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Saturday, January 2, 2016

How Many Radiation Tragedies Do We Allow Nuclear to Make, Or Do We Let Them Kill Us Slowly?

It seems like we have a "bubble" in nuclear radiation mishaps.    These are a handful that are are "full tilt insanely dangerous".   There are 517 in my database.    There are more insanely dangerous one that I have not detailed, you could easily do a master thesis on this issue.
  • Beatty
  • San Onofre
  • Savanna River
  • West Lake Landfill
  • Cumbria
  • Sellafield
  • LANL
  • NUMEC Pennsylvania
  • WIPP New Mexico
  • --------------------------------
  •  please send in traditional dump site via comment section or email. 

At San Onofre, they not only criminally lied about a like-for-like replacement that was nothing of the sort, and it almost caused a massive radiation release, and it DID shut down the plant for good.   But they also vastly polluted the ocean shoreline near their plant.    It's so bad the Navy doesn't even want the land.

Portions of Land at San Onofre Nuclear Plant "May Be Contaminated": Navy
Navy asking SCE for more information before land is taken back
By JW August
 At Beatty Nuclear waste dump, they had a fire and explosion, with 55 gallon drums being blasted clean off the property itself.    But they say "no radiation released", I had a few questions I emailed them.....

Please ask Mr. Mulvhill to respond.

Sir, I am writing an article on waste dumps and would appreciate your take on the following—

In the linked article, it was stated that no radioactivity was detected.
1)      What device or devices was used to check for radioactivity?

It is stated that rainwater seeping into corroded barrels caused the explosion

2)      What is the suspected chemical or radiological reaction which would cause not just fire but also an explosive blast?

3)      May I also get a copy of the 55 page report via PDF preferred or US mail.

Thank you and have a Healthy New Year!!!

At the Savanna River Site -- DOEs negligence in timely completion of their legally required tasks results in the DOE (read that US taxpayer) losing $1M per day.   This is a MOX and Plutonium boondoogle.
 In St. Louis, at the West Lake Landfill, right by the airport, they have irresponsibly buried nuclear waste now confirmed as migrating off site.   It's been a superfund site for 25 years....but they still can't even decide on what to do, much less do it.
Just northwest of the St. Louis International Airport, the West Lake Landfill is a repository of nuclear waste from the Manhattan Project, the WW2 effort to create the atomic bomb. The area was declared an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund site in 1990, but the federal government is still deciding how to clean up the waste.
Cumbria and Sellafield, classic disasters underway

Following this month's intense rainfall in the north of England an Environment Agency alert has highlighted the flood risk to the crumbling nuclear waste dump adjoining Sellafield in Cumbria, writes Marianne Birkby - a dump which remains in use despite its condemnation by the EA in 2005


Nice way to run a radiation dump, eh, look at the picture.


Sellafield - A massive risk run by a failing empire.   Hundreds of tons of radiation, subject to loss of water through structural collapse or terrorist attack.

A travesty we don't even wish to speak of.   Out of sight, out of mind.    Indeed it does seem that humans are out of their minds.    GMI Global Mass Insanity.

The government is paying private companies £1.7bn a year to decommission ageing buildings at Sellafield.

In a statement, Sellafield Ltd said: “These dated pictures do not present an accurate reflection of work across the Sellafield site today, but they are an indication of the scale of the challenge inherited by the NDA, Sellafield Ltd and Nuclear Management Partners to clean up the UK’s nuclear legacy.” 

The tanks are believed to have been abandoned for more than 40 years.

The Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR), the statutory nuclear safety regulator, said: “The legacy ponds at Sellafield are old and as a result, do not meet the high engineering standards that would be required for modern nuclear facilities. These legacy ponds bring significant challenges, but we must focus our attention on improving the current situation. This does not mean that operations and activities on those facilities are unsafe.”

LANL Nuclear Site....polluted, incompetent, and one of the richest places in the Country.

And they are about to lose their cushy $2B a year contract due to incompetence.    What that means is arrogance and stupidity.

Federal officials recently confirmed that the $2 billion contract now held by a consortium that includes the University of California, Bechtel Corp. and other for-profit companies will be put out for bid due to repeated failures over the past four years to meet performance goals.
Just this month, the lab managers were warned they would be docked nearly $8 million in incentive fees for potential contamination stemming from the handling of highly enriched uranium at a Nevada facility and for an incident that left one worker with burns over 30 percent of his body.
That followed losses the previous year that stemmed from lab failures that resulted in a radiation leak and the indefinite closure of the nation’s only underground nuclear waste repository.
Facing new scrutiny from the Department of Energy, more allegations of mishandled documents and millions of dollars worth of missing equipment, the University of California hired Glen Walp, former chief of the Arizona Capitol Police and a state police officer, and another longtime security expert, Steve Doran, to investigate. Within months, they were fired after finding evidence that misappropriated lab funds were used to buy everything from personal computers to a sporty $30,000 Ford Mustang.
“When I went there, it was right after 9/11, and I thought I was joining the ranks of the elite,” Walp said. “To the converse, not the scientists, but the operators and administration were highly dysfunctional. They tried to cover up everything. They didn’t really deny that.”
“UC lab administrators played the game that they didn’t know what was going on,” said Walp, who received $930,000 in a settlement from the Department of Energy after he was fired. “There is no way they didn’t know what was going on. They knew there was classified material that was in jeopardy.”

Armstrong County Nuke Dump

Finding incompetently "designed" dumps and then incompetently managed dumps is like shooting fish in a barrel.

$350M to clean this one up....that sounds like A LOT of money.  It is 10 times more than they originally thought.    They started a cleanup in 2007, but had to stop when they unearthed plutonium and uranium and the contractor wasn't capable of handling those.

Patty Ameno was the primary activist that made this happen.    Good on you Patty!

 Here is Patty's story.   I sent her a congrats via Linkedin

Numec was subsequently bought by Babcock & Wilcox Co., an energy products and services provider. A B&W spokesman declined to comment.
The Corps, after years of planning, began excavating one of 10 known waste trenches at the site in the summer of 2011. Digging abruptly halted several weeks later and hasn’t resumed.
Corps officials said a contractor had violated safety protocols and that an unexpectedly large amount of “complex material” had been found. The officials declined to be more specific. Subsequently, federal officials classified certain information about the dump site, citing a security rule regarding “special nuclear material,” a designation that includes plutonium and uranium isotopes usable in atomic weapons.
Quick Link to my article on WIPP Nuclear Dump / Mine in New Mexico


And a newish dump in "West Texas" run by a billionaire under the name of Waste Control Specialists.

Here is the Complaint

Here is the billionaire rebuttal
Did you know there is a very widespread dump for nuclear fuel processing waste?   It is called the municipal water systems of the USA, and the villain is flouride.

Flouride is a product of uranium and plutonium refinement.

My recent 'favorite' dump ..

Concord Massachussetts - Radioactive Nightmare→20 TIMES more depleted uranium than used in Persian Gulf War buried in Concord, Massachusetts..
Today, atop and buried beneath a low hill above a cranberry bog lie more than 3,800 barrels of radioactive and toxic waste..
soil more than a mile from the nuclear dump is radioactive..
1993 epidemiological study found the town's residents suffered higher rates of cancer than the state average. 
My recent 'favorite' dump ..
Concord Massachussetts - Radioactive Nightmare→20 TIMES more depleted uranium than used in Persian Gulf War buried in Concord, Massachusetts..
Today, atop and buried beneath a low hill above a cranberry bog lie more than 3,800 barrels of radioactive and toxic waste..
soil more than a mile from the nuclear dump is radioactive..
1993 epidemiological study found the town's residents suffered higher rates of cancer than the state average.
- See more at:

My recent 'favorite' dump ..
Concord Massachussetts - Radioactive Nightmare→20 TIMES more depleted uranium than used in Persian Gulf War buried in Concord, Massachusetts..
Today, atop and buried beneath a low hill above a cranberry bog lie more than 3,800 barrels of radioactive and toxic waste..
soil more than a mile from the nuclear dump is radioactive..
1993 epidemiological study found the town's residents suffered higher rates of cancer than the state average.
- See more at:

Friday, January 1, 2016

Chicken Little Radiation Reporting Hurts the Anti-Nuclear Movement

Although Bob Nichols does an important service in bringing to light many of the radiation tragedies playing out in real time now, set up by 70 years of arrogance, shielding from the public eye, and just plain incompetence, and the ubiquitous  excuse of "we are at war, we have to save lives, we are in a cold war" that makes any irresponsible act seem permissible.

That said Mr. Nichols does a disservice to the community and the message and activism by a broad mis-truth of comparing apples to oranges.    And here it is quickly and succinctly.  

He is using Clicks Per Minute (CPM) from a Gamma Scintillator (high numbers) and comparing it to Clicks Per Minute from a conventional Geiger Counter which measures all 3 types of radiation, but with much less precision than a Gamma Scintillator (low numbers, say like 25 CPM).

So no, we are not living in the USA in cities that have 200 times normal radiation.    This is not constructive, damages the message, gets fringe activists talking about the wrong thing and discredits the anti-radiation movement.

Nichols also states (see screen capture) that "normal radiation" is 5 to 20 CPM.     This may have been true in 1900, but it is extremely rare to get any measurements of less than 20.    25 to 35 is normal in most places in USA.  

Nichols knows the difference between Beta and Gamma, between Gamma Scintillators and Geiger Counters.   Maybe he doesn't know enough.   Maybe he just wants to get people excited and talking to their elected representatives about radiation.   Maybe he just wants more clicks to his site.    I will take him to task on this in the near future, directly.    It hurts the anti-radiation anti-nuclear movement.

As the nuclear industry spend over $1.4B per year to send out propaganda to promote itself and distribute lies about how good it is....we can't afford to damage our own grassroots movement.

Here is a previous review I did on this "Chicken Little" or the Bob that Cried Wolf too often.

Another guy who has done some good research in the past (which I do not always agree with, but often do), is Ian Goddard.

Please review his video on the LNT radiation model, a very important (although flawed in a fundamental way, which does not incidentally take away from it's usefulness in protecting your safety)

By Ian Goddard

Since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, the focus of nuclear advocacy has been to prevent private property owners from holding nuclear utilities liable for damages incurred by future nuclear disasters. Toward that goal, nuclear advocates have set their sights on the linear no-threshold (LNT) risk model.

According to the LNT, even the lowest doses of radiation increase risk of cancer. So the LNT informs the rationale for nuclear liability from disasters that spread radioactive fallout across the landscape.

In 2006, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences endorsed the LNT risk model in their BEIR VII report. But has radiation epidemiology since 2006 continued to support BEIR VII? That was the question I set out to answer at the National Library of Medicine, and what I found is presented in this video:

Thursday, December 31, 2015

"The Precious" Blinded Me With Science - Heretics of Science or Speakers of Truth?

My schooling and career have been based on "science", mathematics, materials, energy, engineering and practical application of all that. I became a CEM Certified Energy Manager when there were only 9000 in the entire USA. Most wars are fought over energy, yet we have only 9000 specialists in Energy Management? How screwed up is that? Even among my college associates...if I express anti-nuclear, people don't like it. Some put me into the camp of "heretic". So be it. Science is not clean and good, it just is. And these days it can be used for the bad....especially as society gets more desperate. stock out. Don't be blinded by anything. Healthy New Year to Ye.

Britian Shuts Down An Old Reactor 44 YO. NO, They Will Not Last for 80 Years.

One thing I hear all the time from the pro-nuke club, is that the original licensing period of nuclear plants, 40 years, was not supposed to be their design life. AND that the design life is actually 80 years. Typical lying nukists. As plants get older, there are more and more expensive problems to fix, more down time. At 40 to 45 years, economics closes these plants. Good riddance, Wylfa 1
Dec 30 Britain closed its oldest nuclear reactor, Wylfa 1, after nearly 45 years of operation on Wednesday, operator Magnox Ltd said. "Wylfa Nuclear Power Station closed down, marking the conclusion of Magnox reactor generation in the UK," it said in a statement. The nuclear reactor in Wales was scheduled to shut down at the end of September 2014, but operations were extended until this week. The 490-megawatt nuclear reactor started operating in 1971 next to its twin Wylfa 2 reactor which was permanently shut down in April 2012. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Song About "When a Crazy Person Shoots Someone, Obama is going to Blame THE GUN"

Funny parody as a song set to Billy Joels "only the good die young"
About Obama and gun control.

Many sites already shut down for "copyright reasons in your country"

hmmm….who ever made this….do you think they did it to make money? Do you think they are worried about the copyright or getting the message out?

It just shows the hands of the Matrix operators.

Nature Bats Last, Pacific Ocean Bats After Nature

The GMI world is going bat shit crazy.

But this site clarifies some of it.     Nature Bats Last.

Check it out

Radiation at Altitude

Finally, a space weather site that provides data on Radiation at Altitude

Some of you may remember my citizen scientist efforts at Geiger data gathering at altitude on airplane flights.    What was most interesting was that by holding the Geiger against the leg, you can block half the beta and all the alpha. 

My testing showed a significant amount of Beta in the "jet stream".   Cosmic is gamma, do this beta is foreign, man made.   Search the site to find those.   Use the search box.
For the testing below, this guy is in charge.    For a $500 donation, they will do a specific test for you.    I want to document his name and email, because after the holidays I want to suggest some tests that may leap frog on my own testing on the trademarked "beta blocker" leg test, or the orientation testing. 

Doctor Tony Phillips

Radiation levels peak at the entrance to the stratosphere in a broad region called the "Pfotzer Maximum." This peak is named after physicist George Pfotzer who discovered it using balloons and Geiger tubes in the 1930s. Radiation levels there are more than 80x sea level.

Note that the bottom of the Pfotzer Maximim is near 55,000 ft. This means that some high-flying aircraft are not far from the zone of maximum radiation. Indeed, according to the Oct 22th measurements, a plane flying at 45,000 feet is exposed to 2.79 uSv/hr. At that rate, a passenger would absorb about one dental X-ray's worth of radiation in about 5 hours.

The radiation sensors onboard our helium balloons detect X-rays and gamma-rays in the energy range 10 keV to 20 MeV. These energies span the range of medical X-ray machines and airport security scanners.
stock here--as expected, flying at night is not protection from Cosmic, because it comes mainly from deep space, all around us.   In all directions

Space Weather is good stuff.    It explains a lot of things that happen on the Earth, especially things that lying scientists attribute to other causes.    interested?   Dive in, if I told you the truth, you wouldn't believe me.

NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center
The official U.S. government space weather bureau
Atmospheric Optics
The first place to look for information about sundogs, pillars, rainbows and related phenomena.
Solar Dynamics Observatory
Researchers call it a "Hubble for the sun." SDO is the most advanced solar observatory ever.
3D views of the sun from NASA's Solar and Terrestrial Relations Observatory
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
Realtime and archival images of the Sun from SOHO.
Daily Sunspot Summaries
from the NOAA Space Environment Center
the underlying science of space weather
Columbia Northern High School
Web-based high school science course with free enrollment
Kotton Grammer, Search Engine Marketing
sponsored link
Synergy Spray Foam Insulation of Houston TX
Protection from the Sun!

A Great Nuclear and Nuclear Waste Education Site --Know Nuclear Waste

Please visit, drop a comment and say stock sent you.

Pilgrim Nuclear Needs to BE Shut Down

stock here---this plant is dangerous, it also leaks radiation like a sieve.

Pilgrim needs to go.   Any regulator worth it's own salt would shut this site down immediately.  Don't even let it finish it's burn cycle.

Here is the coup de grace for Pilgrim.....
from the NRC blog

steamshovel2002 November 6, 2015 at 2:13 pm
The black swan event is Pilgrim’s part 21 SRV bellows failure. The insanity is we assume it would leak before failure. The only reason a warning of a bellows failure in the control room is through the lessons we learned in TMI. Remember their PORV valve only showed if the solenoid was energized or not? It showed nothing if the valve was open or not. If the operators in the control room had direct indication of PORV valve flow, TMI wouldn’t have happened. Not getting a leak warning before failure such as in Pilgrim’s SRV part 21 bellows failure and the undiscoverable massive inop SRV setpoint tech specs inaccuracies in Fitz reminds me of the blindness with poorly instrumented up PORV valves just prior to TMI.
Here in the Pilgrim’s part 21 the bellows failed without any warning. The bellows hi pressure warning. This guy was run for a full cycle in the plant. They removed it and sent it to a testing facility. Up at pressure on the stand or bringing to pressure they heard a pop. It was a bellows failure.
I am here to tell you the quality and reliability safety component is extraordinary important in a nuclear plant. The quality of the information the control room has on the condition of components and plant processes in extraordinary important.
Don’t even get me talking about gunslinger engineers who will tell anything you want for money?

Snowstorm at WIPP Nuke Dump Shuts Down Electrical System, Causes Massive Radiation Release, and Kills a Man

Massive spike on the 27th using the EPA data for Carlsbad.

Then a death the night of the 27th.
UPDATE---5 days after the death, his name was finally released.   Any suspected cause of death was not released.

I hypothesize that the big snow storm shorted out their electrical primary substation, which stopped the ventilation fans from pulling contaminated air through the HEPA filters, which resulted in a massive release of radiation.

This contributed to the death of the worker from WIPP

The data all fit.     Now let some pro-nuker try to disprove my hypothesis.

from ENE - freebywill ,<+120,000 for "sadnet">

Carlsbad sadnet data shows a large spike on Dec 26 all gamma ranges.
Query Parameters:
Location Names: NM: CARLSBAD,
Query Start Date: 12/23/2015
Query End Date: 12/30/2015
Fixed data selected.
Query Result for monitoring location NM: CARLSBAD.
Total Number of Records: 183
snap of data
This stn does not report beta
This stn is approx 40 km west of WIPP
Time adj is GMT -7,
starts around 3pm MST on Dec 26,
using gamma range 5 counts as reference
stay over 250 until 1am Dec 27.
surface winds approx 2pm MST,36.68,1024
surface winds approx 5pm MST

Monday, December 28, 2015

Nuclear Waste Dump Worker Found Dead at WIPP, No Age, No Cause of Death, No Intention To Do Autoposy Stated

Dead body found at WIPP.

  • How old was the guy….seems very relevant, and a standard part of almost every story….yet it is not mentioned.
    They do not state that he will undergo an autopsy, also quite odd.

  • The workers were so poorly trained that they reported him as unconscious, and they didn't both to take a pulse or check for breathing?
    The first responders instantly knew he was dead.

     Nothing smells right at the WIPP.

    This article has EVEN LESS information about the dead body found at WIPP.


Forcing Homeowners to Go Off Grid With Batteries Is a Victory Knock Out Punch for "Big Utilities"

I have been meaning to write this up for quite some time, say 9 months.   It is not rocket science, but you can see how the average person would be daunted by attempting the analysis.

However, with grade school math, you can see how this works out.    If you like this stuff, drop a comment and sign up as a follower.    I might even believe someone is reading my articles.

Synopsis: Big Utilities want to kill customer owned solar, and keep it all for themselves.     One trick they are developing is to pretend that customer generated solar and customer owned batteries are a legitimate way to allow people to have solar, and to "protect the grid" from the dangerous solar.

Right now the cost of batteries for a large home system is about $5000, and they need replacement every 5 years when used in a daily use environment (its 10 years or more when used only for emergencies)

That $5000 of batteries will store about 10kWH per day at a 50% discharge rate. That is 3650 kWH per year, or 18250 kWH delivered over 5 years.

JUST the cost of replacing the batteries is therefore 28 cents per kWH. Not to mention amortizing the cost of the solar PV AND the cost of the additional equipment needed to make the batteries work, that is around $12,500 for the additional equipment. If we assume the additional equipment has a life of 15 years, along with the batteries output in that time, produces/delivers

 54,750 kWH of electricity

in 15 years..    let's highlight that quantity of electricity, because we are going to keep coming back to it. 

15 year system cost, the initial cost of battery specific equipment plus
$12,500 +$5,000+$5,000+$5,000 3 sets of batteries) is $27,500

So the average cost of the Battery specific equipment and the batteries equates ($27,500 / 54,750 kWH) to 50.2 cents per kWH.

The average rate per kWH in the USA is 12 to 14 cents per kWH.

Encouraging people to go batteries leads to 2 things:
1) A proper investigation, which also wastes time and energy and destroys resolve to go solar PV.
2) An improper investment which leads to higher costs to the consumer.

The Solar PV itself, however, if you divide the cost after tax credits, by the kWH produced over a 30 year life, calculates to less than 3 cents per kWH.

So if you stay attached to the utility grid and use the grid and all the other customers and all their electric vehicle batteries as "your battery" you get power at less than 3 cents.

Or you can decide "allow" the utilities to prevent you from using the best and biggest battery around, the grid, and instead pay 50 cents plus 3 cents.

Or 3 cents.   Which is better?

What if on your initial purchase you could receive a total Federal and State tax credit of 50% of the initial cost of the system, and let's focus on the cost of the battery specific equipment and first set of batteries.    On your second and third set of batteries you won't get any tax credit, you pay full list price and probably some labor and overhead and profit also (but lets ignore those for simplicity).

So the initial batteries plus battery specific equipment to make them work is $17,500.     And if you can get 50% overall tax credit the net cost is $8,750.

Now add the sets 2 and 3 batteries in at $5,000 each.     $18,750 divided by 54,750 kWH is 34.2 cents per kWH.   Now add in the 3 cents cost for the PV itself.

That's 37.3 cents per kWH, compared to 3 cents for just the PV using the grid as a battery.   And 12 to 14 cents for current residential rates.   

See how going off grid is a huge economic cost?   Sure it might feel good to whip the bird to the utility, but in reality, by them not letting you use the grid as a battery, they have whipped the bird to you in a large way.

What if the cost of batteries falls by half and Mr Musk succeeds?

Simple math --- $12,500 +$2,500 +$2,500 +$2,500 = $20,000 / 54750kWH    or    36.5 cents per kWH plus 3

Wait, wait....there must be some way to make this work.......

Hey I can get 50% total tax credits on the initial battery and battery specific I betcha I finally got that utility whooped.....and using Mr. Musk's half price batteries.....

($12500+$2500) *50% = $7,500 +$2500 +$2500, Wow now we are down to $12,500 or

$12,500 / 54750 kWH = 22.8 cents per kWH, plus the 3 cents for the PV itself.

Sheesh.....even over long time spans, the consumer cannot rely on batteries AND even get close to the current rates of 12 to 14 cents.  

For solar to succeed, the grid must be used as the "battery"

For Big Util to keep their slaves ever under their control.....they need to prevent people from using the grid as a battery.

Have I drawn the line in the sand clearly enough?

Lies like the article below give the victory directly to Big Util.    Even where a grid doesn't exist, an area should develop a microgrid through which the participants will benefit from diversity of when specific people are using electricity.    The bigger the grid the better, and that needs to be the lesson.

Cheap batteries will give utilities electric shock

By Katrina Hamlin December 28, 2015

The author is a Reuters Breaking views columnist. The opinions expressed are her own.
Power suppliers have long enjoyed a natural monopoly. But the arrival of budget batteries coupled with cheaper solar power will allow a growing number of consumers to pull the plug on old-fashioned electricity networks in 2016 and beyond.
Solar panel prices have already plummeted, and batteries look set to follow in the near future as manufacturers hone new technologies and ramp up production. Tesla says it can slash the cost of its own batteries by more than a third with a bigger, better factory. That’s plausible: costs dropped by 14 percent on average every year between 2007 and 2014: broker CLSA reckons they will tumble by a further 70 percent over the next five years.
The prospect of being able to generate, store and manage their own power may prompt some customers to leave the grid. In parts of developing economies where electricity has yet to arrive, power networks may not be needed. More than a fifth of India’s population does not have access to electricity. Rather than waiting for infrastructure to expand, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government is offering a 30 percent subsidy to encourage homeowners to use solar …

Some may question my 3 cents per kWH average cost for the Solar PV (with no batteries)

Here is the backup on that, it is already pretty old, so it could be even cheaper.

Matrix the Real Matrix

This is a pretty good summary of the illusion of freedom Watch dog at Fukushima Others write about the NWO end game
The Beast’s head: the Rothschilds

The New World Order movement is set up and controlled from the shadows by the wealthy Rothschild dynasty. They are promoting the NWO under Zionism, but they are not alone in this endeavor. There are other small families involved, less powerful but still very influential. The “clan” consists of about 300 major families, out of who on 13 make up the high council. The rich are not only seeking wealth, but world domination and the worship of the Beast. Most of these families are behind organizations like the Bilderbergers or the Council on Foreign Relations, but not only that, as they also pull the strings of the Masonry or theMafia.

They’re ties with the occult are evident and they’re lust for world domination and destruction is even more so. For many decades, most members of this family used as their official seal (that followed their official signature in official documents) the Seal of Solomon, which back then was a symbol of magicians and mystics that that were practitioners of the black arts. The Beast’s 10 horns: the upcoming global regional divisions

In 1996, NAFTA had devised an outstanding economic strategy that was to raise global economy a great deal. The organization divided the World from a so-called “financial” point of view into 10 regions: 1. North America, 2. Western Europe, 3. Japan, 4. Australia + South Africa, 5. Eastern Europe + Russia, 6. Latin America, 7. North Africa + the Middle East, 8. Tropical Africa, 9. South and Southeast Asia and 10. China.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Pacific Ocean Has Been Nuked - Rad Chick Breaks It Down Before you review the videos below, please see this just in video of a Giant Squid visiting a harbor in Japan, very unusual behavior.