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Thursday, May 14, 2015

How to Encourage Bees and Other Pollinators

This is just a starting post, a way to store some information provided by some of the fine folks at ENENEWS.

There are reports out from US gov that bees are down 40% year over year in 2015.    Bees are important pollinators, plants won't grow properly or reproduce without being pollinated.

This is going to be a big problem.
I am researching how to promote/help bees.
Methinks it approaches time to choose the most useful species, I understand the ramifications and philosophy behind that statement.

  • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
    Yeah sorry it was not ment personally , just talking in general to my own species..for past/present mistakes like fighting to keep using certain poison when suspicious in very important dieoff's..
    pardon me :)
    It crossed my mind if i could buy a hive and how hard it would be to maintain.. i don't even need the honey or something..just to help..

  • SadieDog
    Stock, Wanna help the bees? Plant a small organic garden. With assorted flowers like these… :)

      • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
        Thanks Sadie

        • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
          And Code and stock for bringing it up and all
          Code===== How to help bees. First, you have to get the right size comb starter. They make them too big and this unnatural size creates disease. Then you have to feed them their own honey and pollen instead of the sugar syrup stuff that passes as bee food. Then they need an environment free of pesticides. Many or most bees in the states have finally been africanized. This makes for a potential danger. A healthy hive is an amazing thing. Bees kept choosing my house to make hives

          looks like it could be a satisfying hobby/necessity

 Guide to Beekeeping
          Our guide is based on "Beekeeping in Tennessee" which was compiled and edit by Harry Williams and John Skinner of the University of Tennessee College of Agriculture. You'll find several references that are specific to the climate and apiary laws of Tennessee. We are continuously editing this document and welcome contributions. Email us with your suggestions.
          Five favorite plants for the bee garden Since this is the season when gardening catalogs flood my mailbox, I can’t help but think about next year’s pollinator garden. 

        • My five favorite pollinator plants are all species that attract a wide variety of wildlife. In addition, they all are relatively easy to care for and don’t require a lot of water. 
        • Agastache comes in various forms and colors and is attractive to many bees and butterflies. You can plant an entire garden of just Agastache using purples, oranges, reds, and pinks. These perennials flower over many weeks and are unappealing to deer and rabbits. My favorites include the hybrid “Blue Fortune” which is especially attractive to native bees and “New Mexico Hummingbird Mint” which draws butterflies and bumble bees as well as hummingbirds. 
        • Perovskia, or Russian Sage, is a real pollinator-pleaser. Some of the varieties such as “Blue Spire” become absolutely coated with bees of all descriptions. It has dark blue flowers on spikes that reach about 4 feet high. Deer and rabbits walk right by, while the bees hang on in ecstasy. 
        • Oregano was a surprise to me. I originally planted it for the leaves, but I’ve found that whenever I need a picture of a wild bee I’m sure to find one—or many—hanging out on the oregano plants. Oregano comes in many varieties and the small flowers range from pink to white. 
        • Ceanothus, or California lilac, is a fragrant and colorful evergreen shrub. The first time I ever really noticed one was in front of a public building in Tacoma. I walked by and saw that it was covered—I mean absolutely infested—with honey bees. I cut a twig and took it to a local nursery for identification. These shrubs are very drought tolerant and the flowers are the color of blue that honey bees love. 
        • Ceanothus is also freely visited by other species including bumble bees and sweat bees. 
        • Goldenrod is an especially good bee plant because it blooms very late in the year when bees are having a hard time finding forage. The bright yellow flowers attract many species of bee, especially bumble bees. Since goldenrod is tall it makes an excellent plant for the back of a garden or along a wall or fence. This past fall I often saw seven or eight bumble bees on one inflorescence. Goldenrod is another plant that requires little care and little water. Even if you only have room for a pot or two, you will be surprised at the number of pollinators you can attract with these plants. 
        • Other plants with similar characteristics will work as well, including lavender, salvia, penstemon, and catmint. 
        • Rusty
        • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Explaining Monsanto's War on Bees As DID said above, Monsanto is in competition with bees. Its simple, and powerfully true. Monsanto makes GMO "seeds". They grow 1 time, and the plant, if it produces seeds, those seeds will not be viable next year. That means, they won't work, won't grow a plant. So Monsanto generates a captive audience, each year the farmer must come back to them to get seeds. For the old school, "heirloom" seeds, are seeds that will grow into a plant that produces seeds that will be viable, that will grow the same plant the next year. I harvested seeds last fall from a number of plants, mainly just to do it and learn the skill, not because seeds are inherently expensive, they aren't. But someday, it may be hard to buy "non heirloom" seeds. Seeds will last maybe 2 to 7 years, depends on type of seeds, and storage, and luck. This year, I tried to make sure that all seeds purchased were Heirloom type. So did this spell it out clearly enough? Monsanto sells GMO (or now called GE genetically engineered) seeds. These seeds don't need bees. And they create a captive audience and recurring sales. Then Monsanto produces Glyphosophate, aka Round Up, which kills the heck out of that the Heirloom varieties don't work as well, don't get fertilized by bees. Monsanto has a war on bees. And Monsanto is winning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Classic Movie, Idiocracy

Human Jet Pack Flight Over Dubai

Rarely do I see an impressive video like this

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

One Liner Lies of The Cancer Cartel

Readers who frequent here know that I am the author of the 93 lies of nuke (it started at 55 and quickly grew, now it is probably 110).

Combomelt put those lie to music and video, what an awesome corrographed trophy, see the bottom.

Sorry to those who actually have cancer, this might not be to entertaining when it strikes so close to reality and it's a bad reality.

 I am starting a new one, the ____ one liner lies of the Cancer Cartel

  1. It's "your" cancer 
  2. Its just your bad luck 
  3. Don't worry, we are great at treating that 
  4. Who knows what caused it 
  5. We can use radiation to "treat" your cancer
  6. Those cancer hats are so stylish
  7. If you last 5 years, and die the next day, we consider our treatment sucessful no matter the cost no matter the pain
  8. Cancer is the "best" way to die (you have time to get your affairs in order)
  9. It can't be proven to be from Fukushima
  10. You didn't smile enough whilst basking in that radiation
  11. The CT scan is as effective as an MRI, and it's just like flying on an airplane.   
  12. It is your fear, uncertainty, and doubt that caused your cancer.
  13. "Everything" causes cancer, so don't blame radiation.
  14. "Our Radioactive Ocean" a lie by Kenny Busseler Boy, a Woods Whore
  15. We can "treat it"
  16. Childhood Leukemia is normal and has always been around.
  17. Mutations and tumors just happen, don't blame radiation. 
  18. Cancer is because people are poor, we need to hand money to the poor to prevent cancer and buy their votes (thus killing two mutated birds with one stone).
  19. Babies born today got the short end of the stick from baby boomers
  21. from bo: Cancer is increasing because of over diagnosis
from Obewan

'My cancer brought us closer': Rita Wilson says relationship with husband Tom Hanks stronger than ever after double mastectomy

Sugar causes cancer (sheesh, this might be true,
Anyone got more, drop them in the comments?

Nuclear Subsidies are 5.7 cents/kWH

stock here

One of the NEW LIES in the playbook of the nukist is that nuke electricity generators should be given more money since they are "special" generators, couldn't have said it better myself, LOL.      They state that wind and solar PV get subsidies of 30% from the Fed, therefore nuke should be paid more.  

Hmmm...the average cost of electricity in the us is around 12 cents per kWH, but for nuke 5.7 cents of that is direct immediate and continuing subsidy (see the study below), neglecting of course the out years costs and waste "disposal".

That is 5.7 cents per kWH for every kWH that nuke makes throughout its lifetime.  
So nuclear electricity generation gets a continuous 47.5% subsidy.

However Solar PV gets a 30% subsidy from the Feds as a tax credit.   But wait this deserves a closer look.    That is a one time tax credit based on the construction cost of the Solar PV.

So on a small say residential scale of $20,000 invested for project cost, the Feds will cover $6,000 of that.        How much power will a $20,000 PV system make in it's lifetime.   Well being a CEM, and an expert in the field, I can tell you exactly how much.

Well the system will produce 301053 kWH in its 30 year life.      So at current PV project costs, solar PV gets a 1.9cent per kWH Fed incentive.      Funny how that is exactly 1/3 as big as the nuclear subsidy.

Nuclear gets a 300% larger subsidy than solar at this time.    As the cost of solar goes down, that subsidy in way of a tax credit will become even less on a relative basis to kWH produced.

As nuclear ages, its subsidies will become even higher.   

Chart by stock

With regard to subsidy related cost issues, the subsidies for new reactors from Appendix A, page 131 in this UCS paper come to 5.7 cents/kWh.

Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies”:

Let’s contrast that with predictions that renewables will soon become competitive without subsidies, first from NREL:

“by 2025 wind and solar power electricity generation could become cost-competitive without federal subsidies, if new renewable energy development occurs in the most productive locations”:

And from former Energy Secretary Steven Chu:

“Before maybe the end of this decade, I see wind and solar being cost-competitive without subsidy with new fossil fuel”

How Come They Can't Find the Fukushima "Signature" Even Though Cesium levels have Increased 400% in Ocean? Fukushima Murdey Mystery

stock here, some new revelations below, from just this week.   not so much data revelations, as how to think about it revelations.    Part of it is "how do they lie and mislead".

For a quick primer on how to use the CS137 to CS134 ratio to "prove" a detection is from Fukushima, see this post.   It is actually easy to understand, but you need to turn your brain on for 2 so now ON!

 CodeShutdown Codeshutdown

The point is that the mainstream, which includes all of our science institutes, our government and the U.N. certainly the nuclear regulatory people…heck, why not include the president, and even some ENEnews posters are saying that the levels are very low and Fukushima will decommission itself.

I have a problem with this. I think the problem is huge. The tests show "radiation levels thousands of times lower than that which would be any health concern"

Its up to people…(you?) to solve this. You post links but yet we dont have the definitive answer and frankly, metal beard -Alex was right, we are losing the battle, and its only the usual ugly market forces which are shutting down SOME nuclear enterprises.

Maybe I will call it the "Fukushima murder mystery"

People are going to believe Woods Hole, not ENE posters. These are some things from Woods Hole;
"no radiation had yet been found along any of the beaches or shorelines where the public has been sampling since 2013"

Check the latest test results from the Buesselers public funded effort. I didnt check ALL of them but so far found only ONE that showed C-134 at a detectable level. Since they use the 137-134 ratio to determine the source, this means Woods Hole cant detect any radiation from Fukushima in these crowd funded efforts!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stock here

Exactly I noticed that same point just this week...maybe great minds think alike, or the 100 monkey discovery rule.

Since CS-134 is down to 25% compared to 4 years ago, 2 half lives have passed and if their detection limit is 2Bq/M3 then it would have had to have been 8 Bq/M3 at the beginning.  

But CS134 is minor in relation to CS137 in the source term percentages.
Refer here 192 Kg CS134 compared to 2987 Kg CS137

If all of the CS137 were released into the Pacific ocean it would only jack it up by 15 B1/M3

So Kenny is saying it's 4 or 5 now, used to be 1, and he thinks it might peak in the next year or 2 at 18 and be "fine" after that.

Kenny boy is talking out of his arse, with comments that makes little sense.

But the other reality I came up with today...the levels being measured in the ocean are after filtering....indeed, the plankton and fishes are filtering the radionuclides from the water on a continuous the measurements now are already "filtered" maybe we will peak in ocean measurements soon....because the plant and animal life will have captured the radiation.

hmmmmm, is that a good thing?   Why are they measuring only the water, with lip service measurements to fish and plants?    Ya, they know exactly how they are lying, and they shall receive a special place in hell.  But that does us no good now.

stock out

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Even Anti-Nukes are WAY Underestimating Release Amounts

In an article an anti nuke speaker was stating that remarkably only 4.7 kG of Cesium escaped from Fukushima, and only .75 kG of that landed in Japan.

Considering that the original amount of Cesium at Fukushima (this is called the Inventory) was over 3000 Kg, and considering all the explosions and fires, the statement that only 7kG left the plant is on its face just ludicrous.    But we can show this with facts very easily.

If you grab my inventory calculations from this article, and add the column which shows grams from the upper table, and paste into the lower table next to the Bq/M3, then you can see what the addition of a certain amount of radioisotope would increase the Bq/M3 by.

Kenny Boy Buesller said that before Fukushima the average ocean Cesium 137 was around .5 to 1 Bq/M3.    Now he is seeing areas that are 4 to 5 Bq/kG, so call it an increase of 4.   

Got it?     So Kenny Boy says it went up by 4, and the full inventory would have raised it by say 17 ( the CS137 plus 25% of the CS134 since 2 half lives have passed), so roughly 4 times more than what we see. 

So that means about 25% of the inventory is now being measured in the Pacific Ocean.    Or about 750 Kg.       NOT 4.7 Kg!      Let TEPCO be the one lying by a factor of 100, they always do.   In fact the only time TEPCO is not lying by a factor of 100 is when they are lying by a factor of 1000 or 100,000.  

Here is the article where he is low balling it
Professor Hiroaki Koide speaks at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ), Tokyo 

NukePro muses on what is important after all?

stock here:
Slice of Life from Hawaii.
here is the point ahead of time---how much is enough, when do you decide to get off the treadmill, what is important?   And keep in mind, the powers that be want you to work as much and as long as possible so they have more to steal/transfer to themselves.   In fact a current president stated that no way did he want women to "just be" stay at home moms, and that it was important for "careers" to be open for all women.    The treadmill folks, everything is pushing you onto that treadmill.    When do you exercise free choice?

My friend Terry told me that Charles and his girlfriend wanted to plan a kayak trip to Kalalau (a beautiful remote beach on Kauai).   I said "girlfriend? what happened to Charles wife?"   I met Charles and his wife at Kalalau in 2006.     Last year she developed pancraetic cancer and died within 6 months.   She was 52.

A client of mine is a Doctor, long time doctor in Hawaii.    He has a nice house in a gated community, very nice in  fact, with a nice pool.    And he has another nice house on the beach, also with a large pool.     And his wife is a hardworking real estate agent, working 60 hours a week.   The good doctor works a full time job doing his doctor work and them spending more time on training and seminars on the mainland.     He is 72 and she is 70.   She has that typically realtor "drive" and repeatedly points out how hard she works, and then confides in me "it's the only way we can keep up our lifestyle." Oh, by the way, they can't enjoy the beach house....the only way they can keep it, is by working hard to manage it as a vacation rental.

A good friend, a real expert in the solar community, 35 years going back to the "hippie days" and has been there, done that on everything solar, and has the answer on a shoot from the hip basis and is correct.   Also a fellow sailboat aficionado.   An incredible resource to me and always there with the answer when you are up against a brick wall.     Massive heart attack and dead at 57.

I took the time to phone about 400 customers during this trip.    It was amazing how many times that when asking for the husband (they usually handle the technical stuff like solar) I was informed that "he died".    In all cases the widows were obviously struggling to learn how to run the household, run the equipment, deal with repairs, deal with sketchy cheap craiglist "handymen".    Some were coping better than others, but all these widows were obviously really hurting from the new reality they were thrown into after the death of their husband.     Many were in there 50's, most were in their 60's.   


A USB report shows that most financially successful people just increase their lifestyle so that they are continuously on a treadmill.    This is rather sad if you think about it.     How many families reach $3 to 5M without buying too much stuff, too many properties, taking on too much student loan debt.    Very few.    How many can retire at 55, but instead they feel somehow obligated to keep buying stuff to impress people they don't even care about, and so they work until 67 or until dead.    Do you call that a "win"?

Government is calling for people to keep working longer into their life....but just because you will probably live to be 82, do you really want to work until 67?    What will those last 15 years be like?    


With two-thirds of millionaires reporting that they work to achieve financial security, a large percentage is left feeling that what they already have isn't enough.
For instance, one anonymous 42-year-old woman with a net worth between $1 and $2million dollars said in the report she wants to start working part-time, but fears losing a 'big chunk of my paycheck'. 
'It wouldn't be feasible,' she said. 'I want my kids to go to the best college possible.' 
The report, titled 'When is enough...enough?', found that the increase of wealth is directly proportional to an increase lifestyle expectations. 
As millionaires make more, they want more. 

stock here:
We are all pulled in various directions by various competing needs.    There is never enough time for "everything".    But take a step back and at least look at what the treadmill looks like.  

Stop particpating in things, buying things, that "don't matter".    Stop watching TV and stop letting them "program you".   Become a lie spotter.    Eliminate assh##*s and sociopaths from your life.

Get a game plan and run it everyday, except those days in which you unplug and take the whole day off.

Learn how to ferment real natural foods, and even better, grow them yourself!



stock out 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Can the half lives of radio-isotopes be accelerated? This website thinks so.

A reader sent me this information, and asked for some due diligence review of the concept.

The basic idea is that something can be done too make radiation half life away at a faster rate.


My first thought was, that because the radiation emission happen at an atomic scale, that there is nothing you can do to change the probabilistic nature of the emissions.      But it sure would be useful if you could get half lives to speed up.

Someday, I will do a due diligence, not this week though.
See my comments to the BRC (and add your own!). Another good read is: Nuclear Roulette the Case Against a "Nuclear Renaissance",Gar Smith,
On-site neutralization of radioactive waste at the power plant would make a lot more sense if the option were in fact available. Currently it is not. Scientists generally believe that radioactive decay rates are remarkably constant and that they cannot be changed by a simple, inexpensive process. The discovery of so-called "cold fusion" in 1989, however, changed all that. It became clear that radioactive decay rates could be affected by ordinary electrolysis. This led some scientists to propose that a process be developed for disposal of radioactive waste. Dr. G.H. Miley, for example, wrote U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (1999), Proposal No. 99-0222, "Scientific Feasibility Study of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRS) for Nuclear Waste Amelioration".(   ) The proposal was actually accepted, but some of those "institutionalized, atherosclerotic precision mound builders" that I talk about, later killed the project. Apparently, this was just too big a mound for them to leap over. (See: , , Complaints about U.S. Office of Patents and Trademarks regarding Cold Fusion: , Transcript of ABC's "Good Morning America" June 11, 1997 . See also Remediation of radioactive elements
What we now need is more public awareness and support for the idea that neutralizing radioactive waste at the power plant may be feasible. In Issues I have suggested that even a highschool chemistry student could build an apparatus to demonstrate the basic principles. If our kids are doing it, then the universities and national labs will see their way clear to get this show on the road. Uncle Sam can tell them:

2 Recommended Pro Life Websites from Capn D (by Pro Life I Mean Anti Nuke)


A BIG Salute for your site and all the effort you have put into it!
Also checkout two of my long time favorites, you might want to consider linking yours to them, since we all are deeply involved with global

Monday, May 4, 2015

Nuke Pro Entraps a Troll In It's Own Lies, With The Trolls Own Link Gosh Golly, stock Hands Him His Asshat

The whole interchange can be seen here, which you should visit and drop a comment also

LOL nuke is so "essential" but how come nothing bad happens when a 1000MW plant scrams (emergency shutdown).....ya, because nuclear is not needed. Slam Dunk!

  • I bet you dont know the origin of SCRAM, or the person that was the original without doing a Google Search or going to Wikipedia. But do it anyway and learn something about atomic history.

    I bet you bought into the "ax Man" lie, like all the other nuclear lies. In reality, it is just like what nukers do, like they did at Fukushima, they run away, they scram out of there.

    I asked you a question. You couldn't answer. Norm Hillberry was the original ax man at CP-1. A real nuke pro knows atomic history.

    I did actually answer, i informed you that the Ax Man was just a legend, a made up lie....

    How sad for you....the article you linked was the complete rebuttal debunk of the ax man lie, from your link this quote

    I contacted Nyer recently, and he was eager to tell the “scram”
    story, one that squares well with Wilson’s reported version of events.
    Nyer’s job that day was to be Hilberry’s backup. If all safety systems
    failed, he and the other members of the “suicide squad” were to dump a
    liquid cadmium solution on CP-1 to poison the reaction. The axe-man
    story is, he recalls, “a bunch of baloney.”
    But he did offer another
    explanation for the word. His recollection was that Wilson was
    assembling a panel that included a big red button. According to Nyer,
    someone asked Wilson the reason for the red knob. Wilson replied you’d
    hit it if there was a problem. “Well, then what do you do?” he was
    asked. Wilson reportedly replied “You scram … out of here.”
    The word
    appears to have stuck.
    And so it seems likely that scram switches all over the world owe
    their names not to the nuclear industry’s later penchant for acronyms,
    but to the slang of twentieth-century America."
    Your credibility has been axed, LOL

    Sunday, May 3, 2015

    Storage of Nuclear Waste and Other Radiation "Products" -- New Mexico and Texas Fighting for the "Precious"

    It is such a travesty that humans continue making more radionuclides. We need to stop. The trick of turning matter into energy looks like a free lunch at first blush, but in reality is the most expensive and dangerous lunch we have ever had rammed down our throats.

    That said, I agree that we need to do something with the waste we have. At the rate we are going I see around less than 50 to 100 year survival of the human race, especially once the Pacific is truly dead and the added stressors cause more people to lash out and terrorists attack the ground stored super bombs called "spent fuel".

     So we should do something to kick the can down the road in a "retrievable way". For basic safety, the nuclear waste needs to be stored underground, but it is absolutely essential that it accessible and retrievable, even if very difficult. You can see what happened at WIPP, they mixed up a potion they couldn't control, then the salt walls and ceiling which were supposed to "seal" the waste by creeping in at few inches a year decided that it preferred to come crashing down instead.

    So what will happen when these 500,000 barrels already in WIPP are all corroded (that is the plan actually, not a conspiracy) and all the substances mix together and separate out by density? An underground super bomb? Or a belching mini-OKLO under ground reactor sending up radioactive gases and occasional "puffs" of Plutonium? Would there be any fix possible? Certainly not.

    Human will cannot even handle the current messes we have, much less this much more dangerous mess that we are hurtling towards.

     That comprises my argument that it must be retrievable and accessible. I would also argue that in a runaway reaction, we also need the ability for a "hail Mary" collapse and fill of the mine and mine shafts. Explosive devices....a last ditch effort to extend our time on this planet.

    Instead we have propaganda, i.e. the new nukist playbook, that storing waste at ground level is now determined "safe" by the NRC".    


    Now I hear that even the dry casks are getting chintzier and of inferior construction. Certainly if we kick the can, we need to kick it at least 50 to 100 years. Like the tanks at Hanford that are already past their design life, and doing what is expected, contaminating the ground water, our drinking water. Yucca mountain is a lousy choice and always was. There is an important water table right below it. So let's do something.....but do it RIGHT

    Friday, May 1, 2015

    My Sheep Dogs

    Our society consists of Wolves, Sheep, and Sheep Dogs

    If you can be the Sheep Dog, always be the Sheep Dog

    These are my dogs, taken yesterday.     

    The top picture is the "Top Dog" he is the super Alpha, even when getting together with other shepherd owners and their dogs, or at training events, he is instantly noticed by all other dogs as being the Alpha.  

    What would the average "bad guy" think when faced with this?  We call him Banchan (cute guard dog)

    This is the "little one", we call her Hanako, she is fast and super smart and rascally

    See below--  My avatar is a picture I took of the Banchan as a puppy, cutest puppy ever.
    It actually became the cover page of the German Shepherd annual calendar.

    So I am a published photographer, LOL, I think the subject matter is what made the picture great!

    Drop a comment
    Best New Friends

    Always Be the Sheepdog, or at Least Batman or Spidey


    Submitted to the Urban Dictionary -- Whoremesis

     Also see


    Hey "stock" I heard that you were doing some [troll jousting] with a nuke shill on your blog again, this time it was stating that "a little bit of radiation is actually good for you.

    stock here: ya for sure, now they got like 6 trolls attacking me, must be striking close to the truth.    So that troll was trotting out the old lie official termed "hormesis" which the nuclear cartel hires scientists to "prove" that the radiation that leaks out of their plants on a regular basis is actually good for you!

    Sheesh, stock, it is amazing that any of these scientists will stoop that low, injuring innocent bystanders who believe their crap and don't take adequate precautions.       These scientists are turning into grant grubbing little asshats, whoring themselves out so they can buy the next iPhone for their kids.

    stock here: Indeed it is sad, science turning into 2-bit whores, is why I call it


    Shark Attacks and Deaths in Hawaii Continue, and Sea Lions in California continue to Risk Their Life to Get Out of the Ocean

    A sea lion pup that was released earlier this year after being nursed back to health was found wandering on a San Francisco sidewalk Thursday and was captured by marine rescuers.
    Video from the Marine Mammal Center in nearby Sausalito shows the male sea lion, nicknamed Rubbish, hiding under a car and trying to scurry away from rescuers. They eventually got a net around it and move it into a crate, taking it back to the center.
    KTVU reports that a veterinarian noticed the sea lion, which was rescued in February. Then, the sea lion was treated for pneumonia and malnutrition. The animal weighed just 30 pounds when it was rescued.

    A reader submitted this pixel of light

    "The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died." - Revelation 16:3



    The food chain is getting so stressed in the Pacific Ocean, for so long that shark attacks on humans....not just mistaken bites, and becoming common place.   In Hawaii.

    I did an article over a year ago, after 15 attacks in one year.    Of course, the gov has to lie....anytime anyone was fishing, they call the attack "instigated" and put it in another category.

    OH my, people instigated those sharks to attack.    Could it be the radiation and heavy metals screwing up the food chain.......sheesh.

    Shark Kills Woman in Hawaii, April 30, 2015

    I did a few articles on the barrage of shark attacks in Hawaii, indicative of a highly stressed food chain.

    Apex Predators in Hawaii are OUT OF CONTROL, Shark Attacks up 500% as Fukushima Radiation Rolls In


    She was snorkeling with 2 friends

    The shark struck the unidentified woman just before 9 a.m. Wednesday as she was snorkeling near a popular spot known as "Dumps," according to the Maui Fire Department. Other snorkelers found her floating face down about 200 yards off-shore and pulled her from the sea, but she had suffered severe injuries to her upper torso. Paramedics and firefighters responded, but the woman, identified only as a resident of Kihei, did not survive.

    Shark with feet, not a good sign

    A reader, commenting below, submitted this website, so I added it here as a working hyperlink