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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Swarms of Earthquakes In Japan, Just Like 311, As Japan Restarts Nuclear Reactors

Funny that Citizen Scientists can vastly outperform our highly paid public Universities and
Government Labs.     Do not miss the importance of that point.   I predicted the Taiwan earthquake and the Japan Volcano, a week a head of time.

The "experts" at USGS want to spend hundreds of millions to provide a 28 second warning for 1 specific earthquake on the West Coast USA.   

Here is the link

Here is a link from today

International Atomic Energy Agency Proposes to Mutate Moisquitos Carrying Zika Virus

These little sociopathic boyz, playing with their nuclear toys.

What could possibly go wrong?

"It's family planning for insects," Jorge Hendrichs, head of the Insect Pest Control Section at the IAEA, said.

Cases of infants born with brain abnormalities with suspected link to Zika have been registered in over 20 Latin American countries, as well as in the US, starting from late December last year. Nearly 4,000 babies have been born with a congenital condition associated with incomplete brain development in Brazil only.

Right, so lets blast those mosquitoes with radiation and see what happens.   Maybe the virus itself will get mutated, 10 billion mosquitoes....what are the chances that one of those mosquitoes would mutate into an even more effective delivery system.        sheesh!

And in case you didn't know....the WHO is controlled by the IAEA.   It's true, and almost unbelievable.

And more on that matter

Is it radiation or moisquitoes

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Clintons Emails Released Clearly Show She Knew the Dangers to USA from Fukushima and Covered It Up

Aloha folks, stock here.    These articles take a lot of work.    If you like to see more and continued articles, sign up as a follower on the right tool bar.    Also tweet this out and share on your Facebook page if you have.     Mahalo.

I reviewed several thousand Hillary Clinton emails that were released after court order, with an emphasis on Fukushima:

1) She was immediately informed of the dangers of Fukushima, and the actions that people should take to mitigate radiation damage, Mar 12th USA time.

2) She was participating daily in the discussion of Fukushima, until.....

3) They were mostly concerned with economic effects to countries, and to protect the US nuclear industry.

4) Clinton advisers pushed her hard to go to Japan as  PR move.

5) At that point one of two things happened a) she stopped sending AND receiving any emails related to Fukushima, or b) she intentionally did not hand over those emails and they were systematically eliminated from her files.

In light of 5a above, what are the chances they everyone in the government stopped sending her updates on Fukushima?     Exactly.  

Of course setting up a trip to Japan to discuss Fukushima would need lots of logistics, talking points, points of contacts, meetings.    She did make that infamous trip.    So basically Clinton did not supply these!!!    60 top secret email were released to the FBI, BUT the coverup of the Fukushima story was so important that Clinton and her group committed a felony but removing these from the record.     It is the only story that makes sense.

Here is the chronology of events/emails to make it simple to see how the emails just STOPPED.

Here is a whitehouse petition to unredact all the Fukushima related emails, and to provide the rest of the emails.

Here is the official government source of the emails that I grinded through

1) She was well advised as to what the risks were, and what precautions should be taken.

2) These powers that be understand false arguments, how to spot them, and how to use them

3) In the emails released, most exchanges were pretty professional, after the Reactor 4 explosion it had gone too far, and they decided that the event just needed to be censored.   After the initial emergency they focused their concern on economic impact and impact to the nuclear industry.

4) Around this time, researchers warned the powers that be that social media would lead to a reduction in their power if left unchecked and not monitored.

5) Hillary's  crew responds back with "Heck Ya we are monitoring social media and twitter to make sure our communications are resulting in change we can believe."

6) Hillary's handlers pushed her to go to Japan with some goals in mind, and that it was PR, but would be very powerful.   They pushed her even though all kind of other events were occurring and lots of travel and she was tired.   That's why I call it her handlers.

7) Once that first and second email urging the trip happened....then a complete blackout on the emails related to a major trip to a major world power for 3 weeks at least, that's all I checked.    No other issue got this blackout.  

8) This blackout of the Fukushima related trip to Japan was so important, it required committing a crime to not provide these emails under subpoena.     Of this $400B dollar a year industry (nuclear), how much do you think they funneled to Hillary or some Super-Pac?

I am dumping these screen captures of all the Fukushima emails that I reviewed.   I have all the PDFs downloaded and stored and backed up.

We know from direct contact with high level officials in Washington that Clinton signed a pact with Japan to keep buying their contaminated food and no testing.    The real question is, what did Hillary get in return?    I do not know, any theories are appreciated, drop in the comments.

Here is the audio interview supporting the above assertions
Gundersen told SolarIMG that high-level people he knows in the State Department said Hillary Clinton signed a pact with her counterpart in Japan agreeing for the United States to continue buying food from Japan, despite that food not being properly tested for radioactive materials.
"So we are not sampling the food coming into the United States," he said, repeating, "The US government has come up with a decision at the highest levels of the State Department, as well as other departments who made a decision to downplay Fukushima."

First off, she knew of the dangers of Fukushima, and the precautions that should have been taken, the next 3 graphics are from 1 email, March 12, 2011

HIllary first press conference to address her illegal email methods. She starts lying about this at 2:55 in the video
Hillary lying for 13 minutes A filmaker in Japan

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secret Service and Military and White House Workers Attest That Hillary is a Horrible Human Being. “She caught the guy on a ladder doing the light bulb,” says Franette McCulloch, who served at that time as assistant White House pastry chef. “He was a basket case.” White House usher Christopher B. Emery unwisely called back Barbara Bush after she phoned him for computer troubleshooting. Emery helped the former first lady twice. Consequently, Kessler reports, Hillary sacked him. The father of four stayed jobless for a year. While running for US Senate, Hillary stopped at an upstate New York 4-H Club. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. “She turned to a staffer and said, ‘What the f - - - did we come here for? There’s no money here.’ ” Secret Service “agents consider being assigned to her detail a form of punishment,” Kessler concludes. “In fact, agents say being on Hillary Clinton’s detail is the worst duty assignment in the Secret Service.” After studying the Secret Service and its relationships with dozens of presidents, vice presidents and their families, Ronald Kessler’s astonishment at Hillary Clinton’s inhumanity should reverberate in every American’s head. As he told me: “No one would hire such a person to work at a McDonald’s, and yet she is being considered for president of the United States.”

ENENEWS under a denial of service attack.

ENENEWS went offline Friday evening and the denial of service attack continues until now
Saturday afternoon/ now Sunday morning.

There are a preponderance of recent articles here folks, drop some comments.   These are real news, not just new aggregation.   And if you have some news, write it up and submit it as a guest author, you will get full credit of course.

Some alternate places to re-group

There is a cbox chat at Fukushima Diary, but there are trolls there on a regular basis

Clintons Emails Released Clearly Show She Knew the Dangers to USA from Fukushima and Covered It Up

I reviewed several thousand Hillary Clinton emails that were released after court order, with an emphasis on Fukushima:

1) She was immediately informed of the dangers of Fukushima, and the actions that people should take to mitigate radiation damage, Mar 12th USA time.

2) She was participating daily in the discussion of Fukushima, until.....

3) They were mostly concerned with economic effects to countries, and to protect the US nuclear industry.

4) Clinton advisers pushed her hard to go to Japan as  PR move.

5) At that point one of two things happened a) she stopped sending AND receiving any emails related to Fukushima, or b) she intentionally did not hand over those emails and they were systematically eliminated from her files.
- See more at:

And if you are Jonesing for nuke news here are some ---

Some interesting new sites giving me hits since ENE is down

JD: 3-11 e-mails from NRC freaks --- (300+ pages)

Coincidentally this happened the same day as the proof of the  Hillary Clinton Fukushima coverup and subsequent death of Americans was released full force at ENE, and as further promoted on twitter, and Youtube via the infamous foul mouth Kevin Blanch.    They'll be calling you a radical.

We do know that Hillary is pro-nuclear, they provide a LOT of money to  Clinton.   And she has various uranium deals that even intersect with Bundy's and the land steal.    

Anyone who can get on, send me an email

 Saw this picture on twitter, LOL

BTW the address for ENENEWS is

Lots of information is these NRC released emails, over 300 pages

JD: 3-11 e-mails from NRC freaks --- (300+ pages)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Taking Back the Narrative on The Carbon Lie--Chart of CO2 Plotted Against Temperature

I have been looking for this one for a while, and will add to this later.    But want it posted so I can't lose it.

Bottom line, nuclear is now pushing hard that "nuclear is essential" to fight Carbon.    It is a fake narrative out of the gate.

I had this to say at ENE

Taking back the narrative: When you start with the wrong premise, you are not likely to get to good answers.
First it was CO2, then just referred to as Carbon, now the narrative just points at "climate goals"
The narrative gets further from the point, CO2. CO2 itself is not a pollutant, but can be useful in estimating the amounts of other pollutants.
CO2 is a plant food
But most important CO2 is not correlated or causative of global warming.
Even the narrative of Global Warming had to change, as even the hardcore warmistas realized that the earth was not warming, unless you believe the data that NOAA and the MET jiggered in order to push for the Paris agreement. Now the narrative is Climate change.
Everything needs to be altered in the narrative, because the facts don't fit the original theory.
Let me repeat, CO2 is not correlated or causative of global warming or climate change for that matter.


A serious commenter below provided this chart as a link, I added comments

Here is where you can download CRUD data directly

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Interview With Chris Busby Challenging the ICRP Dose Model -- Esp. In Regards to Internal Radiation

stock here--- the interviewer is the old "arclight"
Published on Feb 3, 2016
This is an update on some success Prof Chris Busby has had concerning the British nuclear test veterans in the UK and their battle with the UK Ministry of Defence and the Home Office.
New parameters have been set allowing Prof Busby to challenge the MOD on the false science that they are trying to use to support their case against the nuclear test veterans. This is a first in the UK.
This case now has the possibilities of opening up the questions concerning Depleted Uranium and other isotopes that have been deemed to be "low dose".
An article transcript will be available later this week at
Challenging the ICRP dose model with Chris Busby - Court Update

Getting Healthcare -- Keywords to Allow Your Doctor to Justify Tests or Treatments

OK very serious comment here, I need some brainstorming.

Scenario--ACA is seeing more than ever, healthcare being rationed.

Last year I had crappy healthcare that covered 3 general practice office visit, no drugs, no dental, no vision, no specialists, pretty much nothing, deductible $12,000

This year, much better healthcare.   No major problems that I know of.   But I want to max out blood testing, MRIs, CTs (just kidding)and whatever else I can do to possibly identify problems early.

So there are keywords that need to be worked into the conversation with the doctor, so that they will say...well, family history plus these conditions, we need to do a gall bladder ultrasound, or we need to do a liver function battery of tests.

1 specific problem, left shoulder, frequent reinjuries....what are the magic words to get an MRI or some real test to find out what is wrong, is a tendon loose?    Proclaim that because of my shoulder, I cannot continue my high level masters swim competition programs, and then describe the injury in such a way the doc can justify the MRI or steroid shots, or whatever.  

Sure I am talking about gaming the system.   What tricks do I have to use to get real healthcare. 

comment here or email me directly

Before you go the MRI route, might I suggest you try this guy's alignment advice? You don't have to do yoga to benefit from it.
Otherwise, I can't be of help. I'm with GBShaw on doctors in general: they know they can make twice as much money by sawing off the wrong arm first.

Report comment

ty that diagram all by itself is useful.
I do close gripped bench press and incline press, and shoulder press, and that is working so far…go wide grip and risk serious injury, happened twice now in 2 years.
Hard to put solar panels on the roof with a banged up shoulder, lol

Before you get an MRI, steroids or other drugs, go get a professional, therapeutic massage. Look for a deep tissue/neuromuscular person. Some insurance will even cover it. If not, it's a $100 you WILL NOT regret spending.

First, start taking Zyflamend. Inflammation/joint buffer. Takes a week a two to kick in. Take it to Doc visit.
Then, find an Orthopedic clinic within a hospital system. This gives you an upper hand in that Doctors often refer each other. This is patient management.
Just state the issue. Make sure to say that "it interferes with your daily life", such as cooking, lifting, shower. Do Not mention narcs. Do Not accept narcs. They will see you as drug seeking. Trust me on this.
Don't go from doc to doc. They will find out. Keep your mouth shut, don't offer info. If this is a longtime problem, then say it. Don't say anything until you are asked or have a question. All questions should be in writing so you don't forget. And it makes you look credible.
Start asking older people about Ortho clinics/docs. Look up clinic stats.
No games or tricks, we see right through it. lol.
Good Luck

 I'll look it up, but its not a pain problem, its a structural problem of sorts, ligaments, tendons, muscle fibers,even though I don't know how that works.
Is there any downside to an MRI, besides possible cost?

Report comment

Sam Sam
Downside to MRI is having to take the contrast die if Dr. calls for it.
Look at what Dr. Mercola says about it. Contrast die is radioactive
does not flush out of body easily as the Doc's say. can have major
side effects. Refuse it if not absolutely necessary. there are pros
and cons about the strong magnetic force on the body. fewer probably
the better. I had a dislocated shoulder—popped back in and lot of
rehab. no problems. best to get it clearly diagnosed and then find the
best treatments for it. avoid surgeries give it rest , deep heat and
an physical therapy rebuilding program. be gentle with it. stop putting
up solar panels fora while. get smart , hire help and direct them.

use the progressive system…really light weight first for form, very slow, next rep, a little more weight & form, slow, next rep, a little more weight, form and slow, next rep, a little more weight, form and slow…never max your weight, you're looking for form, not further damage and you don't need bulk you need strength and stability…never hyper extend your arms, keep them some what bent so you don't damage the elbow or wrist…always form…always slow and your welcome…I'm now limited to 10 lbs and I miss lifting, it does some much for your head-space…good luck and let me know how you do…Gilbert

Gasser Gasser
stock…Gassers zero med's shoulder fix
From years of Moto Crossing and off road racing I've dislocated both shoulders from some serious crashes and got through them with no doctors or their meds, Delta 9 THC got me back racing within a month or so, though now if I get my arms jammed back like in this video from last Thanksgiving ride it can be quite painful, this last jam pain lasted for 60+ days of somewhat sleepless nights that THC got me through, but I didn't stop riding every weekend even with the pain, this helped strengthen it up and I'm back 100% hard on the gas….zero meds, MRI or CT scans that most would have done…bottom line Doctors suck!….your money that is.
Two weeks later back on the gas as seen on the bottom video…this is some shoulder jerking terrain, nobody rides in my do or die zones…try this at 74 yr old
Ride nuts fast now, die radioactive happy later you did.

Earthquake and Volcano Risk, And Earthquake Resource Pages

Its quiet, too quiet, scary quiet.

Only 21 earthquakes in the whole world over 2.5 in last 24 hours.

Normally there is 71 to 73 range per day, of 2.5 or bigger

In a year, there are too many quakes for their reporting system.

Earthquake website 

Here is one that shows Japan earthquake in a video format, you can select dates.   But it uses USGS data which is quite a bit different from JMA data.

Educational site