment system still has not been certified, so they have been putting highly concentrated strontium water in there.    The cesium was mostly removed by the initial treatment system.    Strontium is far more dangerous than cesium, as it acts like calcium and goes direct to the bones and doesn't leave.    Leukemia is a likely result, as well as other bone disease, and blood disease and weakness.  

These large earthen pools were formed with 4mil PVC liner.   Your average architectural or fish pond liner in Hawaii would be made with 20 mil or 30 mil liner.  

In the last 2 weeks, there are 5 to 7 really large earthen pools that TEPCO has admitted as leaking badly, these used to hold the highly dangerous and highly concentrated Strontium.

Also, some coriums remain in the reactor vessels (all the vessels are breached) and beneath the vessels.   They have been pouring water on them for YEARS to minimize the amount of criticality which releases massive radiation, they sometimes fail.

They also fail in keeping the spent fuel pool powered up with cooling circulating pumps, having failed three times in the last 6 weeks.    TEPCO is getting worse at their task of protecting the world.   They have no financial incentive to do this right.  The spent fuel pools are far more dangerous than the coriums if that is possible to believe.    There is far most mass in the spent fuel pools, and the nasty isotopes are higher..  

TEPCO has no right to be in charge of this plant anymore.  

I have studied this situation several thousand hours, and have a masters degree in the relevant sciences to understand it.

The world is in harm, several tens of billions of USD needs to be dedicated to accelerate the reduction of radioactive emissions. 

There are nuclear and US security implications for why no real action is being taken.   The nuclear village has failed us again.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Debris field in front of Asteroids

This research from UCLA.    What happened in Russia last night hasn't happened for 100 years on earth.  And we have not noticed a close flyby of a 15 story building by 15 story wide cube (Asteroid 2012 AD14 to put things in perspective), ever before.

So is this a coincidence?  Well the asteroid that hit Russia (now call it a meteorite since it hit) odds are 1 day in 100 years or 36500 to 1, or .0027%.  
They think that big of an  object gets kind of close to earth  every 40 years, but some say every 1120 years, lets use 40.    40*365= 14600

So that is one in 14600 odds, or .0068% chance on any given day.

The odds of both happening on the same day is .0027% * .0068% = .000018%, or about 539 million to 1 odds.     Hmmm

 It is obvious, the powers that be will do anything to not scare the sheeple.
There should have been warnings, not "don't worry".  
Stay near home, have your emergency supplies prepared.

These warnings extend into tomorrow and the next day, eyes open, no fear.

Above is the Zinc factory in Russia that had its roof and some walls blown out.


"In more recent observations with Venus Express, the occurrence of IFEs is now lower than the average we find outside this region," study leader Christopher Russell of UCLA said in a statement.

Russell and his team think the answer to this riddle lies in a reduction of the debris that once clogged Oljato's orbital path. "

At one point in time Oljato shed boulders – mostly a few tens of meters in diameter – into its orbit and they formed a debris trail in front and behind Oljato," Russell said.

"These impactors then hit other targets as they passed between Venus and the sun. The large amount of fine dust released by these collisions was picked up by the solar wind, producing the IFEs observed by Pioneer, and was accelerated out of the solar system."

Friday, April 26, 2013

Magnetic Pole Shift Accelerating

If you like this stuff, please sign up as a follower, drop a comment.

Moral of the story---we shouldn't allow the most dangerous thing on earth (nuclear power plants and nuclear waste) to exist on our HOME PLANET, when we know for a fact that our home planet is not stable, and in fact is getting more unstable.

I first noticed the magnetic pole shift around 2006, being a pilot and a solar engineer I often took measurements, and for a while nothing was lining up the way it used to, so I tried a few different compasses.   I thought it strange, and I thought it stranger that no one was talking about it.

I wouldn't say this was the "kick off" to my impression that things were getting wacky in the world.   Maybe the first was the doubling of property values in less than 2 years that let me get out from an underwater property to a nice profit.

But lets put it this way....the "experts" are often just making stuff up, to get their grant money and help their universities get federal funding.

NASA is downplaying magnetic shift saying "it happens all the time", as are  other parrots of the "don't panic the sheep" cartel.   These things are suspicious.   The experts can all justify their actions by rationalizing that avoiding panic is better than dealing with what is going to happen anyway.

Classic writing say that a north south magnetic pole shift happens every 320,000 years or so with wide variations, and that the last one was 700,000 years ago.

However, some pretty credible data cross correlated from the Black Sea, the Laschamp event in the Massif Central, and Greenland data, and shows a "rapid" 250 year complete pole shift, around 41,000 years ago, followed by a european super volcano around 39,500 years ago.

And let me throw this in....what about that really cool rise of Cro-Magnon man and epic cave paintings around 35,000 to 39,000?     Indeed, magnetic pole shift appears to occurs with a lessening of overall magnetic field, which allows more cosmic radiation in to the home planet, which allows for more DNA damage and the occasionally successful mutation that works better.    Saber toothed tigers probably kept the cancer rates in check pretty well.

We are in a period of very fast movement of the magnetic pole, and it appears the north pole has the itchy feet and the south pole is more stable.

But nothing to worry about....NASA says the pole flips "all the time", and other experts state that there is no evidence that a pole flip was harmful in the past (maybe check the IPhone data records), and that most people wouldn't even notice a pole flip.    Yeah, very reassuring, why don't you guy at least focus on detecting these 153,000 asteroids like the one that hit the earth in April 2012.    An amateur astronomer found it just days before it hit.

Another near miss

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Geiger Counter Interpretation Simplified Cheat Sheet Chart

Geiger Counter Interpretation Simplified

I made this chart.   Several other blogs have copied it nearly verbatim, and I am happy that others want to spread actionable information to protect people (would have been nice to get a proper credit though).   I had the chart translated to Japanese as I was sending a Geiger to Japan to help families address their real risk.   See bottom for the Japanese version.

This is a super condensed table on how to interpret Geiger Readings.   Use it to supplement your own research and getting a "block of knowledge".

If you take this radiation stuff at all seriously, then get a Geiger.   All the rest is guesswork.

Radiation Alert Inspector, $530 to $600 Amazon

And Here are LIVE radiation reports from independent reporting stations.

I am sending my Radiation Alert Inspector to Japan to a family that needs real data---soooo You won't see an Oahu based reporting station until I get my next Geiger delivered.

Japan –only 2 to 5 reporting sites
Hawaii –
US Mainland

And in Japanese

Monday, April 8, 2013

Background Check (I don't mean with a Geiger Counter)

Universal background checks, what does it really mean?

It means if a father wants to give away his trusty Ruger 10-22 to his son, he will have to do a full background check on his son, cost about $200.   However, the Gun is only worth slightly more than that.

Plus, how can this possibly work? As my Dad gave me 4 firearms last year, he is in his seventies and don't hunt no more.... but who would ever know? What if this IMPOSSIBLE TO WORK" background check gets passed.... and then after its passed, dad decide to give me 3 more guns, and we write something up, transferred in 2011. Are we now both felons?

What if the neighbor wants to buy a gun, and I am forced to run a full background check on him? Many of these pistols, shotguns, rifles are only worth several hundred dollars. Now I run the background check, and the FBI send me a response which goes to the house next door by mistake, and that neighbor finds out the other neighbor had a felony for assault from 28 years ago, and spreads the word far and wide, effectively destroying that man in his own neighborhood. Huh, could be a problem right.

Or does the FBI not give out a reason, just a "no go", and the deal falls through, with both neighbors now suspicious over the other one.

The costs, implementation, penalties, the proof.

 The unintended consequences.

 Its all a big Charlie Foxtrot, and it won't keep guns out of the hands of criminals.      

How many of those Huffpost reader who were polled on whether they wanted "universal background checks" even thought it through as far as this writeup?

Maybe .5%?      Polls are wonderful, they sound great, yeah, save the kids.....and ignorance feeds into "this is only the beginning 2 shot" Biden, and they know it, if nothing else politicians know exactly how to play the public.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sea Lions

On the sea lion die off current events

Indeed if you think of it, besides the tens of tons of uranium and plutonium that was detected in published EPA air samples, a vast amount settled out of the air into the Pacific.   Of course, cesium and strontium accompany the overall mess.

The sea critters have been directly and daily exposed to the toxic and radioactive heavy metals and body invaders.

Strontium, Uranium, and Plutonium stick around in your body, basically forever.

Cesium has about a 80 day biological half life.   It goes into your muscles and heart, but some of it is excreted.    However, if you are continually exposed to cesium, that doesn't help, you reach an equilibrium point and stay there.

Here is the data on tens of tons detected in the air.  My research.   EPA data.

How to Find Nuke Pro

How to find Nuke Pro, assuming you weren't already here.

Nice to pop number one on google. pro

Charts of Seal Deaths and TEPCO fesses up

I love charts, they often tell you something that nothing else can.   They knock you upside the head.

See this one on seal "grounding" rates

TEPCO "fesses up", so expect some big move in the near future, announcement of Nuclear plant startups.    The power outage last week proves that TEPCO has learned nothing.

TEPCO officials denied Friday that the incident posed safety threats outside of the plant, but acknowledged they lacked sensitivity about how Fukushima residents felt about the loss of power and cooling.
"We learned that it only takes one rat, not even an earthquake or tsunami, to paralyze the plant," said Yukihiro Higashi, an Iwaki Meisei University engineering professor who is on a government nuclear regulatory panel overseeing Fukushima Dai-ichi safety.
"People in Fukushima are under constant fear of another serious incident that requires evacuation," Higashi said.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gamma Energy Chart

Here is another chart, it is hard to read as I did a screen capture. The full size chart is a download, but the service requires you to run an EXE program, which as you may know, can do anything at all to your computer, steal your passwords, beyond a zombie porn spam bot, whatever. So I won't ever run an EXE program. If you have more guts or less sense than me, here is the link


Monday, March 18, 2013

Nuclear preparedness

As Fukushima goes without power today, and no fix in sight, topic of nuclear preparedness is, well, topical.

I made a nice "Shelter in Place" Checklist format in the early days of Fukushima, its here

And here is my semi-famous Geiger Counter Interpretation Quick Chart

AND HERE is a new resource, which goes into even more detail.    But FIRST get your shelter in place kit ready (ABOVE), you might need it in the next week if they don't fix Fukushima power supply.   Much of the below resources deal with nuclear attack, but in reality a Nuclear Plant meltdown is very similar, in fact the Nuke Plant can be far worse.   In the Nuke bomb, a very large perfect of the radiation is Iodine which goes away 1/2 every 8 days, if you can shelter 24 days, then 7/8's have become harmless, but there are still other isotopes with half lives of 30 years and more, Cesium and Strontium as notable mentions. 


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cost of Nuke Plant Failure, 3 time France's GDP

This one came from Capt D, who is doing top notch work on shutting down San Onofre.

Capt D is quoting alot of information from Testosterone Pit, which is linked here also, just below.

And here is the French Paper report, using the Google tranlator which works pretty OK

The French have 58 nuclear plants, and a single one of them could wipe out 3 years of GDP.  That would kill their country, and much of Europe as a domino effect.   See the chart below, France likes to group their highest devices all together similar to Fukushima to achieve "lower operating cost".    So usually they group 4 plants together, it one blows up it would affect the ability to prevent the others from blowing up.


Look at these numbers and remember the USA cannot afford a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster like Fukushima either!

French Nuclear Disaster Scenario Was So Bad The Government Kept It Secret

Read more:


Catastrophic nuclear accidents, like Chernobyl in 1986 or Fukushima No. 1 in 2011, are, we’re incessantly told, very rare, and their probability of occurring infinitesimal.

But when they do occur, they get costly. So costly that the French government, when it came up with cost estimates for an accident in France, kept them secret.

But now the report was leaked to the French magazine, Le Journal de Dimanche. Turns out, the upper end of the cost spectrum of an accident at the nuclear power plant at Dampierre, in the Department of Loiret in north-central France, amounted to over three times the country’s GDP.

Hence, the need to keep it secret. 

The study was done in 2007 by the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), a government agency under joint authority of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Environment, Industry, Research, and Health.With over 1,700 employees, it’s France’s “public service expert in nuclear and radiation risks.” This isn’t some overambitious, publicity-hungry think tank.

It evaluated a range of disaster scenarios that might occur at the Dampierre plant. In the best-case scenario, costs came to €760 billion—more than a third of France’s GDP. At the other end of the spectrum: €5.8 trillion! Over three times France’s GDP. A devastating amount. So large that France could not possibly deal with it.

Yet, France gets 75% of its electricity from nuclear power. The entire nuclear sector is controlled by the state, which also owns 85% of EDF, the mega-utility that operates France’s 58 active nuclear reactors spread over 20 plants. So, three weeks ago, the Institute released a more politically correct report for public consumption. It pegged the cost of an accident at €430 billion.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Nuke is a Country Killer

A pronuker {can we just say puker} had this to say on The Huffington Post
Jeff Rosenbury
You are entitled to your own opinions. You are not entitled to your own facts.

Radiation in the small amounts leaked into the environment near Fukushima and Chernobyl slightly raises cancer risks. That is the reason the areas are off limits. Wildlife do just fine in the regions.

Nuclear power, even nuclear power gone wrong, is not a country killer.

Mikhail Gorbachev seems to think otherwise, he wrote this

The nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl 20 years ago this month, even more than my launch of perestroika, was perhaps the real cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union five years later. Indeed, the Chernobyl catastrophe was an historic turning point: there was the era before the disaster, and there is the very different era that has followed.
CommentsThe very morning of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear station on April 26, 1986, the Politburo met to discuss the situation, and then organized a government commission to deal with the consequences.


German Report on Fukushima, Interview with ex Prime Minister Kan

Excellent video, German reporters in Japan, investigating Fukushima.

For anyone doubting how the Nuke Cartel operates, this is the smoking gun.

The whole lies, report fabrications, regulatory capture, are laid bare in this sub-titled report. At minutes 11 and 16 ex Prime Minister Kan details in no uncertain terms how the Nuclear Village operates through lies, extortion, personnel insertions into government and then back into TEPCO.

This is coming right from the top. This has been reviewed by a Japanese national who is also fluent in English and they agree that the translation is absolutely correct.

985,000 cancer death from Chernobyl, and millions more disease.

No, not buying the pronuke lies.   ZING, bodyslam, you are down for the count.
