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Monday, July 11, 2016

In Japan, A Newly Elected Governor Is Anti-Nuclear, Replacing A Tool Who Was Pro-Nuclear and Pushing Hard on Nuke Restarts

stock here.   There does seem to be some hope.   Things always look bleakest right before a tipping point.   In Japan, a fully anti-nuke Governor was elected in a zone that they were "authorized" to restart nuclear plants.  

TIPP it good!

Then at the same time the nuke cartel is coordinating a worldwide effort to pretend that everything in the ocean is "back to normal"

From the article, we see a new meme from the nuclear cartel, a new lie.    The new lie is "because radiation is invisible, we fear it too much".

from the article

But some sort of normal is returning to the wider ocean.
Nuclear energy is an emotive issue - besides the political, environmental and economic arguments, some believe radioactivity has a psychological dimension that prods at our inner fears.
In terms of human evolution, it's not that long ago since we were hunter gatherers facing dangers all around us - from poisonous plants to predators.
Because we're hardwired to react to the dangers we can see, smell or taste, radioactivity - which is an invisible threat - perhaps has a particular resonance. Human beings are particularly useless about being able to assess risk but surprisingly, there is a bunch of academics who study this stuff.

Measuring up
•A becquerel (Bq), named after French physicist Henri Becquerel, is a measure of radioactivity
•A quantity of radioactive material has an activity of 1Bq if one nucleus decays per second - and 1kBq if 1,000 nuclei decay per second
•A sievert (Sv) is a measure of radiation absorbed by a person, named after Swedish medical physicist Rolf Sievert

And it seems our perceptions of risk from radiation are somewhat fickle.

Satoshi Mitazono celebrates victory in the Kagoshima gubernatorial election in Kagoshima on July 10. (Masaru Komiyaji)
  • Photo/Illustraion
KAGOSHIMA--Voters in this prefecture made a strong anti-nuclear statement when they swept a first-time candidate into the governor's office on July 10.
Satoshi Mitazono, 58, defeated incumbent Governor Yuichiro Ito, 68, who had given approval to restart the Sendai nuclear power plant in Kagoshima Prefecture, which is currently the only one operating in Japan.
“I have consistently asserted, ‘Let’s make a nuclear-free society,’” said Mitazono, a former TV Asahi Corp. commentator, in front of about 200 supporters who gathered at his election office after his victory became certain.

article here

Thursday, July 7, 2016

USA Nuclear Is Dying, Another 4 Nuke Plants Bite The Dust

Whatever it takes, whatever method or reason, closing nuclear plants is a huge win for the humans, animals, plants or the world

And now even though they had a license extension and long term lease renewed, Diablo Canyon is
going to close 2 plants, and replace it with

1) Renewable (Solar PV)
2) Efficiency
3) Storage

PERFECT!   and listed in the "right order" also.    Diablo Canyon is about 9% of California's Electricity, so that is a big deal. 

Dive Insight:

After years of debate over its future, Diablo Canyon is succumbing to the fate of many nuclear plants in organized markets.
With low gas prices and stagnant load growth keeping market prices down, nuclear plants, with their relatively high fixed costs, are finding it difficult to compete. Five reactors were shut down in 2013 and 2014, the Post notes, while Exelon just announced plans to shutter two major plants after efforts to win legislative support in Illinois failed.
“Our analysis continues to show that instead of continuing to run all the time, there will be parts of the year where Diablo will not be needed,” PG&E CEO Tony Earley, said Tuesday, according to SF Gate.
And in the incredibly corrupt Illinois, where Exelon tried to strong arm the State into coughing up more money to increase profits, well....Illinois refused to be blackmailed.

And Exelon is shutting down 2 plants, there.    Huuwah!

This describes the run up to the decision

And this is the decision 

Finally, in Nevada, another bastion of proper conduct, another huge win for SOLAR!

And a citizen journalist does some nice research to prove that a PUC official was biased against solar even while currently reviewing policy on solar.   That PUC official got her ass canned.

PUC Official, Tweeting Against Solar, gets canned

Voltz said he made the connection via a Google search of a Twitter account and connecting the picture on the account to Tanner’s Facebook page.
“A review of these comments shows that Ms. Tanner was disparaging the rooftop solar companies, the net metering customers and the Bureau of Consumer Protection, while at the same time praising NV Energy, when the Commission still had this matter pending before it,” Voltz told the commissioners in the public testimony portion of the Wednesday meeting.
He provided a link to the comments.
The Twitter account appears to have been closed.
Voltz said Tanner appeared to have violated the rules of Judicial Conduct which prohibit a judge or court staff from making comments that impair the fairness of a matter pending before it. The rules apply because the PUC is a quasi-judicial agency.
The PUC had no comment and would not even say if Tanner had left the agency. But she is no longer listed as staff member on the PUC website.

Stock Weighing In On Chemtrails, GeoEngineering -- Carnicom Institute

I am 99% convinced that our illustrious government and powers that be are engaging in various geoenegineering efforts.     And that these efforts will have unanticipated bad effects.   And that these efforts are mostly not in the best interests of the humans of the world.  

It is becoming more and more obvious.    Scientists that instead of receiving grants, should be receiving a Nuremberg trial.  

Several websites are now covering Geoengineering.    One is the Carnicom Institute.    Please review the link.

Carnicom Institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information through scientific, educational, environmental, and health research for the public welfare. The Institute is currently focused on the important issues of geoengineering and bioengineering.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Latest Fukushima Lie? "The Ocean is Back to Normal"

The latest lie of "Ocean Radiation Is Back to Normal" got picked up far and wide.  See all the links at the bottom also.   stock out

and see at the bottom of the article
" If things are “just fine,” why has the EPA drawn up a new proposal that would permit an amount of radiation in our drinking water that would be equivalent to 250 chest x-rays in one year?

After World War 2, they conducted trials at Nuremberg, specifically aimed at Scientists who lied to the public during the war.    The scientists have a large responsibility to tell the truth to the public, and the public MUST put their trust in the scientists.    Very often, it is the public who is footing the bill for the scientists salaries.

At Nuremberg, some of these scientists were put to death.

The poster children for the modern Lying Scientists are

  1. Ken Buessler (Kenny Boy) and 
  2. Jay Cullen (Jackass Culling) 
Their audacity in telling tall tales has increased.

See the title in the Picture.

No data is presented to make this claim, and in fact, they sloppily also state that radiation is expected to peak in 2015/2016

Quoting from the Article
It is likely that maximum radiation levels will be attained off the North American coast in the 2015-16 period, before declining to around the level associated with background nuclear weapon testing by 2020. 

And the criminal Japan Times claims that radiation levels are "nearly normal".

 I almost want to puke reading these weak attempts at lies and minimizations.

And of course, they banned me for trying to expose some truth.

Lies, lies

One $cientist, Masque, admitted some truth, their real concern is the drying up of the grant money.   LOL ouch

Masque said it was a major concern that funds were running out for ongoing monitoring of radioactive material from Fukushima.

Majia (actually wrote 2 books on Fukushima) came up with a great article debunking this propaganda.

Pacific Ocean back to normal? Hell no!
A well documented rebuttal to this article is here: Bottom line, radiation is still around 600% to 1000% higher than before the accident, all over the Pacific. The sea creatures have been filtering out the radiation, its called Concentration Factors, There are numerous mass die offs, and a very important biological structure called "Chitin" is a radiation magnet and Chitin is destroyed by radiation.
I tried to post a summary and link to her article on the Japan Times, and it was quickly censored.   Those bastards!

At ENENEWS a participant "from a distance" who is often right on the money, had this to say....

from a distance
From the article laconic93 posted >>
" If things are “just fine,” why has the EPA drawn up a new proposal that would permit an amount of radiation in our drinking water that would be equivalent to 250 chest x-rays in one year? Eco Watch reports that in early June 2016, the EPA quietly issued several proposals that would allow radiation contamination levels in drinking water that are far and beyond what the Safe Drinking Water Act currently allows."

from a distance
SUBMIT your comment to the EPA telling them your opinion >>