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Friday, April 23, 2021

Robinette Byden: Strange Byproduct of the Political Establishment Fumbling to Cover up Its Crimes

James Howard Kunstler has some
phrases -

America’s first animatronic president
The executive regime
an old dog
a politburo more secretive even than the old gang who ran the USSR
a walking MaxWriter© signature machine
the empty shell of a broken politician
the essence of our now-president
strange byproduct of the political establishment fumbling to cover up its crimes
some dying blob in an epic horror movie

a small group around former president Obama and former attorney general Eric Holder, plus a coterie of Intel Community figures led by John Brennan, all awkwardly funneling instructions through Susan Rice to the hacks in the White House, who form a flimsy cocoon around the barely-pulsating organism within: Mr. "Little Robin" Biden.

Mr. Putin understood Joe Biden to be the most pathetic blustering schlemiel he’d ever encountered on the international scene.

The alleged president
this lightweight even among US politicians, with brain-rot to boot
cigar store Indian

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