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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Fox Panders To Try To Regain Viewers After Selling Out America During Election Reporting

 calling a spade a spade here.    Fox can never be trusted in the slightest way again. 

Secretary of Defense Chris Miller Makes Stunning Annoucement, Puts All Special Ops Troops In Civilian World Under Trump Command

Miller stated the he made the decision, keeping Trump out of it.    Making it harder for the rabid left to claim that Trump is a tyrant unwilling to give up power. 

Let me explain briefly: All special operation personnel, trained and possessing weapons, some with special tactics, are now under White House direct control.    

Will they obey?   Time is running fast.

Miller said as the department transitions to “provide greater civilian oversight .. and critically advocacy for special operators,” the reform he signed Wednesday “couldn’t come at a more critical moment".

The "old crew" admitted that they were not drawing down troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, even though they said they were.    Hmmmm.....more never trumpers keeping the USA "involved" and disrupting the world, at least pieces of it. 

 The only MSM that I could find covering this story was a small local ABC site, who claimed Chris Miller "Made a Quick Stop".   LOL.   And unleashed the Kraken!

They further say that 

"He also announced a change in communication structure."





He replaced Mark Espers, who is seen on his own instagram page as heavily masked.

And this as we finish up 20 years of fake fabricated "celebrities", the Kardashians.....and God forbid you do not "keep up with them".

They are old and ready to be thrown under the bus....prepare for the next round of not just openly, but in your face Cabal supporting entertainers. 


LOL and here the Atlantic pretends that just one world leader is not declaring Biden the "President




No, Hospitalization, ICU , and Ventilators Are Not "Skyrocketing", But The Bad Actor and Swing States Are Showing Increases

 Decent resource for hospital bed availability.  Above.

Here is where I get my COVID data:





Reported ICU Usage for COVID, States Ranked 10th thru 23rd Worst

Almost all Bad Actor States or Swing States (Or Both)





Bad Actor States Spike COVID Death Data To Punish Trump At the Vote Fraud Is Further Exposed

 stock here: getting the vote fraud out there in front of people should be one of your top priorities.   I do not want to live in a country in which corruption, lies, theft of wealth, keeping people at subsidence gov teat sucking levels, and globalist Cabal control.    

It's on the line right now.

--------------------------------------------------------    So I took a look at the COVID data from the Atlantic.

Texas jumped their COVID deaths from 20 to 187 (2 day delta)

Pennsylvania jumped their COVID deaths from 13 to 110 (2 day delta)

Arizona jumped their COVID deaths from 0 to 53 (2 day delta)

California jumped their COVID deaths from 10 to 61 (2 day delta)

Minnesota jumped their COVID deaths from 12 to 67 (2 day delta)

Illinois jumped their COVID deaths from 42 to 151 (2 day delta)

Georgia jumped their COVID deaths from 10 to 57 (2 day delta)

North Carolina jumped their COVID deaths from 8 to 46 (2 day delta)

 Through the Cabal owned media, the narrative is "as COVID Rages", the "surge in COVID".     They don't even bother to use the word cases anymore, now it is just COVID.

COVID reported deaths have been quite "lackluster" of late. 

So as punishment, the bad actor states jumped the hell out of their COVID death results.    

A corresponding study would look at whether hospitalizations, ICU, and Vent usage went sky high around 2 weeks ago....because that would make sense to then see a lot of deaths right now. 

Looks like the Bad Actor States and the Swing States are very pro-active with murdering people on ventilators.......

The Actual Affidavits: 234 Signed and Notarized Affidavits Alleging Voting Fraud in Michigan

This was an amazing find. Very credible too.

Keep Your Eye On The Prize: Election Is The Only Thing That Matters At This Point: Proof of Massive Voter Fraud, Dominion and Smartmatic

 stock here -- 10 minutes of typing, and it vanished, hmmm.   Time for another site backup!

Perusing the Big Social shows a clear narrative, more than ever, Polarize the Issue!   Make it all about Trump, and not the millions of others all pointing out the blatant election fraud.   

Was that part of the COVID narrative?   To see if the propaganda machine could be used to get people to believe the very fine tune their methods, so that a fake election results could be run?


"Whistling Past The Graveyard" --- Democrats pretending that Joe Biden is president elect.....they continue on their merry way.    With the Bullhorn of Complicit Media in play.     I sure hope this "gal" is transgender......


Summary: Driving around Wisconsin including Milwaukee County I saw around 200 Trump signs and 2 Biden signs.    There is no way Biden took Wisconsin or Michigan

Note a recount of bogus votes is sketchy on the surface, as many districts in Milwaukee showed voter turnout at twice the eligible population.

Expect a stock market crash coming soon.    And expect massive COVID non-sense to be generated by the media and "well intentioned" liberal doctors, shoving cold and flu patients into the hospital to not just generated additional revenue, but to get rid of Trump.      The lockdowns will make it harder to to investigations, slow discovery, and allow more time to clean evidence, as well as prevent in person testimony and grillings.

This is not the time to be complacent.    

Clinton Foundation tied into Dominion software dung-ball



Sharpies, directed by the assistant director of Maricopa Count AZ, on election day.....the day that

Republican will show in person en masse, to use only sharpies so that all those republican votes could be thrown out.


Who are the stakeholders in Dominion?

All roads lead back to Soros and his minions....


 And the voting software company, Dominion, their employees are rapidly deleting their Linkedin accounts.    hmmmmmm

------------------------------------- Masking nonsense

Over the weekend Sidney Powell and Louie Ghomert made waves with talk of a Spanish company, Scytl, potentionally being raided by Special Operators. But, what if we got the story wrong and it was actually one of our OWN Intel Agencies that got raided??? 
We have an update from Jim Jordan on the Durham investigation, everybody can cool their jets, we're doing fine, Sidney gives us another beautiful sound byte on the state of the fraud, we learn more from CodeMonkeyZ about the fraud from Dominion and more about Eric Coomer the Antifa VP at Dominion and it looks like Michigan Gov. Gretchen Half Whitmer is getting impeached. 
Let's keep that train moving and impeach the rest of the Demonrat Governors who tried to kill their states!

------------------------------------------------------ First time seen....Fox is blocking the use of their "news"

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

EMF Damage To Living Organisms

FF to 20:30 for a comparison of EMF levels and their known effects on biology. thanks!! h/t to Lot's Wife --------------------------------------------------------

Sunday, November 15, 2020

All Those Involved In The Election Fraud Either Are Prosecuted Or The USA Is Toast - X22 Report

stock here, I will be making some phone calls on Monday. You should too.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Dems Go From Zero to Fascist Speed In One Election Cycle

The show must go on...... A comment: "I always expected the conservatives would be the ones most likely to do this, but holy frickin wow. The Dem's went zero-to-fascist in the span of an election cycle. AOC is calling for a round-up of political dissenters. And we haven't even gotten to the Winter part yet. By far the scariest thing was seeing FOX news tow the Dem's story and cut Trump's secretary off. It was like seeing the second plane crash into the towers. They're serious." Seen here (Really Graceful):

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Dominion Systems -- Voting Hardware and Software -- Theft On A Huge Scale Is The Only Way To Sway That Election -- Feinstein Part Owner Of Company

stock here -- a collection of thoughts from the web

It should be brain-dead easy to conduct fair elections


Has the Trump admin seen the threats but not the seriousness of acting against them with due force and speed?

Are they trying to "play nice, clean" and not acting too powerful for being power shamed?


As trump waits for the courts, he will get weaker and weaker, and be a lame duck for the rest of his term as the globalist Dems have planned and even announced before the election. Knowing that Trump would win they did all they could to rig the election not even caring if they were caught. 

To the globalists time is of the essence. The entire UN Agenda 21 (the Great Reset) for the planned totalitarian controls over virtually everything, as <b>announced </b> as the New World Order even by our illustrious globalist and socialist pope, is being trotted out in our midst.

Your Great-Reset lite President could well be part of the plan. But if not then he has to heed Archbishop Vigano (recent US Papal nuncio) and realize that the biggest mass deception and scam being committed against the human race in history in the Covid fraud, and as Vigano says, it is a pretext for the UN and Dem backed globalist Great Reset which is the rolling out of the first stage of the 1992 UN Agenda 21 plan, 

which first stage was endorsed by our pope and over 180 nations in NYC at the UN on Sept. 15, 2015. It is not conspiracy theory that the pandemic is providing the necessary government control mechanism to shut down our social, financial, commercial, and economic systems for the planned resets. 

It is fact. The Covid controls are not necessary for our safety or health. They are necessary to imposed centralized government controls over virtually every aspect of our lives. The pandemic was planned for this purpose.

Trump will never get another chance to declare a state of national emergency either based on the massive voter fraud committed by the same globalist frauds and/or based on the evidence of the globalist Covid fraud. Also, Gates, Fauci have predicted a second wave, which based on all the planning and fraud in the first wave with all the harm to everyone is a threat to national security. If Trump does not act and remains Covid-fraud lite and Election-fraud lite, then he is either useless or on the other side, and Vigano and others are wasting their breath.

Trump has a duty to defend the nation from such threats and deception, and to protect the Constitution from the globalist onslaught to deconstruct democracy and the nation. This crisis demands clear decisive intervention on an emergency basis to shut the perpetrators down and to make the appropriate arrests, as well as intervening in the fake media to ensure that the people get the facts and that there is proper exposure of all the evil being done. The longer Trump is sucked into waiting for the courts to decided anything before he acts, the more certain the Resets will be imposed, and then good-bye America.


All this penny anti fraud here and there won't get Trump into office. The real problem and where the major fraud is with the computers as something this massive this quick can't be done by humans. I'm sure it's only a coincidence, wink wink, but Dominion Systems that supplies a good chunk of the hardware and software used for elections is part owned by Diane Feinsteins hubby. One of the chief executives used to be Pelosi's chief of staff. They got a lot of funding from the CLINTONS. Nothing to see here move along.

According to the video on CD Media about Electronic Vote Fraud by a cyber security expert, interesting one hour eye opening walk you through the whole process video unlike the garbage 200,000 watermark ballots, said the way things are set up someone can go in and change the votes and it can't be detected or leave evidence of the hack. Hopefully he's wrong.



This stiff is being told what to say, they all are, it's all been corrupted, all the power brokers have given in to the coming reset, craftily being guided from above, by the five eyes and their all seeing artificial intelligence simulation, predicatively guiding the herd under constant thumb of fear and propaganda on mass.

From the local station, to national news, your Congressman to your priest, they're all being directed what bullshit to feed you today by a fucking CIA program so powerful it requires the ice cooled waters of the Rockies to cool it, hubs across the Nation to run it, and .lines criss crossing the globe to feed it.  THE BEAST IS ALIVE!

One of my really good friends is a nurse. She recently got laid off. There are no Covid patients and all the stuff she normally used to do - cancer screens, hernias, etc, and stuff are not happening because everyone is afraid to go to the hospitals.



It was always about subjugating and punishing a gullible public into believing ‘man in white coat’ knows best. Though said ‘scientist’ is bought, paid and owned 110% by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Lockdowns only aim is to set-up the 1st world for the GREAT RESET.

Nothing more - nothing less.

If the Biden election fraud is allowed to push through, this process for the USA, neigh world speeds up.

Well done folks.

Here’s a factual vid to spell out the data, and why Sweden is able to enjoy life ‘The OLD NORMAL’



I agree. Therefore, it must be clear that a peaceful and prosperous path forward requires much more than just the expectation that they will suddenly 'see the light' and 'get on board'.

America's survival depends on such a path.

And look, really, who in their right minds actually WANTS such a path, such a solution? Very, very few of the 'good guys'.

However, no ostriches. No eggshells. No snowflakes.

Analyze for the best solution for the future you want and execute.

There can be no tip-toe here or we'll be living in some Middle Eastern hell of perpetual conflict for the next, like, you know...forever.

F#ck that. NIP IT IN THE BUD. Once and for all. 



Its a good read, but the author is discounting Trump's stubbornness. He's not going to make it easy. He's spent the last 4 years letting the globalists use him as a punching bag to expose their agenda and leftist hate. The world is watching us. Trump has supporters across the world. It could just go the other way also. This could be the dawn of a new era of freedom across the world....

Ok maybe wishfull thinking. But I'm hoping for the best.

Sorry. Drump lost and (so far) he can't prove fraud that's serious enough to change election outcomes. By mid- January the General Services Administration and Capitol police will remove personal effects and documents from the WH. On Jan 20th they'll escort the President out the door.

True, If, by chance the Electoral College is deadlocked, then the House votes, with delegates selected by state Legislatures. A few votes may change, but not enough to make a difference. If still deadlocked, the House Speaker becomes President.

As an admittedly partial observer, the Trump team is projecting a lot more confidence than I would expect. They still have a few cards to play and I'd bet we don't see all of them until December.


The USA will fall 2023/24.

It is written and the 2017 celestial event showed it and how it plays out.

I am the only astrologer in America or maybe the world that understood this sequence.

There will be refounding, by us not (((them))).

Rocky roads ahead but there is going to be nothing like this in the history of the world.

It will be what the founders visioned but didn't last very long.

Have faith and stay vigilant.

Love and devotion to the vision wins.

It has changed modality to air, this is a very big deal.

It portends the birth of a king, but for a king to be born a king has to die.

This is why I chose this date which is also the solstice.

The conjunction is 0* Aquarius. Later Pluto moves into Aquarius.

This is the time of the people, the many not few.

This is not the time of communism, this is the time of the tribe.

In that a tribe has power and self determination.


This is much bigger than Trump vs Biden or Rep vs Dem. If the electoral fraud we are witnessing with this presidential election is allowed to stand we will never have an honestly counted election again. This is an inflection point in the history of our Constitutional Republic. Future generations will curse us for our stupidity and laziness if we do not defend our Constitutional Republic against the forces that coordinated this electoral fraud. The democrats have told us they will stack the US Supreme Court with political hacks, do away with the Electoral College, use COVID as an excuse to take away our Constitutional rights and they will ensure they control the count in any election going forward. Joe Biden said "We are entering a long dark winter."  I don't think he meant this winter season. He meant it as a period in American history.  



Perhaps martial law can be avoided, but it is necessary to act against the Left on grounds of high treason.  By one means or another the Democratic Party must be proscribed and eliminated.  The MSM must be broken up.  The bankers must also be arrested and eliminated.  In short the threat from the Left must be eliminated.

There must be confrontation at some point.  Trump may remain essentially as a figurehead if he will not fight, but his Administration must be cleansed of the Globalist traitors by some means.  For the moment the first line of defense is to save the Trump Administration and prevent another four years of harassment and attack on that Administration from the Left.

That defense will likely require the use of force at some point.  Seeing that the force used is clearly defined in intent and in action may be tricky.  Still, it will be necessary.  Initiation of violence should be seen as coming from the Left which will justify counter action.  

By all means organize militia where possible.  Certainly avoid indiscriminate violence and if martial law means indiscriminate violence avoid it, but do not shrink from violence either.  The modern, organized Left represents the greatest threat to liberty since WWII and may be even greater as its presence is felt in some 180+ countries around the world.  We face a struggle for global domination.  The Left is not just an American problem. This is not a matter to be treated lightly.  We, who oppose the Left, are in mortal peril.  Let this not be forgotten.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Regimin of Vitamins To Stay Strong Against COVID/Flu And AS Treatment If You Have Symptoms

 stock here: If you have symptoms, do not ignore them, and tell others.

Some friends in Hawaii had their 47 year old brother complain of not feeling good at 8PM yesterday, and when checked at 10PM he was dead.   No morbidities except minor diabetes.

We are at a modern day Galactic Cosmic Ray Maximum. (GCRs)

This affects

Cardiac Health

Mental Health, and spin off effects on physical health

and feed to Confusion and Effective Cognitive Decline.

And I have never seen the Earth's Magnetic Shield at ZERO for this long period over 2 days.....That let's even more GCR's down to ground level, and our bodies are pelted with GCRs and their spin off products, creating free radicals in our bodies....which the anti-oxidants can mitigate.

Combined with the intentional stressors being created by the Cabal / Media is a recipe for disaster.

Throw in many weakened immune systems as a product of reduced social interaction and having our immune systems be strengthened by being "exercised", and it's even worse. 


So eat a pro-biotic diet.   I have covered that dozens of times in these pages.

And take these supplements now, to stave off Flu/COVID

Monday, November 9, 2020

Let's Define Some Types of Voter Fraud -- And a Look At Personal Experience With Voter Fraud In Hawaii.

stock here: I voted in Wisconsin.   They have a website that is easy to use, just your name and birthdate and they can tell you when each of 5 steps in the process of voting happened, including when your vote was received.    It does not tell you whether your vote was valid or not.

I also received 2 ballots from Hawaii to officially vote in the Federal Elections, even though I haven't lived here since 2013 and have voted since 2012 in Hawaii.    One of those ballots is in Wisconsin, I left it there, and one is in Hawaii.    Of course I didn't use those ballots:

1) It would be a felony

2) It wouldn't make any difference on the plantation.    140,000 people in Hawaii live in public provided many of those will vote democrat?

But if those ballots got into anyone's hands, they could have been used, and they never would have been caught as being fraudulent.

Hawaii does not require a witness in order to mail in ballot, making it ripe for fraud.     I did not ask Hawaii for anything related to voting.   To be clear, I did not ask Hawaii for anything, much less a ballot.


From NV elections website:

Since people use the term “voter fraud” to mean many different things, it is often important to clarify what a person means when they use the term.  Below are 8 common types of potential voter fraud:

  1. Double Voting – An individual casts more than one ballot in the same election.
  2. Ineligible Voter – The casting of a ballot by a person who is not an eligible to voter.  This includes non-citizens or those who have not had their rights restored.
  3. Dead Voter – The name of a deceased person remains on the voter rolls and a living person fraudulently casts a ballot in that name.
  4. Voter Suppression – Any tactic aimed at lowering or suppressing the number of voters who might otherwise vote in an election.
  5. Voter Registration Fraud – Filling out and submitting a voter registration form for a fictional person; filling out a voter registration form with the name of a real person, but without that person's consent, and forging his or her signature on the form; changing information on a voter registration form once it has been completed; not turning in completed voter registration forms on time; or discarding completed voter registration forms due to party affiliation.
  6. Voter Impersonation – A person claims to be someone else when casting a vote, either in person or on an absentee ballot.
  7. Vote Buying – Agreements between voters and others to buy and sell votes, such as a candidate paying voters to vote for him or her, or a voter offering to sell his or her vote for money.
  8. Fraud by Election Officials – Manipulation of ballots by officials administering the election, such as tossing out ballots, casting ballots in voters' names, or changing votes from one candidate to another.

Amnesty Offered to Any Working Level Poll or Harvester Level Workers -- In Exchange for Testimony About Their Superior's Action

Anyone involved in this election who committed fraud should be offered amnesty. Once a critical mass of

people have come forward to apply for amnesty the window of opportunity is closed. 

The rest are prosecuted. The fear such a declaration would create will collapse this house of cards in a few days and we would all know the truth.



Some feel that Barr is all talk and no action......



10 Special prosecutors for CA, insane levels of corruption

49 Special Prosecutors for the other States

1 Special Prosecutor for Philadelphia and Detroit each

1 Special Prosecutor for the totally corrupt DC Govt

Cash them up for 3 years each at the start

1 Special Prosecutor for Election Machines and Software

1 Special Prosecutor for Big Tech

1 Special Prosecutor for Media Oligarchs 

1 Special Prosecutor for the Clinton Foundation

1 Special Prosecutor to replace do nothing Durahm

- If Guliani can get easy Felony convictions on the Traitors, he should be Court tomorrow morning, and the Marshals should be making arrests by noon.

- Order Guliani to arrest Barr and Durahm on Obstruction of Justice

1 Special Prosecutor for the Frauds at the CDC, FDA, NIH and their Don Faucci

IRS Audits for every Target (ChiCom money or other), Public Officials on the take, Govt bureaucrats Expenses and travels and hires and contracting and approvals Audited.


Pallets Full 'O Ballets

LOL COVID "Vaccine" Requires Transport and Storage at -94F. Unlike Any Food or Medical Product Ever In Existence

 stock here

Note that in Korea, they stored the Flu vaccine at room temperature in some places and 100 people died.   The story was originally 48 dead, and then no updates for a week by MSM.

 MSM is working against your knowledge, your interest, your benefit.


The narrative continues.   

Pfizer’s vaccine requires a storage temperature of minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit. By comparison, Moderna has said its vaccine must be stored at minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit.

The company reportedly plans to load these suitcase-sized boxes from distribution sites in Kalamzoo, Michigan, and Puurs, Belgium, onto as many as two dozen trucks per day, allowing for the daily transit of roughly 7.6 million doses to nearby airports.

The companies said they plan to submit data from the full phase three trial, which began on July 27, for scientific peer-review publication.

‘Let’s take a deep breath’

“The U.S. FDA set a threshold of 50% effectiveness for a Covid-19 vaccine to merit approval. A 90% effective vaccine would be extraordinary,” Dr. Peter Drobac, a global health physician and director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Oxford, said via email.

Fake Narrative About "Watermarked Ballots" Is, Well, Fake. Created By The Cabal To Make American's Think There Is Proof Of Voting Integrity And Falsely Think Later Research Can Uncover Bad Votes

I posted about how there was a fake story generated, to lull patriots into complacency, to think that the Trump administration had clear proof and traceability on every ballot.  

My original story was HERE

A troll responded with some "research".

------------------------------------------------------------------ TROLL REMARKS

DHS and CISA oversee election security. Watermarks are only part of that:

All kinds of tech exists. Read this company's website and pay attention to ballot scanner tech:

Not sure where you get the idea that states print all the ballots. DHS has vendors that do most of this:




1) LOL, over the target, trolls paying close attention and lying.....your cite is exactly my cite, and they do not require States or their printing companies to use watermarks.

2) Cool neato, only you neglect to identify whether any states were using the GR in their ballots, but even so, if they are filling out fake or harvested information onto "real ballots" then any assertion that the technology is preventing fraud goes out the window.

3) Citing NPR is most telling.  DHS does not tell the states who to contract with to produce ballots and mailing envelopes, so your allegation on this is false.    Can you spot the lies contained in this NPR drivel, also noted, talking about one Vendor in of all places, bad acting Phoenix Arizona.

Ellington explained that getting ballots to the right voters is a complicated, multi-step process. States need to decide what their ballots will look like and to get approval from the U.S. Postal Service for the design of the envelopes. After those envelopes are secured, companies like Runbeck step in. 


Some say that Trump and his campaign team were in a SCIF on election night, and they were monitoring the states that were using CIA developed software used to manipulate elections....and they knew which states were using it.    I call bullshit....if this was known prior, why was it allowed to continue?

Another troll had this to say......

Looking at the major increases in security of American cash currency, to think the ballots are not individually identifiable is CRAZY.

CISA knows security, DHS implemented, NSA recorded, SCIF real time watching Hammer/ScoreCard:

And a real person had this to say.   I agree.  If they had real security they would have published it to prevent or mitigate the cheating by average people in the ranks that would be concerned about spending a few years in jail.

First of all, secret voting would be impossible with blockchain voting. It would tie every vote directly back to the voter. Second, every county that uses paper ballots prints its own and many states use electronic ballots. Third, if they had any security method they would have publicized it so election workers (who enable most vote fraud) don't even try to cheat. Fourth, politicians aren't smart enough to manage this and President Trump doesn't control the law enforcement that would be needed to make this happen. The FBI is still targeting white supremacist terrorists (who don't exist) over antifa (who are burning down buildings and murdering people)!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Almost An Epiphany -- The Riots And Violence Are Still To Come -- Do Not Get Complacent At This Time

 stock here:

I committed to installing another video security system.   I wanted to do it prior to the "(s)election" but was overcome by events.

Like the false narrative of "the Watermarks will save everything", trying to initiate both apathy and a feeling that the "problem" is solved....getting complacent at this time is a huge mistake.

When the fake "win" to Biden is taken back, "they" know that prison is coming for many.   They already had everything and "nothing to lose".

Even more useless idiots will take to your streets, than did for the fake and funded BLM protests.

This is not the time to go lounge on the beach.

This is the time to fight the tyrants that be....or to craft your plan to get the hell out of dodge.    But if the USA falls, the whole world falls.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Recent Events Are a Declaration of War Against The United States, Foreign and Internal Bad Actors Are Involved.

There is no question that this is an attempted overthrow of the government. If foreign entities are involved, then it is clearly treason by any American involved. That is a much stronger case than the spying, which was probably also treason but not as clear-cut for some people. Those crimes should still be prosecuted, as well.

[–] 26303882? ago 

via Mayors allowing riots in their own cities

via Prosecutors giving aid and comfort to seditious insurgents by releasing them from jail

via Corrupt Police commanders ordering patrol officers not to enforce existing law

via Corrupt Governors refusing to escalate law enforcement with state police and NG in lawless cities

via Media falsely portraying a violent Krystalnacht as a peaceful protest

via Media supremacistically censoring the President of the United States for violating their dictates

via Universities accepting Billions of dollars from foreign governments, laundered through foreign students, to study the domination of popular culture (Oh yeah, I know about this here . . .)

via Mafia-level corruption of politicians in collusion with foreign powers

via Leaking American Secrets to foreign powers for money contributions through placement on unguarded servers

via the Entertainment and Sports complex operating as a political propaganda engine to manipulate US citizens


Biden "Rally" Speech Was Staged With Empty Jeeps and Trucks. They Can't Even Find People To Attend Anymore. Seems Like Joe Didn't Even Attend.


Friday, November 6, 2020

52 Examples of Voting Irregularities

 stock here:

Hundreds of uncounted ballots discovered in Grafton town clerk’s vault 

Discarded Mail-in Ballots Found Outside ATM in California 

Dozens (est 40) ballots go missing in Contra Costa county 

FBI investigates ballot drop box set on fire at Boston public library, est 35 ballots destroyed 

Burned/Destroyed mail found in boston Copley Square , 2nd arson instance 

Mail & Absentee ballots stolen in Baton Rouge found open and thrown in houston trash 

Video out of Miami postal center where numerous bins filled with mail, including ballots discovered sitting for more than a week [Embed] 

3 tubs of absentee ballots discovered in Wisconsin processing center for Oshkosh and Appleton after primary 

California Kern County sees hundreds of residents receiving damaged , ripped and destroyed ballots 

Parolled cop killer busted attempting to obtain voter registration in Rochester NY 

Fayette county Pittsburg, pre filled out democrat ballots sent to registered voters + 2 tampered with 

Florida man arrested for changing address in voting database for governor Ron Desantis 

Florida Election Official foil plot to register 50 dead people as democrats 

Thieves steal mail from two usps trucks in Far south side Chicago 

2 men charged in stealing ballots from post office boxes in light house point West Palm Beach 

Almost a dozen people in NY busted for plot to conceal identity / shave heads and vote multiple times 

Woman arrested in Vanderburgh county for pre checking boxes on 400+ ballots 

Butler county Pennsylvania loses untold number of mail in ballots 

Ballots stolen from mail boxes and discarded on roadsides in Washington town 

Group claims 400,000 ballots sent to residents who moved out of state or died in California 

Texas officer & poll watcher testifies on 2020 Houston Voting Fraud Using stacks of drivers licenses , (has photos) 

West Palm Beach residents receive duplicate ballots and ballots for dead relatives 

Pennsylvania postal employee on leave and now fired after bags of mail discovered outside of home put out for trash pickup 

25,263 ballots rejected in Colorado primary 

Double absentee ballots sent to residents in Henrico county 

Pa rejects 336,000 duplicate ballot requests 34,000 rejected for other reasons . Many voters request ballots up to 11 times 

Mecklenburg residents receiving double ballots due to labelling glitch 

San Mateo residents receive multiple ballots 

Multiple absentee ballot applications showing up at Flint Michigan homes 

Florida man arrested for obtaining dead wife's ballot and forging signature to "test the system" 

Also these are all coming from a massive compilation 

Election officials ask voters to not disinfect their mail in ballots as handfulls have already arrived destroyed and unable to be tabulated 

400 duplicate ballots sent to local voters in Richmond 

Duplicate ballots sent to "some" in North Carolina. How many? Who knows. 

Placer county residents receiving duplicate ballots 

Bay area voters receive multiple ballots 

USPS confirms missing ballots, never made it to residents of Seminole county. How many? Who knows 

Board of elections re-sends 99,000+ ballots in Brooklyn . Officials worry numerous originals already filled out and sent off 

50,000 ballots in Ohio sent to wrong addresses 

500,000 ballots in Virginia labelled with wrong return address 

Glitch sends duplicate ballots to Needham town residents 

Detroit elections, where 72% of absentee votes do not match registered voters 

80,000 ballots disappeared in Baltimore 

New York voting official warns people will use dead people to vote, and a few have 

Michigan secretary misprinted military absentee ballots . 400 already issued