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Friday, April 6, 2012

Geiger How to Use

Vital1 took my radiation chart and beefed it up.

Here it is as a PDF download.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fraud by Constellation Energy $245M fine at Ginna Nuclear Plant

One of the "Pro Nuke 100% all the time guys" who seems well intentioned, yet nevertheless lies, work at Ginna plant. He is convinced he is promoting safety, and convinced that a few people with good hearts can make nuke safe.

BTW This is "Mikey", the 100% Pro nuke that I speak of.

What the problem is though, is the whole system, the human species, the corruption, deception, lies and greed. And one or a handful of good people can't counteract the evil that can be perpetrated from the top and the whole system.


Feds rebuke ex-owner of Ginna plant
Constellation Energy withheld information, U.S. agency says

Federal regulators say Constellation Energy withheld key information when it sought approval for transfer of three nuclear power plants, including installations in Wayne and Oswego counties.

An investigation by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that Baltimore-based Constellation “failed to provide complete and accurate information” about foreign control of electricity from the power plants and the financial arrangements of the transaction, the agency said in a letter released Tuesday.
Constellation had been seeking federal and state agency approvals to sell its nuclear plants and other assets to Exelon Corp. of Chicago. The $7.9 billion deal closed March 12.
The NRC gave its OK in February and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the deal March 9 — the same day the latter agency announced that a unit of Constellation had agreed to pay a record $245 million in penalties for improperly manipulating the energy market in New York and New England from 2007-09.
Of that sum, $78 million is to be given to New York state to benefit electric consumers here.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Reactor 4 reality

hmmmm, is this really complicated or not?

400,000 lbs divided by 12 = 33,000.

400,000 lbs of spent fuel, with at least .9% plutonium, thats 4000 lbs of plutonium.

Divided by about 12 pounds to make a nuke bomb.

33,000 Bomb equivalent.

Now lets make a really conservative estimate that it won't be as bad a a bomb....5% as bad.

Not sure a "scrambled egg" nuke fire would be equivalent to a nuke bomb, but it is certainly within reason to think that the releases could be 5% of a nuke bomb minimal. That would be like 600 bombs.

They are criminals for not already de-loaded this pool no matter how hot the rods are, no matter what the risk of even dropping a rod with a remote crane. Asshats!
Or as Busby did say F-Twits

NASA -- Teflon and this Video, better than nukes

And let's hear it for TEFLON!    Egg lovers unite!  

Monday, April 2, 2012

Radiation Map Live --- United States

Radiation Map for USA, BlackCat Systems

Insurance on Nuke---$12B in entire United States What a Joke.

CaptD found this one

The aggregate insurance on EVERY SINGLE nuke plant is around$12B

If 4 reactors melted down, there would be $12B total!     And after that the taxpayer is on the hook for everything!

Under existing policy, owners of nuclear power plants pay a premium each year for $375 million in private insurance for offsite liability coverage for each reactor unit. This primary or first tier, insurance is supplemented by a second tier. In the event a nuclear accident, causes damages in excess of $375 million, each licensee would be assessed a prorated share of the excess up to $111.9 million. With 104 reactors currently licensed to operate, this secondary tier of funds contains about $11.6 billion. If 15 percent of these funds are expended, prioritization of the remaining amount would be left to a federal district court. If the second tier is depleted, Congress is committed to determine whether additional disaster relief is required.

What a crock of shit this nuke business is

Childhood leukemia

NO OPINION on these yet, just storing for future use of finding.   Anyone who has time  to review and comment, PLEASE CHIME IN



Analysis of Cancer Risks in Populations near Nuclear Facilities: Phase I (2012)
Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board (NRSB)

--> Free On Line reading here

--> Notice on left side of the page you can download the free PDF Summary...

I'd like to get your take on it... Is it good science or just more Nuclear Baloney* (NB)?

For comparison, here is another well known study:

Child leukaemia doubles near French nuclear plants-study:

Comments on story:

PDF of that Study:

Censoring the Emporer

Japan in Uproar Over Censorship of Emperor's Anti-Nuclear Speech

By Michael McAteer
Mar 26 2012, 8:46 AM ET 163 Why did Japanese TV channels cut Emperor Akihito's address on the one-year anniversary of the Fukushima crisis?

emperor march26 p.jpg
Japan's Emperor Akihito speaks as Empress Michiko looks on at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo / AP
There is a particularly sensitive accusation reverberating through online discussion boards and social media in Japan: that Emperor Akihito's speech on the one year anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami was censored on TV for his comments about the nuclear disaster at Fukushima.

Great little energy mapping website, does nukes of course

US List of Clunkers Map

Comparison table of Geiger Counters

Youtube comparison of 3 Geigers

26 toed cat

Just not good, Fuku'd

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Geiger Readings in Oahu, Hawaii

Just got my rad alert inspector set up.

Oahu, Hawaii

.05 to .11 microSv per hour, that is roughly .4 to .9 millSv per year (for simplicity I use an 8 multiplier), which is really low, checked the low lying areas where water would collect, no discernible difference
Wiped windshield, the whole thing, and reading went from .06 up to .1

2 HEPA filters, very dirty, been running over 30 days 24/7, readings went up to around .2, which is still only 1.6mSv per year.

This is really good, at this moment Hawaii looks "safe"

Now the hard part....sending my inspector to Japan to a family that needs one.     Buying another......another long wait, but I guess it takes Japanese people 9 month wait list to get a geiger.

From Ray Masalas on Nuclear Hot Seat

Ray Masalas
I'm still learning myself. My readings are always in micro-sieverts, but simplify this very confusing subject (9 X background} says it all. No matter what system you use. My normal background is around 0.12 micro-sieverts so..... What they call natural raydon can be up tp triple background. I have no raydon. My stome basement is 130 years old and reads 0.12. But to save arguing with sceptics, {And uploadind to u-tube is a big pain in the ass} I only film and upload when our rain is above 4X background. At 0.40 the lower screen turns yellow. {radiation alert} At 1.20 micro-sieverts it's turns red {Get outta Dodge} Sometimes the rain is hot for 10 minutes, sometimes for hours. The plume has to intersect the weather. If you were in the US system and your normal background was 25 CPM {Counts per minute} your geiger would read 225. At 100 CPM and 0.40 microsieverts the watch dogs are suppose to warn us. This was more than double the warning level. Hope this helps.

German Report on Fukushima, Interview with ex PM Kan

HEY, if you like this stuff, sign up as a follower!    Its easy and free.     And keep in mind this is a sponsor supported blog.


Excellent video, German reporters in Japan, investigating Fukushima.

For anyone doubting how the Nuke Cartel operates, this is the smoking gun.

The whole lies, report fabrications, regulatory capture, are laid bare in this sub-titled report. At minutes 11 and 16 ex Prime Minister Kan details in no uncertain terms how the Nuclear Village operates through lies, extortion, personnel insertions into government and then back into TEPCO.

This is coming right from the top. This has been reviewed by a Japanese national who is also fluent in English and they agree that the translation is absolutely correct.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Humans are Control Freaks

What is the opposite of nuke? Cute doggies.

Solar Power at Night


Hey If you have to have molten salts to provide 24/7 electricity, wouldn't you rather have them at a solar power plant rather than a Nuke power plant?  

Solar power at night

Pro Nuke Trolls keep harping on the "baseload" as if baseload is a catch phrase that will knock renewable out of competition, and make make Nuke the only thing that can save the world.   BULLSHIT.    With a little bit of steady power from solar plants like this, and with diversity by interconnected grid so that various areas producing solar  and wind energy share with those that are currently short on wind and PV energy.

Click here for a wind map of the whole US

Friday, March 30, 2012

Some links found on ENENEWS

Plutonium info,188.0.html
Current Jet Stream, EQ, Weather, Fuku Debris Tracking Links,67.msg263.html#msg263
Low/High Internal/External Effects on Children and All Living Things,9.0.html
How bad is it? Fukushima vs. Chernobyl,67.msg332.html#msg332
What you and your loved ones can do .. remediating rads from the body,9.0.html
Aloha All … please tell everybody,132.0.html

Troll Jousting

Thanks for your definition of Troll Jousting!

Editors reviewed your entry and have decided to publish it on

It should appear on this page in the next few days:

Urban Dictionary


Troll Jousting

Troll Jousting is the act of retorting comments on blogs that have been placed by trolls, or paid commentators who place comments to support a particular vested interest. The

Troll Jouster places comments that show the falseness of the Troll

Wow nice Troll Jousting dude, you really bitch slapped that Troll.

Yeah, thanks eh brah! I couldn't believe that Pro Nuke Troll was actually saying that radiation can be beneficial to your health. I had to slap 'em back in case some innocent

bystander saw that Troll comment and believed it.

Well, good work dude, keep up the Troll jousting on that blog, and remember, there are NO innocent bystanders.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Nuke Makes No Economic Sense

Nuke makes no sense from an economic viewpoint.

It costs around $15B to build a modern nuke plant, and takes about 10 years.

Investors want a 10% or even 20% annual rate of return in general, maybe on something super safe and reliable they would be willing to receive 7%.

But with nuke, picture that at year 5 you have the heavy infrastructure in place, much of the big money spent, say $10B,   

At that point investors would want at least $1B minimum a year, and yet you have to wait 5 more years to get anything.

Typical nuke plants generate around $250M per year in profits.

At completion----if they are not shut down by protests and shoddy workmanship-----the investors money has been tied up for ten years and with $15B invested

So now they can make $250M per year if all goes well.

$250M / 15B = 1.66% Annual Rate of Return ---which is a total joke, no investor would want this deal, so why are nuke plants being built?

The military /industrial nuke cartel doesn't go down easily, they keep chasing after their cheese in the same old places they always found it, even though it makes no sense.


I can easily get 25% annual rate of return on a solar electric investment.    That means that solar is a 15 times better investment, and no evacuation zone and no eternal vigilance over the waste products.

Shut Them All Down!