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Monday, June 14, 2021

Bill Barr and Joe Biden Tied Into 911, Event 201 (Agenda 21) Avril Haynes Attends and Then Gets Rewarded As Director of National Intelligence

Seen first at Flying Cuttlefish 


 Ron Klain is the White House Chief of Staff, and he was the Ebola Response Coordinator. Seems like these Pandemic peoples get rewarded.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

12 Years Ago We Got O'Bama and Netanyahu, Netanyahu Has Now Been Eliminated

Potentially this is quite large I'll ponder the ramifications when new information becomes available. stock out 

And the new guy?   TY to Right With the Ship



from Benjamin Fulford....occasionally has something interesting to say, and less often, True!


The formal removal from power of Israeli Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a geopolitical game-changer.  Netanyahu’s departure means the messianic Zionist fanatics who want to kill 90% of humanity and rule the survivors from a greater Israel have lost.

“This is momentous to counter KM (Khazarian Mafia) geopolitics,” MI6 sources say.  Netanyahu is being taken into protective custody so that he can sing about his hidden controllers before he is killed and silenced, they add.  Mossad sources insist the real Netanyahu is long gone and what we are seeing is a clone.  However, the MI6 version of events is more in line with what most of us understand as reality.

In any case, some recent news items show how big a change is coming to the Middle East.  Just before Netanyahu was ousted the Mossad linked site DEBKA posted the following:


Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, Interview Dr. Northrup RE Covid, VXX Transmitting, aka Shedding


Somehow Trolls Think They Can Show Up, Be Stupid and Abusive, and Still Be Published

 Mental health truly is one of our major challenges!

This troll will now be steadfastly deleted, 24/7, 100%

She has posted this drivel 3 times now, Poof      


The Issue of Ownership of the Media MUST be Addressed


In 2017 John Hopkins Center for Health Security published “The SPARS Pandemic”

stock here, we covered this in the past. She rips through it in 5 minutes. Take 5 minutes to review.

Rachel Levine In Swimsuit -- Promoted / Rewarded for Murdering Seniors in Pennsylvania


Spoofed, found using reverse image search tineye

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Compendium of Studies on H-C-Q

 Compendium of Studies on H-C-Q

 NOTE: Federal Law prevent the use of Emergency Authorization of any drug if there is one or more treatments for a medical condition.  

That is why they pulled out all the stops to attack H-C-Q and IverMockten

June 29th WHO to Hold "Extraordinary" Meeting on Vaccine Registration and COVAX -- Mark of the Beast Time?

 Hanna Nohynek is the head of SAGE (self annointed Strategic Advisery Group of Experts)

Immunizing Children, With An Experimental Drug, and Without Informed Consent, When The Children Have Little Chance of Harm From The Disease, is CRIMINAL

March 25th 2021


Immunizing children will help schools reopen, said Dr. Emily Erbelding, an infectious diseases physician at the National Institutes of Health who oversees
testing of Covid-19 vaccines in special populations. 

An estimated 80 percent of the population may need to be vaccinated for the United States to reach what scientists call herd immunity, when the virus would stop spreading because anyone with an active infection would be unlikely to encounter many people who could catch it from them. 

Still, some adults may refuse to be vaccinated, and others may not produce a robust immune response.

Oh, look at this female who is in charge of vaccine ethics, whilst informed
consent has been dragged through the mud at best....... 

Oh Wait!    The one in charge of ethic is FAUCI's WIFE, looks like a year of stress is not aging well for her.


And WHO funded that bat research?   It wasn't the WHO.

The newly released emails show one chain involving Fauci in April 2020. In it, a top NIAID official, Dr. Emily Erbelding, informed Fauci and others that a new grant to EcoHealth was for $3.6 million. Of that, approximately $750,000 would go to the Wuhan lab. Roughly $75,000 had already been sent to the lab during year 1 of the grant, she said.

Ivermockten -- It Really Works, Odds are 1 in 9 Trillion That The Data Is Wrong, A Huge Resource of Studies HERE

Notice I spelt it wrong, on purpose.   I am Mocking the Mocking bird media.

FDA Makes Using Blood Plasma To Cure COVID Illegal, Removes A Cure To Push People Into the Vaccine Instead


Lets cut to the chase.   My second call revealed the real reason that "Convalescent Plasma" is no longer in demand.    The nurse as the ABC Blood Center in West Bend Wisconsin, indicated that since the Vaccines were "out" that the FDA removed the ability to use Plasma, they all but made it illegal!

Once the vaccine production was going strong in Early February, the FDA all but made it illegal to use Plasma to help in treatment of COVID FEB 4, 2021 

In order to instead of cure COVID --- Promote the Vaccines!!!!

The FDA justified their latest assault on Americans by saying that C.Plasma was not shown to be effective except at early stage COVID.   And then they define "early stage" as not in a ventilator, intubated.    Aiyaiyai!!!    Once you are vent it is pretty much a death sentence!!!!!!!!!

So I called the Red Cross today -- 1-800-733-2767 

I inquired about donating plasma to help someone who may get COVID.    A lady answered and it sounded like a black lady working out of her house.

The conversation was not clear quality, but I left with the impression that she said that so many people had donated COVID recovered Plasma, that no more was needed. 

But she did want me to donate platelets, which takes longer, like 2.5 hours, and that these were on an "emergency" need list.    I imagine so, with all the blood and heart problems caused by the Jab Spike Protein running amok!


---------------------------------- These other organizations also deal with blood

National organizations

 The website for ABC indicates they are in the COVID Plasma scene.

Wisconsin 9

  • Blood Center of Northcentral Wisconsin[69]

Memorial Blood Centers[70]
The Community Blood Center[71]

Some laws about donations and eligibiltiy 


Post settings Labels No matching suggestions Published on 6/11/21 4:05 PM Permalink Location Search Description Options Post: Edit Loaded more posts.

CDC Tweets To Promote The Jab, But The Comments Are Amazingly Waken, CDC Gets B-Slapped

stock here: I was surprised at the comments 80% were very much against the CDC, very much against the jab

Visit Twitter to see the rest of the comments!



HCQ & ZINC is a cure and therapeutic according to Fauci’s emails so why are you still pushing the vaxThinking face 

I know why Money-mouth face crimes against humanity is punishable by death under Nurmberg act we are watching you all’s actions

Biden Entity To Give Away Twice The Cost of The Wall --- $10B In Vaccines To Be Given Away, No Strings Attached


Seems pretty irresponsible for a bankrupt country. The entire southern wall can be built for $5B, and the direct cost not including shipping and handling will be $10B

Friday, June 11, 2021

Dr. Emily Erbelding, an infectious disease physician at NIH, and expert in Biowarfare and Vaccination

She is one of the big troublemakers at NIH!

She is an LGBTQ advocate and has been studying lesbian bacterial concerns of sex.


Red Cross Update, COVID, Plasma and Other Blood Companies -- Since Vaccine Is "Out" FDA Made It Illegal To Use Plasma!

Lets cut to the chase.   My second call revealed the real reason that "Convalescent Plasma" is no longer in demand.    The nurse as the ABC Blood Center in West Bend Wisconsin, indicated that since the Vaccines were "out" that the FDA removed the ability to use Plasma, they all but made it illegal!

Once the vaccine production was going strong in Early February, the FDA all but made it illegal to use Plasma to help in treatment of COVID FEB 4, 2021 

In order to instead of cure COVID --- Promote the Vaccines!!!!

The FDA justified their latest assault on Americans by saying that C.Plasma was not shown to be effective except at early stage COVID.   And then they define "early stage" as not in a ventilator, intubated.    Aiyaiyai!!!    Once you are vent it is pretty much a death sentence!!!!!!!!!

So I called the Red Cross today -- 1-800-733-2767 

I inquired about donating plasma to help someone who may get COVID.    A lady answered and it sounded like a black lady working out of her house.

The conversation was not clear quality, but I left with the impression that she said that so many people had donated COVID recovered Plasma, that no more was needed. 

But she did want me to donate platelets, which takes longer, like 2.5 hours, and that these were on an "emergency" need list.    I imagine so, with all the blood and heart problems caused by the Jab Spike Protein running amok!


---------------------------------- These other organizations also deal with blood

National organizations

 The website for ABC indicates they are in the COVID Plasma scene.


  • Blood Center of Northcentral Wisconsin[69]

Memorial Blood Centers[70]
The Community Blood Center[71]

Some laws about donations and eligibiltiy 


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Chinese Contingent Bought Dominion Voting Systems 1 Month Before the Election -- Desperation Move When Landslide Was Obvioius!

 KanekoaTheGreat, [10.06.21 13:01]

Staple Street Capital, a private-equity firm, purchased Dominion on July 16, 2018 for approximately $265 million. William Kennard, the Chairman at Staple Street Capital was previously the Ambassador to the EU under Obama and the FCC Chief under Clinton.

UBS Securities LLC invested $400 million into Staple Street Capital on Oct. 8, 2020. There are two UBS Securities; one in New York (LLC) & one in Beijing (Co. Ltd.). The three board members of UBS NY are; Luo Qiang, Ye Xiang, & Mu Lina.

Luo Qiang was also on the board at UBS Beijing. Ye Xiang was the Board Chairman at UBS Beijing, a former Executive Director at Bank of China International, & a Secretary at the People's Bank of China. Mu Lina was a Director at UBS Beijing.

Mu Lina was a board member of Chongqing Three Gorges & SureKAM Corporation. SureKAM is a "Mini-Huawei" led by a former Huawei employee. UBS Beijing was established under personal supervision of the Vice President of China, Wang Qishan.

UBS Beijing previously executed IPO's for Bank of China, Industrial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, etc. Cheng Yisun, the Board Director at UBS Beijing, was a part of the CCP's Thousand Talents Plan & his uncle was a high-ranking CCP-official.

Xu Zhe, Board Director at UBS Beijing, is also Chairman of Capinfo, an industry leader among Chinese-state owned enterprises. "UBS Beijing is highly integrated with CCP military, intelligence, political-legal, digital totalitarian, & financial oligarch forces."

It's important to remember an analysis of 3,000 US counties shows Joe Biden received 5.6% more votes in counties which used Dominion Machines. This over-performance was the same in Biden-counties as Trump-counties whenever Dominion was used.

The Dominion Forensic Audit in Antrim County, Michigan showed an error rate of 68.05% when the FEC guidelines allow for an error rate of 0.0008%. The forensic report concluded these "inherent errors" were used to "create systemic fraud".

It's also important to remember that the Biden-family is in business with Chinese-nationals with "deep connections" to the "Communist Chinese government" & "the People's Liberation Army" according to the Grassley-Senate Report.

Dominion Voting Systems is the 2nd largest voting machine company in the USA. They serve 40% of American Voters and are used in all currently contested swing states:


Why did a CCP-owned company invest $400 million into Dominion Voting System's parent company one month before the 2020 election❓


Me and other patriots just dropped our sworn, notarized affidavits to serve Governor Sisolak’s office a notice of maladministration and demand for a full forensic audit of the 2020 November election. We are also sending out certified mail copies to the Secretary of State and all other necessary officials! The required transparency for elections was not met, and it is our right under the state constitution to receive an audit and have full accountability in our elections. The government works for us...not the other way around.

It’s not about pushing for a certain party or wanting one candidate to win over the other, it’s about making sure our votes matter. Unlike a lawsuit where it would be our job to prove anything, these affidavits remind the state that its actually their job to prove to us their wasn’t fraud. They are bound by the constitution to look into investigating if we suspect something, and I don’t think people realize that. We the People of Nevada have legitimate questions about this election that the powers that be are being very combative about answering. Why did counting stop? Why weren’t poll watchers allowed to be close enough to observe? Why did dead people get ballots? Who certified these machines before the election? I just find it odd that CNN, ABC, and even top level Dems like Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris all believed these machines were easily hackable and a danger to our Republic....right up until they got the result they wanted? We just want to know if our votes mattered and it’s 100% on the state to prove it to us if we petition them...which we just officially did.

Special shout out to the Arizona patriots that helped so much by showing us what they did to get an audit. Together we are going to save this country!

Arizona Illegally Fighting Justly Issued Court Order for 5 Months Now Related to Voting Audit


Josh Barnett is saying that the "actual number is way off" from the 2.1 million ballots

that are supposed to be there.

Christina Bobb said that they will likely find “substantially less” than 2.1 million ballots.

Boris Epshteyn said that 25% or more of the boxes are missing ballots.

In other words, Maricopa County's election officials fought a court ordered-subpoena for 5-months, then refused to turn over their election routers, didn't turn over chain of custody documentation, deleted an election database, don't have their admin passwords for their voting machines, didn't properly seal their ballots, and they are also missing a substantial amount of Maricopa County's 2.1 million ballots.

All in a state that was decided by 10,475 votes.

Am I missing anything else about how Maricopa County ran the "most safe and secure election ever" in American history❓ 


"I Feel Like I Won't Take Off My Mask Until Everybody Does" or "I Still Care"

Houston, we have a problem.

Anecdotal notes from the street.   Fleet Farm is kind of a cool store.   The "Gun Bar" is immediately visible to the left as you enter the store, they also have food, clothes, and injectables for your live stock.   

There was not a single mask wearer as patrons or employees (maybe I saw 1).   This comment covers all races and sexes.

Walmart, different story.   about 50% wearing masks, the workers were not forced to wear masks but some did.    Black and brown people were almost entirely masked, but not all.   90% of white people were not masked.   But one MW Masked Whitey turned the corner into my aisle and saw me shopping with no mask and she literally jumped back in horror and fear.   My god! she got within 4 feet of a non-masker.

Went to the old German Beer Garden and there was not a single mask among hundreds.

Sendix food store, 90% mask free, including the workers.
