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Saturday, April 17, 2021

Have The New Jab


  1. Wow. Just wow. Listening is NOT believing.

    I see The Power$ That Be (TP$TB) have moved on, from the old -- so old most people probably haven't celebrated their very first jab or two of the OLD "experimental mRNA" jabs -- to those NEW, IMPROVED, MORE EFFECTIVE & SAFER, TOO!

    SO, already we have lobbying for the "new jab", like the New World Order's High-Jabs that fitted not Western white women, we have injections not fit for the non-inoculated, the non-inculcated, the non-initiated! Only the many fewer chosen ones -- the "vaccinated" -- will receive the blessing of yet MOAR JABS!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha....

    1. Its horrific child abuse

  2. I see two young girls that have very nice voices. The microphones are professional grade which suggests the girls have sung a lot. I think the two girls wanted to inform people, as a public announcement, that getting the shot is a good thing for the general public. I don't understand "brainwashing", as that is not evident at all. What next, call the dad a pedafile?

    1. Its causing immediate deaths, and long term effects are suspected to be very bad, google cytokin storm.

      The brainwashing is not just that they were fed lies, but forced to sing them, becoming an even stronger part of their thought process.

    2. Your building a mountain out of a mole hill. How on god's green earth can you say the dad forced them to sing? Proof?


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