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Monday, March 17, 2014

WIPP Filters were 50% past their maximum expiration date per US Law

Former director Conca confirmed that these are the original filters, making them either 15 or 20 years old.

But this DOE design book, states clearly that filters will normally have a 5 year life, and NEVER allowed to be used over 10 years.    I see....all about that culture of safety....sure put up some big safety signs, and have a feel good moment.   

Also curious that the DOE is using taxpayer money to keep on paying over 1000 people at WIPP even though they have nothing to do.    Last week they said employment was around 650, curious number change.     Obviously, to keep the whistleblowers down at WIPP they will use the taxpayer money to bribe the WIPP workers.     Money for nothing and your Plutonium for free.

Here is a link to a PDF on the Codes for Radiation Filtering.   WIPP broke them.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WIPP Confirms A Leak in the Filter System, Engineer Estimates 10% to 20% went directly to atmosphere

Funny how I regained administrative control over the Nukepro blog 1 day after March 11.    And funny how ENENEWS was undergoing a large denial of service attack starting March 10 and through March 11.
We are striking close to the mark.  
WIPP Admits ongoing direct leaks into the atmosphere that went out through open ducts prior to the filters.
I don't have time to calculate the releases, but in reality they are going to be MUCH higher than previously admitted.      If we take for granted that this "damper system" of multiple dampers would only release .4% of the contaminated air into the atmosphere (which is certainly just a calculation to begin with, and probably fudged) and then we consider that these are the original filters from the original construction, 15 years ago, and certainly they were partly clogged before the radiation emergency, and certainly during the radiation emergency they became much more clogged, well what happens to a flowing fluid when faced with an simply takes the path of least resistance, and a massive amount, potentially 10% to 20% took the easy way out through the open dampers.   
If we integrate the  sum of daily radiation readings on the upstream side of the filters, taking into account the CFM rate through the filters, and realizing the CFM will actually be higher because of the open holes to the atmosphere, we can approximate the release of plutonium and Am to the citizens.    I'll do that soon, not tonight.   And I have 10 or more stories to break that I saved up whilst unable to perform admin functions.  
Here is the report from the horse's mouth or other orifice of that horse they rode in on.    They have more holes in their story than in their ductwork.

A damper system that’s designed to allow .4 percent
of airflow to bypass the air filtration system
during filtration operations has been sealed with a
high-density foaming material. Before sealing
the dampers, a small amount of
unfiltered air was released to
the atmosphere; the WIPP
ventilation system is more than 99 percent effici
ent in trapping radioactive particles. Monitoring
after the sealing of the dampers shows that
leakage past the dampers has been stopped.
Nuclear Waste Partnership, the WIPP management
and operating contractor, is looking at
alternatives to ensure there is no leakage in
the future caused by long-term degradation of the
2 Hours before I lost admin access to my blog, I had busted the former director of the "independent monitoring agency" of WIPP bragging about the super hot radioactive materials they had stashed in WIPP.   They were supposed to just be storing old gloves and such.   
That story is here, learn about the Conca shill.
And a quick calculation I did based on the former directors statements, showed that that had enough radiation in 1 liter of stored liquid, to contaminate 2.5 Billion Fish to the point they could not be used as food per government standards.   
Here is the story I couldn't post directly.    One of the pro-nuke advocates who refers to anyone on the other side of the argument as "stupid" has stated at atomic insights "but there isn't even 2.5 Billion fish in New Mexico".    Makes me say hmmmmm....
(1)     One Liter of the hot waste they stashed into the WIPP is radioactive enough to contaminate over 2 Billion Fish

James Conca, long time nuclear promoter, was caught bragging about the high level waste that they put into the WIPP, and he should know, he was the former director of the WIPP independent lab that is funded by DOE.
He was bragging that they have some really hot stuff down in the WIPP cave, over 7 Curie per liter.    That is really RADIOACTIVE!    If you use the WolframAlpha online calculator, see link
That turns out to be 259,000,000,000 Bq
 OK, how can you wrap your head around that huge number?     Well we know that anything above 100Bq per kilogram is too radioactive to sell as food.    A kilogram is 2.2 pounds.     So a kilogram of fish would be a large meal.  
How many fish at 1 Kilogram each could be contaminated by that small one liter of waste stored in the WIPP?    259,000,000,000 divided by 100 is
2,590,000,000 Fish (that’s 2.59 Billion fish, one for every man on the planet)
Now assuming they have 3000 Barrels of the high level waste?      At 55 gallons each.   That is 624,525 liters.
Or enough to contaminate1617 TRILLION fish
How many fish are in the ocean?
Do you know that because WIPP is closed that they are stacking up the barrels in the uncovered parking lot at WIPP?   Hard to believe?
Here is that pronuke site in which James Conca brags about the high level waste…go visit.    

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

WIPP Newspaper Links Where You Can Leave Comments

Hey, can someone put down some links to the local newspapers, classifieds, etc, for Carlsbad here? I want to exercise my freedom of speech and inform people there (ie post on sites in Carlsbad, etc) that we care and are part of their town's discussion on the WIPP leak.

Report comment

WIPP Busted Dead to Rights, they WERE Storing High Level Waste WIPP

After doing the Transcript of the Town Hall meeting (read it, took me 3 hours!)

I noted that they denied storing of any high level waste at the facility.

In fact there are hearings coming up whether they should be allowed to store any high level wastes, its a very hotly debated thing in the community.

I busted them dead to rights.     

I do also frequent pro-nuker sites, I like to see what they have to say and to refine my own knowledge.    I go with an alias of course.

I caught the former director of CEMRC (2004 to 2010) bragging about how the facility has 100,000 cubic meters of waste.     "Some fairly high level (>7ci/liter), hotter than anything left in the Hanford tanks"

Jim Conca was bragging at   (Run by Rod Adams, a well known pro nuke promoter).

His comment was specifically called out by Rod Adams and put into the text of an article.    
Rod also speaks directly to Dr Hardy, and others high up in the nuke industry, he is an insider.

Here is the link and here is the proof:

Don't believe, run the links yourself, but here is more from the conversation.    These guys are smart, it is sad when they get down to talking about bananas and flying and dental Xrays.

Jim Conca
Hi Rich, you’re right, these high-volume ambient aerosol collect only particulates, like pollen. But the ones we put at WIPP and environs are special. They are 20 x 25 cm Gelman A/E™ glass fiber filters that collect at a flow rate of ~1.13 m3 min-1. After collection, they’re removed using special handling protocols and taken back to the CEMRC radlabs and analyzed for selected radionuclides, including 238Pu, 239+240Pu and 241Am. Following 6 hr of heating in a muffle furnace at 500° C, which drives off organics, the tracers and the iron carrier are added and each filter is treated with HF+HNO3 up to the complete decomposition of silica. Then it is treated with conc. HClO4 and HNO3 for the removal of fluoride ions. The actinides are then separated as a group by co-precipitation on Fe(OH)3. The nuclides of interest are precipitated with LaF3, deposited onto filters, mounted on planchettes, and counted on an Oxford Oasis alpha spectrometer for five days. Gamma-emitters are measured in the air filters by Gamma spectrometry for 48 hours. We routinely get to the femtoCi level.
An important finding of our earlier studies was that the activity of Pu and the concentration of Al in aerosols were correlated and this was driven by the resuspension of dust particles contaminated with radioactive fallout from past nuclear weapons tests. Similar results were found for Am and Al. Related studies of soils collected on and near the WIPP site have shown that correlations exist among Al and both naturally-occurring and bomb-derived radionuclides including 239+240Pu.
If you’re interested, check out the annual reports at (I was Director there from 2004 to 2010). It is a very nice facility with great scientists.

  • Bill Hannahan
    Jim, thanks for some interesting details. It is depressing to see how much of our money is being wasted pandering to the irrational fear of very low level radiation, making nuclear technology more expensive than it should be.
  • Rich Lentz
    Now I am, confused. How does a Continuous Air Monitor alarm work continually if you have to take out the filter and do every thing you said? Both Rods article and the linked article refer to an alarm on a “Continuous Air Monitor.” That to me means there is a detector facing the “dirty,” collected side of the filter medium.
    Or are you describing what takes place AFTER one has alarmed and the facility wants to determine exactly what caused the alarm?
    • Gary Troyer
      The Continuous Air Monitors (CAM) view the collection filter in real time with a ‘surface barrier diode’ alpha detector. The intake air with particles is drawn aerodynamically around the disk detector and impinged on the surface of the filter. The detector has sufficient ability to sort the various alpha energies from 241Am/238Pu and 239/240Pu along with various short lived progeny of 220/222Rn, most of the time. There are technical issues with dust overmass on the filters over time as well as interference from straggling energies of the radon progeny. (The air between the filter and the CAM detector is also ‘overmass’.) That’s the natural environmental stuff and is a confounding interfering background for the live performance. In order to overcome the interference of overmass, the filters are changed periodically for retrospective assay as Dr. Conca describes The former is in-situ, the latter is destructive in the lab. Due to the ultra low incidence of material, it takes a lot of effort to perform the real time as well as the lab activity. It’s not cheap, but it’s VERY sensitive. Sensitivities with the high volumes are typically less than 2e-14 uCi/ml, not very many atoms.

Transcript of the WIPP Town Hall Meeting

From a pronuker site....they are proud of storing high level waste at WIPP

Jim Conca

February 20, 2014 at 11:26 PM
Great job, Rod. One thing to mention about WIPP ventilation is its great design, 425,000 cubic feet per minute flow that can be diverted to HEPA and then decreased to 100,000 cfm. The system is designed such that air flow is always over people before waste and then exhausted so anything coming from the waste cannot contact people. The system worked beautifully. It will take some time to determine the source, but one incident in 15 years is awfully good. WIPP has disposed of almost 100,000 cubic meters of waste, some fairly high-level (>7 Ci/liter), hotter than anything left in the Hanford tanks. Now WIPP is merely nearly perfect.

Video from the Town Hall meeting

Q&A starts at minute 57

Q: Can we definitively say the release is from Panel 7, Room 7
A:Yes--because all the other rooms are full and completely sealed up

We haven't gone in there, not because the radiation is high or anything, just because we are following safety protocols.   Following our safety disciple.

Q: Do you have any idea when you can get in to look?
A: I owe the DOE a plan, we are putting together that plan, and once it gets approved we will take those steps

Q: Do you know source of the release, is it high level waste?
A: Thats not really how that works, thank you. <seriously this was the guys answer>
A: Go look at the exhibits on airflow, they are very informative.

Q: Was there a release to the outside <lots of turmoil, let him answer, let him answer>
A: First of all, when you are talking about a leaking, first of all we are not leaking anything underground.   First of all we don't have anything leaking.   It a little bit of a misnomer.   We have a documented safety analysis, and we have mitigative actions we put in place.  How do we protect our employee, how do we protect our environment outside.    <more questions> Our ventilation system is deisgned to go into filtration mode, HE filters that traps at a 99.97% efficiency, no it is not designed to trap 100%.    Station A before the filter, is much higher than at Station B after the filter.  How we characterise and certify the waste...we do not take liquid waste, so stuff is not oozing out, there is nothing like stuff is coming out becuase no one is doing their job.    There is nothing leaking in the underground, we need to go look before any action like I need to be fired.

Q: Were that any waste containers that were in transport to Room 7 during the fire on the 5th.   
A: The waste during that time, we have to do we come in we have to do and making sure that everything is in place.

Q: You say it take several weeks to get results on tests.    Is there a test at the hospital we can take.  
A: We have a whole body count chamber, lay there about 45 minutes, and give you a report that shows what isotopes and activities are.
Q: Then how come that test has results in 1 hour.
A: The whole body scan, its only for Gamma, not Alpha or Beta, Harder to do the Alpha tests......

Q: Was the maintenance schedule on that Loader was it just too old and had to be replaced.
A: The loader was maintained and up to date, we do have a lot of equipment that is old....and some other mines have equipment that is 50 years old.   Its all proceduralized
Q: Was the fire suppression system working?
A: It was inspected in 2013

Q: There was a mention that you had a plan to deliver to DOE for approval, what is the schedule
A: We do not have a schedule, its a process, and at the end of that process, we will have a very good plan.
Q: are we talking months
A: not months

Q: for Mr Hardy, how many fixed air samplers are there?
A: described 3, mumbling hard to hear.
Q: Are there some DOE sites too?
A: They have samples but not results.
Q: Do you actually know the direction of the winds?  There are 3 monitors
A: Those locations chosen based on meteroligical data on prevailing winds.   No, but we can do soil samples around the facility.     
Q:    Mr Heaton said a big gust of wind would be needed to get the particles moving.   But now we have high winds and that could blow that radiation all over.   Now you are talking about soil samples at some time in the future. 
A: Very low levels

Q: It was 42 DPS in your first sample, subsequent to filtering our the background .64 is what was left after subtracting background.
A: After filtering out the radon, uranium, thorium, natural sources.
Q: Is 42 a concern?
A: Yes the increase 42 it would be a concern
Q: So just breathing 42 a day now should be a concern
A: No because that is background.

Q: Confused on the .03% release on filters, is that happening right now?     Is there high level waste in the future?
A: I think what you are commenting on 4.5 days, sample, we got .64 DPS, also ran for 2 days, and got .007DPS then
Q: That is not answering my question, forgive, the filtration system kicked in, leaving .03% which is escaping, and is that happening now.     In the future if the waste is more high level do we get higher releases. 
A: Joe Patrell: HEPA performance tested to 99.97%, when even happened.   Over time the release acticity underground has dropped off geometrically.   There is much less activity, so less getting through.
Q: in the future would something that was 10 time more radioative more that mean 10 times the release
A: blah blah design basis, build the system, so keep the levels below certain levels, we have training and emergency response, and all factors go into original assessment of facility.
A: The waste forms, a potential future high level waste would have a different waste form.
Q: How far up the chain of government, has this event gone.    Its already international news.
A: I am getting all the support I need, and energy directo Moniz has been informed, we have communication and resources, and we are reaching out, blah blah.   Using the latest and greatest instrumentation.
Q: You do not know what happened yet,
A: No, But entry in to the mine is important.

Q: German scientist entered and spoke highly.
A: We have international relations......

Mod: Any questions from the press
Q John Smith--Protocol was not followed in terms of releasing the report on the previous fire.
A: From DOE investigation team, is working on report as we speak.  
Q: How many people came to the chamber since the leakage.
A: 1000's of people since 1998, none since the leak.

Q: At what nubmer coming out would it become dangerous for citizens
A: DOE  different regulations, per EPA has on average annual 25 mrem per year average.    Someone there would be around a few milli-REM, does that answer your question.
Q: When Hardy was pulling the filter, was dose did he get?
A: The release was essentially over, he was probably just exposed to just background radiation.

Q: Is the filter still doing it's job, is it dirty, is it self cleaning.
A: Good question, not like filters in our home, they are big.   They are huge.    We will replace them, the HEPA filters are from day one of the facility.    Specialized type of aerosols, 99.97%.      They are huge and multiple, with prefilters, and good filters, then HEPA.
A: 2x2 filters, we have banks of filters.   Measure diffferential pressure, still showing that it is working properly.

Q: Heh, I understand you have contingencies, how much real world experience do you have in accidents like this?
A: This is the first one
Q: Same question, collectively how much experience.
A: This is very abnormal event for us, and we have support, in a situation like this, we are a small community.   We been working long hours....2 significant events in 10 days.  
A: DOE side, we have experience in our organization.   I worked at Hanford, deputy has 30 years in government.   Imporant that procedures are followed.

Q: I haven't udnerstood 75% of what was talked about, there are conspiracy theorist, I'm just a Mom, my first reaction was to start praying.   Is there a chance that we could be being exposed right water or air, while we are waiting for samples.
A: DOE we pick up samples that are happening.   Discussing tonight that levels are low, very low.  And there is no risk from this event.
Q: OK and thats for sure right now.   
A: Hardy is independent of us.
A:Look at the levels that are required by regulatory agencies, what you CAN release into the environment, those numbers are actually not zero.    I am not downplaying this.
Q:What is the reportable amount
A: I believe, i think,  the reportable amount is 84 microcuries, it is below that number.   When you fly you  get cosmic raidation, 0.6 mrem on airplane (go online and Google it), Chest xray or an xray on your tooth OK on your jaw is 10 mrem, the numbers here are around 1 mrem.    I am here and I know it is safe.
A: We are seeing minor activity, its very small.   

Q: Concerned about radiation, but more concerned about the particle, the plutonium, talking about the radiation, but what are the chronic and acute effect of inhaling plutonium particles, the ones that were blowing out in the wind.
A: <chief weasal smirking hands off to DOE guy> So an acute, is a prompt response to a very high level.  So that doesn't apply here.   For health physics go outside and speak with people in the kiosks outside.    We received .1 mrem from this, but we got .1 mrem while we have been in the townhall.
Q: So you say it is OK to breath in plutonium?
A: Exposure is exposure, a millirem is a millarem, its the same.

Q: Before the plant was made, where they are procedures made for the community in emergencies?
A: So when we have emergency operations, we have a procedure that cover this stuff, and this event did not meet the threshold
Q: But what if it exceeded that
A: Yes we have procedures, blah blah
Mod A: The systems that were in place, the monitor, the filters, worked, they worked PERFECTLY.     From the very beginning we never thought this type of event could occur.   And we picked a tenured professor to report results with no collusion without being intimidated by anyone.    "If we find something, we are going to report it".   This can be mitigated in short order <sound quality increases, 1000% at this point> can get on with productive work, nice repository, appreciate you coming.
Rep Brown, house bill 313,
Reaction, good meeitng, overall impression, 2 incidents, response was working, I hope people were asuaged with the answer.  
Flying from El Paso to Dallas 10 mrem, is far higher, so do not turn question marks into exclamation points.   Stay calm.   Take a while to test filters.     Deal with facts not speculation.   Paying attention in the future, I believe the WIPP Site will be just fine.

John Waters Carlsbad Development, its a very professional group here, consider most towns in this area and types of responses are worse, and these guys are dotting their i's and crossing their t's, they are members of our community.    Carlsbad is open for business.   I am telling them it's safe.   Everyones OK, the environments OK, its a great business and its very safe, an incredible safety culture, has actually made our town safer.    I think we are getting all the information.    Solve the problem and move on, cause we have bigger and better things to do.

Actually, Actually.....


WIPP Plutonium Aerosolization is More Dangerous than Fukushima

Easy to find Link to CEMRC the onsite data collectors for the WIPP

Just a quick post here, I need to go get some exercise and go ski-journing with my dogs before any plume gets here.

The latest data released from the Authorities, who are still pretending that the danger from Plutonium can be measured only by its disintegrations per minute (activity), is that the "one time plume" released was 330,000,000 Bq.

Using the "Super Calculator" which I have placed as a box link on this blog as shown below, results in

461 grams of Plutonium (assuming its all Plutonium)

Using the commonly accepted figure that as little as one microgram can kill a human, you simply multiply 461 by 1 Million to get the total number of potential kills.  

The "Authorities" who looked very uncomfortable at the town hall meeting, trotted out many of the stale old lies.   They actually used the "it's like getting a dental Xray, eating a Banana is far worse"

The reality is that plutonium in your lungs or liver is 100,000 times worse than the same Bq radiation from a Banana.   See Table

Alrighty then, time to check and cleanup the HEPA filters. 

Here is the Super Calculator location for your ease of use

And Here is the Bobby1 blog, who does a really excellent job of summarizing WIPP and Transuranics.

'The Conspiracy Theory Is True: Agents Infiltrate Websites Intending To "Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations"'

"In the annals of internet conspiracy theories, none is more pervasive than the one speculating paid government plants infiltrate websites, social network sites, and comment sections with an intent to sow discord, troll, and generally manipulate, deceive and destroy reputations. Guess what: it was all true."
And at Radcast they make light of the comparisons between real bad radiation like Plutonium and Strontium, and Bananas

Monday, February 24, 2014

WIPP Plutonium Leak Can Kill at Least 32,700 Americans

Let me hit you point blank with the highlights of WIPP.

Using the data already released, the Plutonium released can kill 32,700 Americans

The amount in air is at least 810 TIMES BACKGROUND

And those numbers above are VERY conservative.   First, they use the "reported" data from the nuclear cartel.   Second, they assume that all of the nuclear spewage stayed in the area around the vent for 33 hours, and NONE of it blew away in the wind.    Definitely the wind carried away the plume, therefore these numbers about are VERY LOWBALL.   They can easily be 10 to 50 times higher.

AND this crumbly salt mine was never supposed to hold any high level plutonium waste, it was only for old wipe down rags.     But some rocket scientist nuke pimp who was trying to "prove" how high level waste can be stored underground, in order to promote Yucca mountain, lobbied for the high level plutonium to be put into WIPP.     So for a PR trick for Yucca, they allowed a very dangerous action to happen, and now it has blown up in all of our faces.     

We Deserve Better

Above is the background level of Plutonium and Uranium in Air from the EPA.

The WIPP Plutonium storage site, in collapsing and corrosive salt caves, had a significant release, which the experts said was "far below any level of concern".   They lied through their teeth.   

They tried to pretend that the human health hazard of Plutonium was only 100% from the ionizing radiation, and then used "radiation only" guidelines for whether the EPA would consider it an "action level".   In fact Plutonium's real killing power if from it being an unnatural heavy metal, with radiation as a "bonus".

Therefore, when the scientists state that the amount detected is far below EPA action levels, they are lying through their teeth.   

Plutonium kills most effectively as a site specific heavy metal (not just related to radioactivity), and Plutonium is hardly "radioactive" so judging it just by it amount of ioninzing activity is completely deceptive.    Most isotopes of Plutonium have extremely long half lives....that means that very little "goes off" at any given minute.   Therefore they won't show up very much on a Geiger Counter.

Plutonium kills humans with a wicked Alpha punch, combined with toxic effects as a heavy metal, and also targets 2 of the most important areas of the body, the bones (and thus blood production, and thus leukemia and all related diseases of weak blood, weak oxygen transport), and the liver (200 functions, including turning food into usable formats for the body)

So let me repeat!

Using the data already released, the Plutonium released can kill 32,700 Americans

The amount in air is at least 810 TIMES BACKGROUND

For those of you who really want to understand nuke, and be able to work with the confusing data, and intentional deception of the nuke cartel, this calculation website is very valuable.

You will be amazed, try it, using simple english

And another point made by Doctor GH, the spokesman is using intentional lie to minimize the accident.   Here is the lie.    I want to be standing at one of those meetings when they trot out those lies.
The pro nuclear PR person also claimed that plutonium is 'natural' because plutonium has been released via the atomic age from atomic bomb tests and a plutonium satellite crash, just like any pro nuclear PR person will say after any other nuclear accident. Using the 'natural' with plutonium makes it sound like plutonium is just ordinary household dust and it is harmless. Bottom line, there is no 'natural' plutonium, and this "plutonium is natural claim" is a bald faced lie, designed to deceive people, and to minimize this event.

Radioactive Plutonium Plume Coming Out of New Mexico's WIPP – Geological Nuclear Radioactive Waste Isolation Pilot Plant; via @AGreenRoad