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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Some Counter Arguments to the Lies About New Nuclear

Lie: There is a "ban" on reprocessing spent (used) nuclear fuel into enriched Plutonium
The stoppage of reprocessing fuel, meaning making an enriched plutonium fuel rod, occurred because of numerous problems with the process, and even when it worked, it cost 10 times more than storage.

So the "new nuke" without "reprocessed MOX fuel" will be 200% to 300% increase in rates in order to "fight carbon".     With MOX will it be 500%?   Who knows, those plutonium projects run 300% to 2000% over budget on average. 

Are you willing to triple your bill to "fight carbon" aka plant food?

Kewaunee was closed on economic reasons, that plant only cost the buyer $180M.   The new nuke (example is Vogtle in Georgia) is going to cost, they say $18 Billion, that is 100 times more, 18,000 Million.    For a device to boil water.

Can those economics even pass a straight face test?
Lie: No one is talking about storing spent fuel where it can get into groundwater

Actually in Canada, they have already approved a plan to store nuclear waste on a Peninsula that juts into Lake Huron.   They say it will be just low level waste, but the reality is that 1 quart of that low level waste is enough to contaminate 1 Billion chickens to being too hot.   

The "new nuke" has waste that has half life of "only" 300 years.    Wow, much better than 24,000 years for the old nuke.  

Does anyone with a brain want to saddle your grandkids with the cost of maintaining that storage...for 10 half lives, until it halflives away and is then only a hazardous heavy metal?   

If you can say yes to that question, I would have to ask if you are a sociopath.

Lie: With the "New Nuke" the primary byproducts are only dangerous for 300 years.

First, lets dispense with the 300 year lie.    Its a 300 year half-life, so about half of it goes away in 300 years, at 600 years, 25% of the waste is still around.    So it takes 3000 years for pretty much all the radiation to go away, leaving just the heavy metal hazardous waste.

Second: For us and our next 7 generations, 300 is the same as 1000 years, or 24000 years because for us "It IS Forever".    Shame on the nukist. 

Popular Mechanics Weighs In On New Nuclear in USA -- Too Costly


"Let me just give you a bald fact," says J. Doyne Farmer, an Oxford University professor of math and complexity economics. "Nuclear power and solar photovoltaics both had their first recorded prices in 1956. Since then, the cost of nuclear power has gone up by a factor of three, and the cost of PV has dropped by a factor of 2,500."
It's really expensive to develop nuclear power plants, and first big reason why is sheer size. They are huge. The average generating capacity of coal plants in the United States is 547 megawatts. That's in the same ballpark as America's smallest nuclear reactor, at Fort Calhoun in Nebraska, which has a capacity of 479 megawatts. Meanwhile, the largest single nuclear reactor in the United States is the Grand Gulf Nuclear Generating Station, with 1,500 megawatts in generating capacity.

Boycott All Things Canadian If They Put a Nuclear Waste Dump On A Penisula Jutting Into Lake Huron

stock here:

money talks, boycotts will get their attention


This is from London News, London Ontario that is.

Report an error
A petition — so big that, with accompanying comments, it would have run 6,000 pages — is in the federal environment minister’s in-box to argue against a deep nuclear waste storage vault along the Great Lakes near ­Kincardine.
The document represents “a very strong voice” opposed to the underground nuclear-waste repository, said Beverly Fernandez, head of Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump, which has lobbied against the plan by provincial electricity producer Ontario Power Generation (OPG).
Environment Minister Catherine McKenna is expected to rule this spring whether to endorse OPG’s plan, already green-lighted by a federal review panel, to bury low-grade radioactive waste from Ontario’s nuclear plants in a proposed limestone vault deeper than the CN Tower is high.

Killer Whales Spotted Off Hawaii, but No Humpback Whales to Speak Of

This is extremely rare

Davis was on his way into the Waianae Boat Harbor last Friday when he spotted a pod of three killer whales less than two miles offshore of Makaha. The encounter took place at about 1 p.m. and lasted 10 minutes. Davis shot video of the whales and news of the face-to-face quickly spread on social media after he posted on Facebook.  
“I've seen humpback whales, pilot whales, but never ever killer whales,” he said. “That was crazy! Everybody’s been tripping out.”
Although killer whales, or orcas, have been seen in Hawaiian waters before, there are no resident populations that researchers know of. Marine Mammal Health and Response Program Manager at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, David Schofield, said Davis’ encounter is pure magic.

This unusual activity is not necessarily a good sign, it can be a clue to a damaged ocean eco-systems. All the whale UME in Alaska, and greatly delayed humpbacks are worrisome.

Shark attacks continue at a massive rate in Hawaii

Notice the Minimization, they throw out an attacks when say the human had the audacity to be fishing....they "provoked" the shark.


SEATTLE, Wash. -- Scientists from across the country met in Seattle last week to discuss their research about the recent mass sea star die off.
They are making progress in their efforts to understand why sea stars are dying at such rapid rates -- they're calling it the largest wildlife die-off ever recorded.

And Humpback whales travelling far up the Columbia River, very unusual.    What makes it even worse is the Columbia is horribly polluted from Hanford, and other nuclear waste dumps.

The recent sightings of humpback whales in the Columbia River was quite a sight for some boaters. Scientists are uncertain what is causing these humpback whales to go so far away from the Pacific Ocean, but the bigger mystery is what is causing the reports of 2015 whale deaths.

Some researchers claim it is possible they are ranging further away from their normal feeding grounds due to the absence of their usual food sources. Biologist Deborah Jacques notes that seeing humpback whales in the Columbia River is very unusual, and she speculates that a strong El Nino weather pattern may be related.
“It’s really great to be able to see it, but you also wonder what’s going on out in the ocean,” she said. “Is there poor productivity out there this year with the blob and El Nino conditions?”


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Climate Viewer 3D A Great Tool for Global Visualization

Published on Jan 10, 2016

3D visualization of the Solar System - Planet X discovered?

With today's announcement of possible Planet X on a wide and weird orbit around the sun, it is useful to have a better visualization of the solar system.

Horrific Omen of Dying Whales - Whale Gate in Hawaii

This story came out on Huffpost days after I posted "Whale Gate".    Maybe I opened their eyes.
Its a good read.

No one testing whale ear wax for radiation though.    

An earwax core extracted from a beached blue whale in 2007, Santa Barbara, Calif. Photo credit:

In 2007, a 12 year old blue whale was struck and killed by a ship off Santa Barbara, Calif. A 10-inch, giant plug of its earwax revealed 16 pollutants including flame retardant, methylmercury and several persistent organic pollutants including high levels of DDT and PCBs. The whale's biography divulged an eastern Pacific Ocean rife with man-made toxicity.
Here is my original Whale Gate post

Whale Gate -- Hawaii Whale Coverup -- They Have REsorted to Turning Off The Whale Cams

We are into the third week of January, and the Humpback whales have still not shown up in Hawaii.  Usually they start showing up in early December.

In late December and early Jan, a few news stories were published showing scientists who were puzzled as to why there were so few whales.

Then around Jan 4 and 5th, a bunch of news stories came out to "deny" the missing whales, and throwing out all kinds of excuses.

Almost 2 weeks have passed since the "Whale Deniers" were trooped out to what we refer to as our mass media.    I did an extensive internet review today, and found no evidence of whales showing up in Hawaii.   You can bet a buck to a dollar that if whales had shown up, it would be plastered all over the news with lots of "I told you so!".

One of the excuses used was "We know so little about whale populations" which is a BALD FACED LIE.

Well, one whale did show up, Malnourished, it beached itself, then it was euthanized.

A young melon-headed whale that stranded itself on Ke Iki Beach on Oahu’s North Shore was euthanized shortly before dark Thursday to end its suffering.
David Schofield with NOAA’s Marine Mammal Health and Response Program said the whale was unlikely to survive any attempt at rehabilitation.
"The assessment was that the animal was in a severe state of shock and looked underweight and dehydrated,” he said. “It likely would not have made the trip to Marine Corps Base Hawaii for an effort at any type of care.”
In terms of knowledge of whale density versus calendar, they are quite advanced in this knowledge and have been so for decades.

Whale timing research paper

Here is one resource, from which I pulled the chart.   It looks like about 33% of all whales should be here already, but instead it is "almost none".  

2 weeks ago, a scientist who benefits from whales made the incredulous statement that perhap the reason that we are seeing so few whales is because there are actually a lot more whales this year, so they are taking their time coming down from Alaska.

Let me know if you can get any of these 6 webcams to work.

6 Whales Webcams From Hawaii

From Dec 30, 2015

Could this be linked to the Alaska UME of Whales this summer?
Unfortunately, there is a third theory with a grim ending. Reports note the “unusual mortality event” which occurred in 2015, where 30 whales were found dead in Alaska’s waters. Although NOAA scientists were uncertain of the cause at the time, they say it’s “highly unlikely” the whale deaths were caused by the release of cesium radiation by the Fukushima nuclear reactor in Japan.
“Our leading theory at this point is that the harmful algal bloom has contributed to the deaths,” said NOAA spokesperson Julie Speegle. “But we have no conclusive evidence.”
The working hypothesis was that the dying whales were being killed by domoic acid, a toxin produced by warmth-induced algae blooms. In their report, NOAA stated there seemed to be a link, since “when the density of algae dropped, so did the number of deaths.” At the same time, the study’s authors concluded that the “correlation is not definitive proof that the algae [bloom] caused the [whale] deaths, but is strongly suggestive.”
We know that NOAA has already played the deception card of Domoic acid when in fact 

I sent an email to NOAA today to ask them for the test results they promised.  Please also send them some questions.

Per this prior article, I have been hoping to see results of radiological testing.    Can you email me the results, and the gammascint energy chart please?

Q: Is there any link to these large whale deaths to the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown?
A:  It is highly unlikely. From the one fin whale which was accessible to investigators, muscle samples were sent to the University of Alaska Fairbanks for radionuclide analysis, specifically cesium 134/137.  Preliminary results do not suggest any unusual exposure to human-generated radionuclides, specifically cesium, that would be considered harmful to wildlife.  Further testing is underway.

Is Hanford Nuclear Waste Creating Babies Without Brains and Skulls?

Near Hanford, Washington, nuclear waste dump, there were 41 cases of babies born with no brain.    500% more than average.     And they are befuddled.

These people are paid by your tax dollars:

Washington health officials have analyzed existing reports on contaminants such as nitrate levels in drinking water and pesticide use in agriculture, and considered whether there could be genetic markers for women more likely to have babies with neural-tube defects. But they have collected no blood samples, performed no genetic tests and conducted no examination of water, soil or pesticide levels in the region — and have no plans to do so.

The advisory committee has agreed with Wasserman’s conclusion that further tests aren’t warranted by existing evidence. “We are a state health organization; we are not a research organization,” Wasserman said.
This story was written on December 25, 2015.    Nice Christmas present to those mothers <sarc>

In January, state officials began interviewing mothers of infants with neural-tube defects, including spina bifida. So far, they’ve interviewed 15 women, including 11 of the 41
stock here: Seriously?   What is so freaking hard about doing an interview?   Why couldn't all these be done in 2 weeks?    

Read more here:

The lady in charge, Cathy Wasserman, needs to be sacked.

“I think we’ve been pretty diligent on this issue,” she said. “We’re trying to be thorough in responding to community concerns. It’s kind of going as I would expect it to go.”
“I think that there is an urgency,” Wasserman said. “I don’t think the time it’s taking is unusual.”
ad more here:

Read more here:
Well, you are thinking wrong Wasserman.    Everyone is failing miserably-----

“A clear cause of the elevated presence of anencephaly was not determined,” the 2013 report concluded.

That’s where the study stopped. No women were interviewed — or told they were among dozens in the region who’d lost babies to a rare birth defect. At the time, CDC officials said they lacked funding for a “boots on the ground” epidemiological study.

Read more here:

Read more here:

Geo-Engineering -- What Could Possibly Go Wrong -- Mutated Cats

  • In response to my article on the mutated mountain lion, which became a story at ENENEWS, this commentor pointed out another, or a "co-operative" theory.

    Here is the Mountain Lion Story:

  • american dreamer american dreamer
    Could be the radiation. There's also a very elaborate cloud seeding project known to that area:

    The original program was established to increase snow accumulation in the south and middle forks of the Payette River watershed. In 2008, Idaho Power expanded its cloud seeding efforts by enhancing an existing program operated by a coalition of counties and other stakeholders in the upper Snake River system above Milner Dam.

    For the 2014–2015 winter season, the Central Mountains project (includes Payette, Boise, and Wood Basins) includes 23 remote-controlled, ground-based generators and two airplanes contracted for operations. e program in the Upper Snake River Basin includes 20 remote-controlled, ground-based generators operated by Idaho Power and 25 manual, ground-based generators operated by the coalition. Idaho Power provides meteorological data and weather forecasting to guide the coalition’s operations.

    The company has continuously operated a cloud seeding program since 2003.

    more from Idaho Power's website (what a name by the way):

    Idaho Power seeds clouds by introducing additional ice nuclei (silver iodide) into winter storms. e additional ice nuclei increase precipitation from passing winter storm systems. If a storm has water vapor and appropriate temperatures, the conditions are optimal for cloud seeding to increase precipitation.

    Idaho Power uses two methods to seed clouds: 1) ground generators at high elevations, or 2) airplanes that release special ares into storm clouds. Either method successfully releases silver iodide into passing storms. Minute water particles within the clouds freeze on contact with the silver iodide particles and eventually grow and fall to the ground as snow.
    Is it safe?

    Silver iodide has been used as a seeding agent in numerous western states for decades without any known harmful effects. Silver iodide is insoluble in water which is a characteristic that keeps it from having harmful effects.
what could possibly go wrong

Pages in category "Weather modification"

The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).

Monday, January 18, 2016

Human Caused CO2 Is a Small Fraction of Any Global Warming Greenhouse Gas

January 18, 2016 at 6:18 pm · Reply

Im not saying that man isnt unbalancing the earth. And the methane issue is very interesting. Its a dynamic planet, with or without man.

flow of heat from Earth's interior to the surface is estimated at 47 terawatts

173,000 terawatts falls on earth from the sun

Mans consumption is 15 terawatts

water vapor accounts for up to 95% of the greenhouse effect

Anthropogenic CO2 additions comprise 3.207% of greenhouse gas concentrations, (ignoring water vapor).

Putting it all together:
total human greenhouse gas contributions
add up to about 0.28% of the greenhouse effect. A good number to remember when talking about carbon tax

A Survey of 20 Worldwide Sites Destroyed by Radiation

stock here: I like number 3, Oppy as the Devil claims his soul in video

Everyone knows about Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and, now, Fukushima. But what about Semipalatinsk, Palomares and Kyshtym? The world is full of nuclear disaster zones -- showing just how dangerous the technology really is.

A Food Lab For Heavy Metals and Radiation, and How to Detox Your Whole Body

 Natural News--Food Lab


Below is from BeforeItsNews.   It meshes quite well with knowledge I have in my head, and adds to it.    I don't necessarily agree with the restriction on Dairy, although some people are allergic or intolerant.    


How to Detox Each Organ To Never Be Sick or Tired Again

Sunday, January 17, 2016 13:28

Have you noticed that more and more people, even the younger ones, are falling sick with chronic conditions, cancer or autoimmune conditions? Consequently, the environmental toxins can change our genes, leading to physical disorders.
Genetic derangement happen because of stress, spiritual shallowness, hormone disrupters, parasites, viruses, bacteria, sugar, refined carbs and food-like products, pesticides, and heavy metals.
The immune system is brilliantly constructed, so it has the capacity to expel toxins with fevers, diarrhea, and vomiting. But, if a rather silent toxin is frequently attacking the system, it will cause an autoimmune condition.
Autoimmune conditions are disorders in which immunity has gone away, causing the body to turn on itself. The remaining “toxin” carries on with changing the immune system.
Many autoimmune conditions are triggered by eating regimen, as sugar, wheat, pesticides, gluten, heavy metals and genetically modified organisms bring about distension and eventual pH changes.
Acid blockers like Pepcid, Nexium, Prilosec or diet can increase the pH higher than 3, which stops the release of pepsin. Pepsin is crucial for protein breakdown.
These excess proteins leak through the permeable gut wall where it changes the immune system and are discovered as a foreign intruders. At this point, the body accelerates immunity and inflammation ensues.
Inflammations are the defense reactions of the body and they are short- term, yet they can lead to long- term chronic conditions.
These are some examples of autoimmune conditions:
  • Blood-leukemia, lupus, hemolytic conditions
  • Nerves-diabetic & peripheral neuropathy
  • Muscles-fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy
  • Thyroid-Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease
  • Brain-MS, autism, Guillain-Barré syndrome (caused by flu shot or a virus)
  • Bones-rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, polymyalgia rheumatica
  • Lungs-Wegener’s granulomatosis, asthma
  • GI tract/pancreas-Celiacs, IBS, Crohns, ulcerative colitis, diabetes
  • Skin-eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma, vitiligo
According to allopathic medicine, immunosuppression, or depressing our natural immunity rather than finding the reason can be the answer to these diseases. Humira or Prednisone is an example. Nevertheless, it is as counter- intuitive as it sounds.
However, there are natural ways and methods that may help you detoxify the entire body and fortify the immune system in order to prevent diseases of any kind.
Here is how to detox all body organs and boost your immune system:
You should not consume wheat, gluten, soy, dairy, processed and fried foods, all kinds of GMO and you have to focus on organic foods only. Some of these foods are not inflammatory in their unprocessed, natural states, because of refining, pasteurizing and genetic modification, they are now disease- causing.
So, you should avoid sugar, aspartame, MSG, trans fats, hydrogenated oils like canola or vegetable oil. Also, you should not indulge in excessive caffeine and alcohol.
According to allopathic medicine, immunosuppression, or depressing our natural immunity rather than finding the reason can be the answer to these diseases. Humira or Prednisone is an example. Nevertheless, it is as counter- intuitive as it sounds.
However, there are natural ways and methods that may help you detoxify the entire body and fortify the immune system in order to prevent diseases of any kind.
Here is how to detox all body organs and boost your immune system:
You should not consume wheat, gluten, soy, dairy, processed and fried foods, all kinds of GMO and you have to focus on organic foods only. Some of these foods are not inflammatory in their unprocessed, natural states, because of refining, pasteurizing and genetic modification, they are now disease- causing.
So, you should avoid sugar, aspartame, MSG, trans fats, hydrogenated oils like canola or vegetable oil. Also, you should not indulge in excessive caffeine and alcohol.
It would be of help if you keep a food elimination journal
In addition, you should consume healthy fats like coconut, avocado, omega-3, olive oil or nuts and seeds, and probiotics. Buy a Berkey filter or reverse osmosis filtering order to remove birth control, toxins, metals, and fluoride from your tap water. Alkaline diets which are low in sodium and high in potassium foods can be of great help.
Liver cleanse
Utilize burdock root, dandelion root, milk thistle, beets, Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, turmeric or curcumin, fermented foods, and castor oil to eliminate toxins from the liver.  The liver cleanse should always contain ornithine. The liver is also supported by some sorts of tea, such as tulsi and dandelion. Lugol’s iodine is likewise supportive of metabolism and liver detox.
Olive oil cleanse for liver
You should drink carrot juice and consume tart green apples for a week in order to soften your gallstones and to prevent them become dislodged during the detox process. Then, take a shot of olive oil with lemon juice and do a castor oil pack at night.
Kidney cleanse
Herbs that include horsetail are also useful, just like Flor-essence tea along with Uva Ursi capsules, Ginger, Goldenrod tincture, Vitamin B-6, Black Cherry Concentrate, and Vegetable Glycerin. These all help flush the kidneys. Lukewarm lemon water, magnesium, organic cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, and Epsom salt baths can be extremely beneficial. Moreover, remember that you should stay away from pesticides as they bring about kidney failure.
Colon cleanse
You ought to have 2-3 BMs/day. Indian gooseberry or Triphala is a great colon cleanse. Coffee enemas are unique and double as a colon and liver cleanse. You should drink plenty of distilled or fluoride free water, plant based organic diet, aloe Vera water, coconut kefir, ginger, garlic, fennel, bentonite clay or activated charcoal to bind and eliminate toxins, magnesium, and vitamin C.
Heavy Metals
Great chelators are Zeolite clay and activated charcoal. Other amazing natural chelators are: cilantro, chlorella, high sulfur foods like cabbage, onions, garlic and brussels sprouts. You can get a professional IV chelation. You should avoid unnecessary vaccines that contain heavy metals.
What is more, mercury is not safe, because it is a neurotoxin and can cause autoimmune conditions, mood disorders, and mental degradation. You have to see a biologic dentist who specializes in removing Mercury amalgams safely.
Essential ingredients, in this case are: wormwood, black walnut hull, cloves, as well as cinnamon, garlic, coconut oil, psyllium husks, bentonite clay and coffee enemas, which are also invaluable. Remember to get organic coffee, distilled water, complete sterility, and lie on your right side, holding for 10-20 minutes.
Lymphatic system
This is the sewer system of the body, but it does not have a pump like the heart. Therefore, you need to be physically active, walk, practice yoga for a proper lymphatic movement. Also, other excellent methods for the same cause are deep breathing, rebounding, and dry brushing .Lymph massage can remove toxins from the body through soft massage.
Slathering lotions, makeup, deodorants or fragrances contain parabens, BHT or other endocrine disrupters can lead to hormone dysregulation, PCOS, endometriosis, and fibroids.
On the other hand, you should utilize infrared saunas, sweating, hot yoga, Epsom salt baths, and dry brush, in order to stimulate your lymph system to eliminate chemicals and toxins, Also, you need to exercise and sweat a lot. According to a research it is proven that vitamin D prevents breast and prostate cancer.
You need to take care of your own health and your body. You need to detox and help organs work properly in order to restore its strength, as well as its functions. So, remember to take care of yourself.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Fake Game We Are Thrown Into

stock here:   In 2005/2006 I realized that something was very wrong in the world.    I had an edge up on most folks, I had stopped watching TV in the 1990's, you simply cannot fight back against an endless slew of propaganda force fed to you on the TV.    

Then I studied all the varied forms of "what is wrong with society, government, the powers that be, environment".    It took a lot of time.   Finally around 2010/2011 I came to the conclusion that I don't need to know every little detail about everything that is messed up.   In fact, doing so takes you away from things you need to be doing. 

Once you know enough to know that things are not right, you can just kind of keep an eye on the overall picture, and spend the time saved on doing what some would call "prepping".     Amazingly some people don't even know what this word means.  

Others think this is a "crazy prepper" activity, but in reality what they call prepping now, is simply what your grandfather would be doing as "responsible living".

I saw the comment below on a Global Warming article, and thought it hit home.   Last fall I came to the conclusion that what I needed to focus on was "being more effective" with all activities that I decide to pursue.    Indeed, whining to the choir is not effective, coined it I have.

If you like this stuff, sign up as a follower.    I might even think someone is listening...

stock up, and stock out.

Guillotine_ready • 5 hours ago

It has gotten to the point where I now see a lot of the so called alternative news sites as a sort of game. An article with some slant on the shenanigans that permeate out society is presented and people offer their feelings, thoughts or reactions to the article and having put their words into the comment section they receive a bit of cathartic relief. It is transitory and mostly an illusion. Nothing will ever change because an article was posted or a comment was left.

I have fallen into this game myself and I am frustrated that with the millions of us who know that our entire pseudo-society is built on the foundation of corruption, double dealing and violence, nothing of any real substance has ever been done by any of us.

We all seem to want the same things, freedom, privacy, security, and the economic means to fully participate in the bounty our progress as a species has made possible. There is no reason everyone of us and I mean world wide could not have a home, enough food, access to potable water, health care from a trusted source who is not in it for the money and a reasonable chance of enjoying our limited time on this earth.

Some are greedy and egotistical, they believe they are the ones who should rule over the rest of us. Money and limiting the access to it has been a primary tool of controlling people. We spend an inordinate amount of time engaged in activities many of us would prefer not to be involved in to make the limited funds to almost live a comfortable life. Why is that? Why is a piece of paper someone else controls needed to exchange for food?

Why do we have to pay to have a nest to return to after our day's endeavor is finished? And why is it we cannot simply make the paper ourselves?

Control. And it only works because we play along believing there is no other way. Of course there is. We call ourselves advanced and still live our lives according to the plans of a few who start wars to cull the population and kill anyone who tries to start a new program to make life livable for the people. We support and even vote for people who will never lift a finger to do any of us any good at all.

All that is needed is the millions of us to realize there is another way. It does not have to be either capitalist or communist or socialist or ist at all.

Are we advanced or actually the dumbest creatures on the planet?

What does a squirrel pay for its nest? What does a deer pay for food? What other species poisons the very area they live in and claims there is nothing they con do about it? Why do people keep believing the biggest lies of all?

Sure some will say if people did not have to work they would lay around and do nothing, but it does not take much to realize it is just another lie to keep you plugged into the system they profit from. There is never any real truth posted any where it is all concern over the least important thing in the world "money". Food grows when seeds are planted not when they are bought. Water flows from natural sources and the source is not paid. Health comes from a lack of stress and quality exercise and nutrients, not from an account somewhere. And not from a doctor who is a salesman for some treatment they profit from.

Freedom it takes work and it does not require money and an army of busy body bureaucrats and bankers, in fact their existence is inhibiting any real chance at freedom.
How about we start working on the solution to all the problems rather than pointing out every little crime in an ocean of corruption and deceit.

Gangnam Style Has 2.4 Billion Views, But the Death of the Pacific Gets 7,724 Views

 I guess the Death of the Pacific is not that important

NASA Ramping Up to Nuke Asteroids

You can download my very own Asteroid Calculator here--


Always the "downplay", downplay the risk.  

Not only is the chance of a collision by an NEO highly unlikely—most cases will be false alarms—but the possibility of a collision will be known for several years in advance. The advanced notice will give experts a chance to use existing technology to deflect the threatening object.
The highlighted text above is the lie.   The Russian meteor explosion was not known at all until it happened.    NASA admits that they probably only know 10% of the Near Earth Objects that could matter, and are finding more all the time.

A new telescope in Hawaii is setup JUST to find these NEO's.     And it is finding a scary number of asteroids that we had no idea existed, 30 in one night.

Longtime NEO program executive Lindley Johnson will now be the lead program executive of the office, donning the title of Planetary Defense Officer.

WTF?   Does the below sentence even come close to making sense with 3rd grade math?

Experts note that over 13,500 near-Earth objects of all sizes have been located so far, and around 95% of the NEOs found have been a part of NASA-funded surveys that began more than 15 years ago. Of interest, close to 1,500 new NEOs are found every year.

Whale Gate -- Hawaii Whale Coverup -- They Have REsorted to Turning Off The Whale Cams

We are into the third week of January, and the Humpback whales have still not shown up in Hawaii.  Usually they start showing up in early December.

In late December and early Jan, a few news stories were published showing scientists who were puzzled as to why there were so few whales.

Then around Jan 4 and 5th, a bunch of news stories came out to "deny" the missing whales, and throwing out all kinds of excuses.

Almost 2 weeks have passed since the "Whale Deniers" were trooped out to what we refer to as our mass media.    I did an extensive internet review today, and found no evidence of whales showing up in Hawaii.   You can bet a buck to a dollar that if whales had shown up, it would be plastered all over the news with lots of "I told you so!".

One of the excuses used was "We know so little about whale populations" which is a BALD FACED LIE.

Well, one whale did show up, Malnourished, it beached itself, then it was euthanized.

A young melon-headed whale that stranded itself on Ke Iki Beach on Oahu’s North Shore was euthanized shortly before dark Thursday to end its suffering.
David Schofield with NOAA’s Marine Mammal Health and Response Program said the whale was unlikely to survive any attempt at rehabilitation.
"The assessment was that the animal was in a severe state of shock and looked underweight and dehydrated,” he said. “It likely would not have made the trip to Marine Corps Base Hawaii for an effort at any type of care.”

2 weeks ago, a scientist who benefits from whales made the incredulous statement that perhap the reason that we are seeing so few whales is because there are actually a lot more whales this year, so they are taking their time coming down from Alaska.

Let me know if you can get any of these 6 webcams to work.

6 Whales Webcams From Hawaii

From Dec 30, 2015

Could this be linked to the Alaska UME of Whales this summer?
Unfortunately, there is a third theory with a grim ending. Reports note the “unusual mortality event” which occurred in 2015, where 30 whales were found dead in Alaska’s waters. Although NOAA scientists were uncertain of the cause at the time, they say it’s “highly unlikely” the whale deaths were caused by the release of cesium radiation by the Fukushima nuclear reactor in Japan.
“Our leading theory at this point is that the harmful algal bloom has contributed to the deaths,” said NOAA spokesperson Julie Speegle. “But we have no conclusive evidence.”
The working hypothesis was that the dying whales were being killed by domoic acid, a toxin produced by warmth-induced algae blooms. In their report, NOAA stated there seemed to be a link, since “when the density of algae dropped, so did the number of deaths.” At the same time, the study’s authors concluded that the “correlation is not definitive proof that the algae [bloom] caused the [whale] deaths, but is strongly suggestive.”
We know that NOAA has already played the deception card of Domoic acid when in fact 

I sent an email to NOAA today to ask them for the test results they promised.  Please also send them some questions.

Per this prior article, I have been hoping to see results of radiological testing.    Can you email me the results, and the gammascint energy chart please?

Q: Is there any link to these large whale deaths to the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown?
A:  It is highly unlikely. From the one fin whale which was accessible to investigators, muscle samples were sent to the University of Alaska Fairbanks for radionuclide analysis, specifically cesium 134/137.  Preliminary results do not suggest any unusual exposure to human-generated radionuclides, specifically cesium, that would be considered harmful to wildlife.  Further testing is underway.

Radiation Scientist
Oldster weighed in with some evidence.     Youtube is a great resource.     In the video below, I see a total of 2 whales, and not that active, no breaching, etc. 

This next video Dec 23 2015 shows a poorly developed baby whale, not doing well, and then gets attacked by a tiger shark on video.

The video below is cool, jan 5, 2016 shows underwater video of a whale, off Lahaina. I used to dive off Maui, and the whale song was a riotous hodge podge of squeaks sounds songs. There is nothing like that in this video, so yes, the lack of whales remains odd.