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Saturday, November 22, 2014

A sad state of affairs at ENENEWS

  • Ya I am done folks, and I will have to say, the multiple trolls condoned by this website pushed me over the limit.
    The tolerance of severe negative energy trolls should not be.
    If the Administration cannot keep up with it, he/she should give 3 or 4 other obvious trusted individuals with level heads to have ban privileges, it is a built in part of WordPress.
    Not just that they disrupt and taunt and bring people to their worst.
    But this website allowing them with impunity to call me gay and an atheist. That goes strongly against my basic makeup.
    And to see those comments stay on the site after being reported a full 24 hours….that's a big no go.
    Good luck, those who have been paying attention have my email. I will also leave the Nukepro site up for now, as there is useful information there.
    stock out

    • melting mermaid melting mermaid
      My Father is a bisexual scientist and my other father is an athiest Catholic. What are you saying Stock? And I've been called a lot worse than a gay athiest. Why just the other day someone called me a pagan socialist, airheaded democrat and I was like, how dare you call me a democrat.

      • zogerke zogerke
        melting mermaid, and you enjoyed reading the protocols of the elders, too….whatever. sometimes your heart seems in the right place, some times you are out there….. anyone reading this site has a lot of work to do to separate the wheat from the chaff. the chaff is radioactive and does not blow away so easily any more! (chaff is the fluffy light husk that surrounds wheat, in the old days it had to be hand separated to make grain edible.)
        stock as you know taking a hiatus can be fruitful. Especially with so many dropzilla fruitflies buzzing around and mutating, showing up again and again, trying to derail conversations. this was actually a good thread, and lots of it is still good. i vote for us to not be derailed.
        Has anyone written admin on facebook to remind the person to clean the threads of fruitflies again?
        agree on request for more moderators.
        zogerke out.

        • melting mermaid melting mermaid
          I don't think anyone would enjoy those protocols, but if you look around you, you will notice more people care about football and basketball, than our impending radiological doom or our completely amoral foreign policy. Is that by design? Sometimes it appears that way. Ever read Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent? I read a book about false flags that mentioned the protocols, so I read them, big deal. I've read a lot of things. Doesn't make me anti semetic, in fact, I'm half Jewish Indian. And yes, I am out there, I spent most of my life studying spiritual things and I don't doubt the universe is teeming with intelligent life, and I am an airhead, complete with a super high voice, an annoying laugh and a hot body, so sue me. If you don't like my posts, just skip over the big blue eye. Easy peasy.

      • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
        Just want to say , that's a brave post MM , thank you.

        • melting mermaid melting mermaid
          TY, DID, just trying to diffuse the tension. I've never met my real Dad. All I know about him is he was a Phi Beta Kappa and my Mom said a guy named Dickie stole him from her. True story, I know, crazy. I did meet Dickie, though. Lol.

      • johnnyo
        Ohh Melting One….your 7:06 was gut busting hilarious….not trying to get all 52 Rockwell, but I think i'm falling in cyber love
        protocols schmotocols……call a reptile a reptile and be done with it. Do Not Ever apologize for being you.
        "how dare you call me a democrat"…just too damn funny, on multiple levels. I cyber hug you….long time

        • johnnyo
          probs cause I was raised very Union/Dem, but now Pagan Socialist is about as close to a label as could be pinned on me. :)

          • melting mermaid melting mermaid
            Thanks Johnnyo, I was raised Catholic Republican in the deep south. I studied comparative religion and I live in Vermont and I love Bernie Sanders and I think the environment trumps all. So, you know, they think I need an exorcism or something. Personally, I think they're the socialist pagans. Christianity was paganized by the Romans and stealing money from poor people so that rich people can be richer is still the redistribution of wealth, call it capitalism all day, but when you put crony in front of it what you get is some kind of sick, inverted socialism. I call them the Dooh Nibor, because they steal from the poor to give to the rich. The sickos.

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    • Understood Stock.. so sad to see you go…
      AGR is asking for volunteer admins as well.

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    • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
      Stock please read my post above..

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    • or-well
      Good luck stock.
      Many have left because of various situations resulting from Admin's hands-off approach.
      Admin has said s/he is too busy to attend to it.
      This is an essentially unmoderated site. No one should expect it to get any better.
      Personally, I expect progressive deterioration.

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      • or-well
        Pathetic troll. Stalkerish, for those who may not have noticed.

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      • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
        Fuck you mengele..there are still human beings in this corrupt world that leave an unpleasant empty space behind when they move will never posses such quality..

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      • RaDiaTed JeWeLz RaDiaTed JeWeLz
        GO AWAY!!!
        I think we all should just NOT reply to ANY TROLL comments. Nothing. Let it say whatever it wants!! If we don't look at it or acknowledge its existence, it'll fade.
        Don't even bother to read their shit! We know what we know. C'mon guys…. our replying is just egging it on! We're losing the good ones because we are letting our anger and rage take precedence over what is important!!
        Who's with me??

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      • Troll tactic #5
        Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', 'right-wing', 'liberal', 'left-wing', 'terrorists', 'conspiracy buffs', 'radicals', 'militia', 'racists', 'religious fanatics', 'sexual deviates', 'Fukushima truther' and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

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  • Jebus Jebus
    There is a limit. A point at which the cycle is broken.
    Stock is right. There is a limit. That one can take.
    There is a limit to how many creatures can die.
    There is a limit to how much species genome damage is done.
    There is a limit to the lies before they become obvious.
    So far, there are no limits to Fukushima's contamination.
    The world knows. It's everywhere like a cancer, woven into our daily life and even in our satire. The new normal.
    Does anyone really get it?
    Or will everyone eventually get it?

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    • VoxDei VoxDei
      You have been foolish in using your time here. By that I mean your replies are inane and do not add to the cause you so lament.

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      • Jebus Jebus
        You ever notice how a wave just goes right around ya?
        No matter how small a wave, it's still bigger than you…

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      • "You have been foolish in using your time here."
        If that is true, then why are you still here? What does that say about you?

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        • VoxDei VoxDei
          Im here to assess this site's efficacy to unbiased factual accuracy. My assessment is that you people scurry about without making a dent. You are wasting your time. Another reason I am here is to document your failed efforts.

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          • Heart of the Rose Heart of the Rose
            Yes ..but why ?
            Better still ..for whom?
            Why is my/our failure important you?
            Is this on a personal level?
            Does this have something to do with your childhood?
            Have you seen my cellphone?

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          • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
            Vulgar Deception said :
            Another reason I am here is to document your failed efforts.
            Sure , milk that extermination in progress for every kick you can get out of it..

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          • Wyakin Wyakin
            Brilliance, “In a nutshell,” excellent job channeling Socref and his progeny’s words through god.
            I think that might be blasphemy, perhaps punishable by stoning in some countries, or excommunication. That hardly qualifies as the “Voice.”
            My source speaks to me every day, and it reaffirms, be aware of false prophets.
            A fraudulent science of radiation effects has been promulgated by the ICRP, forming the current foundation of radiation safety, which ignores the actual microbiological effects of internal radiation emitters and discounts the effects of LLR.
            Since your arrival, over +8,000 have liked ENE. Clearly you have been banging on a keyboard and neglected the meditation I suggested would have assisted in your focus.
            Mr. Nutshell, in the name of the almighty, clarifies that those eating a feast made from Fukushima contaminated produce have nothing to fear, even if they have eaten off of Fiesta plates, under Coleman lantern lamps.
            Invoking the “American way” as justifying NP to boil water for electricity, to enrich the few through taxpayer subsidies and through the ongoing health cost to communities surrounding NP activity, is nothing more than the continuing ventriloquist act.

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            • Wyakin Wyakin
              One not so small intractable problem, disposal of NP waste lasting hundreds of thousands of years, will be the capstone on mankind’s odyssey on this planet.
              Students of advanced chemistry and microbiology understand the of radiological impacts on organisms.
              By now you should have an update on the 100 or so scrolls for which peer reviewed publication was previously requested.
              Here we are, a half century or so later with hundreds of thousands of tons of nuclear trash, no permanent waste solution is in sight, and vast quantities of trash being generated each year.
              Who’s paying for the hundreds of billions or trillions in cost related to FU and Chernobyl containment? It’s not the voice of god, is the taxes paid by hard working people who are continuously being exposed to the profit generating waste.
              Nuclearists sack the public coffers through corporate welfare.
              Radioisotopes never present before man made fission, are now upon the earth, aloft upon the winds and contaminating our waters, being incorporated into our macromolecules and our progenies DNA tertiary structures, and expressed in DNA defects generously conveyed for 22 generations.
              None of the world’s population asked for this.
              God would never approve of such offensive misappropriation of the name or offence against gods people…

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              • You see vox never states which god vox represents, the god of this world aka devil or the GOD of the universe.
                What is a devil?
                A devil is a lazy, uncaring, lying, deceptive being that disobeys basic universal laws of humanity and transparent democracy. Rat finks that infest towns and cause fences to be erected to protect the township.
                Please enlighten us vox dei as to your fence choice.

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            • ISeePinkClouds ISPC
              Yes. Wyakin. TY. Precisely. Well Spoken. Peace

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    • :|
      "… there are no limits to Fukushima's contamination."
      – Jebus
      Round and round she spews, where she stops nobody knows…
      IMO – Eventually, everyone and everything will, get it.

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  • VoxDei VoxDei
    This site enabled many people with impunity to harass people with opposing views. When the shoe is on the other foot, weak-minded people flee. He will be back. Like a moth to a flame, his ego wont let him stay away. He has brought his misery on himself. Gaytheist is a very mild name to call someone who called others worse and used vulgarity without real accountability.

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  • dunkilo
    Stock, I wish you love and peace in your life and that goes to all you good enenewsers …
    Truth is the ultimate form of love…..
    Bitter as it may be sometimes…..

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  • Jebus Jebus
    The global effects of the largest RADIOACTIVE isotopes of xenon noble gas in the history of man, were never more apparent…
    The ocean is now warmer than ever before in recorded history
    I'm surprised the atmosphere doesn't glow like a colored neon lamp…

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  • TimV
    Third repeat post.
    I've been reading this site for years. Yes it is depressing this F.D. FUBAR. Stock take a break an be with those that are important to you. Then come back.
    Even if we cannot win let us not be viewed by the cosmos as quitters.
    My thinking is big machines ( see other post). I'm just trying to think way out of the sphere.
    No giving up –
    I read others problems here and they are real.
    No giving up.
    PEACE ( oops dated myself)

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  • Admin…I'm speakin' to ya! All you have to do is appoint a couple mods who can access and tally the report files and delete the few who come here specifically to drown out our voices.
    We're fighting for the health of our children, their children and that includes all of the species we can nurture too. Come what may, we shouldn't jump off the cliff on purpose to please the nuke industry.
    The people who read these threads are increasing and the need for them to hear all that has been kept from them is their choice and right. I think we all know that we can't predict the future but we'll take care of each other whether it's for a short time or long.
    I love this planet and all the good that takes place on it. I'm not the kind of person who hopes it's my last incarnation on the way to getting my eternal cloud sitting badge. I plan to hang close after I die and be part of the spirit tribe who listens in and I'll protect and back-up the people still in this physical niche of the quantum squiggles the best I can. I plan to be a kick ass good humored practical helper non-corporeal friend for those who come next. :)
    Whatever happens these next years, it would break my frkn' heart if the kids who have to face this mess without us felt forgotten and alone.

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    • +1
      It's past time.
      It's clear when there is off topic antagonistic trolling by an entity whose hubris and rhetoric repeat in a nonstop manner.
      Did I mention, it's annoying and distracting too. ;)

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    • VoxDei VoxDei
      Why do you want one way dialogue? That is not free speech.

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    • +10000 great plan…
      And if there is reincarnation, may each one felled by this criminal cartel, come back not as one, but as ONE MILLION freedom fighters and activists.
      So as you get rid of one, you multiply the opposition by one million.

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    • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
      I agree on the moderator thingy , ADMIN , you do a fantastic job at ripping all this reality hiding curtains back , Really really awesome !!
      But because you are so good , a part of your creation needs something you have very understandebly neither the energy or the time for..
      pretty please… :)

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      • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
        I think if Enenews members can put forward a few candidates that woulden't mind intervening capabilities when they are here, we have a higher chance of being heard by admin ?
        I nominate Jebus and Sickputer as a first choice , but there are many good people who can recognise the difference between an evildoer and someone having a "senior moment".
        We need to make a list of nominee's..

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        • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
          and they must agree of course..jousting power's are a responsibility..

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        • VoxDei VoxDei
          Senior moments include Jeeberish gibberish. This site should not foster hostile remarks either way. You want one way dialogue and censorship I understand.

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          • Jebus Jebus
            Did you find a dress?
            Global nuclear power contribution falls to lowest since 1980s
            Of the 67 reactors under construction globally as at July 2014, at least 49 were experiencing delays and eight had been under construction for 20 years, it said.
            Go with black. It's a funeral…

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          • VanneV VanneV
            VD, you make hostile remarks all the time. You insult the Creator with your moniker. You insult the intelligence of scientific research by calling them biased sources. You insult my intelligence and judgment.
            You use name calling all the time and all the other posters and claim that your motive is to run off all other poster.
            You are talking about yourself, Voice of Death, when you say posters shouldn't attack others.
            So you are calling for your own ban from this website.
            How about you stop attacking others and remove all your off topic comments to the off topic forum.

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            • VoxDei VoxDei
              Just be honest and admit a pronuclear voice will not be tolerated here. Can we at least admit that? I make no bones about my pronuclear stance and opinions. I should voice them freely without being subject to insults. Can we agree on that? People here tell me to eff off not the other way around. Are people here not tolerant enough to think any pronuclear voice is not a troll or shill? I am pronuclear because the good of the technology outweighs the minimal risks.

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              • obewanspeaks obewanspeaks
                I do not care if your here, since you can not win the pronuclear argument… :)
                You have not read enough or researched enough to be of any help to any of us here and that is the real problem..
                You are living in a fantasy land promoting Nuclear poisons now spreading all over the globe and you think this is OK.. :(
                This is not OK and therefor you will get heat here..since we care and you do not.
                Simple really! :)

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              • Jebus Jebus
                It is not about pro or con. It is about the fact that Fukushima is the tipping point for tolerance of nuclear power.
                If it was safe, no one would be dissenting.
                If it was contained, no one would be dissenting.
                If it was cost effective as an energy source, no one would be dissenting.
                If it was not based on lies, no one would be dissenting.
                If it was not TATAL, no one would be dissenting.
                If you were not a nuclear shill, no one would want you to go away.
                If you were not an ignorant troll, we would say hi.
                Look in the mirror, ask yourself why…

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    • Jebus Jebus
      I like the idea of multiple moderators. More than two.
      I work full time, so I would not be a very prompt moderator.
      I will say that a moderator system does not preclude anyone to be banned to enact it. Past is past on that.
      Free speech is paramount.
      A revised and posted TOS is the rule that should be honored.
      After that has been violated, a system of degradation of posting rights would be in order. Even down to one post a forum a day.
      I also like the idea of individuals having the ability to wall off an obnoxious poster from their views.
      And my final point is that anywhere else you go, to any site of comments on the web, there is a system of moderation.
      I can't go to another energy site and cause trouble for a group that ID's me as a trouble maker.
      I would be kicked out lickity split…

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      • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
        Thanks for chiming in Jebus , i had just asked you somewhere else lol.
        "I like the idea of multiple moderators. More than two. "

        I agree , i think 4 would be a good number so nobody gets a burnout , availability etc
        I will say that a moderator system does not preclude anyone to be banned to enact it.

        I don't understand that sentence
        A revised and posted TOS is the rule that should be honored.
        What is a TOS ?
        I also like the idea of individuals having the ability to wall off an obnoxious poster from their views

        An ignore button..? agree..if admin has the energy and time to implement..up to him i guess
        And my final point is that anywhere else you go, to any site of comments on the web, there is a system of moderation.
        I can't go to another energy site and cause trouble for a group that ID's me as a trouble maker.
        I would be kicked out lickity split…

        Yeah so true..

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        • Jebus Jebus
          "I don't understand that sentence"
          I do not agree if the moderator system is just to target an individual…
          If this site is wild west style, the jerk still has a right to be.
          If it's moderated forward, the jerk still has a right to be and there can't be any grandfathered violations.
          Draw a line and wait for the crossing…

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          • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
            Draw a line and wait for the crossing…
            No powerabuse or corruption to put it simple for the internationals correct ? :)
            agree offcourse , thanks for putting it up front.

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            • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
              "Past is past.. "
              "I do not agree if the moderator system is just to target an individual…"

              Ok Jebus.. got it now sry a made a few banning comment's after your post..i really did not got it..
              And thank you for being open to the proposol..i hope others will follow..
              Dear ADMIN , are you too.. ?
              ok back to bed.

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              • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
                Hey come on guy's , why no more opinion's or proposal's on this important issue ?

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                • or-well
                  DID, for my part, I don't believe Admin wants change.
                  OK, so it's hard to track VPN user.
                  It's NOT hard to wipe offending comments.
                  So –
                  1. too busy to bother even hiring some school kid to clean up targeted junk on occasion or
                  2. doesn't care
                  Good luck to any proposals for improvement.

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                  • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
                    Thx or-well.
                    Hmm , even if we prepare a list of ace guy's and gal's willing to take it on them to provide a stable and secure environment within certain borders for all contributor's and readers.
                    Would he still not care about that opportunity ?
                    I find that hard to believe..hmm.
                    I have some digesting to do..

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                  • CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
                    ref; moderation. I have never favored rules and regulations. The ones breaking new ground always broke the rules, and the others always wanted to stone em
                    So here is a suggestion; allow each blogger only three posts per thread. The allowable length could be extended for that literary masterpiece. That way, anybody can get their word in, and it would promote an upgrade in content quality; nobody would waste a post just for chat.
                    If someone wants to say they are the voice of god, or the jews did it, or its HAARP, or the world has gone fascist(thats my line), or perpetrators should be hammered and flayed and shot with ayahuasca darts and fried in solar cookers…or whatever, they should have a say but once or twice is enough. No hound dogging others or sunday drivel or auto-scriptflingin.
                    I mean, what if it really was the voice of god, and it turns out the Shinto instead of the Jews were actually chosen, but she/it got booted and then we had to go back to 2000 year old scrolls? I couldnt bear it

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      • The ideal is 1 moderator per 500 members.
        Globally spread out, so there is always someone up watching over the group.
        Communication channels open between admins and group owner to keep everyone in the loop about 'problem children', and get input on questionable cases.

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        • Even one volunteer moderator is better than nothing at all.
          Wild west is what is here now.. anything goes.
          This usually causes a group to die a quick death.. everyone leaves, due to not being willing to be the target of constant attacks by trolls, and having them take over the group.
          Many have left already..
          Prediction: The longer this "wild west" situation continues, the worse it will get in terms of people leaving.
          It is possible to have 60,000 people and no one showing up due to this issue.

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          • I consider this site a rare meeting place for people who already have questions regarding radiation effects and want to learn any clarification that mainstream media doesn't provide. The discussions and answers here help them figure out how exposure applies to them and what they can or want to do. Extremely valuable, possibly life saving.
            They've come across enews somewhere, or friends link them and hope they'll drop by to view. Too often my friends or associates say the informative honest posters are great and the occasional side drifts of personal spats don't bother them. BUT when they follow a link I've given and by then the topic is saturated with disruptive pronuke comments, they can't even wade through to get see the information they were hoping to find and have no desire to become a member just to be attacked by people or bots trying to hack or shut the site down. So we lose a lot of potential real interactions with new people.
            A moderator doesn't have to read every post made 24/7. 2 or 3 trusted folks with high speed servers and good assessment skills could go through new reports not yet dealt with. These moderators could have their own private mini-forum to discuss doubts or questions about potential actions warrenting warnings, temporary blocks or the finality of complete banishment. A status log could show reported comments of user's whose only purpose is to repeatedly bait and take over with intent of destroying the site's use & credibility.

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        • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
          Hi Dr Goodheart , that would be ideal..but i don't even think it has to be perfect from the start..
          if only 1 person alone would be on it just a few hours per week would be already a major improvement compared to now..
          What the hell..everything would be an improvement from what it is now..
          How many stock's have to burnout before somebody cares.. ?

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          • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
            lol again ninja typing when i'm still responding lol
            But see , we are saying the same thing..must be some truth in it..
            ADMIN , i don't know if you are following this conversation but it would be nice to give us some clarity about your position on this..
            Thanks in advance..

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            • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
              I just reported myself to get some attention on this..
              Hello ADMIN , if you can find the time , could you please chime in on this conversation ? thx in advance.

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              • AGR emailed admin about adding moderators…
                Let's see what happens..
                At least everyone can say they did their best.

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                • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
                  Thank you Goodheart , i agree.
                  May our effort's to stop the degeneration of this wonderfull site be not so futile as our effort's to save our lives lol..

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                • I've also read admin say they are more easily reached via fb messaging?

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                  • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
                    Hi chemfood , i would not know , i don't do fb or tweet.
                    But those that do and want to help , feel free to make ADMIN aware we are trying to talk to him.
                    Meantime , it would be appreciated if everybody would take a moment to think what they want from a moderator and who they think posses such quality's..
                    Then we can ask them who is willing..after ADMIN gave his blessing ofcourse..
                    I have a humble hope..

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                • VanneV VanneV
                  My experience with enenews is that it is already very well moderated. My personal experience is that pro Nukers try every way they can to get rid of those who post scientific articles opposing nuclear technology including tactics to get Admin to ban them permanently.
                  Comments are deleted, bloggers are put into an awaiting moderation mode at times, and adding blogger moderators would get rid of the most ardent antiNuke bloggers by a hacking troll. Many of our trolls pretend to be anti-Nuke, such as Bill Duff. Then they start slipping in a few comments that show their pro Nuke bias, and they have conversations with themselves under 2 or more names to "authenticate" their pretend point of view.
                  I don't like troll attacks on anyone including me. But I have had to ask myself, why am I here? I am here as an anonymous blogger to aggregate information about nuclear technology and health, that is, that health is possible only if nuclear technology is abolished and banned worldwide, only if people have access to unpolluted land,, water, and air, which is not possible with energy company rape of the planet. And the worst rape is nuclear energy, but there are others: fracking, chemtrails, pesticides, herbicides, fossil fuels, etc, etc., etc., to name only a few.

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                • VoxDei VoxDei
                  Lets have true moderation not censorship

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                  • DisasterInterpretationDissorder DisasterInterpretationDissorder
                    Your opinion is the last one on this site to reckon with in this matter of moderation. You repeated coming all innocent out the corner does not fool anybody here , except first time readers for a few second's..maybe..
                    And it is also just another symptom of your personality being psychopatic deseased.
                    And yes , you should be banned , and be locked up in a moral bootcamp. You fall outside the part of humanity that has evolved mutual respect enough to invent the concept of freespeech.
                    You are just a gnat living inside a human container, trying to use ENEnews for securing nuclear armageddon upon this world.

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                • VoxDei VoxDei
                  Moderators should not be based on pro or anti nuke views. Effective moderation is neutral.

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      • VoxDei VoxDei
        Free speech. You ready for it?

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Resource Spreadsheet -- The Super Garden Calculator

I built this tool to help me wrap my head around what I needed to do to produce all the food needed to provide for an adjustable number of people / selling food.

Fortunately, my dogs love Zuchinni of which I had 10 plants.

This spreadsheet provide information on number of plants needed, customizable for number of people, and a "like" factor based on whether you want more of a vegetable or less.

It also gives you plant spacing data, and plant height so you can plan your layout (tall stuff goes to north side)

And it calculates the total square footage needed, including room for walkways and tools and such.

No wonder the neighbors call me "Super Garden Guy" LOL

Enjoy, I will maybe improve this spreadsheet in spring.    Bottom worked, besides buying occasional protein (chicken, milk, beer) this garden did achieve the goal of producing all our food.

I think I saw some TSA drones over the garden (Tomato Surveillance Agency)

How much to plant for a year of food

Planting timeframes et al

stock out

Global Warming Spreadsheet Data, 1880 to 2013

This is the real earth temperature data

It shows no warming for 17 years running

It has my charts Embedded in there

Global Temp Data 1880 to 2013

Total future WIPP Inventory, Resource Spreadsheet

This is what is now siting around above ground in fairly insecure locations, probably with drones flying over them.

This is what they were still intending to put into WIPP before the Plutonium Explosion underground.

this is the low level stuff.    It does not include the Conca shill desires to stash even the high level and reactor waste into the WIPP.

The low level stuff has enough radiation in it to bring every living thing on the planet up a level of 70 Bq/kG

30 Bq/kG is pretty deadly, and 100 Bq/kG is plain illegal to use as food.

Future WIPP Inventory

Here is what it looks like, sources are cited within the spreadsheet

Resource Spreadsheet: Strontium Biological Half Life

I got a new BOX account, which allows you to download some of my actual spreadsheets.

Feel free to use these spreadsheets, they are authorized for public use and modification for any anti-nuclear purpose, and only that.     It is required that a complete hyperlink to Nukepro shall be included in any use of the spreadsheets.

One of the lies the nukers use is the half life, or the biological half life.    Such as cesium leaves the body at the rate of half every 80 days.

No one want to talk about Strontium.    I was curious as to the biological half life.     So I found the best study on humans, from a real contamination in Russia at the Techa river.    The source is cited within the spreadsheet. 
Or view the source information here

 The answer Strontium bio half life is 333 years. I see, wrap your head around that one.
Click the large link below

Excel Biological Half Life of Strontium

Here it is in an Embedded form

Dana Durnford

Dana Durnford Has been known to rant Has built a boat and is performing survey of the Canadian coastline. And not finding much. And catching others in government in blad faced lies about "there never were sea anomones in these water", and then he quickly finds that same researcher in a 5 year old video showing people the anomones in the waters.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Strontium Solubility in Water, Can it be Yet Another Lie of Nuke

The nuketards say that strontium is not very soluble in water.

Well that's all relative.

There are 1.4 million grams of strontium in Fuku spent fuel inventory.

Do you think it might take Billions of liters of water to dissolve all that strontium?

Think again, in one of its very insoluble forms, Sr hydroxide, it would only take 342,000 liters of
 water to dissolve all of it and transport it into the ocean.

That's approximately a large swimming pool

Good thing they built that plant on an river and knocked the mountain down.   

What could possibly go wrong?    

Here is screen captures showing the asinine build out of Fukushima, all because GE refused to customize their Mark 1 design with high head pumps.

  SR Hydroxide
  342289 liters needed to dissolve all


And here is a great site that lists lots of Fukushima related cams and blogs

AS= Anti-Solar = Asshats

Every kWH of PV Solar Electric we create is Wealth Created
Every kWH of Electric from oils or coal is Wealth Depleted
Every kWH of Electric from nuclear is Wealth Stolen from the Future

stock TM 2014

One of the lies of the nuke cartel is simply using information that used to be accurate.   Anytime you see anyone quote anything about solar and it is more than 2 years old, well, that information is likely to be completely bunk.

They also like to lie about the percent of supply that nuclear contributes, even if its a simple lie of torturing the statistics.    This site pretends that nuclear is 47% of Spains Electricity, and they peg Solar at 3%.      Even if accepting that is true, they state it is 2011 data.

 And they like to lie about "being antinuke is being pro coal".   The reality in Germany is that while solar and reneweable energies made huge strides, coal (both brown and hard) took a nose dive, even as nuclear continued to fall

And they like to lie about "renewable is expensive and homeowners are getting hit with big cost increases".   The article below, translated from German shows how costs are going down

In reality, Spain is shutting down it's nuclear fleet.     The plant at Santa María de Garoña, was a single low output 366mW Boiling Water Reactor Mark 1 no less.    Good riddance!

Spain only had 6 plants, now it has 5, good work, keep going.

And for numb-nuts of the month award goes to Japan, for allowing asshat utilities to cripple the fledgling Solar PV industry.

Nuclear News Sites, ENENEWS, Nucnews

Although it can be disturbing, it is also useful to review the "pro nuclear" news sites.     You can easily see the spin and slantedness, as well as get real news.   Here is one site you may want to put on your bookmarks. 

This article is hilarious, Sellafield working 24/7 to make sure the open air pools are "safe".   This shite has been kicking around, abandoned for over 50 years.  The fuel is damaged and they are using underwater robots to handle broken abused neglected rods.

Cask the TRASH!

Here is a nice Anti Nuke site

And this is a "neutral" site, nuclear news, nuclear power and nuclear warfare

I get a lot of my posting ideas generated from here

And if really have a strong stomach, check out the ridiculously  Pro nuke, infamous Rod Adams who does visit Nukepro by the way.    Sorry Rod, you are woefully misguided.

Oh wait, lets not forget, the mother of all nuclear news aggregators, ENENEWS

Per the NRC Guidelines, How to Calculate Heat Output From a Spent Nuclear Fuel

First it matters whether the fuel came from a Boiling Water Reactor (like Fukushima was, and like dozens of operating reactors in the USA are) or from a Pressurized Water Reactor.

Second, it matters the degree of fuel "burn up".    The more burn up the fuel gets, the more radiation and nasty elements it will have.     It will also produce more heat after it is done fissioning.   So it will require greater time to dry cask, and greater care in making sure the cooling systems are sized correctly and have adequate backup.

And finally, in the case of Fukushima, the rates of heat production are GREATLY determined by whether there is ongoing fission.     We strongly believe that there has been ongoing fission in the underground Coria.     There are repeated example of local radiation levels going up after the Coria are jostled by earthquakes.    Then 3 to 7 days later, elevated readings in the USA are noted.  

Here if the NRC guidance:

And here is a sample table

I am getting ready for 1.5 months of solid solar design and build out, so no time to play geek with the numbers.    If anyone has time, crank up a spreadsheet an email it to me.     I will post it up on the site here.    Take the meltout estimated KG and apply wattage.

1 Watt = 3.412 BTU/Hour

1 Watt running for 1 hour = 3.412 BTU

1 BTU is the energy needed to heat 1 pound of water one degree Fahrenheit

 Any geeks out there? 

I will also be reporting in the next several weeks with airline Geiger videos and testing of Pacific Ocean Waters and air samples.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Another Nuclear Plant is Dying from Basic Economics - Ginna

Critics of nuclear energy argue plants like Ginna pose a safety risk to the community. They cost too much to maintain. Uranium fuel costs are rising.

Renewable energy is becoming more popular. "New Yorkers, particularly Rochester ratepayers who are going to bear the burden of subsidizing this plant, if this agreement goes through, really deserve to know what the choices are," said Jessica Azulay, Program Director, Alliance for a Green Economy.

They can't compete on the open market.  They can't compete with natural gas, nor coal, nor solar.    In fact now, nuclear is the most expensive way to make electricity.

The petition references a 10 year purchase power agreement (PPA) that required RG&E to buy energy from Ginna, but that deal recently expired. Now Ginna is selling its energy on the wholesale market, something Constellation said is not sufficient enough to cover its revenues. With the petition, Constellation is looking to enter into a new Reliablility Support Services Agreement (RSSA) with RG&E, that would "forestall the Ginna Facility's retirement."

Read More at:
 The Owner is called CENG, which is majority owned by Exelon.    The same company in Illinois is extorting more money from the ratepayers, at least trying to.

By Nukepro calculations, Exelon is going to need a 82% increase in sales price in order to break even and make a fair profit.    SHUT THIS DOWN!

Ginna is a 581MW PWR

They have been losing about $100M a year.

Based on the rated output, and assuming a 90% capacity factor, that would generate 4.58 Million  Megawatt Hours, or 45.8 Million Kilowatthours.

Simple math, the loss per kWH is over 2.2 cents per kWH.    No JOKE, well the joke is going to be on the rate payers if they can manipulate the Utiltiy Commission. 

What an absurd loss per kWH.    Ginna was purchased by Exelon for $408M in 2003.    

Their 10 year deal with rGE to buy power at 4.4 cents per kWH 

In their plea to "give us more money" they have the audacity to claim that they deserve more money because of "operational risk"
of CENG corporate overhead). Further, in addition to incurring these losses, CENG has not been
compensated for any operational risk or an appropriate return on its investment over this period That little nugger is on Page 5 of their filing here{3046BCE2-7856-404B-B73A-29E731C6A44C}

And of course these nuclear asshats play the "carbon card"

They point at a study done which concludes the geographical area needs reliable power, and then they extrapolate that to mean the area needs them.

The plant is over 40 years old, AND they state in their filing that large capital expenditures are needed to keep running.   You can see the age of this plant by the 1970's "puke nuke" colors

You can drop a comment here at this TV news page.

And watch this Klunker steaming away.

Just 12 years after this plant went critical in 1970, human error caused a release of a reported 485 curies of noble gas.     That is a LOT.    Enough to contaminate 89 billion Costco chickens up to 100 Bq/kG.

Here is the supporting information on the rate increase they need to make a "fair profit"

Look at these sale prices for Klunker Nuke Plants....even when they are cheap, they die from economics

Vogtle will cost 80 times what Kewaunee cost, and Kewaunee died from economics

Wrap your head around that one.

So the plant cost $400M, but it could cost $4 Billion to decommision it.     hmmmm, what a deal!

Per the NRC, San Onofre is over $4B
For an answer to this question, we look to the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant in Southern California. In 2012, it was revealed that the new Mitsubishi tubes put in were wearing prematurely and in June of 2013, it was announced that the plant would be shut down entirely. The plant would be decommissioned, beginning in early 2016.
According to the Nuclear Regulatory Comission, the process would take around 20 years and cost $4.4 billion, the most ever for decommissioning a plant."

The petition references a 10 year purchase power agreement (PPA) that required RG&E to buy energy from Ginna, but that deal recently expired. Now Ginna is selling its energy on the wholesale market, something Constellation said is not sufficient enough to cover its revenues. With the petition, Constellation is looking to enter into a new Reliablility Support Services Agreement (RSSA) with RG&E, that would "forestall the Ginna Facility's retirement."

Read More at:
The petition references a 10 year purchase power agreement (PPA) that required RG&E to buy energy from Ginna, but that deal recently expired. Now Ginna is selling its energy on the wholesale market, something Constellation said is not sufficient enough to cover its revenues. With the petition, Constellation is looking to enter into a new Reliablility Support Services Agreement (RSSA) with RG&E, that would "forestall the Ginna Facility's retirement."

Read More at:
The petition references a 10 year purchase power agreement (PPA) that required RG&E to buy energy from Ginna, but that deal recently expired. Now Ginna is selling its energy on the wholesale market, something Constellation said is not sufficient enough to cover its revenues. With the petition, Constellation is looking to enter into a new Reliablility Support Services Agreement (RSSA) with RG&E, that would "forestall the Ginna Facility's retirement."

Japan Radiation Data -- Greenpeace

From Greenpeace:

We have found radiation at levels high enough to raise health concerns for the people who continue to live daily with this contamination. We have also shown that the authorities have consistently underestimated both the risks and extent of radioactive contamination. Based on our results we called for a significant extension to the evacuation area, which was later implemented. We advised that until decontamination was completed, children should be held back from their schools to avoid high radiation levels. We have also found that official monitoring stations systematically underestimate the radiation risks for the population.

Our analysis of the threats to public health have given residents an alternative to the often contradictory information released by Japan’s authorities since the Fukushima disaster began.

The teams are made up of Greenpeace radiation experts who have been trained in radiation monitoring and the use of sophisticated measuring devices.
Locations and details of radiation levels to date are shown on the maps below.

Click a flag for details on the levels of contamination found. Raw data as well as sample analyses can be found in spreadsheets further down the page.

Nuclear has Failed Economically, Even Before the Long Term Burden of Cleanups, Death, Sickness are Taken into Account

This paper is done by a PHD.     It mimics what I already know.    When Kewaunee was purchased as a Klunker for $200M and is shut down based on economic reasons when the retail rate for electric is 14 cents per kWH in the area.   

Then how can Vogtle, at a cost of $16,000 Million and selling to the retail in Georgia at 8 cents make any sense?

Hint: if you live in Georgia, you either shut that shite down now and make the investors eat it, or you are going to have massively increasing electric costs.

Site Traffic to the Nuke Pro

Get the word out folks!
Interesting that yesterday, the traffic sources to Nukepro had Ukraine and France in 3rd and 4th place, behind USA and Canada.
 And very interesting that my second favorite "failed empire" the UK comes in behind all the NON ENGLISH speaking countries, Ukraine, France, Poland, Germany, and Russia.

Nukepro gets more visitors from Russia than from the UK.     Wow.   See results in the table below.

Its also interesting that traffic from Facebook has now exceeded traffic from ENENEWS

Please link to Nukepro when you can

And here is a funny video, A public apology RE British Poly-Ticks

Kakusei: The Fukushima End

This is a Japanese Film about the Fukushima Disaster and it's real immediate impact on families

Watch it and Drop a Comment

Such a tragedy. Horrific.
We could conserve enough energy, by capturing more of the wasted or rather rejected energy, to rid ourselves of nuclear power and it's disgusting impact. Nuclear only contributes 8.27% to our total needs, however, check the graph, and you will see it sure seems like 100% of the energy generated this way (and a couple of others) is rejected. See our governments own data by following the link (might want save these too as ya never know when things just disappear)
We just don't need it. Nuclear power plants only boil water, to turn a turbine, and to do so they create enormous amounts of waste, danger and cancer (among many other diseases) We need to be smart, and say no!
Do not be fooled by the mingling of nuclear hazards with solutions to become "carbon free" it is a lie!
Be wary of all international "deals" to work on global warming. Remember, not only is is deadly dangerous mutating etc.. it generates enormous amounts of heat! Especially when coriums burrow into the earth!
These monsters also contaminate our precious limited supply of fresh water at an enormous rate. It isn't just the ridiculous amount of tax dollars wasted, but the cost to our collective resources, as organisms, is entirely too great.

Report comment

Excellent comment. Would you mind if I copy-and-pasted it into other areas outside of Enenews to try to educate others?
Also, after reading your comment I looked up nuclear-energy-water usage and each nuclear power plant uses from 10,000 to 30,000 gallons of water PER MINUTE.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Japanese Students Attacking Japanese Asshat Pro-Nuke Professors

Japanese people are usually pretty quiet, respectful. Especially to those of higher rank, especially to teachers.

When young Japanese start confronting professors and yelling at them, well we could be reaching a tipping point.

The Japanese are not dumb. I spoke to a native Japanese, a 45 year old "girl", who is probably average intelligence. She still lives in Japan. I mentioned "Heh, just in case you weren't aware, Fukushima is A LOT worse than what the news is saying, and it continues to leak radiation every day."

 Her response was remarkable, because, again, Japanese are normally very polite. She said with an air of both irritation and disdain "OF COURSE, we ALL know". They love their country, many are starting to hate their Government.

Click CC at the lower right and you will get the translation subtitle into English

Geiger Counter Interpretation Simplified

I made this chart.   Several other blogs have copied it nearly verbatim, and I am happy that others want to spread actionable information to protect people (would have been nice to get a proper credit though).   I had the chart translated to Japanese as I was sending a Geiger to Japan to help families address their real risk.   See bottom for the Japanese version.

This is a super condensed table on how to interpret Geiger Readings.   Use it to supplement your own research and getting a "block of knowledge".

If you take this radiation stuff at all seriously, then get a Geiger.   All the rest is guesswork.

Radiation Alert Inspector, $530 to $600 Amazon

Sometimes, Radiation reporting websites will express radiation readings (based on assumption of Cesium) as microREM/Hour.    AS an example, if they are stating 11 microREM/H you divide by 100 to get .11mSv. 

This table is based on the Radiation Alert Inspector which is a fine pancake tube type device.    The Clicks that any device produces are based on its own "efficiency" in detecting various types of the alpha, beta, or gamma.    These can then be converted to a mSv making a huge assumption, i.e. the isotope.    Usually Cs is chosen for this guess.  But you don't really know the mSv until you know the isotopes involved.

If you have a cheaper, small tube type Geiger, you are going to pick up less Clicks.   

And Here are LIVE radiation reports from independent reporting stations.

I am sending my Radiation Alert Inspector to Japan to a family that needs real data---soooo You won't see an Oahu based reporting station until I get my next Geiger delivered.

Japan –only 2 to 5 reporting sites
Hawaii –
US Mainland

Veterans Today is a great site, but sometimes they "juice it" up.

They report weekly max radiation readings, using sensitive EPA gamma monitors.   A reader asks.....

Hi Stock. Are you able to explain the discrepancy between Bob Nichol's Your Radiation This Week and above?


  1. Simple: He is using the EPA reports that include very sensitive gamma radiation reading (in 8 different energy ranges incidentally), compared to radnet which is comprised of VARIOUS Geiger counters, that are catching some Alpha, but mostly beta and gamma and they are not as sensitive.

    So a CPM means little unless you the type of Geiger that took it.

    Seeing 50CPM on a nice Radiation Inspector Alert would not be a "take action level" but if you have an el cheapo $160 Geiger, and you are seeing 50CPM it may very well be a "figure out what the hell is going on" moment.
- See more at:

Hi Stock. Are you able to explain the discrepancy between Bob Nichol's Your Radiation This Week and above? - See more at:

Can you explain the difference between the Veterans today report and above above

Hi Stock. Are you able to explain the discrepancy between Bob Nichol's Your Radiation This Week and above?


  1. Simple: He is using the EPA reports that include very sensitive gamma radiation reading (in 8 different energy ranges incidentally), compared to radnet which is comprised of VARIOUS Geiger counters, that are catching some Alpha, but mostly beta and gamma and they are not as sensitive.

    So a CPM means little unless you the type of Geiger that took it.

    Seeing 50CPM on a nice Radiation Inspector Alert would not be a "take action level" but if you have an el cheapo $160 Geiger, and you are seeing 50CPM it may very well be a "figure out what the hell is going on" moment.
- See more at:

stock here: Simple: He is using the EPA reports that include very sensitive gamma radiation reading (in 8 different energy ranges incidentally), compared to radnet which is comprised of VARIOUS Geiger counters, that are catching some Alpha, but mostly beta and gamma and they are not as sensitive.

So a CPM means little unless you the type of Geiger that took it.

Seeing 50CPM on a nice Radiation Inspector Alert would not be a "take action level" but if you have an el cheapo $160 Geiger, and you are seeing 50CPM it may very well be a "figure out what the hell is going on" moment.



Monday, November 10, 2014

Hundreds of tons of Fish Dead in Hokkaido Harbor Due to Fukushima Radiation

You know, in a world where you have to go to the Russians, the Germans, and Al Jazerra for real news, you just got to ask you feel lucky, well do you?

And here is a Reactor Bldg 4 meltout, with a "gamma correction" to reduce the side building shadows and show the melted corium from the equipment pool where they were getting ready to load MOX into the newly replaced shroud of reactor 4.

MOX-GATE, Fukushima Reactor 4 melt out proves it

MOX-GATE -- "A coverup necessary to prevent the last great hope of the Nuclear Village from being crushed, MOX is not safe"

Here is a link from A Green Road

A great site...they are into exposing lies. I am into exposing truth. Both work. LOL

At the bottom is a video of Reactor 4 Melt Out. This is important. AGR and myself both independently came to the conclusion that TEPCO was also experimenting with MOX in Reactor 4. They were not licensed to, and MOX is way more dangerous. However, the pro-nukers have MOX as their main sales tool to "get rid of existing nuclear waste" and to soup up the old clunker plants using the MOX to extract profits and keep their "precious" industry alive.

Admitting that MOX is EXTREMELY dangerous, and caused a mini nuclear explosion at Reactor 3, AND admitting that the new MOX in the equipment pool at reactor 4 melted out due to its increase reactivity and therefore heat and radiation....well that would shoot their MOX down, and it would shoot their source of their highfaluting livelihood down. And they can't have that, even if the face of ocean killing disasters. So they cover up and lie. At Reactor 4, the new MOX they were loading (ready to load in the equipment pool) melted down and out. And when corium contacts cement, it pretty much immediately releases all its cesium and start making 10 fold the normal amount of strontium. At Reactor 4, spent fuel pool, there was a 9 hours fire, and certainly a lot of poison was released, but that stopped with borated water. But not the MOX fuel, that burned through the stainless steel liner, and 3 feet of concrete. MOX-GATE you heard it here first.

MOX is way more dangerous than just Spent Fuel.    Spent Fuel used to be the most dangerous thing on earth.     Well, the nuclear scientists have now out done themselves.

Here is the proof on the Reactor 3 Nuclear Explosion due to MOX

Here is the proof that Reactor 4 was NOT a hydrogen explosion caused by hydrogen from Reactor 3...incredulously against their claim, Reactor 3 blew up the prior day, no walls, no containment, no hydrogen, even the pipe going the tower can be seen lying open in the rubble.    These "experts" don't even think that we deserve credible lies.

Reactor 4 was a MOX Fire, followed by MOX explosion, and meltout.

Here is an external video that will make the Reactor 4 MOX explosion

Here is the "Federation of Electric Companies" in Japan promoting MOX plutonium fuel.

They state that because Europe and USA are doing it, we should too.   France is the worst offender.   They are bankrupt and stealing from the future by using nuclear.

One thing is clear though.     Reprocessing of fuel to create MOX is 10 times more expensive that putting it into Dry Cask.   But the pro-nukers need to have a way to lie to pretend that MOX can make it all go away.    It doesn't, it just avoid that problem of otherwise dealing with the spent fuel, and creates a current income stream and justification to keep plants open.

MOX-GATE -- Now you know why