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Friday, January 9, 2015

Radiation Frying California and Texas and Possible Coverup In New Mexico at WIPP

Over at Fukuleaks they have nicely formatted EPA data charts, just like Higgins used to have at his fine site before his entire house and all his servers were wiped out by Sandy.   Hope he is doing OK.


Bakersfield and Fresno CA have just been getting pounded with consistent high levels of radiation.   Arizona and Texas are also being totally fried.      Finally at the bottom of the page is the WIPP story, last fall they started venting plutonium from their underground Plutonium dump, but they say no danger to the public.    The data doesn't say that. 

Fresno, second chart down was getting pounded, and as far as we know they are still getting pounded, although the EPA shut off the monitors

 Tucson, AZ Has high and fairly steady radiation.   These levels are definitely dangerous, with a good chance of cancer developing after 1 year exposure.    And see Texas, down below Tucson, these are very high levels!
Albuquerque NM is the most populated area anywhere to WIPP.    WIPP started venting the underground dump in late October to reduce Plutonium levels so that their workers could be more productive with less safety equipment.     And there is a lot more than just plutonium at WIPP all the normal cast of characters is present, sometimes at very high levels of contamination.     Strontium and Cesium can account for increase in Beta, Plutonium is going to be all Alpha, very hard to pickup the Plutonium.
 Carlsbad NM, the site closes to the WIPP Plutonium Underground Dump that Blew UP this spring....well it seems as if they don't even deserve a Beta count, there is none shown.   How about that, not just a "broken" they don't even get one. 

Let the peasants have their yellow cake, and they can eat it and breathe it too...

What is amazing to me is that after screwing up royally, you would think they would put adeqaute resources into doing things right.    The DOE and the WIPP contractor (which used to have President Mohammed Farok Shariff running the plant at the time of the accident) have not ramped up resources to amek sure no further mistakes happen.

Instead they have improper ventilation at the underground dump
"The most significant concern is that NWP does not have a sound engineering approach for determining the minimum ventilation rates that will ensure safe conditions for underground workers," the Office of Enterprise Assessments report said. 
 Per this report|met:0000300|cat:0|order:11&%2F%3Fsource=dailyme

And the DOE had attempted to "engage the public" and reassure them through a series of Town Hall meetings.    the net result was only that they displayed their coverups, lies, and lack of effective action ---all the more clearly to those paying close attnetion.   In fact, this weeks town hall meeting was blacked out for internet participation.    The tough questions come from the semi anonymous activists who log in via the internet.     

Well, one way to avoid the pointed questions is to just "Break the Internet" those Butt-heads.

We noted in a news report that even at the local Town Hall they allowed less than 5 miuntes for questions to Las Alamos National Lab to explain what happened and how they were going to fix it.

Given the high levels of frustration of the local community, it is a bit surprising to see them dodge the issue with a obvious ineffective Q&A.    

 "The City of Carlsbad is very frustrated with Los Alamos and what went on there, especially the lack of control, the lack of understanding, and the lack of treatment," said John Heaton, chairman of the Mayor's Nuclear Task Force.

I t

Climate Change, Dead Birds, Carbon Tax, NWO Globalist Asshats

"that the birds appear to be starving to death, so experts don't believe a toxin is the culprit."
Scientist #1: Hey Joe, there be dead birds.
Scientist #2: Must be due to climate change, time to push for that carbon tax.
Scientist #1: Ummmm, how is a carbon tax going to help the birds?
S #2: We are too carbon addicted. Birds will come back once the new carbon-free era arrives.
S #1: Ummm. the sea lions are dying too, and the sea otters, the starfish, the orcas, the salmon, the walruses…will a carbon tax save them?
S#2: Silly you, you know as well as I do that the carbon tax is a joke. I only bring it up because my funding is climate change dependent, I am not really speaking as a scientist, rather as a shill.
S#1: Shill enough, that's what you are. Me? I am going to get on social media and try to kindle a fire under the sleeping masses to warn them abou the bird die-off.
S#2: Good luck

pinksailmatt pinksailmatt
And you guys know…of course…that the reasons Climate Change is even on the table right now, is that it is a very convenient excuse for all the radiation damage that we are seeing…esp the drying out of many of the states.
Remember the Summer of 2011…mid west got their crops fryed!
The other issue is even MORE of a reason, and that being the Nuclear Cartel will push their death machines as being the only way to overcome Global Warming.
And they might be sorta right…if the "old fashioned idea" of "Nuclear Winter" sets in. Polar Vortex…for example. Never heard of that till after the $hit cans and cess pools all blew up.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A "Myth" that Renweable Energy needs Massive Energy Storage

Please watch this video, its pretty short.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Illinois Being Worked Over by Exelon Lies

Inside the 200 page report which can be found at the link below

Response to the General Assembly Concerning House Resolution 1146

Illinois House Resolution 1146 adopted on May 29, 2014 requests the Illinois Commerce Commission, the Illinois Power Agency, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (collectively, "the Agencies") to prepare reports (to be found here) addressing issues related to the premature closure of nuclear power plants.
HR 1146 further asks that the Agencies' reports "include potential market-based solutions" to guard against premature closure of at-risk nuclear plants and associated consequences.
An overview of the report can be found here

2 charts make this a NO Brainer issue.     Exelon says some of its plant can't operate at a profit, and some consumers would have to pay 50% more in order to make the plants profitable.
But Illinois is a LARGE exporter of power, 20% of their overall production gets exported
And nuclear makes up around half of all the production, with 6 plants
And some of these plants aren't profitable
Excuse me, but why is the discussion even happening?    Shut 3 of the plants down!    And stop exporting power.
Phase them out over say 1.5 years total.      Keep the best plants for now.


Mutant Shrimp Caught in Japan, Looks Like a Fukushima Radiation Effect

Strangely colored shrimp caught Shizuoka offshore – Photo

Strangely colored shrimp caught Shizuoka offshore – Photo
The director of Numazu Deepblue Aquarium posted on Twitter a photo of the strangely colored shrimp on 12/28/2014.

He commented a local fisher went for the fishing of Glyphocrangonidae, which would be the last time of this year. This pictured shrimp, which looks like a different kind was accidentally caught. The location is eastern part of Shizuoka prefecture.
He said he always fishes in that area but he has never seen such a shrimp before.
The type is not identified yet.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Experimentation on the Planet and Species

What Have They Done…

The World and Anything Living Are Not Something To use As An Experiment For The Curiosity or the GREED.

  1. Nuclear Power Plants
  2. Radiation
  3. Uranium Mines
  4. Incredibly Bloated Governments
  5. Weapons of Mass Destruction
  6. New and Stronger Virus's
  7. Diseases
  8. Waste Plants
  9. Contaminated Food, Water, Air
  10. Putting Scorpion Genes into Food, GMO
  11. Fracking
  12. Oil Drilling
  13. Pipe Lines
  14. Sink Holes
  15. Dumping Even In Salt Domes
  16. Geo-engineering: Spraying Anything and Everywhere
  17. Use the Weather as a Weapon: HAARP
  18. Changing Weather Patterns
  19. Iter And Cern
  20. Cancer
  21. Chemo "therapy"
  22. Spy on everything and everyone
  23. Lies about Everything Important
  24. Fluoride
  25. Irradiated Foods
  26. Artificial Intelligence
  27. Drones with weapons
  28. 700T USD in "investment" derivatives for stability
  29. Societal control through mass media propaganda
  30. Depleted Uranium Weapons
  31. Strip Mining
  32. Mutual Assured Destruction
  33. Vaccinations with extra payloads
  34. Mass Extinctions
  35. Deep Ocean Drilling in Methane Hydrate Zones
  36. Mind and Body Challenges From Contamination
  37. Monster size Salmon
  38. Hormesis, Radiation is Good for You
  39. And ya know, don't let anyone tell you, ya know, that businesses create jobs...
  40. Money Printing as a Means to Prosperity
  41. An Atrocious Over Priced Disfunctional Health Care System
  42. Butts that Break the Internet (ok its about time to stop here, lol)

Still sure some are missing, here this now looks like a nice blog post

Full disclosure: I have an evacuation zone around my energy production system.     10kW Solar, evac zone, 0 feet 0 inches

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Chemotherapy -- Preliminary Research on Efficacy Versus "Health" and Teen Girl Grabbed by Government and Given Forced Chemo

This is another one of those rabbit hole building block posts.     I saw an article of a teen girl forcefully taken from her educated parents and given forced chemotherapy.    Maybe from here on out, I leave off the word therapy.

We are crowd sourcing information on "chemo", it also does not deserve a capital C.   I will add to this post as time allows.

Now the way it get cancer, you get chemo poisoning of good and bad cells alike.

I think other protocols and a focus on overall health and amplifying the existing disease fighting capabilities of the body will find many instances in which chemo is contra-indicated.   But we will let the data guide the way.
This link submitted by a reader, it explains many of the side effects of chemo, and there are  a lot

The Good Doctor did a nice writeup on a lot of Chemo information

and here one from

Here's something (posted before)


Teen and her parents refuse chemotherapy, after some drama, court orders her put into jail and have doctors force body killing chemicals into her.

How much more effed up can this society get before it just implodes on its own insanity.
The teen’s doctors testified at a trial court hearing, after which it was decided that she was to be removed from her home and remain in DCF custody— and that DCF was authorized to make medical decisions on her behalf.
Cassandra and her mother appealed the ruling and their case will be heard Thursday at the Connecticut Supreme Court in Hartford

 How sad, now our society uses pretty girls to advertise "Chemo Hats"-- Note where she is from at the very bottom

Crowd sourcing Section
Here is a source from obewan on good outcomes from chemo

Well some time these guys and gals get lucky and the stuff actually works..
Nobody likes to be told what to do..ever.

Some preliminary information from CodeShutdown
Anyone with good chemo sources and alternate protocols please chime in

I have a question for the medical group and the militarized government enforcers of cancer treatment; If the CAUSE of the disease has not been removed, can the patient be considered CURED?
Dr Jones did extensive work with cancer, reviewing studies etc. He came to the conclusion that survival is no better and often worse with conventional medical treatment. No one has been able to refute his findings.
Meanwhile Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center made a 301-page report which found that the cure rate using Kelley Protocol was almost 100% for pancreatic and other cancers

Nuke Industry -- Privitize the profits, and Socialize the Risk and and Cost of Cleanup

This is the game plan for all the 100 US nuclear plants that will be closing down.

The Army Corps halted the cleanup — originally estimated to cost $44.5 million — after crews discovered unanticipated amounts of "complex" materials, like uranium and plutonium, at the Parks Township site in 2011.

The site was once owned by Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp., which operated fuel plants for nuclear submarines in Parks and nearby Apollo. NUMEC owned the dump site from 1957 until the 1980s, but Babcock & Wilcox Co. most recently owned the land.

Why the heck is the US Taxpayer footing the bill?     And the cleanup cost is 10 times the original estimate.     These are enormous numbers.

 Why isn't NUMEC or Babcock and Wilcox responsible?  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Cancer is the New Normal UK Breaks the NEWS

 The new playbook of "Cancer is Normal, Random, Just Luck" is being played across the Atlantic.

The study of more than 29 countries compared five year survival for stomach, colon, rectal, lung, melanoma skin, breast, ovarian, prostate, and kidney cancers as well as the blood cancer non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

The 2013 study found that only for skin cancer, was survival in this country better than the EU average.

The number of men with prostate cancer has risen by 27 per cent in the last five years.
The charity said that while many of those diagnosed with cancer survived in good health, a large proportion would suffer long-term side-effects from treatment, such as incontinence and impotence.

Now they are able to drag out a shitty existence for 10 years on average.

John Pearson, 47, from Kent was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2006.
“Eight years on from my diagnosis I’m still suffering fatigue and permanent nerve damage to my legs, hips and arms from the chemotherapy,” he said.
“I try to stay positive as I’ve survived cancer but I’m living with the long term side effects of treatment. I wish I could do without the health services but I can’t – I see my GP for help with pain control, and have to visit the hospital for colonoscopies, neurology, and physiotherapy.”

Wouldn't it just be better to get rid of nuclear and radiation production?

The charity said that while many of those diagnosed with cancer survived in good health, a large proportion would suffer long-term side-effects from treatment, such as incontinence and impotence. 

I those little side effects like you piss and shit on yourself, and you can't have sex anymore.

And now the nukeapes tell us that nuclear is the only thing that can save the planet.   my my my.

Here is another take on the same subject, 7 points, but it's 10 pages long.     Personally I prefer the sound bite approach....75% of readers spend less than 5 minutes at a time on this site.

Thorium - Debunking the lies

I have long wanted to debunk the lies about Thorium.    Sure I have reviewed it, and certainly if operated correctly it would be better than uranium.    But sorry, the nuke pimps have lost their chance of our trust, after 70 years of accidents and coverups, its a non starter.

Christina, who runs some excellent sites,, and nuclear-news, did the debunk, and I am backing it up here, with full attribution and link.

How Much Safer Would Thorium Based Nuclear Power Be? January 4, 2015 | By News Junkie Uploaded by Alchemist-hp via Free Art License 1.3 (FAL 1.3)
highly-recommendedAccording to Oliver Tickell, not much:
Numerous advantages for thorium as a nuclear fuel and for the LFTR design over conventional solid fuel reactors have been claimed. In this section we consider each of these claims in turn.
3.1 Abundance of thorium relative to uranium
Claim: Thorium is several times more abundant in the Earth’s crust than uranium.
Response: Thorium (232Th) is indeed more abundant than uranium, by a factor of three to four. But whereas 0.7% of uranium occurs as fissile 235U, none of the thorium is fissile. The world already possesses an estimated 1.2 million tonnes of depleted uranium (mainly 238U), like thorium a fertile but non-fissile material. So the greater abundance of thorium than uranium confers no advantage, other than a very marginal advantage in energy security to those countries in which it is abundant.
3.2 Relative utility of thorium and uranium as fuel
Claim: 100% of the thorium is usable as fuel, in contrast to the low (~0.7%) proportion of fissile 235U in natural uranium.
Response: Thorium must be subjected to neutron irradiation to be transformed into a fissile material suitable for nuclear fuel (uranium, 233U). The same applies to the 238U that makes up depleted uranium, which as already observed, is plentiful. In theory, 100% of either metal could be bred into nuclear fuel. However, uranium has a strong head start, as 0.7% of it is fissile (235U) in its naturally-occurring form.
3.3 Nuclear weapons proliferation
Claim: thorium reactors do not produce plutonium, and so create little or no proliferation hazard.
Response: thorium reactors do not produce plutonium. But an LFTR could (by including 238U in the fuel) be adapted to produce plutonium of a high purity well above normal weapons-grade, presenting a major proliferation hazard. Beyond that, the main proliferation hazards arise from:
the need for fissile material (plutonium or uranium) to initiate the thorium fuel cycle, which could be diverted, and
the production of fissile uranium 233U.Claim: the fissile uranium (233U) produced by thorium reactors is not “weaponisable” owing to the presence of highly radiotoxic 232U as a contaminant. Response: 233U was successfully used in a 1955 bomb test in the Nevada Desert under the USA’s Operation Teapot and so is clearly weaponisable notwithstanding
any 232U present. Moreover, the continuous pyro-processing / electro-refining technologies intrinsic to MSRs / LFTRs could generate streams of 233U very low in 232U at a purity well above weapons grade as currently defined.
3.4 Safety
Claim: LFTRs are intrinsically safe, because the reactor operates at low pressure and is and incapable of melting down.
Response: the design of molten salt reactors does indeed mitigate against reactor meltdown and explosion. However, in an LFTR the main danger has been shifted from the reactor to the on-sitecontinuous fuel reprocessing operation – a high temperature process involving highly hazardous, explosive and intensely radioactive materials. A further serious hazard lies in the potential failure of the materials used for reactor and fuel containment in a highly corrosive chemical environment, under intense neutron and other radiation.
3.5 State of technology
Claim: the technology is already proven.
Response: important elements of the LFTR technology were proven during the 1970s Molten SaltBreeder Reactor (MSBR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. However, this was a small research reactor rated at just 7MW and there are huge technical and engineering challenges in scaling up this experimental design to make a ‘production’ reactor. Specific challenges include:
developing materials that can both resist corrosion by liquid fluoride salts including diverse fission products, and withstand decades of intense neutron radiation;
scaling up fuel reprocessing techniques to deal safely and reliably with large volumes of highly radioactive material at very high temperature;
keeping radioactive releases from the reprocessing operation to an acceptably low level;
achieving a full understanding of the thorium fuel cycle.
3.6 Nuclear waste
Claim: LFTRs produce far less nuclear waste than conventional solid fuel reactors.
Response: LFTRs are theoretically capable of a high fuel burn-up rate, but while this may indeed reduce the volume of waste, the waste is more radioactive due to the higher volume of radioactive fission products. The continuous fuel reprocessing that is characteristic of LFTRs will also produce hazardous chemical and radioactive waste streams, and releases to the environment will be unavoidable.
Claim: Liquid fluoride thorium reactors generate no high-level waste material.
Response: This claim, although made in the report from the House of Lords, has no basis in fact. High-level waste is an unavoidable product of nuclear fission. Spent fuel from any LFTR will be intensely radioactive and constitute high level waste. The reactor itself, at the end of its lifetime, will constitute high level waste.
Claim: the waste from LFTRs contains very few long-lived isotopes, in particular transuranic actinides such as plutonium. 
Response: the thorium fuel cycle does indeed produce very low volumes of plutonium and other long-lived actinides so long as only thorium and 233U are used as fuel. However, the waste contains many radioactive fission products and will remain dangerous for many hundreds of years. A particular hazard is the production of 232U, with its highly radio-toxic decay chain.
Claim: LFTRs can ‘burn up’ high level waste from conventional nuclear reactors, and stockpiles of plutonium.
Response: if LFTRs are used to ‘burn up’ waste from conventional reactors, their fuel now comprises 238U, 235U, 239Pu, 240Pu and other actinides. Operated in this way, what is now a mixed-fuel molten salt reactor will breed plutonium (from 238U) and other long lived actinides, perpetuating the plutonium cycle.
3.7 Cost of electricity
Claim: the design of LFTRs tends towards low construction cost and very cheap electricity.
Response: while some elements of LFTR design may cut costs compared to conventional reactors, other elements will add cost, notably the continuous fuel reprocessing using high-temperature ‘pyro-processing’ technologies. Moreover, a costly experimental phase of ~20-40 years duration will be required before any ‘production’ LFTR reactors can be built.
It is very hard to predict the cost of the technology that finally emerges, but the economics of nuclear fuel reprocessing to date suggests that the nuclear fuel produced from breeder reactors is about 50 times more expensive than ‘virgin’ fuel. It therefore appears probable that any electricity produced from LFTRs will be expensive.
We must also consider the prospect that relatively novel or immature energy sources, such as photovoltaic electricity and photo-evolved hydrogen, will have become well established as low-cost technologies long before LFTRs are in the market.
3.8 Timescale
Claim: Thorium and the LFTR offer a solution to current and medium-term energy supply deficits.
Response: The thorium fuel cycle is immature. Estimates from the UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (see 4.2 below) suggest that 10-15 years of research will be needed before thorium fuels are ready to be deployed in existing reactor designs. Production LFTRs will not be deployable on any significant scale for 40-70 years.

Updated January Asteroid Risk and Updated Asteroid App

 stock's proprietary but free Asteroid Calculator, Download in Excel format here.

Download Excel Based Asteroid Calculator FREE

This calculator generates results for Asteroid energy in Joules, based on diameter, speed, density.

This energy is then converted into something we can wrap our heads around, equivalent nuclear bombs.

The Jan 26 2015 Asteroid is close, large, and equivalent to 6828 large Nuclear Bombs.

The most dangerous upcoming asteroids data looks like this, it is odd there is such a rash of near earth dangerous asteroids.    Well this was postulated.    Note the column on Equivalent Nuclear Bombs.

The closer the "miss distance" the more likely that something in the knowledge base, if wrong, could result in a hit.     Also when there are lots of near earth objects, the chances of them hitting each other and taking a new trajectory is higher.

Keep in mind, during the 2012 Russia Asteroid Event....they completely missed this Asteroid.  It wasn't discovered until it blew up with multiple nuclear bomb force.

From NASA's site--
A NEO hitting Earth would need to be about 100 feet (30 meters) or larger to cause significant devastation in populated areas. Almost 30 percent of the 460-foot-sized NEOs have been found, but less than 1 percent of the 100-foot-sized NEOs have been detected.
Let that sink in....a 100 foot asteroid could devastate populated areas, but we have only found 1%
link is here

The Asteroid Calculator has this to say about 100 foot matter a lot if they are slow or fast.     So a "small" asteroid" could be equivalent to 19 large nuclear bombs.

The odds are low, but playing with extinction level events should be something we are concerned with.      Picture if Chicago and Cook Nuclear were wiped out or heavily damaged.   How would that affect your situation and your preparations?    In winter, any type of power outage can quickly become an serious emergency.    Your gas heater will not work without power.    If you abandon your house, all your pipes will freeze for a massive economic loss.

The Asteroid Calculator looks like this:   Download it using the link above.

Interesting Information, right?

Here are some links to NASA and JPL

Near Earth Object Program

JPL Widget

Ruh Roh---seems like you cant even trust the moon anymore, is this the explanation to Planet X?
et al?


Here is the Asteroid Calculator Embedded

New Play Book from the Radiation Cartel and Shark with Feet

Here is the new Game Plan from the Radiation Cartel

1) Pretend that Cancers are just for the most part, random Bad Luck

2) Go on record as stating the cancer is "the best way to die"

3) Nuclear is the only thing that can save humanity from (take your pick or ala carte) Global Warming, CO2, Acidification of the Ocean, Polar Ice

4) Charge people for NOT running nuke plants

5) Increase "safe levels" of radiation

No joke, they are rolling out all these strategies.    It is a crime against Humanity.


Highlight...bone cancer just "random".    Think strontium from Fukushima.

he wrote on the British Medical Journal’s blog that “death from cancer is the best” because it isn’t sudden. He argued that cancer victims who die of the disease have time to say goodbye to their loved ones, check off bucket list items, and get their affairs in order.
Any pain from cancer would be relieved by “love, morphine and whisky,” he said, and he called for scientists to cease spending billions of dollars to find a cure. He is the former editor of the journal.
According to a new study by the American Cancer Society, cancer is projected to kill nearly 590,000 people in the United States in 2015.
Cancer sufferers and their loved ones sounded off to and rebutted Smith’s remarks.
3) Is this like a circular reference to link to my own blog? LOL

Wait -- pro-nuclear environmentalists? Isn't that an oxymoron? Apparently, not so much anymore.
Embracing nuclear is the only way, the scientists believe, to reverse the looming threat of climate change which they blame on fossil fuels. Depending who you ask, they're either abandoning -- or leading -- traditional environmentalists who for a half-century have rejected clean-burning nuclear power as too expensive or too dangerous.
 Nukepro is pretty clear these "4 Lies Of the Apocalypse" AGW, CO2, pHraud, Polar Ice

They are all either: non-existant, overblown, or not caused by human actions.     I am not a big fan of pollution overall, but we need to spend our efforts on things that make a difference.    Instead the lies are a great disservice.


Exelon is also blackmailing the people of Illinois, pay us more, or we black you out.


USA raised the limits in food 100% after Clintons jaunt to Japan to make sure they understood their rewards for following the modified BP Playbook

Here is another take on the same subject, 7 points, but it's 10 pages long.     Personally I prefer the sound bite approach....75% of readers spend less than 5 minutes at a time on this site.

And proving that not all mutations are good.    Now we are really screwed, the denizens of the ocean are sick and tired of all our pollution and sharks are now growing feet.   Not good.

Risk of Asteroid Collision in January 2015

Scores of GIANT asteroids on course to hurtle past Earth within the month, NASA reveals

 According to NASA’s Near Earth Object Programme, there are 68 ‘close approaches’ forecast before the end of next month
The next, due on January 3, is the 490-metre wide 2005 YQ96 asteroid  currently hurtling through space at more than 30,000 miles per hour.
The biggest to skim the planet will be the mile-wide 2007 EJ asteroid due to throttle past on January 12th at 34,500 miles per hour.

I cannot forget that these same astronomers had warned us several weeks in advance about a totally different asteroid passing near the Earth, coming from an entirely different direction than the Chelyabinsk meteorite (for which we received no warning) the very same day that it exploded over Russia.  What are the odds of that?  Talk about a coincidental blind spot!  Weird.
Actually, Nukepro covered this event in detail.    It was caused by a debris field, and it WAS NOT from a different direction, just that the Eggheads who are pretending they got your back, miswarned.

The odds were 539 Million to 1 that the 2 asteroids were "just a coincidence" as the scientists immediately promulgated to the lap dog news media who couldn't think their way out of a paper bag.

In October 22, 2012 I did a post about a scenario in which scientist knew that Earth was going to fly through a cloud of meteors.    Would they tell?      Or would they mislead?     The answer to that should be clear.    The current Powers That Be will do anything to avoid panicking the sheeple.   If there was a .000001% chance that we wouldn't have a major hit, they would cover up the information.

Check it out here:

And here is a FREEBIE, you can download your own Asteroid Calculator in which you can adjust size of the 'Roid, speed, and density, and have the calculator tell you the equivalent number of atomic bombs.

And here is another story on the January of Doom, lol, apparently a lot of asteroids are coming our way in January.

Statistical Proof that Low Dose Radiation Has High Risk, and Proof that Hormesis is Unrtue

stock here

Finally, a professionally done and statistically significant study that proves even low dose radiation is extremely harmful.

The results of the study contradict the idea that there are no adverse radiation effects, or might even be beneficial effects, at these very low doses and dose-rates.
Arguably the most important study in the annals of radiobiology, confirming no-threshold risk for childhood leukemia down to micro-doses of natural background radiation -- lower than 'low dose'.

The statistical power of Kendall et al. (2013) is unprecedented and is undoubtedly why such a fine-grain dose response was detected with statistical significance from the microscopic dose of 4.1 mSv (cumulative). The unparalleled power of this study was examined in Little et al (2010): 

These are free docs from PubMED

2014 Update on the Polar Ice Caps

Woods Hole, a highly respected Oceanography outfit (although they don't know anything about radioistope bioacculation), has come clean with some information about the polar ice caps.

Ted Maksym, an oceanographer at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, conducted a study in which he sent an underwater robot into the depths of the Antarctic sea to measure the ice.

Analysis by the Global Warming Policy Forum generates the following results:

 In fact, after huge spike up 18 years ago, it appears that we are in a cooling trend.
 Anyone stating that 2014 is the Hottest Year on Record, is an outright liar.

Nukepro grabbed the World Temp Big Data and came up with this--
Can you see the recent warming trend?   No?   Good because it doesnt exist.

In fact sea ice charts pretty much let the reader draw their own conclusions.     Why base your opinions on "other peoples opinions".    Why not base your opinions on FACTS!

But this Professor from Cambridge, seems to be a "true believer"
He also added that these recent figures on the Arctic "mean little" on their own, and that the trends should be looked at from a wider range.
He explained: "I would say the consensus view of climate scientists is that the trend of area and thickness in Arctic sea ice is very strongly downwards, despite this year's partial recovery
 Somehow I think that the more that a country or culture is in collapse of their empire, the more crazy the get in their thinking.      The Brits need some Red Pill Koolaid for a change! LOL

Met Office blames climate change as 2014 set to be the hottest year ever

 Sorry Brits, I have to call a spade a spade.    Don't worry, USA is right behind you in terms of failed empires, and our dear leader is turbocharging the decline.

Britain set for FIVE MONTH arctic freeze as 2015 winter chill sets in

Didn't they hear me?    2014 was NOT the hottest year ever.    LOL

Apparently the Polar Bears are Doing Great, as long as they don't too much Fukushima Radiated Salmon.

But a previous report this summer by Dr Susan Crockford, an evolution biologist at the University of Victoria in Canada, suggested that the polars bears are actually a "conservation success story".
She told the GWPF that the current polar bear population is "well above" the official estimate of 20,000 to 25,000, and could be as high as 27,000 to 32,000.
Dr Peiser said: "People said the poles are melting, so therefore the polar bears will become extinct. They are actually doing very well."

And for more information on Polar Ice Caps, visit my other article
A reader from ENENEWS provided some links that show the interconnections between gov agencies and corporations, and how lying about the specifics of an items such as Polar Ice Caps can help their "partners" make a lot of money.    

FOLLOW the MONEY ..There are climate changes as a direct result of man, no debate. What I have issue with is when the UN, NASA & think tanks et al exaggerate the changes in order to help their partners make a profit. Geez NASA partners with Areva & GE for example…The French government now holds 93 percent of Areva

CANBERRA Equipment Lands on Mars
Equipment from AREVA-subsidiary CANBERRA was involved in both the MSL mission’s launch phase and the current exploration phase.

NASA's 2003 budget request includes almost a billion dollars for nuclear propulsion and power generation. In France, the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) has created a task force on future launch systems, nuclear propulsion and related subjects.

The Lunar Landing Training Vehicle, and its predecessor, the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle, Built by Bell Aerosystems, the vehicles featured a GE CF-700-2V jet engine that pointed downward to cancel out 5/6th of the vehicle’s weight.

GE & NASA since the moon landing

GE even had a contract with NASA to look at commercial aircraft in a 2030-2035 time-frame..all with taxpayer money

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Polar Ice Caps -- What is the Real Truth, or is this part of Climate Gate Also?

The Ice Caps deserve some research.

The Nuke Promoters use Global Warming, CO2 Warming and Acidification of the Ocean, and Melting of the Ice Caps, to promote nuclear radiation plants as the only way to Save the Earth.

My research shows that A LOT of what is written about the polar ice is Complete Bullshite, aka the Global Warming Narrative.    It's story, a narrative, designed to help the powers that be consolidate power and transfer wealth to themselves and their cronies.    Lets dive in, but first, make sure it's not ice, LOL.     I did a funny picture post on the Polar Bear Plunge in Wisconsin on New Years Day, if you need to see girls in bikini's swimming in ice water, here is the place:

This site has some great discussion on Global Cooling, and charts to prove it.

First some background----
The Arctic is the North Pole, The Antarctic is the South Pole. 
In general the Northern Hemisphere has seen small temperature increases in the last 20 years, the Southern Hemisphere has seen temperature decreases.    We expect any ice cap melting to be worse on the Arctic than the Antarctic.

This chart is updated often by the "National Snow and Ice Data Center"  shows that there is a lot more ice this year than 2 years ago.     And the shaded area, the so called 2 Sigma band (2 standard deviations from average) is a useful band to put things into context.    Many natural processes can use a 2 sigma band to signal when a "real change" has occurred, as opposed to just normal variations.    Now the 2 Sigma is not perfect for every 'system', some systems have larger natural variation.

We are now in "natural variation" if 2 sigma is correct for this "system"

Here is the same chart with a few more years on it

In the Antarctic we have this data, clearly increasing ice levels


Don't Clam up when it comes to the TRUTH!

Hottest year ever? Giant clam reveals Middle Ages were warmer than today

While government science and media begin the ramp-up to claim 2014 as the “hottest year ever” China’s Sea’s biggest bivalve shows that the Middle Ages were warmer than today, when Carbon Dioxide was lower.

From Gary H==================================================
From the 1974 Time Mag “ice age approaching” article:
“When Climatologist George J. Kukla of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and his wife Helena analyzed satellite weather data for the Northern Hemisphere, they found that the area of the ice and snow cover had suddenly increased by 12% in 1971 and the increase has persisted ever since. Areas of Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic, for example, were once totally free of any snow in summer; now they are covered year round.”
The graphic accompanying the article contrasted the expansion of the Arctic sea ice extent from May 26, 1969 to May 26 of 1974.
With the new data here, and what Anthony alerted all to (well, all except the national media) to in 2012 . .
“I came across a number of maps showing Arctic ice extend from 1893 to 1961 collected by DMI in “Nautisk Meteorologisk Aarbog”. Each year DMI have collected information on sea ice extend so that normally each of the months April, May, June, July and August ice extend was published.” Here:
. . . one should be able to construct a rather accurate account of the natural variability in cycles of sea ice extent of the Arctic region.

stock here---Just this year they "discovered" old satellite photos of earth from Nimbus 1,2,3,4 satellites.     Ideally someone with LOTS of free time could peruse and calc sea ice levels.

 You can "order" the data here, there is no cost.



“enormous holes” in the sea ice!?! – Congratulations on discovering something that has long been known. With over 40 deployments north of the Arctic Circle aboard U.S. & Brit nuclear subs (’75 – ’09), I can categorically testify that this has always been so.

The September 1964 Arctic sea ice extent at 6.90M km2 also indicates that all the historic sea ice reconstructions estimating the Arctic minimums use to be at 10M, or 9M or 8M in the past were just way-out faulty alarmist propaganda.
Some of the reconstructions are being fixed now but you will often still see the out-of-date wrongly estimated ones. Point out this fact whenever you see someone try to post one.

A couple of weeks ago I detailed in this article hundreds of science and news reports demonstrating that arctic ice levels in the 1920 to 1940 period was not dissimilar to today.
And here a nice website called ICECAP

And here are some counter points from Doctor Goodheart

Radiation in the Ocean Food Chain, An Assessment of BioMagnification

A good report on bioaccumulation, I will summarize when I can, bottom line....causes increases of 1000's of times.

This chart is from Woods Hole.    I annotated it, since their description of different rates of plutonium absorption was verbal and very hard to track, seems intentionally so.

Then I tried to come up with actual radiation measurements in the water and the animal life.   The link below has decent water data, and some limited fish and ocean biota.

This report from Woods Hole Oceangraphic Institute is interesting to read.    Of course they always end with "Further research is needed", LOL as giving them more money is their prime objective.

Interesting though....rather then doing testing on Marine Life, they do a lot of testing on water and they do modeling of ocean flows, and it seems a prime objective is to calculate the "source term" of what came out of Fukushima.     This Source Term is an estimate of what and how many radionuclides left the buildings.    Is seems odd but I guess that is what scientists do....calculate things.

But since they are in the ocean on  a boat equipped  with advanced radiation analysis equipment, and the ability to catch fish.     It sure seems like my prime focus would be to test the fish! And the bait crops.

 The above is the main article.     You need to do quite a bit of bouncing around to get to the meat of that data.

Chart below  shows that contaminated water does not mix vertically much.     The radiation stays in the top 300 feet primarily.    It stays where 95% of the fish and critters stay.   It stays where it can do the most damage.

Finally, the bogeyman that no one wishes to speak of.    Strontium.    Strontium goes into bones and becomes a permanent part of the food chain. 

This article states that the Strontium can be present in same levels or more, than the Cesium.

Radiostrontium in the western North Pacific: characteristics, behavior, and the Fukushima impact.


The impact of the Fukushima-derived radiostrontium ((90)Sr and (89)Sr) on the western North Pacific Ocean has not been well established, although (90)Sr concentrations recorded in surface seawater offshore of the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant were in some areas comparable to or even higher than (as those in December 2011 with 400 kBq m(-3)(90)Sr) the (137)Cs levels. The total amount of (90)Sr released to the marine environment in the form of highly radioactive wastewater could reach about 1 PBq. Long-term series (1960-2010) of (90)Sr concentration measurements in subtropical surface waters of the western North Pacific indicated that its concentration has been decreasing gradually with a half-life of 14 y. The pre-Fukushima (90)Sr levels in surface waters, including coastal waters near Fukushima, were estimated to be 1 Bq m(-3). To better assess the impact of about 4-5 orders of magnitude increased radiostrontium levels on the marine environment, more detail measurements in seawater and biota of the western North Pacific are required.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 
We also know this from our work on estimating the overall source term of all the nuke waste at Fukushima.     The strontium is about equal to the cesium.

Finally a link to some prior work I had done on the bioaccumulation, aka biomagnification on sea life in Alaska.    Alaska was hit particularly hard by the Fukushima fallout, in fact, Fukushima increased the radiation in sea life the same way a direct nuclear bomb test did at point blank range.

Wrap your head around that.

From Alaska 2011 June

The soil and lichens have VERY high radioactivity.   6000 Bq /kG!    30 Bq/kG is dangerous to animals and above 100 Bq/kG said animals cannot be sold.

Here is the full report you can download.   This is an extensive and quite scientific bio-assay of the Alaska waters in June 2011.     They don't plan on going back until 2016.  

So this survey is only 3 months after Fukushima, the opportutnity to bio-accumulate didn't have much time.      3.5 years later, results would be interesting

For your reference pico is 10E-12, or one trillionth
pCi is one trillionth of a Curie
A Curie is a relatively large amount of radiation
One Curie = 3.7E10 Bq

“…* Uranium-234 — 3.854 pCi/kg Dolly Varden
* Uranium-234 — 5.312 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell
* Uranium-234 — 3.466 Ci/kg Gull egg
* Uranium-234 — 4.96 pCi/kg Chiton
* Uranium-234 — 9.344 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp
* Uranium-234 — 7.885 pCi/kg Rockweed
* Uranium-234 — 4.906 pCi/kg Greenling
* Uranium-234 — 2.304 pCi/kg Halibut
* Uranium-234 — 58.721 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue
* Uranium-234 — 8.86 pCi/kg Irish Lord
* Uranium-234 — 7.127 pCi/kg Octopus
* Uranium-234 — 4.976 pCi/kg Pacific Cod
* Uranium-234 — 4.644 pCi/kg Rockfish
* Uranium-234 — 3.032 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen
* Uranium-234 — 3.906 pCi/kg Sea Urchin

* Plutonium-239 — .039 pCi/kg Dolly Varden
* Plutonium-239 — .186 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell
* Plutonium-239 — .104 pCi/kg Gull egg
* Plutonium-239 — .298 pCi/kg Chiton
* Plutonium-239 — .093 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp
* Plutonium-239 — .084 pCi/kg Rockweed
* Plutonium-239 — .379 pCi/kg Greeling
* Plutonium-239 — .038 pCi/kg Halibut
* Plutonium-239 — 4.194 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue
* Plutonium-239 — .378 pCi/kg Irish Lord
* Plutonium-239 — .036 pCi/kg Octopus
* Plutonium-239 — .05 pCi/kg Pacific Cod
* Plutonium-239 — .279 pCi/kg Rockfish
* Plutonium-239 — .152 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen
* Plutonium-239 — .195 pCi/kg Sea Urchin
* Plutonium-240 — .039 pCi/kg Dolly Varden
* Plutonium-240 — .106 pCi/kg Goose Egg no shell
* Plutonium-240 — .069 pCi/kg Gull egg
* Plutonium-240 — .149 pCi/kg Chiton
* Plutonium-240 — .037 pCi/kg Dragon Kelp
* Plutonium-240 — .02 pCi/kg Rockweed
* Plutonium-240 — .189 pCi/kg Greeling
* Plutonium-240 — .012 pCi/kg Halibut
* Plutonium-240 — 2.097 pCi/kg Horse Mussel tissue
* Plutonium-240 — .189 pCi/kg Irish Lord
* Plutonium-240 — .021 pCi/kg Octopus
* Plutonium-240 — .015 pCi/kg Pacific Cod
* Plutonium-240 — .139 pCi/kg Rockfish
* Plutonium-240 — .091 pCi/kg Reindeer Lichen
* Plutonium-240 — .117 pCi/kg Sea Urchin

Additional resources emailed in by Pia

Gillian Stewart testimony in support of Riverkeeper

Effects on Populations of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation ( 1972 )

The bioaccumulation factor for phosphorus-32 in edible fish tissue 1984
2001 ORNL Study Summary & References

1998 Bioaccumulation and food-chain analysis for evaluating ecological risks in terrestrial and wetland habitats

2008 Environmental and Health Consequences of Depleted Uranium

1994/5 Evaluation of a Performance Assessment Methodology for Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities
- clip "The PHG is based on the known carcinogenic effects of radiation observed in humans. In 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) published“ Cancer Risk Coefficients for Environmental Exposure to Radionuclides: Federal Guidance Report 13”"
Have fun and thank you for all you do

And Majia weighs in with some meaty links, including an article by her on bio accumulation

The nuclear complex has known since 1953 that radionuclides – such as Strontium-90, pose irreparable risks to the biosphere.
Read about Project Sunshine
After completion of Project Sunshine (which followed Project Grabriel) the AEC commissioned many studies on bioaccumulation in the environment, which I review here:
A separate study funded by the Rockefellers – BEAR – was published in condensed form in 1956. The genetics subcommittee warned that radiation induces heritable mutations that are transmitted across generations, with potentially devastating long-term impacts to the human genome:
The nuclear complex has known that radionuclides poison life and yet the complex took little-to-no-action to stop the growing contamination of planet Earth, upon which we all depend.
The nuclear complex is leading us toward our extinction. But first we get to watch the animals we love die from our greed, corruption, and denial.