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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wisdom from 20,000 feet as We Discuss The Corrupt and Bureaucratic NRC Hormesis Gambit

On nuclear/radiation standards, safety, risks, etc, both scientific/professional attitudes and mythology, and general public opinion, public attitudes – public mythology –

have been inundated by disinformation, and maintained by being kept in the dark, for going on three generations.

When Chernobyl happened, with catastrophic results, the recourse was to continue the lies, cover-up, etc.

The more general culture of deception, PR, etc, the marginalization of integrity, and the ascendancy of institutional 'man', submissive widgets all, pretty well, accommodated the nuclear scam/crime scene.

And, the 'end of oil' meme, the carbon/ greenhouse meme, gave nuclear the halo of saviour, or a kind of free pass, even as its pernicious implications for physical and social health became more and more obvious to more and more people.

Sprouting everywhere roof top solar panels etc look pretty benign and sensible in comparison.

The real 'paradigm shift', the 'tipping point', comes when the mythology changes. That is the great task, as I see it, and Fukushima and Durnford and the demise life in the Pacific tidal zones of Western N America, are important bits and pieces in the demise of the psychological fundament of heretofore institutional and public loyalty to nuclear reactors.

How many rads can dance on the head of a radioactive pin is comparatively a marginal matter.

CodeShutdown CodeShutdown
well written Oldster. The ascendancy of institutional man. I see a comic bell curve of the evolution-devolution of homo sapiens. How strange and banal it should come down to office chairs and politics. I think all politicians should wear beggars clothes and all scientists should wear propeller top beanie caps. When will we admit we are all children before nature and the cosmos?

Tsars, Kings, Emperors,
sovereigns of all the earth,
have commanded many a parade,
but they could not command humor.
When Aesop, the tramp, came visiting
the palaces of eminent personages
ensconced in sleek comfort all day,
they struck him as paupers.
In houses, where hypocrites have
left the smear of their puny feet,
there Hodja-Nasr-ed-Din, with his jests,
swept clean all meanness
like a board of chessmen!
They tried to commission humor-
but humor is not to be bought!
They tried to murder humor,
but humor thumbed his nose at them!
It’s hard to fight humor.
They executed him time and again.
His hacked-off head
was stuck on the point of a pike.
But as soon as the mummer’s pipes
began their quipping tale,
humor defiantly cried:
'I’m back, I’m here! ',
and started to foot a dance.
in an overcoat, shabby and short,
with eyes cast down and a mask of repentance,
he, a political criminal,
now under arrest, walked to his execution.
He appeared to submit in every way,
accepting the life-beyond,
but of a sudden he wriggled out of his coat,
and, waving his hand, did a bolt.
Humor was shoved into cells,
but much good that did.
Humor went straight through
prison bars and walls of stone.
Coughing from the lungs
like any man in the ranks,
he marched singing a popular ditty,
rifle in hand upon the Winter Palace.
He’s accustomed to frowning looks,
but they do him no harm;
and humor at times with humor
glances at himself…

Report comment

Nimble and quick,
he’ll slip through anything, through everyone.
So- glory be to humor.
He- is a valiant man.
Translated by George Reavey
Yevgeny Yevtushenko

The EPA standing up for Citizens Health, Slaps Back at the Absurd NRC Proposal to Increase Our Radiation 100 Times

Hotel Californium!    Sucking me in again with the EPA jousting the NRC.


Even though LNT is not "fact" is not "correct" it helps set a reasonably low safety measure for radiation exposure.    So it doesn't have to be perfect.

For those who are confused by LNT, here it is in a nutshell.    They took health results from the 2 nuclear bombs dropped on Japan and then extrapolated a line down to the zero Y and zero X axis.   and then far far away from the huge exposures of the atom bombs, they used the atom bomb data to set safety levels for much lower levels of radiation.    So it's actually a bit of stretch of logic at best.    But it set a level that it "pretty OK".

By NRC wanting to throw out LNT, there is a basis of logic for that.   But the insanity comes when they want to replace LNT, with Hormesis "Radiation is good for you, up to 100 times the radiation allowed now".   That is 100mSv.   I think even the nuke cartel does not believe this would be wise, but that this is a ploy to say "lets make a compromise, and make 20mSv per year the new standard".

Nuclear plants are dying like flies, and worldwide, they make about $400B in profit for their owners, so they can throw a lot of money at trying to slow the death rate of the existing plants, whilst getting Obama to throw in money for the "next generation" research.   

So yes, keeping LNT is much better than throwing LNT out and replacing it with 100mSv hormesis.    In the perfect world we would replace LNT with something even stricter, a "supra linear" model.   That won't make sense to most people until you see it in a chart form.

But basically, repeated long term attacks by small levels of radiation, especially man made radiation, can be much more damaging than 1 large attack that doesn't cause immediate permanent damage. 

Consider the example of a person walking out there apartment door and getting mugged, beaten to the ground, kicked, but not permanently damaged.    Then that person experiences no bad attacks for 5 years, instead committing thenselves to physical training and healthy probiotic eating.

Now compare that to a person who walks out the door of their apartment and a group of bullies give them a solid hit that bruises them but doesn't knock them to teh ground.   And the next day they strike again, sometime hitting the same bruised areas.   This goes on for 5 years.  

Who do you think is in better shape after 5 years?

I think it is a fitting analogy.

And it should also be obvious what happens if they throw a banana at you every morning, you  take the banana, make a smoothie and end up healthier.   OK I had to throw that in there for Codeshutdown, LOL.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Heat Picture of Earth,12.77,268

Richard Mueller -- The Best Project, was a denier, 1.2 billion data points Malankovich Cycles - To be researched...on glaciation cycles

EmailContact List For Those Interested in Anti-Nuke, Anti-Radiation, Better Health

Folks, I need to bear down and get some tasks done, and get ready for a long plane ride and a big trip, will test for gamma and beta if I can

I have been trying to clean up my email, and at least I got ENE Nukepro related emails all gathered to one folder, 318 items!

My intention is to make a mailing list and send stuff out occasionally, I will use BCC so your privacy will be protected

If you want to be on this list and have never email before, email now to
Also if you emailed from Feb to Sep of 2015….through a butt head mistake of my own and of Windows 7, have lost all the email, probably only the NSA has it, LOL

So write again.

Time permitting during my travels, I will create the "real players" email contact list. I won't send things often and it won't be spam.

Indicate your "stage name" will be helpful, because I want to mitigate chances of getting a troll on board.

stock out

Also I apologize to those who wrote and who I did not respond. I usually try to respond immediately, but if that is not possible, then the response often just has to fall by the wayside.

Solar Net Metering -- Under Attack By Nuclear Cartel

stock here, I will flesh out this article more when I get a chance.
The nuclear industry and Big Util is on a full on war against solar, it's worst enemy.


This report out of Maine indicates that the value to the state from  solar is above most net metering costs.

Pages 11 and 12 of the doc indicate that societal benefits are significant.  The utilities on the West Coast are most likely misrepresenting their case.

JC: Solar net metering is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

JC you are wrong.   It is nothing similar to robbing Peter to Pay Paul.

Solar investors simply stop paying an electric bill, although they still pay a monthly charge.   In Hawaii it was $17 per month.     If there are 200,000 domiciles that is $3.4M per month.    That is $40.8 Million per year.    Does that seem like it should cover wiring failures, tree cutting, transformer replacements?     That would be for the island of Oahu.  

Lets look at the budget breakdown.
 Lets say that is $10M for materials and thus $30.8M for Labor

At a Full Time Equivalent of $120,000 per year, that provide 256 workers.    Does that seem like enough to take care of the grid?   

That's like 1 worker for every 1 square mile of habitable land.    That seems very doable to me.   

Now those who haven't done solar need to foot the bill for the "grid".  Is that true, or is the $17 monthly fee adequate to cover that?

The grid is already paid for, and maintenance is very small, its wires and transformers....things that have high reliability.
But solar helps the grid.    It feeds power to the grid when the grid needs it the most.   And solar users add load to the the grid, when the grid needs the load, at night.
So please explain why you think this is robbing peter to pay paul?

Status of Canadian Pacific Ocean Videos

I have asked the author when these videos were taken, lets see if I get an answer,  I will definitely post it if I get an answer.    They nicely describe the location, but fail to provide the date.

Regardless, I do not consider these videos to show a "vibrant" life.

I have personally done over 900 dives, including some photos and video.    These have been in Hawaii, Guam, Tahiti, so kind of different.

Watch the videos, you can click through the time bar pretty quick.   The title photo is the best of the best of the best.    Other parts of the videos basically show a boneyard with 1 or 2 species.   There should be hundreds.

Also this author is doing their best to discredit Dana Durnford, so take things with a grain of salt.

Larvae, wow!
Wow algae! Witty Lagoon Park - we would hope the Parks would be in better shape than the average shoreline Glencoe Cove Island View Beach Sea Anemone Did anyone see any substantial fish in any of those videos? 

 Here is one from Dana Durnford

NUkist Troll Photoshops Reactor 3 to Show Water Therfore No Sky High Explosion Happened

Troll sayeth
The greenish patch is the spent fuel pool. (Still full of water, which means Gundersen's spent fuel pool explosion theory doesn't hold water.)

stock here....that picture looked kind of familiar, I pulled one out from my archive

I will add the pictures seperately, I realize in the above compiled pictures, it is hard to obviously see the photoshopping.

This picture taken this week over San Francisco.    Big Gov did another one by LA too.    These are Intercontinental Balistic Missiles capable of carrying nuclear bombs.     They gave no notice and didn't explain even after the sightings by millions.  

Methinks it is mostly saber rattling at Russia, and to start getting USA people scared of Russia and nuclear bombs, so that USA had take a harder stance with Russia without the little people getting upset over MORE war mongering.     Nobel peace prize, eh?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Scientists are Paid To Lie, Our Tax Dollars Are Used to Create Lies That Then Work Against Us

We noted before that NOAA was lying about cause of mammal deaths.

NOAA shown lying about mammal deaths

And that was an official policy in Canada until the new young prime miinster wiped that policy and made government scientists "1st class citizens" again.

All this as Dana Durnford, is arrested and threatened with 10 years in jail, for ranting against lying scientists.

And then they are pretending that "Global Warming" killed a whale that was obviously starving

The UK, a dying empire, like the USA....has gone full tilt wrong.   How the hell can you be a Civil "Servant" if you are failing to inform, intentionally lying?

Censorship of Government Scientists Spreads to the United Kingdom

, program manager, Center for Science & Democracy | March 31, 2015, 7:00 am EST
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British scientists are pushing back strongly against a move by the UK government to control how government scientists communicate their research with the public. This is a very troubling development that is bad for science and bad for the public interest. The news was reported on Friday in the Guardian and Science.
The new language, added to the Civil Service Code, is as follows:
All contacts with the media should be authorised in advance by the relevant Minister unless a specific delegation or dispensation has been agreed which may be for blocks of posts or areas of activities. The Civil Service Code applies to all such contacts.  Civil Servants must at all times observe discretion and express comment with moderation, avoiding personal attacks.

100 Ton Blue Whale In "Our Radioactive Ocean" Found On Beach, Starved to Death, They Say El Nino Did It

No mention of testing for radiation, easy to harvest samples.

They toss out "El Nino" as the cause, and then do not even attempt even once to support that hypothesis.

The animal was starving, its fat layer was 66% down from where it should be.

This "El Nino" Carbon dioxide as a pollutant is going beyond just sickening.    It's criminal.

Info on Blue Whale

Blue whales are filter feeders, krill and plankton.

Funny how that is a recurring theme.   I wonder if Kenny Boy is putting the Plankton under the microscope.

Speaking of-- just broke out my Microscope its a pro grade Omano 1600x scope...never been used, but bro is going to run the learning curve while I am out on solar.   

The bottom of the food chain is where we need to be looking.   Those things replicate quickly and form the basis for the food chain.   replicating quickly means, more likely to be affected by radiation and heavy metals.

  Warren (from ENE provides)

Emails of Scientists referred to in lead articles above:
Prof. Bruce Mate, Marine Mammal Director at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center,
Calum Stevenson, Ocean Shores Specialist with the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department,

stock out.



Hundred TON blue whale that 'could have been killed by El Nino' washes up in Oregon

  • The 78-ft long blue whale was dead for two weeks before it washed up
  • Scientists believe that it may have become weakened by this year's El Nino
  • The weather phenomena is predicted to be one of the strongest on record
  • Orcas and sharks believed to have attacked the whale while it was weak
  • Researchers are stripping blubber and flesh to put the skeleton on display

A Cure For Cancer? It Kills The Fungus That Live Off the Dead Cells and Sugars Says Gasser

stock here: I guess I will throw out a full tilt weasel disclaimer here, I am not a Doctor, nor is Gasser.
This is not my recommendation to do this.    Cancer is serious stuff, see the lower WHO estimates predict a 70% increase in cancer in 20 years.    WOW, from 50% to 85% is the way I would calculate that, only 1 in 6 people WILL NOT get cancer.   Mindboggling.

From Gasser from the Big Island of Hawaii

This link works

I've had some request, so I just made this life extender video today for folks to get a better handle on the most important things needed to do in making it right and easy.

Disclaimer> this does not cure Cancer, it kills the Fungus that's living off the dead cells that got Radioactive element Becquerel discharge bombarded continually for a Fungus to move in and live off the dead cells and sugars.

There is no cure for Cancer, because man made Radioactive elements are everywhere in everything…meaning Cancer is a none stoppable recurring phenomena relative to radioactive elements a person is exposed to.

In this video I miss spoke saying I had Pancreas Cancer…meaning to say "Thyroid"
I've had Colon, liver, Thyroid Cancers over the years now @ 74 I'm still riding because of this simple recipe.

Ahui Ho

Stay informed, stay alert/alive> enenews com

More info on Tumeric

And like Gasser's Baking Soda approach

The WHO World Cancer Report, released in early 2014, calmly announced that cancer rates will rise by 70% over the next few decades…

This means that soon you'll be in a minority if cancer does not get you (and of course there's all the other diseases that come from manmade radionuclides as well).

The corrupt feckers and the psychos aside, what I found most gobsmacking at the time was the lack of public outrage.
stock here- Ya Rob, and the "scientists" pin the increase on alcohol, smoking, and obesity. 

They never mention the R word.   But they do mention they need lots of money for research.   Oh and by the way.....if you want their report, you have to buy it.

Profiting from disease doesn't seem very "sustainable" to me.

It's $72.00

Some Areas TODAY Deadly High Radiation-- Even 20 kilometers away from the Fukushima Plant

These are from air radiation monitors in Japan, they really do a much better job than USA.

But use the "Geiger Counter Interpretation" chart an EXTERNAL dose rate of 10 microSv per hour, people are taking around 100 mSv per year.   

That gives a significant increase in cancer in around just 1 month.  

That if is the radiation stays outside the body.   But if it's in the air, water, and food, OF COURSE it will become internal.    And with bio accumulation and possible  Alpha sources, the damage can be 20 times higher or worse it it's plutonium, and we know the tons of plutonium were aerosolized.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Obama: We Do Not Expect Harmful Radiation to Reach the USA Mainland, Hawaii, or Guam

And then he left with his family on an unplanned trip to South America, with GE CEO Geoffrey Emmelt.   Proof is at the bottom, please read this whole thing.    Oh yeah, and sign up as a follower, so I actually might believe that people read my articles.

Hmmmmmmmm.   Watch this video.

we are bringing all available resources to bear....our 50 mile evacuation is based on careful scientific evaluation". Jackzo was later sacked in his job. 10 to 1 he got a pension from US.

On April 8th, 2011, 4 weeks after GE's reactors blow up in Fukushima, this article in Forbes RE

The Unholy Marriage Of GE And President Obama At The Altar Of Industrial Policy

Note--there are only 2 comments on this story that is 4 years old.    Americans have no interest in this humdrum boring industrial political story....even though it pervades their life in dozens of ways, and feeds the governmental corruption and the .1%

Link to the video


In July 2010, Jeffrey Immelt was harshly critical of Obama, and of "The Bernank". Funny, I have been harshly critical of both of them, and they never handed me a sweet gig with great benefits.
Business doesn’t like the president, and he feels the same way about business, Immelt said. He contrasted Obama’s attitude to that of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who defends German industry, Immelt said.
“I am not sure that in the end they want any of us to win, or any of us to be successful.”
So Obama  silences the criticism by handing him a government high office.

On March 15th the Government announced Obama and family going to Brazil and Chile:
White House press secretary Jay Carney said the president and first lady Michelle Obama will meet with the leaders and speak to the people of these countries (Brazil and Chile)  to discuss a broad range of issues including economic prosperity and job creation through increased trade and partnerships, energy and security cooperation, shared values and other regional and global concerns
Obama's Travel Companions in Brazil ^ | 3/19/2011

Posted on 3/19/2011, 3:52:59 PM by GVnana


Jeffrey Robert Immelt.. Immelt will retain his post at G.E. while becoming "chairman of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, a newly named panel that President Obama is creating by executive order."

Prior to this appointment, Dr. Candris served as senior vice president, Nuclear Fuel, providing fuel fabrication, components and services to commercial nuclear power plants worldwide.

He currently serves as a director of Fluor Corporation, Halliburton Company and The Welch Foundation.

John V. Faraci, 60, is ... a trustee of Denison University and a member of the Citigroup International Advisory Board. ... He is a trustee of the American Enterprise Institute.
Anthony S. Harrington is President and CEO of Albright Stonebridge Group, a global st

In case you don't trust Michael Savage, here is the "program" from the Brazil Council 

LOL, just a bonus...there are great posters at physicsforums, but the head moderators like astronuc having really swallowed the blue pill 

And a great perspective on "why did things play out like they did" from PhillipUpNorth, ya der eh?

just a matter of money:
Suppose you are the President of the US towards the end of March, 2011.
Oval Office meeting about Fukushima.
  1. The CDC calculates 10,000 Fukushima Cancers in CA, OR, HI, and WA.
  2. Some others in other states.
  3. Over next 20 years.
  4. Somebody asks the question: Should we recommend western states keep kids inside for recess as plume passes over?
  5. Sure, but how many of those 10,000 Fukushima Cancers do we avoid by doing this?
  6. Answer: Maybe 1,000. Folks will get dosed at home, eating food, riding in vehicles, drinking water, and in classrooms anyway.
  7. And, the sight of kids wearing masks in the US to avoid radiation from Japan, will almost certainly kill the nuclear power industry, here and around the world.
  8. What are we talking about?
  9. Retail value of US nuclear power was $793 million in 2010. stock here--see below I think this number is more like $93 B
  10. And cost to decommission 104 commercial reactors would be ruinous to the nuclear utilities.
  11. Public panic, once that genie is out of the bottle.
  12. When do you say it's safe to be outside?
  13. What are we going to say?
  14. "Very tiny amounts of Fukushima radiation detected. No immediate harm to human health."
  15. So let's go with that.
Gotta run. Family going on vacation to South America for a couple weeks.
PUN: Sorry, nuclear industry, but the videos of Unit 1 & 3 explosions may have already accomplished the death of the nuclear industry. As for the rest, history will be the judge. In about 50 years, the full extent of Fukushima Cancers in US will…

yep, added that to my article. You are probably striking close to the truth.
That said, I think your "value" of nuclear in US is way off. But to the industry, they peg their 2015 value at $93 Billion annually, per the nukists
Which is a big nest egg to protect, so spending $1.4 billion per year in propaganda, false science studies, grants to control university and "science" whores….is just a small fraction.

We do realize the Expected Value of nuclear is actually a net negative.

Dana Durnford -- Anti-Nuclear Activist Can Get 10 Years in Jail, Charged Under the "Stalking" Law

I wrote a story about Durnford's arrest at the request of Kenny Boy Buessler of Wood's Hole (so called scientists reporting on Pacific Ocean Radiation)

It was picked up by some big aggregators, some gave a link back to my site, but copied the article in whole and verbatim.    Others just copied the article, as if they wrote it.    Pretty annoying.

Some websites didn't steal the information, they launched on their own great research and reporting....I'll detail them below.   But first, really important information.

Durnford was charged with Section 264, which was created in 1991 to specifically deal with Stalking.
Court records show he was charged under Section 264 of the Canadian Criminal Code, which makes it illegal to engage in conduct that causes someone to fear for their safety.
Dana is charged with the "Stalking" crime. 10 years in prison.
I think it mostly a ploy to
1) marginalize him
2) scare citizen scientists
3) trump up charges, to negotiate down to a lesser offense, maybe even with an agreement to not youtube for 2 years (or else go to jail)
 I say ploy, but this is very serious stuff.    In fact we need to use it to TIPP it the other direction.

 See my prior post for the full text of 264 and other sites that describe when it was created and why.


stock here:  This website purports to say that Dana created nukepro and the 61 page Death of the Pacific list......
so they are incorrect on a few things, but the exposure is till good.

A strange title for an article that shows in depth, how Ken Buessler of Woods Hole and Jay Cullen are both highly connected and funded by the nuclear industry.

They are getting a lot of governmental funding, and in the case of WHOI, foreign partnerships-funding, including the University of Tokyo! Of course, Jay Cullen’s funding source frequently “partners” with Cameco, which co-owns a major, newly opened, uranium mine with TEPCO at Cigar Lake. (See details at bottom of page). Remember TEPCO? TEPCO is owner-operator of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. It is worth noting that Ken Buessler’s dissertation focused on plutonium testing. And, yet, his current focus appears to be on Cesium
Some of the Incredible Lies of Cullen are detailed in this post by Richard Wilcox, PhD in "activist Post" a great site I just discovered today.

Listen…as Jay Cullen’s lies and deceptions are exposed by Dana [Durnford], starting at 16 minutes into [the video linked below]. Jay Cullen goes so far as to say that Fukushima had NO meltdowns, no meltouts, no spent fuel pool fires and that radiation in the ocean is 1,000 times BELOW the ‘natural’ levels. In other words, Fukushima was a non event, and nothing happened there; no radiation was released AT ALL. 

RobG --had this to say at ENENEWS
November 7, 2015 at 2:00 pm · Reply   

West Aussie, let's take Dana Durnford, who as we all know was recently arrested.

Durnford uses the links provided on ENENews as his primary source of information, and the nuke brigade AND governments are well aware of this.

For a number of years now there's been a very sophisticated troll operation on ENENews. What I mean by that is that some posters don't appear to be trolls, but if you look at their posting history it's obvious that there's a hidden agenda going on.

Good propaganda is very subtle. It's not obvious. Which is why, for example, the UK Guardian newspaper still fools many people into thinking that it's on the left/liberal side of politics, when the reality is that the Guardian is a corporate controlled entity pumping out subliminal right wing crap. The entire MSM now does this.

Your proposition that on boards like this "we are among the enemy at all time" is quite correct.

To counter the propaganda barrage I would say to genuine posters, keep posting; keep putting the truth out there.

We will beat these vermin eventually, and Dana's coming trial is going to be a crucial moment in this. His first court appearance is on 18th November.

Watch this space…
and this interesting post

invisible ELEphant in the room
The more I think about Dana Durnford's case, the less sense it makes.

Why did Durnford choose to criticize Canadians when he lives in Canada?

If he would have gone after people that live in another country that would have given him several layers of protection, legally and logistically speaking.

Why did Durnford have to slander ANYONE?

He's got the overwhelming facts on his side in a slam-dunk case. Slander helps nothing and it only puts you in danger. Slander makes you look bad and it accomplishes nothing.
Why did Durnford have to resort to death threats or anything like that at all?
There was no reason for that whatsoever. Plus, it's a despicable thing to do. Again, it makes you look bad and it accomplishes nothing..
Why didn't Durnford heed the warnings sent via YouTube?
When a bunch of his videos were taken down by YouTube several months ago, Durnford should have seen that as a warning shot. This is a war we're engaged in. If Durnford were leading a military with the strategy he's used recently, he would have led his men to slaughter and total defeat…just as he himself is on the verge of.
I think he has been his own worst enemy in many ways. He may have just cracked and lost touch with reality.
I replied
Are you implying that we should NOT criticize anyone in our own country?

Lots of people get YouTube videos taken down...are you implying that if one of us gets a YouTube video taken down that we should stand down our efforts and go cower in the corner?

Are you saying that Durnford's action scuttled our actions, put us at risk....we should be mad at him then, right?    We should not support him, we should disown him.

Is that what you are implying?     Because I don't agree with any of those

stock out.

The TPP A Sound Bite Summary Of Why This Is a Horrible "Law"

stock here: the TPP [Tran-Pacific Partnership] will have incredible negative effects to the average person or small to medium business. 

2 items I wish to point out---[and plenty of other awful things].

1) the TPP can be used to force USA to import radiation contaminated foods, without even knowing that we are doing so.  

2) The TPP will reduce the ability of existing health programs to try to make drug costs go down. 

The only good way to search the whole TPP is through this tool that was nicely created by The Washington Post.    You have to scroll down a bit to get to the search box.   Note that "Radiation" is not even mentioned in the TPP although Food is extensively mentioned, as well as Fish.

From Washingtons Blog

Under the TPP, corporations will be able to appeal the laws of nations to 3-member panels of arbitrators, with one arbitrator chosen by them and a second agreed to by both them and the nation whose laws they are seeking to overturn. See the chapter on “investment,” for how this works. It means that a foreign oil or mining corporation, for example, could overrule a U.S. environmental law by appealing to 2 out of 3 corporate lawyers on a secret panel.

The TPP puts a large number of disastrous policies in place without waiting for corporate arbitration. For example, the U.S. Department of Energy would be required to approve any applications to export liquefied “natural” gas — meaning more fracking, more destruction of the earth’s climate, more profits for those who’ve been writing this treaty in secret for years, but not more sustainability, environmental protection, or even U.S. energy “independence.”

The TPP would lower U.S. tariffs to zero while keeping Vietnam’s, for example, in place, which — along with no meaningful or enforceable labor standards — will encourage U.S. corporations to move even more jobs abroad to low-wage and even slave labor. The Obama Administration reported on slavery in Malaysia, then altered Malaysia’s ranking in order to allow its participation in the TPP. This race to the bottom would lower U.S. wages without encouraging better practices abroad.

“According to an initial analysis published in the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. market access concessions alone will increase the U.S. trade deficit in manufactured goods and autos and auto parts by more than $55 billion dollars resulting in the loss of more than 330,000 jobs.” —Public Citizen
The TPP could require the United States to import food that doesn’t meet U.S. safety standards. Any U.S. food safety rule on pesticides, labeling, or additives that is higher than international standards could be challenged as an “illegal trade barrier.” [stock here ----radiation and heavy metals!]

The TPP would threaten provisions included in Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans’ health programs to make medicines more affordable, as well as domestic patent and drug-pricing laws.

The TPP is broader and more encompassing than NAFTA, and weakens rather than strengthening NAFTA’s weak protections for labor and the environment. Barack Obama campaigned on substantially reforming NAFTA in those regards. Instead, he’s now proposing the worst of NAFTA on steroids.

Sean Oliver Lists A Great Set Of Nuclear and Radiation Information Sources

OK "greenthinker", Here goes>

Wait stock here----hey man you forgot Nukepro!


OK THEN! That should keep you busy for about a half a minute!

The reason I say that is because instead of going through this little bit of material and becoming enlightened, I suspect you will ignore it and continue to feed me your mentally ill excuses as to why it is I am so unworthy and you are the mental genius you think you are.
Pulling up greenthinkers "follower" list on Disqus one can seen many of the trolls in one place.

Josh Haha
peter paul
Mr Eric Shapiro
Pete Jesson
Clive Elsworth
Michael Mann
Dammand Cherry

Friday, November 6, 2015

Twitter, a Great Social Media Tools, Organize With Hashtags, AND a Cheatsheet How Cool Is That?

Twitter is a useful Media format.     Tweets are short, but they can link to full articles, etc.    In 2 seconds you can decide whether the items interests you or not.

there are a lot of "aggregators" that compile article on similar "hashtag" 'd topics.

A hashtag is simply the pound sign#

Don't be scared, get a free account and Wing Up!

Quick guide

Source of the cheatsheet

The cheatsheet

Submitted by a reader in comments, listed here as a working hyperlink

Dana Durnford Arrested For Speaking His Mind. Woods Hole Oceanographic Instititute AND A University Get Him Arrested

We have long known that Woods Hole OI is a mouthpiece for the nuclear cartel.

I mean how blatant can they be, naming their website "Our Radioactive Ocean"

And Dana is a character, I mean a little rough around the edges.    But who else devoted their life to documenting the damage done to our environment?

He is trying to raise awareness regarding the not overstated death of the Pacific----Which is detailed in this 61 page diatribe of just links to Pacific Ocean evidence of ongoing damage.

61 Pages of Links Showing Damage to the Pacific

The evilness of this action has far reaching ramifications.    It is crushing free speech.   It is scaring people into being complacent sheep, afraid to speak up.   Even as I write this, I wonder if it is even "OK" to call them Woods Whore.    Yep grant whores they are, so I said it before and will say it again.

Woods Hole conspired with University of Vancouver to simultaneously make a request for arrest, and they amazingly pulled it off.     They hate the truth, they are paid to cover up the truth.

And not just this...while he was in jail, they made an attack on his ability to even speak at all, they successfully attacked his youtube channel, restricting his ability to even talk about his arrest.    And the judge told him, that prior to being proven guilty, he immediately needed to take down most of his historical content.   SERIOUSLY?    Guilty until proven "broken and broke".

But they got jail time in mind for Dana.    I suggest you review this today, consider throwing $5 to $50 via paypal or other method his way for his legal defense fund.     Dana is not perfect, but this goes beyond Dana....the Globalists would love squash free speech, end annominity on the net.

In the UK they are prosecuting a young lady, with likely jail time, for her free speech.

When do we stop this?    Act today, tell them stock sent ya! From Dana's site
The University of Victoria B.C. CANADA and Woods Hole oceanographic Institution had me silenced and arrested .
Please support me in this unrepresented attack upon your liberty and your freedom of speech and donate at paypal by typing in my email or use credit card at my site its a big company handling those transaction so its very reliable .
Chat room & info by and for the Fukushima Hounds .
Fukushima Reactors #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6

In my other article here, I clearly show using EPA data that at least 100 tons of radiation was aerosolized from Fukushima, maybe 200 tons.

Check out this link

And here is the British girl who may be going to jail for "speech"

Who needs free speech, when pitchforks can solve the problem?


Indeed, why is Dana being singled out?    It is part of the Globalist global warming debacle....blame the oceans problems on man caused warming, to allow defacto control over all earthly energy sources and distribution, and of course, most important, where the profit goes to?

From Doc Goodheart
Lots of people are calling for others to be 'killed', but they are not being charged or going to jail…
Why is calling for killing and genocide by shock jocks free speech protected, but Dana is 'guilty' of something?
Pastor Steven Anderson Admits He Hates Gays and They All Should Be Killed
Theodore Shoebat : Communists and 'The Sublime Words Of Moses' Tell Us Gays Must Be Put To Death
American Professor And Italian Killed By Drones – UNMANNED: America's Drone Wars; 90 Percent Of People Killed In Drone Strikes Are Not The Intended Targets
Why is Dana being singled out?

Sirius XM: Michelangelo Signorile interviews pastor who calls for Obama, gays to die
This is my interview with Pastor Steven L. Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Temple, AZ. He has prayed for President Obama to die, calls for the execution of gays and told me it would not be murder if a group of gays and lesbians were gunned down with a machine gun, or if the president were killed. He does not believe the killing of Dr. George Tiller was murder. He also said, after I told him I was gay, that he hopes I "get brain cancer like Ted Kennedy" and die and insisted I must be "molesting children."
Probe into Facebook poll asking if Obama should be assassinated
"Barack Obama Must Die." That is the name of a new Facebook page that has already earned the page owner over a dozen death threats,
Item 2d is apparently what he is charged with

Criminal harassment
  •  (1) No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other person is harassed, engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2) that causes that other person reasonably, in all the circumstances, to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them.
  • Marginal note:Prohibited conduct
    (2) The conduct mentioned in subsection (1) consists of
    • (a) repeatedly following from place to place the other person or anyone known to them;
    • (b) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or indirectly, the other person or anyone known to them;
    • (c) besetting or watching the dwelling-house, or place where the other person, or anyone known to them, resides, works, carries on business or happens to be; or
    • (d) engaging in threatening conduct directed at the other person or any member of their family.
  • Marginal note:Punishment
    (3) Every person who contravenes this section is guilty of
    • (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or
    • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
  • Marginal note:Factors to be considered
    (4) Where a person is convicted of an offence under this section, the court imposing the sentence on the person shall consider as an aggravating factor that, at the time the offence was committed, the person contravened
    • (a) the terms or conditions of an order made pursuant to section 161 or a recognizance entered into pursuant to section 810, 810.1 or 810.2; or
    • (b) the terms or conditions of any other order or recognizance made or entered into under the common law or a provision of this or any other Act of Parliament or of a province that is similar in effect to an order or recognizance referred to in paragraph (a).
  • Marginal note:Reasons
    (5) Where the court is satisfied of the existence of an aggravating factor referred to in subsection (4), but decides not to give effect to it for sentencing purposes, the court shall give reasons for its decision.
  • R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 264;
  • R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 37;
  • 1993, c. 45, s. 2;
  • 1997, c. 16, s. 4, c. 17, s. 9;
  • 2002, c. 13, s. 10.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Canadian Constitution is similar to USA
TY Sadie, I thought section 2 stood by itself, but you are right.

I think the key terms are "reasonably, in all the circumstances, to fear for their safety..."

I detest the vagueness of laws "in all the circumstances"....this certainly can be said in a much more clear and direct way.

Then in 2d they trot out "threatening conduct" just what the hell is "threatening conduct".     Conduct seems like physical action, not words, engaging also seems like physical action, not words.

I guess they have as many weaselly lawyers in Canada as in USA.

Fresh Iodine I131 Radiation Detected In Japan Indicate Ongoing Fission, It Is NOT From Medical Testing

stock here--If you like this stuff, sign up as a follower on the right tool bar and be notified when new articles are posted.

I am going on 5 weeks of focused solar work, so I won't be creating too much new material.  So at least sign up as a follower so you will be notified when a new article is posted.


Sometimes, playing what-if using spreadsheets is an easy way to test the plausibility of a hypothesis.

For instance, there is fresh I131 radiation detected in Japan.
I131 is created during nuclear fission, and it doesn't stick around long, its half life is 8 days, so in 80 days that is 10 half lives, of only (1/2)^^10 of it is left.   One half to the tenth power, or 1/2 times itself 10 times.

Try it, its a very small number.   First one to post the answer gets a free gut flora Kimchee recipe, LOL.

So the pro nuke minimalists have attempted to explain the I131 as a byproduct of "Medical Treatment".

Review the spreadsheet.    It should be totally clear that THERE IS ONGOING FISSION AT FUKUSHIMA.    Ask if it doesn't make complete sense.   pro-nuke trolls, please drop some inane comments to further marginalize yourselves.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Financial and Investment Plan For Decomm Nuclear Plants

Sent to me by the NRC is the actual plan for financial stewardship For Fitzpatrick nuke plant and Indian point.  It was written in 1990. 

NRC says Fitzpatrick has an estimate of 1.1B to decomm.