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Monday, October 26, 2015

Nuke Dump "Fire" Can Kill 61,000,000 Americans -- EPA Shuts off the Beta and the Gamma Radiation Detection

Last week was a nuclear dump fire, in which the startling an amazing caught video of the explosions and volcanic ejections was just recently making the rounds.

 ENENEWS caught some Gamma 5 Radiation data from Las Vegas and published it, here.

Let me post the punchline at the front, how many people could be killed by what is KNOWN  to be a Beatty, and they did have documented sloppy practices.    61,000,000 People Can Be Killed!

They weren't supposed to dispose of any liquids at this site, but they did it ROUTINELY AND ILLEGALLY!

 I caught the EPA with their pants down (or at least the camera turned off while their pants were down) North and East of Vegas is St George Utah.

Then the Nevada nuclear dump fire "officially" started on the 18th of Oct.     Clearly it started a day or two before as the Gross Gamma count, started climbing.    This probably set off alarms at EPA because this site is otherwise very consistent.

So the EPA then just shuts off the monitor DATA.     Good work Gina McCarthy, she learned that trick during Fukushima.

stock here, look at this 4 months of continuous radiation monitoring gaps, no strange behavior.

Looks like St George UT didn't even get the worst of the plume as most of it went almost straight north.    That must have been one heck of a plume.

Salt Lake City UT definitely saw a  Gamma spike from the Nevada Beatty Nuke Dump Fire, this is a logarithmic scale too, so small chart changes mean huge changes in reality.

"They" would have us believe that the Beatty nuke waste dump was just a little trench that they threw some old gloves into.   

Reality is far different, all these drums rust out, the materials, metals, fluids combine or even fractionally separate by density

And this is the guy responsible for Emergency Protection who states all those alphabet soup agencies mobilized so quickly it was impressive, but they didn't find any radiation, at all.
Vance Payne

Yes, he is bringing us a  lot of Payne.

GAOLRCED-98-40R Questions on Ward Valley
1 Curie is 37 billion becquerels (radioactive shots per second).

From Mining Awareness --- Great stuff over there!

According to American Ecology, about 47 pounds of plutonium was disposed of at the Beatty, Nevada, facility. Also, US Ecology’s December 1994 plan to stabilize and close its disposal facility for low-level radioactive wastes at Richland, Washington, states that approximately 450 pounds of plutonium was disposed of at that facility, including about 270.3 pounds of plutonium-239. Finally, about 140 pounds of plutonium was disposed of at the Kentucky facility.GAOLRCED-98-40R Questions on Ward Valley

Want to contact some of those involved?

Thank you for contacting the Radiation Protection Program.

In August, we transitioned our RadNet web information into a more mobile friendly platform. The graphs continue to be available at Just click on the location on the map or scroll down to locate a state and city.

I hope this answers your question.

The Radiation Protection Program

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 12:07 PM
To: Radiation Questions <>
Subject: RadNet - Contact Us Form

Submitted on 10/12/2015 12:06PM
Submitted values are:

Name: stock rad
Email Address:
Comment or Question:
Where can I get the gamma and beta charts for various folks move them in August

Web Area: RadNet

Corvallis Oregon, 5 Years of Compiled Radiation Data, Nicely Plotted

This incredible work was done by "pinksailmatt" of ENENEWS and as Citizen Scientist.

Because the EPA is taking more and more absurd measures to cover up  the data, the only way to put this together is with daily downloads from an amazingly clunky website.    The EPA site and data seems designed to DISCOURAGE anyone actually using the data.

The EPA  site "looks great" until you actually try to use it.

It is obvious that they are not interested in showing an extreme spikes, and whenever the Beta radiation hit 500 Click Per Minute CPM, they just cap the data at 500.   Or they disappear the data.

"must be bad data, it's high"

How to interpret the danger associated with these levels of radiation?   Use this simple chart.

And you know, these people at EPA are making a high wage and huge benefits, all based on your tax dollars.     

from the trenches-- Illegal Gag orders on "weather services"

The power structure is beginning to panic as the public wakes up to the criminal climate engineering insanity. The growing police state is completely out of control and becoming unimaginably blatant with their actions. In recent weeks Washington has placed “gag orders” on the following agency employees, “The National Weather Service”, the “National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration”, and the “US Department of Commerce”. This is a massive red flag that should trigger alarm bells everywhere.
Bill Hopkins, the executive president for the National Weather Service employees organization (NWSEO) said this:  
“As a taxpayer, I find it highly disturbing that a government agency continues to push gag orders to hide how they operate. This is the work of the American government, owned by the American public, and should be open to the American public.”
Jeff Ruch, the executive director “PEER” (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility) said this about the “gag orders”.
“The National Weather Service is about the last place where national security-style secrecy rules need to be enforced,” Ruch noted that the broad scope of the gag orders put much of what goes on inside the agency under wraps.  “Everyone is free to talk about the weather except for the people working inside the National Weather Service. Go figure.”
Some time ago I personally spoke to an NOAA scientist that said “we all know it is going on (climate engineering) but we are afraid to speak out, we have no first amendment protection”. The new “gag order” is a further muzzling of the NWS and NOAA. It is likely there are many in the National Weather Service and NOAA that have had enough of lying about what is really going on in our skies.

What Does Nuclear and Raw Milk and Kimchee Have in Common?

Pretty much absolutely nothing.     Why are we talking about food at an anti-nuclear blog?    Well this really isn't an anti-nuclear blog, it's a health blog.

Our bodies are under attack from many directions, and obviously it shows in health statistics.    66% of all men will get cancer, compared to the 1800's and early 1900's in which about 6% got cancer.

GMO and GE food has not just the problem of it being GMO, but they are designed to have huge amount of pesticides and other herbicides sprayed on them.

Pesticides and Herbicides, in addition to industrial chemicals are hurting us.

The lack of beneficial bacteria in food, is hurting out "gut flora" and ability to digest and use food.

All of these on top of the attack by nuclear radiation and it's associated heavy metals, they all add up to what we are seeing.   We have widespread Bad Health served by an overpriced dysfunctional "Health Care" system which achieves, in the USA, not even mediocre results.

Somehow, whether misguided or something more nefarious, the powers that be seem to like to attack that which is the most beneficial

Health Benefits of Raw Milk

Today, raw milk refers to unprocessed, untreated milk straight from the cow. The milk you buy from the local supermarket nowadays is a different substance altogether. It has been pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized, or homogenized. This liquid is not really milk. It is a chemically altered substance, heated to remove pathogens and bacteria and to prolong its shelf life. The resultant low-enzyme activity makes it difficult to digest, the altered fat content renders the vitamins and minerals difficult to absorb, and the residual drugs and antibiotics pose a threat to human health. On top of this, the naturally occurring beneficial bacteria have been destroyed.

The real issue is not whether raw milk obtained from grass-fed cows is safe. Rather, it’s that milk from commercially raised cows is actually dangerous to consume unless it is pasteurized. Factory-farmed animals are routinely fed an unnatural, high-protein soy- and corn-based diet and given shots of BGH (bovine growth hormone) to artificially increase milk production. This diet is so contrary to their biology that it causes severe illnesses that can only be combated by continually injecting the cows with antibiotics. These animals, kept in inhumane conditions far from their natural environment, are subject to enormous stresses. Drinking raw milk from these cows would be an exercise in stupidity.

Raw milk from healthy, grass-fed, and pasture-raised cows is in a league of its own. Organically raised cows are happy, fed on their natural diet of grass and other cow-friendly foods. They enjoy access to sunshine and pasture grazing in summer, and in winter they feast on nutritious hay or silage.
Natural health advocates have long cautioned against drinking milk because of the increased risk of ear infections, asthma, and eczema associated with its consumption. This applies only to commercially produced milk, not raw milk from organic farms. Raw milk actually helps protect against allergic reactions (link is external) and boosts the immune system.

Raw milk is an incredibly complex whole food, complete with digestive enzymes and its own antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-parasitic mechanisms conveniently built into a neat package. It is chock-full of both fat and water-soluble vitamins, a wide range of minerals and trace elements, all eight essential amino acids, more than 60 enzymes, and CLA— an omega-6 fatty acid with impressive effects on everything from insulin resistance to cancer to cardiovascular disease. Raw milk is delicious medicine.

10 Reasons to Drink Your Milk Raw

Kids Who Drink Raw Milk Have Less Asthma and Allergies

Worry about stuff that matters AND that you can control.

The Paris Climate Conference is a farce, a deception to allow the real top powers that be, control over all the energy sources on the earth.

Oh, I almost forgot about Kimchee.     Korean Sauerkraut.     Lactofermented, and usually has hot peppers, garlic, and onion, pretty much all of the healthiest stuff in the world, all in one easy to eat forkfull.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Nuclear Waste Dump Rammed Down the Throats of

On Nov 12, 2013.....

Trucks hauling dangerous uranium waste from Tennessee for burial in a landfill at the Nevada National Security Site will start rolling early next year despite objections from Gov. Brian Sandoval, who is powerless to stop them, federal officials said Tuesday.

Department of Energy officials insisted the strategy will be safe despite questions about the suitability of disposing potent, highly radioactive nuclear material in trenches deeper than 40 feet in the southeast part of the former Nevada Test Site.

Kevin Knobloch, chief of staff to Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, said Nevada cannot veto the disposal plan at the government’s self-regulated site, 65 miles north of Las Vegas
story here

 critics were, well, critical

Because of the high percentage of atom-splitting bomb ingredients, the material should not be permanently buried as low-level waste in a landfill because it doesn’t meet Nuclear Regulatory Commission low-level radioactive waste guidelines, said Michael Voegele, former Yucca Mountain Project chief scientist who works as a consultant to Nye County.

Some critics have noted the DOE quietly changed its waste-acceptance criteria in May so that the Oak Ridge canisters could be disposed of as low-level waste that’s five times more radioactive than previously allowed.
The nukists that be like to call this type of disposal "trenches" which gives the mental imagery of, you know, that trench you dug in your yard so you could put a water pipe to the garden.   You know, small and harmless.

These "trenches" are nothing of the sort, they are more simply and accurately just elongated huge open pits, most don't even have a liner to protect aquifers.

Now fast forward to today, complete governmental incompetence and direct lies.   Par for the course.

From the first article below
State officials say the fire started in one of 22 covered trenches used to store low-level radioactive material like gloves or lab equipment.
 Just like WIPP, always the lies about "gloves", when in fact what "low level" is called allows up to 7 curies per liter---which is a huge amount of radiation, enough to contaminate 1 Billion Costco Chickens from 1 liter (1 quart)


A Great Post On Troll Tactics - Propaganda

One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.
Over the last several weeks, I worked with NBC News to publish a series of articles about “dirty trick” tactics used by GCHQ’s previously secret unit, JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group). These were based on four classified GCHQ documents presented to the NSA and the other three partners in the English-speaking “Five Eyes” alliance. Today, we at the Intercept are publishing another new JTRIG document, in full, entitled “The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations.”
By publishing these stories one by one, our NBC reporting highlighted some of the key, discrete revelations: the monitoring of YouTube and Blogger, the targeting of Anonymous with the very same DDoS attacks they accuse “hacktivists” of using, the use of “honey traps” (luring people into compromising situations using sex) and destructive viruses. But, here, I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.
Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums. Here is one illustrative list of tactics from the latest GCHQ document we’re publishing today:.........see link at top

2 Evil Thoughts of The Day On Cancer and Energy

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stock thanks you and is OUT
Those involved in the Cancer and Radiation treatment fields have come up with articles which attempt to make a point that "we can't prove it is the radiation causing cancers".    And they are caught in bald faced lies.

Why is that?   Because radiation and heavy metals associated with the whole supply chain of the nuclear cartel are responsible for about half of all cancers.

If they allow the tail to be pinned on nuclear, they will see the phase out of half of their "work".

2nd Thought (Evil)

The powers that be have learned that the way to transfer the most wealth to themselves is to create bubbles, then blow them up, bankrupting others, and then buy things up on the cheap.   Exactly the plan in the housing bubble of 2005 et al.

Now turn your thoughts to Solar PV.    It is a serious threat, enough of a threat that the nuclear industry is spending $1.4B to spread propaganda, influence law makers and regulators to destroy the solar industry.     

So next year, 2016, there will be a rash of laws, restrictions on net energy metering agreements that let homeowners and businesses tie in to the grid, and utiltiy rate structures that discourage solar.   This will bankrupt 80% of solar related companies and injure the rest.

Then nuclear and oil companies will buy up the remnants on the cheap, and then they will spend billions to promote "safe, large scale, solar farms owned by them", and rape the public with continued high energy costs, whilst hardly pacifying the continued slave class by telling them "good work now you guys are green".

Aiyaiyai!   I have a nearly perfect track record of predicting the solar industry since 2006.   I can usually predict 1 to 2 years in advance.     God I hope that I am wrong.

Friday, October 23, 2015